Thorchain University and Spreading DEXes
Here's the #threadcast for today's #chainchatter
We'll discuss growing decentralized exchange protocols, $RUNE $CACAO $FLIP and spreading knowledge about this industry
👇🏽 Engage2Earn 👇🏽
Here's the #threadcast for today's #chainchatter
We'll discuss growing decentralized exchange protocols, $RUNE $CACAO $FLIP and spreading knowledge about this industry
👇🏽 Engage2Earn 👇🏽
I like the TIER system idea!
Just make sure you promote it in the LEO value, not the USD value.
I'm a bit skeptical if the airdrop idea would be worth it. You have to be really careful with it!
I can hear you now!!!
#fundtheflywheel indeed!!
Show the $LEO buy-back rate in the progress bar!!
I need some "Explain like I'm 5" for Multi-sig... Wonder if ChatGPT could help.
Is the backend for Streaming Swaps on LEODEX ready? Or are you confident it'll be ready quickly?
I missed out on $RUNE, hopefully I won't miss out on $CACAO
still a steal imho 👍🏽
It's on MAYA though... Does it count?
Speaking of Cacao, I love drinking Cacao!
Question: The LEO Premium fees are being used to fund the SWAP.HIVE/LEO Pool, right?
How big of an Airdrop would it be?
Now I have some skin in the game, I hope MAYA experiences the same explosion that THORchain saw!!!
Just put some $LEO and $CACAO in the liquidity pool yesterday. Current plan is to DCA some tokens in over time.
#fundtheflywheel Lions!!
I'm in the space but I don't hear you... Did it not start yet?
It's a flat fee, so it might not be appealing for small transactions...
It's not a flat fee
Eric's voice is very weak compared to Khal... I keep increasing and decreasing the audio of my device.
This sounds like an idea worth considering:
Don't advertise it as you get more in Airdrop than what they spend in Affiliate Fees, if you did, make it in $LEO not in $USD!!
Advertising the airdrop in USD can easily backfire!!!
Question: Will it only be Volume based? I believe most airdrops give points for Social Media sharing too.
You need to research on which crypto project airdrops succeeded! I think $20K is too low, but I was thinking 1000+ users coming in.
Can you expand on the "It's not a flat fee" part?
Airdrop is the magical word of crypto market
Inasmuch as I believe this whole process and ideas been brought to increase trading volume on Leodex won't happen on a snap of finger, I believe its gonna yield a big positive response.
If all things planned concerning increasing the trading volume on Leodex, then Leodex would be the next biggest thing for Leofinance, INLEO interface and hive Blockchain.
A fulfilment of what was said yesterday concerning Thor chain, welcome everyone in here.
Thanks for joining everyone!
You're welcome Khal. Thanks always for having time to meet with the Lions.
The tier effect would change the whole idea behind the airdrop and it would be more like a support system of the airdrop.
Oooh looks like I made it finally!
Just put in a little liquidity:
Awesome!! #fundtheflywheel Lions!!
using TIERS will change everything for $LEO and I think a long term one.
The bar system will definitely motivate us to push harder 💪
yep, tiers is the way to go 👍🏽
With leo getting implemented on Maya Protocol prior to the streaming swaps being integrated gives both leo and the entire hive ecosystem a big opportunity which would unfold in due course of time.
That is what we expect. The right decisions are being made.
I thinking building my leo and getting some $CACAO will be my next goal. Something big is here.
Totally agree. These are good decisions
Yeah. Thanks friend.
Welcome Everyone
All of my free LEO for this month is going to go to the LEO/CACAO pool!
Great! Congratulations
Airdrop, that's a nice idea, with this more volume Tokens traded on Leodex would increase and Leodex being marketed to those that nee it more.
It begins....
I'm glad to have an opportunity listening to this topic.
Wow! That dream is now a reality. 🚀
#fundtheflywheel !!
what is a bologna bones!?
I am really excited for you Khal, you’ve been talking about Thor forever and now you are integrating us with them, bringing us all up
How much is the airdrop for LEO from Maya Protocol?
Hive assets will have a place in Maya Protocol soon
Buy moar Cacao, drink moar Cacao, pool moar Cacao!