Here's a full list of available Tickers we've added to #leofinance! Feel free to share it around, spread the word ;)
- $LEO
- $CUB
- $BTC
- $ETH
- $XRP
- $XMR
- $CRV
- $BAT
Here's a full list of available Tickers we've added to #leofinance! Feel free to share it around, spread the word ;)
wen $GM
HBD LTC SPS all might be good additions.
Add $EOS, $XPR - They have unique good communities that will happily join Leo #threads.
I would share. Wait, wen #rethread? :P
I love it.
All juicy!
shared on #twitter
It is incredible that they add $POLYCUB and do not include $MATIC
Thanks for sharing!
Gr8 ! No $LTC $ADA ?
Funny to see doge, bat, xrp, crv, but no $LTC