We are about to go live with the #leofinance #ama!
Here is the #threadcast. Engage below and ask questions, we'll answer live on air and upvote all replies to the threadcast!
We are about to go live with the #leofinance #ama!
Here is the #threadcast. Engage below and ask questions, we'll answer live on air and upvote all replies to the threadcast!
@md-rayyan come here, this is your time to learn alot about leofinance.
Thanks for the mention, I am here.
Where is the airdrop? @onealfa.leo
Soon Soon Soon
Wen syncing CUB and PolyCUB with LEO here on Leofinance?
First here
As the prize you get to clean the men's room at the local truck stop.
Huh, that's not fair
Yeah life isnt fair. Learn the lesson and move on.
Next week, be second.
Nah, I like taking first place. 😂
Don't like being late for appointments 😃
Then be first and every other week you get the mens room.
I don't want to be anywhere around it, please.
I'd rather clean the ladies room
That is next week. We really need to get you a new calendar.
Well thanks for prompting that Congratulations, cos I won the 50th #boom,, 💃💃
Thank you. See not being first has its advantages.
your patience is impressive!
Thank you
Hope it's going to be an exciting one
Exciting is next Tuesday.
This one focuses upon boring and drawn out.
Why so?
Upvoting for making me smile.
We have almost reached half of our set target today. Taskmaster, i think 200 will be reached.
We will hit it. Going to have to aim for 300 coming up next. We can do it.
I just read a comment here by onealfa.leo, he is going to BOOM every 50th thread if this thread reaches 300+ here. My RC will be out soon 😅
200 is for kids
Let's get this thread page view of 300+
Just increased the levels. More work.
WEN Leo Short Stories
that would be an interesting update!
Yeah, it will be a
Wen #threadcast newest thread on top to stop doom scrolling?
Will Leo Finance be partnering with other Blockchain tech? If so, which ones interest you and is crosschain interaction in your thoughts for the future?
My problem is my inability to upload pictures directly on #threads using mobile. Need some help please
sign in using your posting key and all of your problems disappear
I concluded all my problems will disappear by logging in using your active key.
ah yes, I'll send it now
Thanks. Are you going to mail it to me?
I will go wait by the mailbox if you are.
i'm actually sending it via carrier pigeon. it shall arrive in 2 fortnights
Lol 😂
Do fast, am waiting. Just send me yours
I'm eagerly waiting for it to start
You arent alone.
Any news on options to sort comments on a top thread? Or some buttons to "Scroll to top" and "Scroll to bottom"
I was also asking/suggesting similar stuff. Would be great if each users could just switch the order
Always the nerd.
hahah it will help on these long ass threadcasts
That is true. I didnt say you were wrong. LOL
I used threads once or twice to test them out and it seems it takes a few seconds to post the comment. I don't know if it's my browser or is it the Blockchain that is taking time to publish a comment.
There is a piece of middleware between Leo and the blockchain. It takes about 30 cents to be fully indexed.
Ah! You mean 30 seconds? Isn't it a bit too long to wait? Hopefully it will be reduced in future.
You thread should show immediately on the UI. Then when you hit refresh it should take a few seconds.
I know that happens with Hive but with threads what happens is I write a comment and tap on the Threads button and nothing happens. My last comment took at least 10 taps and 2-3 minutes of trying.
@luchyl sent me link of this ama. How are you all?
Doing well how are you?
I am very glad to see a lot of Likes in reward. I think I should join this platform earlier. It is a great platform.
You did the right thing by joining
I am also well. Thanks
Wen Rethread?
What is rethread ?
Similar to Retweet on Twitter.
other community posting is a great addition. Its a helpful feature
It is something that all should jump on immediately.
Link to the AMA?
Still waiting.
With 215 responses we alomst have 300 for booms! Who wants a Boom? I want a boom! lol :)
Booms are good on Threads.
@onealfa.leo announce some Booms if threads more than 300+
I hope we will achieve 300+ threads goal
Need to get them there. It is going to require a lot more activity.
Yes need to get them there.
Yes. We all hope so. And working towards that 300 together. (threads +1) :)
Still wanting to see all the updates completely live
What do you mean?
There are a few placeholders that are not live yet, like the threads for communities
Ah okay. I get what you are saying now.
A lot of stuff to roll out.
Can we have more hits please
You want to be hit?
I mean more music 🙄
@wealthwess created another one today.
Here it is.
Cool, will dive in later on
Yes. Be sure to click on each song (thread) to open it up, that will help the clicks.
Are we gonna be able to vote the story-like posts in those bubbles in the explore page?
Well, are they gonna be story-like post?
Good to see promoting leofinance on web2 platform. I dont have much question about leothreads. Keep it up.
I think the fire visual should be next to the tag that has gained most momentum in a short period of time... if you know what I mean?
I guess not all feedbacks are being attended to, some of us still can't upload as our first post on threads
Some of my pictures been cut off in half. (when posted from mobile Android)
Another bug?
Seems like an ongoing one. I read many had that issue.
I used keychain browser and none of my photos were cut off (although only did a few).
Please correct me if wrong khal, but it's been brought to my attention that images that exceed the upload limit stop loading when it reaches the limit. So, High res images only partially load.
Aghhh...could be. Would be gr8 to know, where exactly this size limit is set. Modern phones go wild on pixel count.
I am a bit late to join but now I am here
I wanted to giveaway a pack to one of the leo family in this AMA but got here late 😔
Glad to be part of the Leo Finance community
Hello friends! Let's fill this thing with comments today
Lots of opportunities for clicking through the comments.
"3 or 5" 😀 Taskmaster is a machine!
He exaggerates.
So it's "just" 2 to 3 posts per day? 😊
Written. yes.
Nice. Just today I thought I'd set a goal for 3-5 in week. It's a start.
i have an idea about leo threads, we should start short video posting about crypto, so more people can come and learn. That will benefit leofinance
Shorts will be interesting add to the ecosystem.
but there should be some rules and whoever will break, should be out from here
I am excited to join my first AMA 😁
Welcome back bro,
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/1)@iammufasa! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kahkashan.
Enjoy they can be informative.
Evergreen Content Earns ...
That is true. A game changer. Just need to start working on it.
About that time, let’s go !!
It was time 15 minutes ago.
uhn 15mins late already?
Damn, gotta do better next week :)
It is sad.
Do some playlists in the mean time.
In fact, they should use the playlists while waiting.
Oh, I’ve done little about 50 songs today!
A pop one featuring Beyoncé and Jay Z.
I wanna be trying different Genre and artiste.
I will be doing Country songs tomorrow.
Today is on POP.
I will share the link after this reply.
This is the ama or there is any video link to join?
Just sit tight here and wait for the link
We are waiting for the link. It will be through Twitter and YouTube.
The links will be dropped in here.
Now here is the time to pray in Pakistan. I will join after saying prayer.
You can join on discord
Wondering where/when to find $LEO price history. Appears a little glitchy here and on coingecko where I found it. The data is correct on the dexes and maybe could be retrieved from there somehow. Look forward to everything!
There are a few different places to see it. @leo.stats posts some good reports with a historical price chart at the end and I know there's a few other places
Yes, thank you Khal. Really looking for historic data in my case though. With dates, open close, highs, and lows.
are we going to use ai through any way in leo?
#thread2news uses ChatGPT.
That is how we are populating threads with some news content.
this is good indeed
It is great news that we can post in any community using leofinance.io
Yep. People should start to use it immediately.
Was I dreaming or was Lists mentioned at some point?
You werent dreaming. It was mentioned in the past.
I am late but am here.
It hasnt started so hard to call you late.
So i am here on time
I just had my dinner and i am here. There is a target of 200 comments here lets see if we can achieve that.
We are off to a good start. More than 35% of the way there.
Nice, let's see if we can reach the target.
We should. People seem to replying to the comments given to them. That is how conversations occur.
It’s the music for me on the discord 😎…. Nice selection there 😉. Who’s playing by the way? 🤔LOL
Ah a typical Web 2.0 fan. Loving you some centralized owned platforms. LOL
Omg! I can’t win this argument I give in LOL
Go into time out.
Nifty of course.
@taskmaster, you need to bring him to join you guys in the #music #container stuff
Ok…Yaay! Rema now playing
What the heck is this? AIRDROPP? Will we see them again? How often? How the QTY is calculated?
I see 330 thread replies
To tha moon
Is there any way to earn by #news2threads? I believe the rewards are burned, right?
What do you think? @taskmaster4450le
news2threads isnt a reward feature. Any posts upvoted have the author rewards burned.
If you do comment on the news2thread post, then it could be upvoted and earn you some rewards. So commenting is good. I go through them.
Got it... I expected so, but you going through the posts and upvote comments on them is delightfully unexpected!~
Am one of the latecomers oo. Someone should have mercy on me.
You arent too late. It only started a little bit ago.
Ohh, thanks for the encouragement. Am glad
Without a doubt. We are now at the point where just getting to the juicy stuff.
Can we also suggest some featues for the future here ?
Yes I believe so...and here as well: https://leofinance.io/@leofinance/a-call-for-feedback-what-do-you-want-to-see-added-to-leofinanceio-next
thanks for sharing this with me. I will definitely look into it.
Is POLYCUB (/xpolycub/vexpolycub) DEAD? What we can hope for ?
New proposal
shames plug, check out shorts from CTT Podcast :) https://www.youtube.com/@CTT_Podcast/shorts not sure are links in the comments working :D
commented links are working but this one is giving me a playback error 😥
could be we found a bug or youtube is not doing it. the link is not a video, it is a youtube profile page for shorts. lets see will a video play.
could be we found a bug or youtube is not doing it right. the link is not a video, it is a youtube profile page for shorts. lets see will a video play.
could be we found a bug or youtube is not doing it right. the link is not a video, it is a youtube profile page for shorts. lets see will a video play.
threads down?