@whatsup said it best in a recent AMA: she can’t have an impact on if Bitcoin doubles from $400b to $800b in market cap… but we all have an opportunity to build LEO which only has a market cap of $500k
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@whatsup said it best in a recent AMA: she can’t have an impact on if Bitcoin doubles from $400b to $800b in market cap… but we all have an opportunity to build LEO which only has a market cap of $500k
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even trying to buy your way into influence on Hive can be tough for many, but on Leo right now you can buy midlevel stake for a few hundred and be a whale at $3,000. In a young, strong, growing project.
I'm pretty shocked more aren't buying aggressively.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Does that mean buying leo and staking it?
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yes! I buy some every day. Over the past few months I've moved into 24th on the rich list just with steady purchases
Damn go Wu!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have such a hard time sticking to a routine... is there a way to automate an daily buy?
Not that I know of! But dang it there should be! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No can do... I have no idea how to code or anything like that!!! But yes, there should be.
I agree!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's an interesting idea. It would be a little difficult because we'd need to have the ability to withdrawal funds from an account you hold.
Something could certainly be created... We actually talked about building a DCA contract on the last LeoFinance AMA when Neal asked if there was a DeFi way to automate DCA
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am as well. I think people have been scared off by FUD in the LeoVerse and broader crypto markets.
The funny thing about FUD and FOMO is that as soon as one turns into the other, it runs rampant.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta