LeoFinance NFTs, Play-to-Earn Games and New Subcommunities Mobile App Feature

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

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Play-to-Earn has become one of the driving Web3 narratives in the current state of the Crypto industry. With all of these PTE games popping up and existing ones growing exponentially, many in the LEO community have asked if LeoFinance plans on getting involved more heavily.

There are many ways to get involved in the PTE movement. Flauwy asked a few great questions regarding PTE and LeoFinance in this week's AMA. In this clip, we focus in on LEO NFTs and what the rollout of those will look like in the future.

Our focus with NFTs will be integrating them in a seamless way. LeoMobile's mission is seamless Web3 in your pocket.

Right now, we're focused on Open Beta and integrating LeoInfra V3 to make it easier than ever to login to Hive (via Hive lite accounts infrastructure that we built).

After these integrations, our focus will shift toward general app flow improvements. One day, a major feature release will focus on an NFT wallet.. coinciding with a LEO NFTs release.

Our NFTs won't be your standard NFTs. As a Web3 community with a mobile app, we have a lot more flexibility and opportunity when it comes to leveraging certain NFT technology and integrating it directly into LeoMobile.



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC and ETH blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

DeFi PlatformTokenized BloggingTrack Hive Data
Cub FinanceLeoFinance BetaHivestats
Native DEXWrapped LEO (ETH)Hive Node
LeoDexwLEO On UniswapWitness Vote

Earn a 16% APR on HIVE POWER and Support LeoInfra's Onboarding Efforts by Delegating HP to @leo.voter (Currently at 2M HP). We Use this to Claim Accounts and Delegate RCs to Newly Onboarded Users + Daily LEO Payouts to Delegators

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I'm always pitching the idea of a collectable group of Lions for LeoFinance, during minting we could even burn some of the minting fees.

I've decided to write up a few specs for it and pitch it more formally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NFTs took the world by surprise and I think one extension of Leo Finance is to support them and embed them within the site. Maybe even add a marketplace under the same umbrela.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nfts and gaming on blockchain is going to be huge. I play a few blockchain games currently and am getting into some others.

Once the masses realize you can play and earn they wont want to pay for xbox games

It seems like we have so much going on in the play2earn gaming world, but the truth is, we're only getting started. I'm having a blast in Splinterlands, and earning as I go.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good to know the leo team has NTFS in mind. Nice to know the focus is on improving the mobile app. Many great things to tap into.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Play2earn games should be to most played games in the future.
Gamers like me want have full control of their nft assets and trade them without problems. If game industry will make more games play2earn that gonna be great for crypto mass adoption.

I agree. Being an old school runescape player I would have loved to sell stuff in a marketplace. I out in thousands of hours into it and I cant sell anything without risking being banned

Yeah, that's frustrating, when only game devs can easy earn money and they totally fighting with players, which playing for thousand of hours and want earn some money.

Leofinance NFTs are the new "blue check" of twitter/facebook etc.. Owning that NFT is a sort of bragging right if I may say so in addition to the value of the NFT in itself.
Not only you guys are working on PolyCub and IDO but also planning for a lot more in the upcoming months!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leo Finance's continuous self-evaluation and expansion is impressive, truely. It's a model for other tribe's to follow if they wish it.

Yes, most of the other tribe had 1 project at first and are now continuing without adding anything more. Making it empty and it looses value

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Free NFTS? MINT me a badbitch please :)

At this point everything Leofinance does is so amazing that I think it would be right for Khal and his team to run for the presidency of a country, I know they would win.

The play to earn frenzy of our time is no joke, and it would be awesome to see LeoFinance getting involved in the movement.

Keep up the amazing work, lads!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Things are getting uber interesting around here! I'm so excited to see what develops over the next several months!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For game lovers its a golden opportunity that crypto currency offer to earn by playing games. So playing games online is no longer a time waste now even more interesting, though I prefer blogging and playing games is less interesting to me. Glad to learn about PTE movement from this helpful vlog or blog. Thank You!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Moon wen!?!??!

For the LEO NFT thing, do I get something for having staked Leo on Hive?

Going to listen to this now.

I hope this will lead to some Airdrop yes !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really a lot of shit in the pipe. Cant wait something gets released :D

I know. Soon TM

Can't wait to see what it gives !

I hope this will not be here just to be a pte game with NFTs but also a great game !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha, yeah, let's get PolyCub and IDO 2 out the door first before we start worrying about NFTs! Always good to have something on the road map though I guess :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes :") we don't want to have 6 empty months and all the projects to be released at the same time and only half finished

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think half finished would ever be a problem with the Leo team! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope it will continue like that !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If Leofinance ever builds a game, I'm playing that. I am also content to hear that the team is more focused towards "the mobile" than the desktop versions because lets face it, the world is on mobile... Mobile apps are spinning the world and "changing governments" right now...
Thumbs up for all the progress you guys make with Leofinance. Still my no.1 community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely come 2022, the play-to-earn games will be massive that will enable more people engage in it. The polyCub at the moment is the talking points with more progress yet to come and I can't wait to see a better improvement happen. Keep up the good work.

Sandbox looks like it could mint a lot of millionaires. Your right just make sure you bet on the big winners.


I just spent like 30 hours on Farming Simulator in 4 days.

Being rewarded for that would be a miracle :') !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Guau i would like been very happy to see the criptopunks transfer between in leodex, guau it sounds great, what do you think , when marky develop their game and it could be transfer between this, well today we see very amazing development comming in all our great leo community specially to educate in finance to all.

Great work keep it up

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Glad to know that leofinance is entering in NFT and this will not be like a traditional one. Indeed is trending and good to see that Leo team is working on it. Fantastic update

Things are just getting better with crypto on leofinance platform

Nft is a game changer in crypto and many people believe it won't take long before people stop buying NFT but they are still buying everyday.

If leofinance creates is nft it will surely be great and bring more people to the community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Play- to- earn gaming has taken the crypto world by storm, and it’s easy to see why. With this unique gaming model, which is geared to grown-ups, actors are awarded with cryptocurrency or NFTs just for playing games they would presumably play for free.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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There is huge potential in this space and a lot of interest from the hive community.
I would love to become part of a leofinance guild as a leader or just as a player.

I'm already heavily involved with splinterlands but looking to move into two or three more promising games after xmas.

Hoping to see more information or take part in the discussion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Our NFTs won't be your standard NFTs. As a Web3 community with a mobile app, we have a lot more flexibility and opportunity when it comes to leveraging certain NFT technology and integrating it directly into LeoMobile.

I believe every single word here. LeoFinance has always dared to be different and thereby paving way to show the new possibilities available in the cryptoverse. Good move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta