Watching it now. Nice intro, amazing starting at age 12. Producing electronic music 🎧 that's very impressive. Creative awesome.
A great initiative to start on HIVE, since it's inception.
Great advocacy for the Hive blockchain.
Watching it now. Nice intro, amazing starting at age 12. Producing electronic music 🎧 that's very impressive. Creative awesome.
A great initiative to start on HIVE, since it's inception.
Great advocacy for the Hive blockchain.
Thanks so much for watching and happy you like it! =)
Still watching it. 2000 people for a second band, punk rock. Amazing at 23
Yes it was impressive but also intimidating! :D There were all these signs so early in my life that I should become a professional musician, but somehow I didn´t listen....
Sparks were so early.
Yes, it started with 6. I always ask myself, if I started with professional music with 18, where would I be now?
Yeah, very right sometimes we are indecisive. But it's never too late. Life is like so, we miss some chances.
That´s true. Don´t be sad about missed chances. I try to make the best out of it right now.