The Play2Earn Report - It's All A Game To Me!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

If you read my article during the week, you are probably already aware that I dropped most of my blockchain games with no intention to get back to most of them. Not going to reword my article, but in short, I'm pretty fed up with the way blockchain gaming has been developing in a lot of areas and I've thus decided to really only focus on the stuff that I enjoy and ignore the rest. That obviously also brought up the question what to do with my Play2Earn Report. For more than half a year I've been delivering one every weekend now and to tell the truth, I'm quite enjoying myself when I write them. I like to take a look back at my older reports every now and then, simply to see what I was dealing with some months ago and see how my holdings have developed from there. Nevertheless, the times where I've actively engaged in 8-10 games and had something to say about all of them are gone and they are most likely gone for good. So, what do I do with my Play2Earn Report?

Honestly, I'm not quite sure yet. Basically, this whole thing is really just a game for me, although one that should eventually pay out big. I never touch any of my holdings within the Hive ecosystem, I don't sell any cards in Splinterlands, I don't sell my CTP or LEO. I just accumulate and I enjoy it. So for now, I'll probably morph the Play2Earn Report into a general status report for my blockchain adventures. I'll still talk about the few games that are noteworthy in my opinion, but I'll also talk about my other endeavors, tribes I've discovered, and so on. I'm not sure if anybody actually wants to read about that, but then again I didn't think anybody would care for my Play2Earn Reports and yet, here I am. So we'll see how things go and what this thing is going to turn into in a couple of weeks.

For now, we'll start by looking at my token holdings like we always do.


Nice growth across the board. CINE came as a nice surprise for me as I was airdropped all of it for the LEO I hold. I'll have a separate paragraph on CINE later. I've bought 2 more LENM and will get at least 5 more this week, I'm not sure yet if I want to keep it at 50 for a while now or keep pushing for 100. With the price now up at 5 Hive each I don't feel any pressure of buying more right away, so I might just wait for a while. All things considered, it's really cool to see the value of my holdings increase by several hundred dollars each week just from organic growth. Even though it really is just a game to me, it's a damn lucrative one!

So next, let's take a look at my noteworthy blockchain endeavors of the week:


Where most other blockchain games have failed, Splinterlands is still standing strong. My season is going according to plan pretty much. I'm close to getting to Champion II right now and probably will do so during the weekend. I then usually try to push on to Champion I as well because I usually do a lot better in that regard with some days left in the season. So if all goes well, I might be able to make it to Champion I on Sunday. If not, I'll have some more shots at it before the season ends.


I've had an especially great time with the current Brave tournaments, placing in the money in every single tournament so far. I'm in round 2 for the Champion level tournament right now and should be able to at least claim another 5000 DEC for me. I've been doing a lot better in tournaments in general again. After I had forgotten to register teams several times during the last season I'm a lot more focused again, participating in at least one tournament each day at the moment.

I've also decided to buy another legendary card of the market. This time I went with the Hydra. It's been a deciding factor in many battles before and I really felt like it's a great addition for a lot of my decks. It's especially great with the Llama Mage but it's also a great play in any match where I suspect my opponent to go with a sneak build. Thanks to both thorns and retaliate, the Hydra is super deadly in the last position.


In other news, I've decided that I want to become a Maverick which means I need to buy 500 booster packs from the shop. The plan is to bulk buy all 500 in one go during the next promotion that Splinterlands will have using only DEC. Because of that, I've started to save up all DEC I earn and I won't buy any new cards this way until the next promotion comes along. Being a Maverick wasn't that important to me ever since, but I really would have loved to battle alongside my guildmates during the recent guild brawl tests so I want to be ready the next time something like that comes up.


CineTV is a brand new tribe focusing on cinema and television shows. The whole thing took me completely by surprise but needless to say, I'm really excited for it. I'm a huge TV show junky and I've watched countless great series during my years that I really love to talk about. So far, it didn't even occur to me that I could blog about stuff like that just as well and CineTV looks like the perfect excuse to start doing so.


I've published my first article discussing one of my all time favorite TV shows yesterday and I plan to make at least 2 articles in a similar style each week. Surprisingly, writing the article was a lot harder than I had anticipated. I feel like I've gotten decently good at writing blockchain (gaming) focused articles during the year I've been doing it but writing about a series in English is something that I have never done. I had to look up some words and some of the phrases I used are probably classic "German English" and don't make much sense to a native. I really enjoyed the experience, though. It's a new challenge and something that I hope to get better with as I publish more articles.

I've also created the dedicated curation account @khazrakh.cine for CineTV. At the moment, it only has the CINE that I got from the airdrop but just as with @khazrakh.leo and @khazrakh.cpt (stop laughing @achim03 :D) I intend to power up everything I earn from both author and curation rewards. I intend to do something similar for VIBES from the MusicForLife community as well but honestly, talking about music in English is yet another beast and I really only want to start with that once I've gotten better at writing about movies first.


There was a massive new article earlier this week detailing a lot of what's coming next. If you haven't read it yet, get over there right away, there's a ton of new information in it. Obviously, we've fallen a bit behind schedule again, but we still have a pretty clear goal ahead of us. Time is running out for a March release so I now expect to see the first playable colonization content to hit us in April.


There are now 3 packages proposed, each coming with a lot of features and once the third one is released we will finally be able to play the full game (well, all parts of the game, I expect eXode to be an ever-growing game). From there we'll move into Beta, have seasons with leaderboards and everything. I know I'm repeating myself on the topic but it will be glorious!

I've been using a lot longer than I initially expected. But since Project Blank did not get released yet, I'm still active there every day. I've made close to 0.3 BCH with the site so far and I could probably get to a full BCH within the year. With current valuation, that's about 500$ in a year just for posting some short messages every now and then. Pretty damn good and I have to say, I never expected the site to go off as much as it did. Makes me all the more hopeful for Project Blank. One day we really might be able to live from just writing and reading stuff in this wonderful ecosystem!


And that's all from me for today. Thank you all for reading and please let me know what you think of the new Play2Earn Report. Is this something you are interested in reading moving forward or should I just scrap it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I got into the DEC/BUSD farm this week after much hair pulling. I thought it made sense rather than having DEC sitting around doing nothing. I'm already a maverick so no need to save for that and, these days, maverick status in wasted on me anyway.

I still have more DEC I could put in but am now wondering whether I might be better to swap it to something else and join another farm.

I'll probably leave it for now, especially with the new changes on CUB Defi and wait for things to settle a bit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ya I'm not sure what to do with my DEC yet either. I really don't want to pay the fees to get the DEC into the farm. I might get involved with their Diese Hive:DEC Diesel Pool maybe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really don't want to pay the fees to get the DEC into the farm.

Thing is it's just sitting there doing nothing at the moment so I'm hoping that, by the time I want to do something else with it I will have made back the fees.

Mind you it's so complicated I'll have a hard time working out the actual fees anyway. They see to be all over the place.

I might get involved with their Diese Hive:DEC Diesel Pool

I thought about that too but I want more CUB rather than more DEC at this point. Although I might have misunderstood how it works. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have big hopes from Exode in the next two months. Let's see if end up being a quality game and rewarding at the same time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me too - fingers crossed :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honestly, really glad you did write another report and are thinking of sticking with this format. A (minor) change in the name might be appropriate as it's not solely focused on gaming anymore..

Reason I enjoy your reports is that I think you have a similar mindset when it comes to trying stuff out, finding the good projects and investing time in those that are worth it and are viable long term. That and also building some holdings but not take it too serious and see it as a game. As I'm rather new to this and you're someone with quite a bit of experience this is very valuable and provides great guidance for getting started here.

That being said I really think you should do what feels good and keeps a balance in your everyday life. You said you enjoy writing the reports so that's good. But thinking of scaling back to once or twice a month is always an option. But I sincerely hope you don't quit it altogether! :-)

O and really looking forward to Exode update and thanks for bringing up cineTV I'll have to explore that

Wow, thanks a lot for your amazing feedback! Changing the name a bit might be appropriate, I'll give it some thought.
So far, all feedback I got has been super positive, so I'll definitely keep doing the reports :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great to hear! will follow along :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@khazrakh I'm so glad to see you still doing these weekly reports. I like them as they keep me abreast of the ins and outs of the crypto gaming sphere, but also happy to read them in whatever form they take in the future.

You have already made my mind up that the next 'serious' crypto game I get into is Exode.From a cursory glance, its complicated and will take some time to digest it all. I am biding my time however before getting into it.

Thanks a lot for the great feedback and happy you are going to get into eXode - I have high hopes for it :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good work ;)
Myself I’m just trying to spend less time clicking on internet...

stop laughing @achim03 :D

Can't help it lol ;-).

I just learned from discord that they will probably implement a reward pool in the DEC / HIVE Diesel pool that would pay DEC tokens. So while you accumulate DEC you could deposit it into the Diesel Pool and earn passive DEC income... Sounds good but I don't know when it's going to be implemented.

I like your report. I try to do something similar to keep an overview of my goals and my holdings. I do it more for myself and like that I can have a look back and see where I was a couple of months ago. It's good for the motiviation :-)

I'll probably get into the Diesel Pool if they set up rewards - I have both DEC and Hive doing nothing, so I could just as well use the pool for additional rewards!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's my thought as well. It would be nice to get some rewards for "parking" the money :-)

That's a nice update dear especially when we consider CUB & Cine aspects. Exponential growth is amazing 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As always, thank you for doing this! I am very happy to see you plan to continue.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I want to make sure you know that your efforts are appreciated!

Thanks a lot mate, really means a lot to me :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting that you've dropped most of the games. I still use some, as they bring some constant cashflow for a few clicks every second day.

Let's see how your journey will continue. Might be interesting to see what future choices you will make.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great list of games and communities forming up, checked all the boxes!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

so now which games are you playing, splint and exode?

Amazing progress on man! I am on the other side using it less and less, for basically promoting my hive/leo posts most of the time ans sharing some tips with my leo/hive friends :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right now, it's Splinterlands and Rising Star, waiting for eXode to really get going :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I could use some healthy opinions at the blockchain gaming discord if you get a chance to join. Also, in the #hivepost area I'll be sure to upvote you for what it's worth :)

Hey, thanks for the invitation! I'll look into joining tomorrow, will be gone for most of the day and want to have some time to look around when I join :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm enjoying these reports as well, so please do keep them going.

As for the blockchain games, I feel that all developers out there are missing a few tricks at the moment. In particular, when I think of NFT gaming, I'm thinking of a non-fungible object that comes with stats and assets, and that I can seamlessly play with in multiple blockchain games without trying to sell/trade them.

For instance, my Gremlin Blaster Splinterlands card would turn into a Gremlin Tinkerer citizen in DCity and a Alien Gremlin Blaster in Exode.

Some games (especially DCity and Splinterlands) have been doing this with tokens, but is there any scope at this stage for people to try and experiment with actual NFTs?

I suppose to do it one may need to define a good standard of what these generic NFTs should contain in terms of stats and (sprite/drawing/sound) assets...

Also, I still am boggled that none of these NFT gaming websites are monetized using Coil or Brave. Surely it would benefit game teams if they earn money from the time people spend on their platforms...?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta