It was a little April fools joke, I'd love to do a giveaway of some kind but I'll hold onto my HP for the next little while.
Also thanks, I'm so happy with how things have gone in the last few years of being here.
It was a little April fools joke, I'd love to do a giveaway of some kind but I'll hold onto my HP for the next little while.
Also thanks, I'm so happy with how things have gone in the last few years of being here.
Dammit! Ya got me! A good idea though. I may do it when I get to 15k.
It had to be done haha
Last year I wrote a goodbye post for April Fools and said I was going to delegate all of my HP to one lucky winner. That was such a good one.
Ah sure you're an awful tease. I'll never believe a word you say ever again:)