The daily posting is really hard, but, I've enjoyed pushing myself to do it. I've been so happy with myself to keep at it. I know so many people who criticise themselves way too much, sometimes it's better though to relax and just let your stuff get out there. We all have to wear our dirt on sleaves sometimes. Second-guessing yourself is always a bad idea.
I think it helps that I'm a fast typer. Most of the time it's like meditation, I'm thinking and typing at the same time and read through changing things then read again to make sure it makes sense then once more for good luck. Sometimes I read it one final time after I've posted it to make any edits for anything that slipped past. Luckily though that doesn't happen often.
Psyber X is well worth looking at to see what they're doing, but, I know what you mean haha I'm worried about what'll happen to my free time when it releases.
Yeah, I can't afford to put much into Hive either at the moment, but, I'm hoping for brighter days.
I've never heard of Legacy, is that the same as Hive?
Like me, you are your own worst critic, lol. I am such a perfectionist, and I always take ages proofreading my posts.
Yep, don't tempt me further, I think I might be very susceptible to this one. I used to play
my post from 2018 about this though, and you'll see what it was all about. #steempunknet, which sadly isn't around any more. Have a look at
The "legacy social blockchain" is how I tend to refer to
Steem these days. When I returned to the social blockchain this year, after an absence of three years, I learned about what had transpired on the old ("legacy") social blockchain. A lot of people here who went through those times are still very unhappy about the way that they were treated back then. And I don't blame them either, as I'm sure I would have been too. But out of respect for what they went through, I now refer to those days as the "legacy social blockchain", and try not to mention the actual name as much.