I must admit, that I'm a little bit scared of posting this article right here in this community. But then I'm letting go of my fear. This is my first time posting here so a little bit of support won't be such a bad idea.
Change is the only constant thing in this world', my father had told me this when i was 8years old. And ever since i started becoming a man i have found that statement to be the absolute truth.
We live in a world where things are constantly changing with the speed of lightening. Nothing is left untouched. when we think we have seen a better version of something then boom a much better version emerges.
Man is constantly looking for ways to solve problems and make life easier and faster.
Even the way we see money has greatly evolved. We moved from a trade by barter system to paper money and now digital money aka crptocurrencies are almost on everyone's lips.
A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers.
In a more simple defintion,
Cryptocurrency are just digital currency that exists only electronically.
I would like to think my experience in the crypto space has been in stages. i went from been a naive teenager who just wanted to be rich by mining bitcoins on some fake website to becoming a Crypto guru and expert, though I'm still learning.
But actually, i first got to know about Bitcoin through a friend of mine in 2016 during my first year in the university. My friend introduced me to a website where we could mine Bitcoins. We later discovered that the bitcoin mining website was a huge scam and a big waste of time.
The second phase of my journey into the Crypto world was during the lockdown. A couple of then big brother Naija house mates where discussing about Bitcoins and Ethereum and how much potential it had in changing the narrative of the monetary system. They did a task on this app known as 'Luno'. Alarmed with this piece of information i decided to do my own research.
After a quick research, i found that the 'Luno' app serves as an exchange and also a wallet, and that i could easily purchase coins from them using my ATM card.
That night i created my first ever Crypto wallet and account with 'Luno', stole my Mums Atm card and bought a coin known as Ripple(XRP) the price as of then was 80naira per one.
Currently, the worth of my one Xrp more than a dollar plus, and analysist belives that the price could tripple in a few years to come. So I'm really glad i took the risk.
Currently there is a ban on crypto currencies by the Nigerian government but that has not in any way hindered my progress. I have continued to learn and educate myself more on crypto i have also learnt to buy and hold coins like Ethereum, XRP, litecoin, shiba inu and lot's more. I have also teamed up with a couple of my friends like @sonofremi @theichie who together we're looking forward to building ourselves out of financial obscurity by learning how to trade crypto.
Keep up the good work fam, it’s always a pleasure discussing the crypto space with you
Thanks bro.
It's always good to have people around you where you can share your ideas, views, and opinions.
keep going and looks like you're on the right path :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much.