Yesterday's evening, I decided take a stroll to a phone shop to make enquiries on the phone I want to buy.
Guys! I was so shocked on the price I met.
The increase in dollar has really affected everything.
#Gmfrens. Do have a nice day
Yesterday's evening, I decided take a stroll to a phone shop to make enquiries on the phone I want to buy.
Guys! I was so shocked on the price I met.
The increase in dollar has really affected everything.
#Gmfrens. Do have a nice day
Oh so sorry about that, hopefully, the hike in price will drop so that a common man can feed and enjoy life.
Have a great day too.
My friend had an ugly experience few days ago as her iPhone 13 was stolen. She cried and cried nothing was happening. It was terrible experience because she had just gone to the store to check for phone and she was alarmed at the price.
There's a clear warning to every phone owners now. We are to take very good care of the phone we are using now because anything that makes it get lost or damaged, the cost of owning a new phone now is out of this world😭
I am sorry that this has happened to you, I feel identified because here the prices change every day because of the dollar, apart from the inflation that is eating us alive.
'eGood morning Kingsleyy. The dollar exchange rate has been crazy recently and it's affecting virtually everything. However, the cost of phone seems to be higher than others. It's really painful and I hope you afford to get one.
Mehn, it's not funny at all. Phones that were sold at $170 are now$210. Pure magic!
And with the look of things, the price is not coming down anytime soon.
It's only God that'll help us.
Lol you haven’t won your prize yet you are going to price phone😂 all you toppers on that leaderboard have mad confidence, imagine me praying I get through this night in one piece, you are going to price phone with your Zealy prize😂
The inflation and devaluation of naira has affected all lot of things including the prize of items, the best thing at this moment is to earn in dollars, earning in naira will only leave us in provety, I hope you'll get to buy the phone.
Inflation is unforgiving. And in the field of technology it is very clear. I think it also behaves somewhat logically, because old models, even if they are new, go down in price. But the new ones are more expensive