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RE: Hive Keychain Independent Audit Proposal

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

makes zero sense.

i just said the canal was level, across 100 miles.

and you present me with a picture..

that has a bevel in it .. claiming that is just how it is

you have only proven you don't understand what level means


I think you think you some kind of smart person.

Picture shows what you just purported. The level LOL

Emu with its head in the sand. Ever heard of gravity? Newton? Apple falling from a tree? The gravity equation? Physics?

It's ok, you don't want to admit you are wrong, probably because you have invested so much of your time and effort. Along with purchasing what ever quack pot ideas these snake salesmen have sold you.


But then again I know what you really want. A free ticket up into space by arguing your point until someone wants to shut your mouth with the truth by paying for your fare up there.

Here so you can understand what it is that is level. Am sure you won't watch because it will just prove you wrong.


Tesla's theory of ether was disproved by Einsteins 'special relativity' which says nothing is faster than light

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. wikipedia

this proves something is faster than light, disproving Einstein and proving Tesla correct

the scientific world still has not fixed this error.

the incredible number of lies we live with.

your 'science' is anything but trustworthy these days.

Dafuq. Did you pull that from your arse?

That's well out of left field and a total red herring.

Based on what you say you must be some kind of mystic then and flat earth is just a feeling and not founded on anything other than wanting a safe space.


literally nothing said above is mystical.

you are having trouble distinguishing reality.

you never miss an opportunity to put me down.

but it appears that is your entire defense..

the funny part is when folks actually investigate this for themselves and discover all the laughing was at them...

You are absolutely correct. I am putting you down as much as I can, not because it makes me feel good, its just because I think your reality is not the same as my reality. You living in a parallel dimension and have inadvertently arrived here in my reality.

And you not even looking at what you said that makes what you say mystical if I have to believe what you are spouting.

yet I point at mountains that can be seen from hundreds of miles .. all the way down to the base

the fact you don't understand the implications of this is not a fault in my presentation

but your inability to understand is directly related to your belief you are correct in the face of facts that defy your reality .

yet you literally have nothing that 'proves' your point..

you have nasa (big gov)

you have space x (big corp)

i have videos of bubbles in space

i have pictures of prop rocks present ON THE MOON from the official photography

you believe a man stepped onto soft moon dust after have landed using jet propulsion landing system .. that was only tested once and crashed during that test

literally nothing about your reality stands up to scrutiny.

still laughing at the suez canal picture you presented. literally stated the canal was 100% level and you present a picture with a curve ..

All good, am sure your staunch belief will hold you steady.

There is such a thing as difference in opinion. Mine is just the truth and yours is just hot gas flowing coming out of your mouth.

Or here's another for you. Again you will just be like the bearded dude jumping up and down denying they are wrong LOL

Wiggle room to just make shit up. Head in the sand.

providing a commercialized video that exactly goes against what individuals have proven..

here is a $10,000 challenge.. why nobody has won yet?

literally the picture you showed is wrong, you are wrong.

we can see mountains we can see from over 100 miles away .. all the way down to the base

we can see the 'all day sun' at latitudes physically impossible for a 'ball'

please find curvature of the earth formula on wikipedia so we can both be clear..

that it doesn't exist