i looked vigorously for proof that the earth is a ball .. it was because my search failed that I became a flat earther
is there anything that could change your belief that the earth is a ball?
because we are spinning at 1000 MPH (supposedly) .. this would be our water .. gravity is unprovable but the force seen here flinging the water into the air .. is in fact very provable
because I have already given you multiple examples you fail to counter
suez canal is level for 100 miles and you provide a curved earth picture claiming that level is relative
no, level means level ..
relative level wouldn't provide a perfect mirror that we see here..
or long trail of the sun at sunset...
how many miles is that? yet it is a perfect unbroken line from you to the sun.
I listen and welcome all new information
information sources not accepted: big gov, big corp .. should be simple right?
So you searched out in space?
how many feet of concrete is require to make perfect vacuum?
10 feet, of reinforced concrete
and we have people going up in tin cans, thru the thermal sphere
the hilariousness of this is beyond funny, and you either understand it fully and are ignoring it .. or ignorant and blindly following lies given to you
the one time we tested a 'space suit' by putting the guy in the vacuum chamber .. the water on his tongue started to boil and he passed out
this is the first and last time they ever tested a suit in a vacuum .. how can this be?
Anyway, its been fun listening to your delusions. Am sure there are lots of you that have this delusion. I am calling it quits because frankly I have not found any value to your point other than you are anti establishment. Am sure you have had been screwed sometime in the past by something and therefore are this way.
So I bid you adieu, take care and hope you don't fall out of the cuckoos nest or the edge of the earth. Which ever one comes first.
curvature of the earth formula
you know you can't find it
you sir, are delusional or a liar
since you like things to be official, here is nasa
government documents refer to flat earth