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RE: 📊 A Limited 10,000 HLSHARE Pre-Launch Shares Available Today in Initial Asset Offering. ( 100% of This Round Has Been Bought! )

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Had to take a double take on that deposit to make sure my system wasn't throwing wrong numbers. As it sits currently you're majority shareholder and should yield a monthly revenue dividend along the lines of 0.3% the services total revenue. While that seems like a low number, and while we're testing the volume and site balances will be limited, but once the testing goes well and we open the site up to free for all, as much as you can throw at it type lending, CFD trading and site bankrolling that current holding of yours matched with millions of HIVE going through the site monthly could end up being a substantial amount.

Ultimately I'd love to see the HLSHARE asset pay itself off upfront cost wise in ~6 months or so, then after that they are effectively money printers for the long HODLers..

Also suspect once things really take off and HSC gets brought into play with the service and we get proper HIVE based "DeFi" and cross network interoperability going it's not out of the realm of possibility that we see HIVE prices start to shift up towards >$50 USD a pop. Gunning to knock binance off their throne of centralized bullshit and give this massive wave of adoption we see happening alternatives with stronger fundementals and less costs.

The last half of 2021 is going to be quite exciting around here I think.

Appreciate the show of massive support and also that you left some share in this round for others. As I'd mentioned to d-pend if you guys could hold off buying it all up to let the smaller investors pick some up I'd really appreciate it.. But if there are still shares available in like 12 - 16 hours I'll not be terribly upset if someone scoops them.. At the very least a full day was given by the whale / orca investors for the smaller fish to get a bite before they swallow this test of the waters.

Cheers man, thank you again for the support and excitement. :)


Ultimately I'd love to see the HLSHARE asset pay itself off upfront cost wise in ~6 months or so, then after that they are effectively money printers for the long HODLers..

That sounds like an amazing ROI, but also quite normal compared to the possibility of a total loss of the capital. The risk we are all willingly to take (or at least we should be xD). But I think this will be a success (hence the investment).

Gunning to knock binance off their throne of centralized bullshit and give this massive wave of adoption we see happening alternatives with stronger fundementals and less costs.

😅 I have to admit that I'm using a binance debit card with cashback, which is so great. And the ROI of the invested token with the latest upwards trend is outstanding. Okay every coin was/is performing really good thanks to the money flood from the central banks, but at least I can earn while spending with a card. xD

Appreciate the show of massive support and also that you left some share in this round for others.

Ups. Mea culpa. 😇

That was not intentional, I threw every useless crypto at Hive and that number was the endresult. (Binance launchpool is spitting out different coins for... I don't know why, but those drops are popping up in my wallet)

Cheers man, thank you again for the support and excitement. :)

I like what you are doing. :) You get stuff done!
I'm still trying to figure out a way to let the nodejs HBD.Funder-Sniper script run on a free service 24/7.
By the way, do you know a script to automate the voting behaviour and to run it continuously? (Nodejs? Python? On AWS? Google Cloud? A Rasberry Pi?)
Missing quite a lot right here^^, all those settings is not offering...

Losing it all was never an option, if I was doing this to enrich only myself I'd be taking what I'm building on this flavour of graphene and grafting it onto every other possible chain. I don't do this because money isn't my driving factor, the true reason behind what I do is to make the members of our community more prosperous and live better lives.

I have dabbled a bit with binance, besides the whole CZ helping the steem takeover drama the reason I'm not a huge fan is because their set up in a way that they show next to no responsibility of quality service to their customers.. And are likely just pocketing crypto that is being addressed in help desk tickets rather than fielding a proper customer service wing to effectively return glitched or bugged wealth.. It's a subtle long con / scam in my opinion. They can afford to provide a normal level of customer service, they don't because it's more profitable to neglect any form of responsibility in taking care of their userbase.

lol, I appreciate the honesty on the fact you threw what you had liquid at it. Even if you had bought it all out I couldn't have been angry about it, as I'd no intentions of telling folks they could only have a capped amount, that is not my place to dictate, at best all I can do is ask people to "share" and hope they show some thoughts of others being able to benefit off of things as well as themselves. I'm not always the most thoughtful individual but I try to keep things fair between the different classes / castes present in our community.

I have my script just running in a console window on my desktop / workstation. But you could totally run it on basically any box with a ssh console / bash / cmd console that supports NodeJS. A raspberry Pi would be more than enough run the script. I might throw in some functionality to monitor the script to restart it on crashes or push runtime metrics. It's difficult to find a VPN or web box that is free that allows you to install things.. It might be worth while if you're looking to run persistent scripts 24/7 and have IPV6 support to check out a $0.99 cent VPN if you're not in possession of a computer or raspberry Pi locally that you can run at all times to field your scripts. You can check if you have IPV6 connectivity here:

The simple voting scripts could effectively run on any ubuntu or linux web box / VPN capable of running NodeJS, or even a small raspberry pi. If you're looking to get a script customized to suit your needs, if it's a trivial edit I'll gladly do it free provided it's a less than 10 minute job. If it's a more demanding custom script then I end up moving up to $20 an hour spent on it, which is my buddy rate, I generally charge clients on linked in $40 - $60 an hour or more depending on the work contract they are trying to get me hired for.

That hbd.funder-sniper script is a decent start for simple monitoring and function execution against specified input or operations.. I've got some more "heavy duty" block monitoring stuff built as well, but for simple vote scripts it's entirely overkill.

Are you wishing to offer the voting to others or just your own accounts? It gets a bit more complicated when you start getting external users signing things as they either need to have the private keys given to the server to allow for the account privilege's to be accessed by the script.. Or you have to have them sit on a page that effectively automates calls to keychain, but if that tab gets closed the service can no longer get signed transactions from the user and thus stops working.

NodeJS is my go to, but if you're doing a bunch of number handling I would go with python. The floating point integer method used by Javascript can be lacking in resolution for certain things. I know a service called was running for a bit.. I'm actually going to look into getting going again here today as cardboard expressed that he'd be ok with passing the torch to me to run that service. If the code was available and feasible to run without a huge uptick in my budget I'll gladly do it.

if you have a need for a web app to be done up or a persistent service like set up we can likely work something out to get it into reality in a way that doesn't cost either of is a bunch of time or money. All depends on what you want really. I have a shit ton of code laying around that can be used to rapidly bootstrap proof of concepts for new services. What needs built or hosted, if it's feasible it's sort of my obligation to the community to offer it.

the true reason behind what I do is to make the members of our community more prosperous and live better lives.

Noble and humble motivation. Like always. 🙂

besides the whole CZ helping the steem takeover drama

Jeah, that's the main reason I'm still not buying it 100%, I'm just grabbing my ROI there without the card I wouldn't have bought BNB there xD.

But you're right, the customer service is quite annoying. I have multiple charges on the card which have been declined by the merchant and they are like "We can do nothing until proven otherwise." Get your system together to see those declines, damnit!
But to be fair: Where is customer service a thing, or, even good? I know only so few places xD.

lol, I appreciate the honesty on the fact you threw what you had liquid at it.

And I guess I will throw even more at it, later. 😂 (But a way smaller amount this time.)

Thanks for your long answer though, it gives me a lot to think and plan about. I will probably look for the right service and try to host the basic script. But the moment I have something to outsource for coding, I know which person I will contact. ;)

(Has nothing to do with^^ Jeah it's confusing)Oh and is a website run by @holger80, a service where you can setup up rules (more complex ones than on for voting. Quite useful. The service is still casting votes, but we cannot login anymore. Keychain is not popping up for the request to sign in. Dunno why.