Justin sun stealing the steemit by hard fork.

in LeoFinance5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine and safe from the coronavirus outbreak. We know that a big hard fork was made recently on our previously platform steemit where we spend few years. After the confelt between the justinsun who bought the steemit platform and the members of yhe community. Justinsun is making many new steps in the steps. Recently big hard fork was made by him.Due to this hard fork o.23 the tockens of sixty five uses on the steemit who switched from the steemit to the hive community have been seized. Due to this hard fork these users lost more than sixty million dollars in total. That is a big loss to these users.


This hard fork was supported by the big exchange sites or apps such as Binance and Bitterx. The head members of these exchange sites share their statements why they support this hard fork. They initially didn't support this hardfork but later they support this hard fork. Some members tells that we first didn't give our opinions but we are forced to do give our opinion.

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I think i can't tell whether this is legal or not but according to the one of the famious lawyer in Australia also the CEO of JPB liberty Andrew Hamilton tells that justinsun is stealing. He thinks that what justinsun done is theft by doing hard fork and take millon of steem tokens from the users. He also tells that according to the UK and texes law justinsun is stealing. He also adds that if victims of the incident decide to file a mass action against Justin Sun or Steemit, they can benefit from Hamilton views.Hamilton also tells that i do not know wheather these users will do to the court or not. I think he is giving a complete sughestion of taking this matter to the court. Due to this hard fork some users who are outside from the steemit or hive are shocked from this event. I think this event have cause a confelect on the blockchains .
What are yours views on this steem fork please tell in the comments box
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Did anyone of you got damaged due to this hard fork.



why the guys with huge capital always pretending having power of everything