Did you just join TORUM and don't know where to start? You have yet to receive #XTM support in one of your posts? Are you struggling to gain followers?
Worry no more, I got you covered!
We all feel kinda lost when we join a new social media platform so I decided to write down the 5 "Golden Rules" one must follow if he/she wants to have a successful journey on TORUM.
You have a great chance to be successful on TORUM since it's a newly born platform and yet unknow to the masses. Success doesn't happen overnight but if you follow my tips I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll do more than fine!
1) Update Your Profile
First impressions are everything on social media so having a good-looking profile is MUST if you want to be successful.
You probably updated your profile photo when you signed up on TORUM but you didn't update your profile's info.
TORUM has a great variety of tools to customize your profile! Just click on EDIT PROFILE and start "playing" with the settings until you find the perfect fit!
2) Complete Missions
Just click on Missions and have a look around!Missions earn you #XTM (TORUM's currency) and compelting them is lots of fun!
You need to earn more than 500 #XTM from missions if you want to transfer them to you main wallet but it's actually quite easy so no worries!
The more XTM you have the greater your chances are to do well on Torum. Let's talk about that bellow.
3) Support Content Creators
Content creators on TORUM can receive #XTM as gifts for their content. If you want to make a name for yourself on TORUM then you must support other content creators. It's a great way to show your graditude about someone's work and also one of the best ways to get noticed by other #Landers!
Just click on the gift icon bellow the post you want to tip
And choose one of those awesome Gift Avatars
Click on Proceed and boom, you just showed your support!
4) Engage
As in most social media platforms, engagement is the key to success.
Engaging with other users on TORUM is the best way to build your profile. Not only you will acquire followers super-fast but you will also get involved in various awesome conversations with different people from all over the world.
You also never know what's gonna come out of a valuable comment! For example, Torum user @jiong1010 was commenting at my every post so I decided to send him 4 #Splinterlands cards as a gift!
Engagement is crusial to get your name out there so set a target of at least 10 comments a day at posts you like and you'll see your followers list and engegement at your posts grow in no time!
5) Share Original Content
This is probably the most important advice I can give you regarding your Torum journey. Original Content is the way to go if you want to be successful.
Go Right
(Image Source)
Plagiarism is unacceptable and can get your account banned in no time. On the other hand, original content can reward you with a ton of gifts and comments from other #Landers if they enjoyed your work!
Be real, share orignal content at least once a day and everything will be more than fine!
That's All Folks.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and learnt something new today! Each platform has it's own little "tricks" so we better take advantage of them right?
Fell free to ask me any question about Torum at the comment section bellow. Alternatevely you can contact me by :
Email : [email protected]
Discord : knowhow92 #4050
Official TORUM Ambassador@Knowhow92

Earn crypto for your creativity
Sign up on Torum
If the ref link doesn't load then copy my ref link and paste it in an incognito tab social media platform through my affiliate link, verify you account and we both earn 75 $XTM : https://www.torum.com/signup?referral_code=knowhow92Sign up on Blurt and earn $Blurt coins for blogging : https://register.blurt.buzz/?referral=knowhow92
Play Splinterlands, have fun and earn crypto : https://splinterlands.com?ref=knowhow92
Find me Here
🏡 Hive: https://www.peakd.com/@knowhow92
📹 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJTNnvAHca8jcxaBpWn-bzA
📱 Twitter : https://twitter.com/theocharis_ch
☀️ Lbry : https://lbry.tv/@knowhow92:d
📷 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/haris_housos/
☕️ Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/knowhow92
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I jumped in to TORUM page a while ago, with a big desire to buy some XTM tokens.
And my enthusiasm faded out very very quick.
1000 USDT MINIMUM ? WHAT ? nahhh...
This smells bad to me.
Not that $1000 is out of my reach. In fact, I was even aimed for more. Maybe $3-5K .
But a MINIMUM? WHY? Not even one word about this, why? Why setting a minimum?
I read everything I could find. Still some bad feelings in my gut. Lots of bla-bla-bla.
30% for the team? Smells like an exit scam.
I think I will pass....
I'll better put that spare $5K into ETH 2.0 staking. Slow and solid. No strings attached.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey @onealfa.leo, how are you?
First of all, I want to let you know that I am currently on the TORUM Ambassador team but what I am about to say has nothing to do with this. I am gonna share with you my opinion about TORUM.
First of all, I do NOT like the minimum 1000 USD myself. I haven't asked the team why this minumum barrier exists but that's the reason I haven't invested in TORUM too! Cause for me it's just too much. I decided to invest time though and I've earned more than 1300 XTM in 35 days.
About the exit scam worries, I do not think it's gonna happen. As an ambassador, I speak with the TORUM team daily with both chat and video calls. I also have access to their Slack channel in which they publish updates about pretty much everything, from tech to user feedback. The guys are working really hard as far as I can tell and they are not anonymus.
Just wanted to let you know what's my opinion about TORUM! If you do not invest money you can always invest some time and try out the platform yourself!
Cheers man and let me know if you have any other questions!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So is Torum like Hive? Is it worth prusuing both?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fundamentally, I would not say that Torum is similar like Hive.
Our ultimate goal is to build the most widely adopted social media platform for worldwide cryptocurrency users.
This is what separates Hive and Torum because Hive is looking for community with different interest, whereas Torum is built and designed for cryptocurrency lovers.
However, we are excited for any collaboration opportunity with any Hive community to foster the crypto social ecosystem together. Only through synergy, both Torum and Hive can prevail in the future.
Who knows if we can make a post on LeoFinance and publish it on Torum at the same time, and vice versa? This opens a lot of opportunity for both ecosystem to grow together.
So, I believe pursuing both is the right way. Why go for one, when you can have both, right?
—— Jayson, Community Manager of Torum
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
TORUM is similar to Hive, yeah! You can share your posts on TORUM and earn #XTM though #XTM will be available for trading in Q1 2021.
I decided to join TORUM 1 month ago so I can earn some free crypto and I am now experiencing the "HIVE" effect and that's love towards the whole TORUM ecosystem!
You can learn more about TORUM at one of my previous Leo posts :
If you feel like signing up you can use my refferal link and we both earn 75 #XTM after you verify your account ;)
Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with bro!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love that both of these platforms can work together!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too man!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice advice!
I have yet to complete my profile :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hehehe! Thanks Katerina!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta