Two fundamental laws guide me in exploring human emotions and their impact on shaping reality: selfishness and honesty. Pursuing selfish actions allows me to create value, while honesty fosters genuine connections and mutual growth. However, I must also be aware of the potential manipulation that emotions like greed and sympathy can lead to. Understanding the interplay between perception and reality and projecting change into reality through thoughts and emotions allows me to chart a transformative journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Fundamental laws
I live my life guided by two fundamental laws. The first law is to be selfish, which means actively seeking actions that benefit me. Through this self-centred approach, I can uncover opportunities to create value, which becomes my purpose. I strive to take actions that contribute and generate value consistently.
This principle originates from Adam's curse: "By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food." Hard work and effort destined him to earn his right to life. It highlights the necessity of creating value to sustain and enhance my life. To uphold this principle, I understand the importance of maintaining a certain level of self-centeredness; it ensures that I focus on my growth and well-being.
The second law I adhere to is honesty whenever the situation requires it. The underlying theory behind this principle is that by being truthful in my interactions with the community and the people around me, I can share the value I have created for myself and extend its benefits to others. Through my sincere actions, the community can also enjoy the advantages of my achievements.
By following this path of honesty, I am nurturing my personal development and actively contributing to the growth and well-being of the surrounding community. My honesty forms the core foundation of my approach to life and interactions with others.
Manipulative emotions
Two emotions can manipulate every human being. The first emotion is greed, characterised by the desire for more without being willing to exert additional effort. It involves wanting value without being prepared to pay the price for that value. While this aligns with the concept of being selfish, it becomes unacceptable when greed leads one to seek selfish gains without earning them through genuine effort.
The same principle applies to lust, where individuals desire something from others without putting in the necessary effort or respecting the rules and norms of society, particularly trust. They seek to obtain something without earning it through the essential foundation of trust, vital for any genuine and lasting relationship. Building trust is a crucial price one must pay in a relationship, and paying attention to it can compromise the authenticity and longevity of the connection.
Sympathy or pity towards someone enables manipulation. Manipulation through sympathy often occurs when a beggar approaches me, asking for something in a vulnerable manner, and I find myself giving in to their request. They effectively manipulate my emotions.
The crucial point here is that I end up acting on this tactic that successfully exploits my feeling of sympathy. Acting upon feelings of pity often leads to a sense of self-gratification, knowing that I have offered assistance to someone in need.
Both greed and sympathy are emotions commonly exploited for manipulation. The root of this problem lies in the gap or inconsistency in my self-image. I yearn for more but am unwilling to invest the necessary effort, resulting in a scarcity mindset. The scarcity mentality perpetuates feelings of inadequacy and a never-ending pursuit for more, leading to the problem.
To address the inconsistency caused by greed, a mentality change is required – one that embraces abundance. Acknowledge that there is enough to go around and be ready to dedicate the effort needed to achieve my goals. By adopting this perspective, I can break free from the cycle of constant seeking and find fulfilment in the realisation that I can find an abundance through my hard work and determination.
In the realm of feeling sympathy, there exists an inconsistency in my self-image caused by a strong desire for acceptance from others. By sharing what I have with someone, I become more likeable in their eyes and, in turn, boost my self-esteem. Moreover, I often find myself thinking that the other person may not be capable of helping themselves in their current situation, and thus, I feel compelled to lend a helping hand.
This inclination also stems from the hope that they will reciprocate the favour and offer assistance if I ever find myself in a similar predicament. Consequently, I accumulate emotional credits with people I barely know, expecting that I can rely on their aid in the future just because I helped them in the past. However, this belief needs to be revised. Life doesn't work that way, even though I often think it does. This approach of accumulating emotional credits to secure future help is not practical or sustainable in reality.
Being manipulated means an inconsistency in my self-image that requires healing. So, I need to work on healing my self-image, and one significant aspect of that is learning to say "No."
Perception and Reality
Emotion is my reaction to my environment. It serves as an indicator of my alignment with reality. Now, what must I align with reality? Each of us lives in a bubble of my perception of life—a unique picture of life. No one possesses the absolute truth; everyone has their beliefs about life.
When my perception clashes with actual reality, Emotions stir within me. These emotions often manifest as anger, frustration, or other negative feelings. My initial reaction may be to believe that my perception of life is correct and that reality is at fault. I might feel compelled, driven by anger and frustration, to force reality to fit my perception.
However, it's essential to recognise that emotions can be misleading. Instead of bending reality to match my perception, I should strive to understand and align myself with the true nature of reality.
The first step is to recognise my incorrect perception of reality. Emotions are constant monitors to gauge how well my perception aligns with reality. Positive emotions indicate a correct alignment, while negative emotions signal that something is amiss and I need to take action.
It's crucial to acknowledge that reality may differ from my perception and that my beliefs don't always represent the truth. Living solely within the confines of my perception can lead me to drift far away from reality. The misalignment with reality is evident in some individuals as reflected in their actions and statements.
So, constantly, I need to stay in touch with reality. According to Kurt Gödel's principle, no system can exist in isolation; it will encounter problems. My perception, being a system of its own, is isolated from reality and prone to develop issues.
Gödel point out that the only way to address the problems a system encounters is by receiving input from outside itself. Similarly, my perception is a closed system from reality, and I will face issues if I don't regularly receive feedback from reality. When I start experiencing negative emotions like frustration and anger, it usually means that the alignment between my perception and reality is off.
To rebalance my perception, I must accept reality for what it is. By doing so, I find a way to embrace my current reality and align myself with it, leading to a more stable and grounded state of being.
Changing Reality
Now, I can proceed to the next phase. In this next phase, the key is to change reality. However, starting by changing myself and aligning with the existing, current reality is crucial. Once I achieve that, I can work towards changing reality per my vision and perception. For example, if I have a project to build a house, it involves transforming the current reality to create a new reality that aligns with my vision.
This process entails enforcing my perception onto reality, and through dedicated effort, I can start shaping and creating this new reality based on actual circumstances rather than just my perception. The proper development of a human being lies in this continual alignment with reality. Once I achieve that alignment, I can progress toward changing and shaping a new reality.
The concept of projecting change into reality comes into focus, and this is where the ideas of Wallace Wattles and other similar thinkers come into play. They propose that reality forms from an original substance, which is alive and intelligent. This substance can take on various shapes based on its thinking process.
Introducing a thought into this original substance sets off a series of actions to manifest the thought. As a human being, I am a thinking entity; the original substance is also a thinking entity. Introducing a specific thought into this substance triggers the substance to start thinking in alignment with that thought. Ultimately, it leads to manifesting whatever idea was given to it.
There is a method to facilitate this thinking process and some key aspects. Firstly, it involves thinking in great detail and regularly about the specific subject or goal I wish to create. Additionally, it would help if I incorporated emotion into this process by contemplating how it would feel to achieve this target or introduce the desired change to reality. By immersing myself in the emotion of accomplishing my goal, I strengthen the thinking process of the original substance, and gradually, it starts to manifest itself over time.
This emotional connection serves as the link between my perception and reality. In this context, it operates differently from before. While I previously used it as an indicator to determine my alignment with reality, I now harness it to influence and shape reality.
By embracing the principles of self-benefit and honesty while being mindful of the potential pitfalls of emotions, I can shape my reality with authenticity and purpose. I empower myself to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life by projecting change with my thoughts and emotions. Let us navigate this journey with intention, cultivating empathy and compassion and actively participating in shaping our destinies and the world around us.
This article was proofread by ChatGPT.