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RE: Buybacks or Bust | The Fake Stock Market

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Corporate cronyism at it's best. Government knows how to fuck with the "natural laws" of correction in a free market and save the big boys from getting wiped out so that they can continue to rig and game the economy in their favor. Rich get richer and poor get poorer. These bubbles need to pop out of the fantasy sky they float in, and drop hard onto the ground of reality. This correction to reality is never happening, and we keep sailing higher into the fantasy clouds to increase the severity of the impact when it actually does hit ground. We keep going higher and higher, ensuring greater and greater hardship when the house of cards can't be built any higher and it all falls down.


Greed know no bounds. I can only imagine how those that spend all of their waking hours on Wall Street get caught up in a sort of bloodlust for even greater profits though they have more money than they will ever need. It's little wonder that some even call themselves "the masters of the universe".

We are facing a massive depression, and a collapse of empire, indeed dark days on the horizon. However, we have an opportunity here to seize the narrative and move society in a new direction if we demand it.

Yeah, forget just a greater recession, it's gonna get to a depression level most likely. The economic collapse has had writing on the wall for decades... at some point the illusion will shatter. Indeed, chaos/negative teachers. That's unfortunately the catalyst many require to wake up and see what's going on, to ask themselves "how" and "why", and finally realize they've been lied to and awaken the desire to inquire and ask questions by thinking for themselves and going to get the information outside the mainstream.