When you look at CubDeFi farms and dens, the first thing you might notice is the order that farms and dens appear on each respective page, and that CUB comes first! While the APR is what you want to pay attention to, it's not what's determining which den or farm appears before any others.
At first glance you see that each CUB farm and den has the highest ##x multiplier than the others on the page. The BUSD farm has the highest with 50X, followed by the BNB farm at 34X and then the CUB den at 15X.
These are also the only farms and dens with the glowing borders. The X-multiplier determines how much of the newly minted CUB token gets distributed across the CubDeFi system. I call it the x-factor.
As of March 29, they are:
Farm | X-factor |
CUB-BUSD LP: | 50x |
CUB-BNB LP: | 34x |
bLEO-BNB LP: | 12x |
USDT-BUSD LP: | 4x |
BTCB-BNB LP: | 6x |
ETH-BNB LP: | 6x |
DAI-BUSD LP: | 4x |
DEC-BUSD LP: | 3x |
--- | --- |
Total | 119 |
Den | X-factor |
CUB: | 15x |
BTCB: | 2x |
ETH: | 2x |
DOT: | 2x |
--- | --- |
Total | 21 |
There is 1 CUB created per block, every 3 seconds. If you add up all the x-factors across the farms and dens, the total is 140. Prior to the recent changes in x-factors on the CUB farms and dens, the total was still 140. I'm not sure if this will always be a constant.
That means, the farm with the highest x-factor, the CUB-BUSD farm, with an x-factor of 50x, has a weight of 50/140. This farm gets 0.35714285714285714285714285714286 of the CUB each block. This CUB gets distributed to everyone in that farm based on the percentage of stake they have. The same applies to each farm and den, where you divide the x-factor by 140.
The APR is the same for everyone but the amount you get in that farm or den is always based on how much USD value you have staked. If we continue to use the CUB-USD farm as an example, you can use a site to estimate how much CUB you're going to get earn each day.
Go to https://howmuchismylp.com/ and connect your metamask wallet, then put in the MasterChef address 0x227e79c83065edb8b954848c46ca50b96cb33e16 and soon you will see how much your CubDeFi stake is worth in USD.
Let's say you have $10,000 in the BUSD farm.
Head over to the farm you want to check and click this icon in teh APR section:

What you need to do is take the USD value you have staked, then divide it by $1,000, then multiply it by the amount of CUB you get per $1,000. This gives you how much you will make in that time period (according to the current APR which changes all the time).

10000 / 1000 = 10
10 * 5.34 = 53.4
At the current APR, with a USD stake of $10,000, you will get about 53.4 CUB per day.
As more people invest in CubDeFi, more USD value gets "locked" in as stake, and whatever farm or den it's put into will drop the APR of that respective farm or den. You can always extract your stake at any moment, there is no 1 month or 13 month wait.
As the value of CUB goes up, the APR goes up. As the value of CUB goes down, the APR goes down.
EDIT: I forgot to specifically mention, that when you enter the den or farm, you are increasing the total stake there, and as a consequence the APR will go down as well. The larger your stake, the more the APR will go down.
How did the X-factor get decided for each farm/den?
I don't know how the initial X-factors where determined. Clearly, to incentivize people to use CUB in CubDeFi, it makes sense to put the highest X-factor on the farms and dens that had CUB required as part of their staking mechanism.
Why is BTCB at 2x? Why is the DEC-BUSD LP at 3x? Why is the BTCB-BNB LP at 6x? Why is the USDT-BUSD LP at 4x?
Maybe someone who comes across this post will be able to alleviate my ignorance and provide me with some accurate knowledge as to what determines the X-factor. Even if you don't know, please go ahead and share your thoughts on what you think determines the X-factor ;) Peace.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for that clear explanation.
Given what you've said am I right in thinking that depending on Stake and number of others in the pool it would be possible to make more CUB in a lower APR/X pool where there are fewer people to distribute the CUB to? D you could be better off being a big fish in a less popular pool rather than a small fish in the CUB/BUSD one for example.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nope, it's all about the pure APR. You can ignore the X, that's just one factor that affects the APR for each den or pod. But the APR is the only thing you need to look at. Whatever has the highest APR is where you get the most gains. But farms have risk in having either pair of your tokens sold if that token goes up in order to buy the other token pair to match in the equal USD value of the LP token.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the clarification. I obviously still haven't got the hang of how this works yet. 😊
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
today.My understanding is that these were determined by the Leo team to attempt to incentivize more liquidity in pools that would be the most useful for the platform overall... notably, BUSD and BNB pairings have high multipliers since these are native tokens of Binance Smart Chain, and it's good to be prepared if/when other DeFi "Degens" start swarming in with those tokens... it will be easy to switch those into CUB without creating much price slippage.
About all the other multipliers, I'm not sure about the exact reasoning, but I do know the recent adjustments to the farms/dens including removing many of them was partially done to increase the CUB den's APR since some other dens had a higher yield and didn't really benefit CUB too much directly.
Maybe others, wiser than me can weigh in on it? :-P
Makes sense. Judgements on what benefits the system overall sounds right. Native BSC tokens, makes sense too. Thanks for the comment :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you.
I had barely started to understand how the multipliers worked.
Now I fully understand it.
I appreciate the knowledge.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great! Glad you've gained some value from this post to help you navigate CubDeFi better :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This was extremely helpful to understand what is going on in the background!
Really appreciate it. I was having a hard time visualizing blocks at all and how the interest is paid.
Great post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks, I'm glad you find some value in the information :D I like to check up on how much I am going to potentially get if I move around the stake or stay where I am based on the changing APR.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome way to explain it to people! I will be sending people to this post when they ask me so I no longer need to explain ;-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha, sounds good! Thanks for sending them this way :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will still need to do a lot of reading cause I still feel lost in this yield farming thing.
I will still need to do a lot of reading cause I still feel lost in this yield farming thing.
THanks for this ^^
I think the x-factor is decided by the platform used, so CUB has an advantage over CubDeFi as well as CAKE on PancakeSwap. But I may be wrong...
Enjoy !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well it's people who made the platform that decide. I was wondering how they came to make those judgments ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This post explains exactly the questions I asked someone in another post before!
Great!! Thank you very much :)
Especially the eyplanation of the multiplier :)
I did not yet join Cub Finance, as I‘m new to Defi.
How „safe“ do you think this is?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have trust in the team that created CUB so in that case, I am confident that the team will not cheat people who have their money invested in there.
However, it is crypto and there are lots of ways for you to lose your money in CUB. (CUB could lose value, BNB could lose value, the coins in the farms and dens could lose value...)
I like to stick to the different ways my money can grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for your answer!
I also trust the team, because I know that they sre trusthworthy.
I was more worried about the risks of defi itself.
How does the APR of liquidity mining change? How does increased supply or increased or lower prices influence farms or dens? Is there a post about that somewhere? :)
Have a nice day! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh, that is a whole can of worms, and yes, there are posts about that. Lots of them.
If you want to read a specific author @edicted writes about CUB a lot.
If you are looking for general answers, go to the leofinance front page, and towards the top you will see "defi" as one of the subjects. Click on there and find a plethora of posts.
I'd say it's pretty safe. It's my first DeFi as well. The LeoFinance team has a proven track record. I don't know anything about the other DeFi projects, but I would say I trust the CubDeFi more. There is always risk. Maybe there is a flaw in a smart contract (although unlikely), but smart contracts can't be broken. The Cub contracts have been audited, report to come out shortly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes I think you are right!
Let's see what the future has to offer for us! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very interesting! A lot of this is honestly over my head, but I appreciate you putting it out there. I noticed the glowing borders as well. I just put the tokens in and then I collect the Cub every couple of days. It works well for me :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes if you don't put a lot, it's best to just collect once in a while, otherwise the transaction fees get ya ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I think I only get like 1 cub every other day so I wait until I have five ready to collect.
I have most mine in the Cub Den.... and 10% in the Cub-BNB farms.... at the moment I am doing better in the Den.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well then den has 90% more than the farm for you, while the farm APR is less than 4x higher, so yeah you're going to make more in the den in your case ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was losing too much of my bnb in the farm ...
I'm in the den now. Don't understand how the den is more lucrative than the farm, given the APR, educate me if you can?
It’s super complicated ... I started out with $300 in the Den and $30 in the Cub-BNB Farm ... I now have $407 in the Den and about $ 36 in the Farm.... it seems that I lose both Cubs and BNB in the Farm ???? I don’t understand how it works but that is the result. I hear that everyone lost a lot of Cubs in the Farm ??? It’s strange
Maybe I'll just stick to the den. Thanks for that.
Check out my latest post and it might help you understand more: https://leofinance.io/@krnel/why-you-want-to-go-den-vs-farm
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting, i never really paid much attention to this, what i do is look around for the best suited pairing with a reasonable apr, then i hop on. Ive been in the cub den ever since i told you so and i think i like it there
Go with what you got, or trade it for something else you want to get into. Up to you to decide. I wouldn't sell BTC though just to get into a farm hehe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really great break down of how the yield farming works on CUB Finance. I have my Cub in the Cub Den and the CUB/BUSD farms. Cool coining the term X-Factor. I think the term might become a thing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Decent options, highest APR is attractive for sure :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A very factual post. You showed in an accessible way how the X-Factor mechanism works and briefly introduced the APR%. Hence my question. Should I pay more attention to X-Factor or APR%? If two Pools will have slightly different APR% but twice different X-Factor better to take the higher X?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nah, take the one with the token(s) you want to keep in the long run I'd say. APR is all that matters. X-factor affects the APR.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Right, it is also worth thinking about the tokens we will receive in the future. Thank you!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great bullet points to go by.
This defi is just begun for us.
I see a need to carry multiple coins and
use more of CUB from now on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
DeFi is pretty sweet :) Hoping it all works out for us in CubDeFi hehe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thanks for this post, I still have to understand the mechanisms of De Fi
They are pretty complex indeed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's better. With this much influence, set a good example. Yes this comment is off topic but you know what I'm talking about. I try to do the same.
I don't have much influence on the majority of people on the platform. There is some though, which would come from attention due to how the Trending page is set up to focus on high post rewards.
If you were worried about my post rewards, did you notice all my post rewards lately? I get flagged +$100 on every post now thanks to curangel (~$80 prior to Hive pump)... w0ot... Just like months ago, 100% downvote from them and then their downvote trail piles on. Yay... more than 50% of the post rewards gone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I noticed you were getting spanked like that after I opened my mouth. I remember a few months back I saw your work taking 3 out of the 10 top slots, came to give you a friendly heads up that might trigger a few people. Then when I saw not your best work sitting up high again I thought oh crap here comes the downvotes again, but I guess it's already happening. Is there anything you think you can do to stop that from happening?
Nope. I have to not post :D Then I get no flags. Doesn't matter if I write 1000 words on what philosophy is, etc., they will flag it. My original work on philosophical topics was getting flagged back then, they don't care what the content is. I'm like the only one they go after too. They didn't respond to my inquiries on their posts. I was already being flagged back then before you warned me about posting twice in a day, it was just on day 6 BS was doing it. Then BS and curangel were doing it together. Some posts went to $0, others under $10, while plenty of posts on Trending were factors higher than what they let me have (some people post more than once a day with high rewards too), and never a downvote from these big accounts. Live with being disliked and flagged or stop posting, those are my options.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Are you saying that you get negative votes because you post twice a day and you are always among the first positions in trends with great rewards? If the answer is yes, then I do not understand the democracy in HIVE, it is assumed that everyone is rewarded with his hive power to whoever he wants and believes deserves it, no? I don't understand, anyway, good article colleague, you made me understand many things I didn't know about cubfinance. I was just researching about this platform and I had many doubts about it. In fact I still have many doubts, but I guess I will solve them little by little hehe. Best regards!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The answer is YES. The system was build to give every stakeholder the chance to do downvotes just like they do upvotes, with its own downvote-power based on Hive Power and the ability to reduce or even cancel any already upvoted (or even non-upvoted) content. There are plenty of good reasons for that and plenty that have shown over and over again that it can also be abused in many ways. This discussion is as old as
STEEMHIVE.In this particular case, the downvoters might argue, that too much of the reward pool was awarded towards @krnel and they wanted to use their downvote-power to free more of the rewards for others. Whatever their reasoning might be, it was only detrimental to Krnel and his/her upvoters (because they lost out on some of their curation rewards. Everyone else got more of the pie.
This doesn't mean that I am in favor of any of those downvotes, as I am merely trying to explain the dynamics.
Ok now I understand the system better. Thanks for the explanation colleague @flauwy
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well it works like plutocracy. The rule of wealth / money. Your stake is money. Those who have the most stake get to have the most power in the system. if people don't want you to get rewarded, they can downvote you and take away the rewards that other allocated to you. It is highly abused imo (at least in my case and some other cases), and was originally supposed to fight abuse, but it's often used in abusive ways just to take rewards away from others because you don't like them, don't like their content, or think they don't deserve what they are being rewarded by others.
If you look at my posts, pretty sure it's once a day not two ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's too unfair this situation buddy. You make really good quality content, you deserve every reward token you get voted. There should be a way to control this downvote thing :(
I've posted three times this year. I think the daily grind would lead to knocking me down a few pegs as well. I'm actually having more fun just shooting the shit with people in the comments, helping out noobs when I can. I don't know what to tell you man. My apologies for being a shithead.
Now I know which link to give to the person who asks me what X means
:) Even easier to explain is simply not possible
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Glad to have provided a useful explanation for people to understand CubDeFi better :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You need to change to dark mode :)
NEVER!!!!!! :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
View or trade
Hey @krnel, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for all this, very insightful. So do we just harvest our farm forever? Do we have to compound, or can we just harvest the yeild and leave the LP? Will it diminish over time, or is that just a function of the price? Like lets say I just stop adding liqudity, and dont put any more cub in my den. Can I just keep harvesting for a year? Or is this just short term? I have so many questions, I just want to discuss more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good questions to ask. I'll see about writing a post to address some of this, maybe that can help you and others out ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
0.100 WINECongratulations, @zelensky You Successfully Shared With @krnel.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Total Purchase : 24816.918 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE
WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE
cub to the moon!
interesting. saw your post after I posted this X-file of CUBs - Understanding the numbers
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Gotta add moar! Thanks for explaining things better than I could.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta