Markets anywhere are largely unpredictable. At any moment, without notice, the tables can turn. What was once going up, goes down. What was going down, can turn up. Sometimes there's a flattening period near a floor value or ceiling value, but it's all fickle.
The Herd
We observe and react much like a herd. If we see a lot of movement in one direction, we tend to think there will be more movement in that direction. When we join in that movement of the herd one way or another, we're helping to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more people who are influenced to join a particular direction of movement, the more that movement grows.
This plays out in the markets as trades that buy and sell. Whales -- those who have a large enough stake to make big changes or shifts in the upward or downward direction will send a loud signal to everyone else. Instead of being a small fish or one animal in the herd, the whale makes big waves that the smaller fish have a tendency to follow.
This is how the herd is moved, by large actions from whales or masses. People jump in to ride the wave. But at some point a reversal happens. They can be brief, but they happen because some see an opportunity to collect profit. If it's a wave going up, when want to sell at the top, or near the top, to collect profit from when you got your stake at a lower price.
Cycling for Profits
There are unit-biases at play as well in the psychology of when to make a move. This are certain numbers that mark a milestone, like multiple of 10. Look at BTC this year. When 40k hit, there was a sell off. Again at 50k. And multiple times now at 60k.
If you time it right, you take profit at what you think is a high, the current ceiling, before the unit-bias sell off kicks in. Then on the opposite side there are unit-bias floors that come into play. At the perceived floor, you buy back in, and ride the next cycle up again.
This can repeat, until it doesn't. So you could lose your assets. That's why if you play this gambling game, you don't go all in at either point. It's the smarter play. If you buy in at a perceived low, but it goes lower, well you could still buy in again lower if you want before things go back up again, potentially.
The alternative is you have to wait for things to go back up, or they may never go back up, and you are left holding the bag, as they say. At the top it's the same thing. If you sell it all at a perceived top/ceiling, but it keep going up, then you have nothing left and you miss out on larger profits later.
If you look at the past month, BTC has been bouncing around the 50-60k range over and over. People are trying to play this game of sell at the ceiling and buying at the floor, rinse repeat. It can work, until it doesn't. That's the risk in gambling in the markets.

DeFi Dens and Farms
The choices we make on where to put our stake is significantly based on what is happening in the market and where we think things will go. You can look at CubDeFi in a similar way when it comes to where to stake. A den, or a farm?
The den is the safest place to put anything. You don't lose anything to impermanent loss (IL) that farms have (having one token in a pair rise in price and get sold off to match the USD value of the other pair you hold in the LP).
The basic modality for the den is that it's best when the price goes up. As it goes up, the APR increases and you gain more earnings. If the price falls, you gain less since the APR falls. But none of the staked tokens are being sold off or bought at any point. It's just the safest bet.
If you want to maximize earnings, then the den is for when the price of CUB is going to rise. If the market goes up, the farm is not the ideal place to be due to the aforementioned IL.
For example in a CUB-BNB farm, as the price of CUB goes up and BNB doesn't move, the CUB you have in that farm will be sold off to buy BNB. If BNB goes up and CUB doesn't move, then your BNB is being sold off to buy more CUB. The inverse is true as well. If CUB goes down and BNB doesn't move, then your BNB gets sold off to buy more CUB. If BNB goes down and CUB doesn't move, the CUB gets sold off to buy more BNB.
With the BUSD farm you don't have to worry about BUSD going up or down. Since it's s table coin. But the direction of CUB will get you more CUB or less CUB. When you're in a farm that has tokens that fluctuate in price, then you are at risk of IL both ways.
Whatever token you want to have more of in a farm, you want the price of that token to stay sideways or go down. And you want the other token to go up or go sideways. For the example of a CUB farm, if you want more CUB, then you want CUB to go sideways in the charts, or downward. If the other token goes up, like BNB, then you're also getting more CUB faster.
If both go up at the same rate, they cancel each other out and you have no IL. It's virtually impossible but you can get close enough to have very little IL. If both go down at the same rate, it's the same thing.
The ideal for a farm is for both tokens to go up at the same rate, then you gain value in your stake, and earn with any IL.
If you think the price action for a token will go up, then a den is the best way to accumulate more of that token. If you think the token you want more of will go down in value, then the farm is the best way to get more of that token, but it comes with the risk of IL. You can play the opposite token in a farm in the upward direction to gain more of the token you want as well.
I know many already know how this works. But many don't as well. I hope this was informative for some. Peace.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
👍 Good explanation and I've experienced all of the above - good and the bad 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks. The bad sucks, but it's the opportunity to learn from our mistakes ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good post. Just one thing about impermanent loss I'd like to add: The $ value stays the same. Compared to a den, that can also save you from a loss...
As a positive for the farm, true, I'll add that in ;) Thanks!Actually, the USD value can still go up or down. I've been in farms and I see it play out both ways. You can gain more USD value, and you can lose more USD as well as they both fluctuate.
Maybe you meant the USD value between each, but I did say that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
stop trying to create a crack den
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's also the issue of quantity. You'll be awarded more CUB per unit of time when you keep your funds in a Farm. If the rate at which CUB goes up is small enough, then farming may be the optimal choice. I haven't worked out where the limit is. That's quite complicated because the APR of a particular pool is dynamic as it depends on the total amount of funds in it at each given moment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, you're ok in the uptrend as long as it's not too fast. The APR needs to be able to compensate, but when it's going too fast like CUB was this week, you just bleed in IL.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly. This is CUB's recent price action.
Is that a triangle waiting for a breakout or has the linear trend to the upside just been broken?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not too knowledgeable on all the terms. What triangle? Looks like things are falling now, which is great for farming CUB hehe. The dumpers were just dormant waiting to come out again.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you know you're flagging me via curangel trail?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I took myself off the downvoting trail. Thanks for notifying me.
I got some CUB and put 'em in the CUB den for staking. I've been tempted to stake some BTC and ETH as well but to be honest, I've been a bit reluctant just because I don't want to have all my holdings con one platform (
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah that's a fair concern. I'm not gonna tell you want you should do with your stuff though. Not your keys not your crypto always applies.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
for me I go to place where ARP is much higher
I do not know that difference
Thanks for your explanation
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It a good thing to focus on, but be careful for the rise of the token if you don't want any to be sold off. If you don't care and just want CUB, then ok ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wow, the best explanation I've seen so far of how Cubfinance works. Now I know what to do buddy, thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really? Nice! Glad you found value in it. I'll still get 50% of my rewards taken away in downvotes no matter who values it or how many value it :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's really bad news :(
That was a great explanation! I was still struggling to grasp the concept of farms but it's much clearer now. Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome. Glad this might potentially help you in your CubDeFi adventures :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The most fantastic way you used to explain all the process, Now it is very crystal clear to me. Thanks for Sharing.
Maybe a great World move, starts with a little action!!