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RE: NEW NORMAL is here !

in LeoFinance4 years ago

for some strange reason 6.66% here does NOT work for me, error always pops up

LOL2, that number, that beast of a number in it's most well-known form, and yet it evades you....guess you're not so demonic after all and with all your efforts (retired, spending 'all day' on LF, engaging, rewarding yada yada yada ;), you're probably too soft for the Devil's inner circle of deeeeeeeeeep darkness :D.

Great stuff Onealpha, thanks also for all the times you have upvoted stuff I've written. Stake is there to with as one will, you could get your 50% pretty quickly with 10 rapid-fire votes but you choose this instead...hope you enjoy doing it (I get the impression you do). Should get easier with the comment queue system which Khal said is coming.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta