
All my life I have loved to read life stories. I even look for blogs where a person tells their past or present stories with their photos. He talks about his experiences, thoughts, humor
I won't be able to read stuff like this made by AI

That is so true...

Blogs written by humans have that person touch in it, which gives us the feeling that a human is speaking to us. When AI takes over, it'll be as though the computer is speaking to us.

Sometimes, we don't want something perfect, we just want something human!

AI should be a tool to help you get to something to already thought, but using AI to just do all the job, even give you the idea, without even checking if what the AI said is accurate is just cheating, you can do it, but is not acceptable


AI should help enhance, and not create. When it does create then it becomes the creator and not the individual.

People is defending it, but we are supposed to learn how to use it to be more effective, no for it to do the same job. Doing that is what will get people replaced at work by the AI.