I think it is hightime I created a container...
But I don't know what to discuss there heehehehe... let me keep pouring out what ever is on my mind....
Here is it... My ever first container #ksam1
I think it is hightime I created a container...
But I don't know what to discuss there heehehehe... let me keep pouring out what ever is on my mind....
Here is it... My ever first container #ksam1
Okay, this container inside the main container will be about life....
This sub-container will contain my reflection on the Scriptural readings of today, Sunday.
Sunday, 21st May 2023 (7th Sunday of Easter)
The first reading is from Acts of the Apostles, 1 : 12 - 14...
The reading speaks about how the disciples were continuously united in prayer after the ascension of Jesus into heaven
You know eeehn, sometimes I wonder how the disciples were able to cope with the pressure of not knowing what to do after the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus into heaven.
It was like... he was with them for 3 years, and now he
has gone up to heaven. The whole task of watering the seed that Jesus planted was on their shoulders, and it was actually in a pretty confusing way.
I think at a point, they felt that they were ill-prepared for this mission.
Definitely, they felt that way, that's why they gathered together to draw strength from God, via their prayers.
Yes, you know. If God gives us a mission to accomplish, and we think we do not have the strength for it... it's a simple thing
Just go back to him, and tell him that since he was the one who gave you that huge task, he must be here to see you though.. hahaha... force him... tell him, he must not leave you... hahaha.. that's how to do it... as though you are having
a conversation with a friend... Because God is our friend, and while praying, you can talk to him as though you were talking to a friend...
He listens, no matter how we tend to put it
Well, some may say that you must only pray to Him as He is superior and far away.. etc..
But, I believe that if He is everything to us; our Father, advisor, Friend, confidant, guide... etc, then we can communicate with him anyway we choose
And He, will be willing to have a conversation with us. However, you know it's best you converse with Him, the best way in such a way that you'll have a deeper communication with Him.
So, pick that best way you think is suitable.
Pick that method of communication that would give you the best meaning, the best feeling ever... and have the same with God.
You know Prayer is an act of Communication between Man (humans) and God: and communication involves a..
Communication involves a two-way phenomenon: A speaks to B; B listens, and when it is B turn, B speaks to A, A listens.
This is how our prayer should be... It shouldn't just be about we talking... we should have a time to listen
to God, to listen to His gentle words.
That will help us better in communicating/praying to God.
Don't forget, we came to this topic of Prayer, because the disciples gathered together to pray together after Christ ascended into heaven.
In doing this, they actually get strengthened and their fears were reduced.
Especially, on the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit of the Lord came upon them like tongues of fire. But, they were consistent in prayer before that happened.. you know?
So, pray oooo!
The Psalm of Today is a very Interesting one!
Psalm 26:1,4,7-8
The response to the Psalm is:
Indeed, God is our light and our help; in Him, we shall fear no evil, with Him we are covered. He is our assurance, our strength and our solace.
This beautiful line is expressed in the first verse of the psalm
The second verse, is pretty interesting... sounds like me talking to God directly... lol.
Being in God's presence all the day of my life is one thing I've always asked of Him, and I know He won't fail me, because He isn't a God of failure
Naa... He is a God I trust, I depend on, and I rely on... and I know with Him, I am so covered... and He will always make a way for me where there seems to be no way!
And this will take me to the next verse...
Yes, I believe He will make a way for me, and I know He will answer me when I call on Him, as He has always done in the past... amidst my path of uncertainty
Now it's time for reflection on the second reading...
From 1st Peter 4:13-16
i am seeing many to make containers! should I make one too? let me chat in some first!
hahaha... yes, you can make your own container if you want..
Well, I think my own... I'm just using it to express myself on any niche or thing I want