I think @stephen.king989 offered some good advice. The only concern that I would have with that approach is that the State may not recognize that you have discharged your debt to your Ex.
"...X was based on my nursing income, something I haven't had access to for many years. I do have official disability status (sorry to pull that card). Any judge would look at the case and reduce the debt to a fraction of its current amount. I've known guys that happened to. And maybe that's an option to consider."
I would start by trying to reduce your debt first. You could also start to power-down Hive, as that process takes time. You can always power it back up, but at least you would be ready to move if you do decide to cash-out some of your earnings.
Back when you tried the crypto-lunch project, I think I recommended looking into "local bitcoin" or something like that that, where you meet someone and exchange crypto for cash but, without a smartphone, that wouldn't work. There are cards (tangem.com) that you could use to transfer crypto to someone's phone, but I believe that you would need to have the app on your phone to load the card. Maybe just get a cheap phone and one month of prepaid service, then pawn the phone.
Some on-line precious metals dealers accept $BTC (https://bullionexchanges.com/learn/buy-gold-with-bitcoin). Could you purchase silver/gold with crypto and then exchange for fiat at a local coin store?
Does @MediKatie have ID/bank account/smartphone? Well, those are some quick, random thoughts. If I think of something else, I'll add to this. Best wishes, my friend.