1/🧵May has been an incredible month for me! From learning new skills to my awesome experience with inLeo premium, I have made significant progress. Each challenge led me to brighter opportunities and now I can share my journey with you #outreach #threadstorm
2/🧵 The major highlight was winning an inLeo premium. Initially, I doubted its value, but it turns out I was so wrong. The benefits have been amazing, making it a worthwhile investment. The ability to edit posts and post longer threads is a game-changer! #inLeoPremium
3/🧵 I also went into web design, thanks to a bit of advice I got from a software engineer on YouTube. My first project? A bakery website 😀 It's still a work in progress, but the experience has been fulfilling and quite rewarding.
4/🧵 Lastly, I discovered new income sources, including freelancing on platforms like UHRS. Balancing multiple hustles and my daily life has been challenging but rewarding. Want to know more about my journey in May? Read the full post and get inspired #gosh https://inleo.io/@kushyzee/a-recap-for-the-month-of-may