
Yeah this is message I'm trying to preach. everyone should engage and not worry so much about numbers. numbers a byproduct of Engagement

That's right, in the end it all boils down to quality engagement, hehe. So fun!!!


Quality engagement increases the level of activity on the platform so it is counter-intuitive to spam at the expense of the platform. This affects you and everyone else negatively

That's right and that's why I always appreciate those who take their time to make good and quality comments to encourage others to do the same.


i've made so many new frens

Same here what is the whole purpose of trading socialized and build quality rapper. And to go a long way in strengthening our Communities and also having people in our space that care and support with you

We are stronk


Not even focusing on numbers anymore... Keeping it real and natural.

Still got daily list in pending to do. Bruh, threads ain't stopping to come and Engagements is fun.

just recorded 2 videos... now time to upload 1 and draft a post.

I'm having fun and I'm also having great time with the few people I've engaged with in 🥰.


same. loving it.

Yeah, it has been fun to have some talk. I hate spam but love some random comments I can reply to

That's true, very true. Thanks for the timely reminder.

just doing my part

yes, meaningful convos are far better than spamming 2 - 3 words to increase your score!

I m unabated by those numbers, Sometimes when U hav clarity that U can't win U r in good standing with ur threading.

That said, I dont mean to mock the top threaders, they are doing well, I am really enjoying it watching from a distance

i'm just having fun