
Tell me about it, the long queues just to make do a transaction which should take less than a minute on the blockchain.

often less than 30 seconds!

When I hear banks, time wasting comes in mind

so much time wasting

What happened? Did Khal say something? :P

lol maybe

Khal is everyone's bank, government and court on leofinance kingdom

ah yes, of course

Which is worse:

Banks or car dealerships?

both are equally nightmare fuel

Not just you broda

it's the worst

I feel the same way. I've not been into a bank for so long I can't remember, lol!

same, i avoid it at all costs

I work at one and I hate it too hahaha

that sucks! hopefully the job is chill

It's relatively chill so I can't complain.

I work non-stop and deal with stupid people all the time, but I'm very patient so I end up letting it go hahaha

i deal with stupid people all day every day as well. one day we will be free lol

I hope so

I hope that one day they become extinct (or change the way they are)

me too. we would be better off.