Reddit MOONs and BRICKs, which are crypto tokens earned by being active in specific subreddits, have futures going live on Kraken today. Wut. #crypto
Reddit MOONs and BRICKs, which are crypto tokens earned by being active in specific subreddits, have futures going live on Kraken today. Wut. #crypto
Oh snap that's pretty epic. I tried to figure that thing out a few times and never ended up doing it. Are you earning them?
Same, I couldn't figure them out till now. Thanks @l337m45732
I pretty positive I wrote a guide on it a couple years ago. I'd have to check my posts. Maybe I should do a new one
Sure. Please, do share the link.
I'm not really active like that, I'm a lurker. But I do have a few moons
Heh I didnt even know Reddit had tokens.
yeah in the cryptocurrency subreddit you earn MOONs for karma. Same with BRICKs in the fortnite sub. I think they're on arbitrum? I could be wrong. Back when they first launched they were on xDai