starting a new job april 1st. haven't quite escaped corporate but i'm almost there. just need a little more time to build my business.
starting a new job april 1st. haven't quite escaped corporate but i'm almost there. just need a little more time to build my business.
You can do it all
Perseverance is everything. No matter how hard the times may get, just keep pushing forward and believe in what you're doing
this is the way
I am currently begrudgingly keeping my feet in the working world, but also hope to one day exit. The sooner the better!
Lead on!
we're on our way!
Yep! I have to ramp up the speed though. A big crypto bull would surely help! 😂
keep at it! I have a feeling things will work out well in the next year
i hope so
Congratulations <3
Keep pushing. You got this
no choice
love that attitude
so the new job is less corporate???
How much more do you need to build your business to leave?
slightly less corporate. Need about 6 months I'd say