it turns out that green screens only work if you don't wear lime green plugs and the GM:FRENS tank top that has lime green on it. lol. why this didn't occur to me.... i dunno. whatever. video incoming.
it turns out that green screens only work if you don't wear lime green plugs and the GM:FRENS tank top that has lime green on it. lol. why this didn't occur to me.... i dunno. whatever. video incoming.
Hahaha I bet that made for some funny scenes :)
Any stills from the goof??
no stills, but i'm uploading the video now lol
You need something to contrast. You would look good in this.
i've actually always wanted a purple suit
Blue screens should work as well
unfortunately, i don't have one
Well, there is always post-edit to fix these things ^^. While the plugs may be a bit more difficult to fix. What software are you using to render the clip out? Might have a quick-fix/solution for. If you need one, let me know, happy to help
uuhhhhh you lost me lol. i know nothing about video editing. i use clipchamp which is the most basic shit ever.
Hold up... xD Is the entire tank top greenish?
nahhh lol
Clipchamp has a "masking" option. If you can duplicate the video, you can use one for the greenscreen, and the one on top could be just the masked area. If you're not moving too much, it should work.
hehe too funny
i don't do video stuff lol
Everyone starts somwewhere!
lmao live and learn fren
at least i'm trying lol