
I dont understand. Could you explain it to me. Perhaps draw a diagram or include some 8 x 10 glossies.

That is some Japanese shit right there. They like that type of stuff it seems.

never thought i'd pop onto threads and immediately be reminded of bukakke but here we are

You are impressive. You spelled it right. I get my k's mixed up.

As for the general tone, yeah we can devolve most any convo. It is a rather impressive talent when you think about it.

This is very funny boss.
I understand it before you even said the last word, hehe.

lol don't forget to like & subscribe

How do I do that, any link?

it's a joke ser

You pulled my legs man.
I didn't even notice that. You are really funny.

what's life without a good laugh?

I'm telling you man.
That's why the world needs people like you to make the cheeks move, hehe.