100% DO NOT try to do this manually using your phone and the amazon seller app. it will not work. you will almost guaranteed lose your money and be stuck sitting on books that you can't sell.
use scouting software like ScoutIQ, which costs about $14/month for the base plan. using just this app and your phone, you can scan book barcodes and get accurate sales and price information. it's incredibly powerful data that you need.
i recommend buying a bluetooth scanner. this will take your ability to scan quickly to the next level. this is the law of averages. you're looking for speed. the quicker you can scan through the turds, the quicker you get to the gold.
source from thrift stores, not necessarily book stores. the problem with book stores is that pricing is generally unclear or hard to predict. we want set prices that we can use to calculate profit. with a static cost basis, you're good.
pay attention to condition. you don't wanna sell shitty books. if it looks like shit you wouldn't buy, the potential buyer wouldn't either. used is used. abused is abused. SCAN EVERY BOOK. you might skip a gem.
100% DO NOT try to do this manually using your phone and the amazon seller app. it will not work. you will almost guaranteed lose your money and be stuck sitting on books that you can't sell.
use scouting software like ScoutIQ, which costs about $14/month for the base plan. using just this app and your phone, you can scan book barcodes and get accurate sales and price information. it's incredibly powerful data that you need.
i recommend buying a bluetooth scanner. this will take your ability to scan quickly to the next level. this is the law of averages. you're looking for speed. the quicker you can scan through the turds, the quicker you get to the gold.
source from thrift stores, not necessarily book stores. the problem with book stores is that pricing is generally unclear or hard to predict. we want set prices that we can use to calculate profit. with a static cost basis, you're good.
pay attention to condition. you don't wanna sell shitty books. if it looks like shit you wouldn't buy, the potential buyer wouldn't either. used is used. abused is abused. SCAN EVERY BOOK. you might skip a gem.
Very interesting threadstorm! Is this sort of a side hustle for you?
Good advice there about "stepping into customers shoes". This applies to everything selling & marketing related.
Thanks fren!
Yeah, it's a side hustle but trying to make it a full time gig
Shiit...that's cool, keep us posted?