What is the value of HBD in your hometown? Join the latest Leo Challenge and get your chance to win some awesome prizes!
What can I get for 1 HBD?
I've been kinda racking my brain on how to do this post. I'm also very sick at the moment so focusing has been a bit of a challenge for me. I figured the best way for me to go about showing the value of our beloved HBD stable coin was to first look at gas prices. Now, I currently live close to a very large city as opposed to my home town, it is in the middle of nowhere. So there's a very big cost of living difference from where I grew up to where I live now. I'd say the average salary here is about $40,000 per year on the lower end.
I'm in the southern United States and gas prices have been skyrocketing. Ever since this whole war started in Ukraine (fuck Putin), prices have been soaring. This has caused me to try and get gas when I'm farther away from the city as opposed to the gas station around the corner. I do a good bit of driving usually so it just makes more sense for me to get the cheapest gas possible, even if it means a bit of extra driving.
My car is very thirsty and likes that premium gas so no matter where I go, I feel like I'm overpaying... But it is what it is. So 1 gallon of gas for me was $4.89 about a week ago which translates to roughly 4.89 HBD. I don't drive a lot of far distances so I could easily make 100 HBD per month on gas work. Living near a major city is cool because everything is very close, but more expensive.
Another essential good that has been recently soaring in price is milk. I don't know why buy milk has crept up to $4 per gallon! So 4 HBD will get you 1 gallon of milk here, but if you drive a little farther you can get a gallon at a different store for about 3 HBD. My grocery cost has pretty much doubled over the past couple years due to inflation. Hell, it may have even tripled. What's awesome is that just by being active on Hive, I'm able to earn HBD that I can spend in the real world so it definitely helps.
One grocery item that has actually stayed pretty cheap is bananas. We eat a ton of bananas because they're cheap and very good for you. They're also delicious. I love to make milk shakes with them. We have to keep them around because they're a great snack and a great source of potassium.
For 1 HBD, you can get nearly 2 pounds of bananas! That's pretty damn good if you ask me. The only problem is they don't keep very long so buying more than you need right away can be wasteful. I usually buy 1 or 1.5 pounds at a time. One thing I'm thankful for is that fresh produce is actually pretty affordable. It's everything else that kills your wallet.
Of course I do love a good beer every now and then, so might as well look at the HBD buying power of beer where I'm at. Now, I love to get a nice draft beer at the bar but they're just over priced. At a local bar here in town, you're going to spend an absolute minimum of about 3 HBD for one beer. That's not even a good beer though, that's like a Miller Lite. If you want something good at a bar, you're talking about 6 or more HBD for a decent beer.
Blue Moon is one of my absolute favorite beers. With an orange slice or 2, it makes for a very delicious beverage that will make you go... ahhhh. Looking at the cost of a 12 pack of Blue Moon beers, it's going to cost you 16 HBD. Take that down to the cost per beer if you buy 12, it comes out to roughly 1.4 HBD per beer. Not too bad, but again you have to buy a large pack to get a better deal. Don't bother ordering one of these at a bar. You're gunna pay like 7 HBD per beer. I'd go out and take more pictures but I don't wanna get anyone sick.
So while HBD doesn't have a whole lot of buying power based on where I live, it is still very valuable. It's a stable asset that you can earn for free just by being active on Hive. In some parts of the world, 1 HBD is a lot of money. Just not where I live. I can't wait to see more posts for this challenge! What is 1 HBD worth where you live?
Thanks for reading! Much love.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Can't even buy something at the dollar store for a dollar anymore haha
I think that's kind of the part of why we are not seeing people stack HBD. HBD is that long term investment idea and many people have a very hard sense of seeing themselves a few months into the future. Many are used to living paycheck to paycheck so that person 5 years from now is a total stranger to them thus there's no long term investing for many people.
We simply are not going attracting the right people. There are lots who are paycheck to paycheck. There are also many who are not.
Getting people to start earning is vital.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nope... Need 1.25 HBD plus tax at the dollar store now! I wanna start stacking more myself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LMAO. I can relate! We have a supermarket chain known as Store99 where you can hardly get anything under 99. 😂😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been thinking about this a lot and especially since I was in a discord conversation yesterday with a leo from Nigeria. HBD interest is awesome for me but meaningless as it is only $1 a day. We can't buy anything here but in Nigeria you could pay your yearly rent with interest off around 6000 HBD in savings. Crazy
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We have to get HBD into the commercial realm. That is one of the vital steps forward. However it unfolds, we are going to get it going.
Right now we are at the stage of getting more HBD out there along with generating liquidity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was encouraged to see that Peakd put some in the phbd. I think the savings account is pretty awesome and I'm betting most hivians don't even know about it yet. I'm stacking my hbd earnings for sure although traded a little into poly for the phive farm. But only a little. I need to gain more influence here so I can curate. Gotta stack!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is all good news. I am going to put some HIVE in the pool too.
I think you are right, most are not truly aware of it although I am not sure how they miss it. Either way, we just keep building all of this each day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
every once in awhile I stumble upon some massive hive accounts with tons of hp and liquid hive just sitting there. No HBD to be found. There are a lot of them in the dark corners of hive adding no real value other than storing hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They are still in the speculation mindset. But that is okay, we need to get the people who are interested in yield as opposed to speculation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, always interesting to see the huge differences is const of living around the world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It sure is. Especially now with different types of inflation going on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
4,89 HBD per gallon is still a bargain if you compare it too gas prices in Europe. Here in Belgium, one liter costs you roughly 2,10 HBD. If you calculate that to a gallon, that makes 7,94 HBD per gallon over here… 🙄
Milk and beer are cheaper over here though. A good beer in the store costs you between 0,50 and 0,80 cents. In the pub you pay about 2,75 HBD for one…
Sheesh! I thought I was getting killed on gas prices. I wish I could get beer that cheap here.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Well, Belgium is the beer country, it think we have a few thousand different beers over here! 😉
Which one is the best, though?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a very hard question, and it depends on what kind of beer you like. I absolutely love the blonde La Chouffe
But what most people describe as the best Belgian beer is Westvleteren 12, but it’s not easy to come by, it’s brewed by Trappists, which are monks. And they only make enough beer to pay for the maintenance of their convent. So, you can only buy it at their convent. But I have a few in my basement. Beers, not monks! 😉
Wow! That looks absolutely delicious. I'd love to try the monk one! Sounds insane.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, the West-Vleteren is incredibly good, but believe me, you won't drink three in a row, unless the couch is nearby! 😉
Everything is so costly man! Gas prices in India are insane too. Inflation is killing the common man on a daily basis. Still, we can have a decent meal for $1.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A shit fast food meal here is still going to cost you $5. If you want some actual good food, you're talking $15+. It's killer.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Inflation is a bitch!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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We are just getting started with HBD. There is so much potential that we really havent seen what can happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is very true. If only inflation wasn't such a bitch.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well that might turn around too. Remember, the cure for higher prices is higher prices.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Number go up.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
HBD, certainly can change lives!!
That it can, especially in different parts of the world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As I am in the US, $1 doesn't really buy you much. It probably won't even get you a meal but it might be enough to grab a snack from the convenience stores.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I'm curious to see these posts from around the world
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have also seen the challenge and I am still thinking of a perfect way to depict the entity of my proposed post. 😁
@l337m45732 I think it is not just your country that gas prices are high, here we even have fuel (petrol scarcity), so now different fuel stations have different prices. It is now like if you want to be in and out of a fuel station, you'd pay a higher amount, otherwise you might have to queue for the whole day to purchase even a litre. Sp pathetic!!
Wow! What country are you in? Sounds like a mess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, maybe..maybe not... Nigeria.
Hope you are feeling better now?Very interesting read @l337m45732
It is great to see some differences from around the world in the value of HBD. I just posted mine too.
Even though I’m in Europe there are still quite some differences.
Our fuel prices are just going crazy at the moment, and don’t start about electricity prices. Spain is the highest from Europe.
Thanks for sharing!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Doing a little better. Electricity prices?! Why? lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good to hear, hope you get well soon 🤞🏻
The same reasons why all prices go up everywhere. Here everything rises… not only food and fuel.
It is privatised here, the electricity companies, so they can ask what they want. One is higher than the other one. But still the cheaper one is crazy expensive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta