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RE: I am feeling very well now!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I didn't vote out @dreamm because they're a bad president. I simply thought that they had their fair turn at it and it was someone else's time to be blamed for all the SIM woes.

It's time we treat Goliath like Obama, ignoring the fact that he inherited a recession and just blaming him for all the troubles, past, present, and future.


Hi @lacking, thank you for your comment, but it is true my expectations for @thegoliath was too much than what he really can do, after crazy @dreamm we had sim value breaking down and now the tax are automatically moved up due to low sim value, when this BIMBOMINKIA was president he played with normal users rewards and people left the game, now only whales are not enough to keep the game up and @thegoliath cannot do more than this...:(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta