I am worried, don't have time to createlong content on hive again but prefer threading . Is it really okay? #threads #threasd247 #hive
I am worried, don't have time to createlong content on hive again but prefer threading . Is it really okay? #threads #threasd247 #hive
Well you might miss out on that mega XP, but no pressure, do what you can.
I am trying what I can to join after being invited by my friends here but I am having challenges
Oh, have you been able to solve them? What are the challenges?
Don't force yourself to create long-form content when you're not creative. Come to the threads and create small content, but that will satisfy you at the moment.
There are days when we are good with a few words on different subjects and not so many words on a specific subject.
Keep doing the one you can do now but have it mind that LeoFinace encourage long post too..
Yeah I am aware of it with the new UI one can create long content.
It's ok, the quests are there but you don't necessarily have to do them all. They are just an incentive for people to use Leofinance however they want.