
Next time call me let me help so you rest.

with that your small hand

hahaha.... At least I'll be giving her gists 😂😂

no, I don't want that that for you

What do you want for me? 🥺

soft life

Hah! You are a darling 🥺🤲

That's very kind of you my dear . Thanks a lot

Weldon my dear, can I come and join you? 😊😊😊😊

Thank you ,next time I will not hesitate to call you.

Okay 😊😊

keep the house clean

yeah, it's necessary.

Okay, firstly, i must confess i like your smiles 😃🫣

Now, all i can say is well done and do make sure to get some rest after the laundry 😊

I will do just that soon. Thanks for the compliment.

You’re welcome 🤗

Well done you’re doing so well.

Just make sure you get that rest after the laundry 😊

It always happens to us, we want to rest and we always find something to do at home.

Yessuch is life

You are doing a nice work keeping oneself neat is important and what you are doing show you are in control of your home

Yeah that's right