Speaking of Giorgia Meloni, so far she's sort of a disappointment... She may talk tough, but she's towing Washington and Brussels' line on important matters. I wonder if this Milei guy is the real deal. Mainstream media may paint him to be the next Trump, but he may turn out to be very far from what they're describing him to be.
In my sad little country, we've seen a conservative party appearing out of the blue and doing quite well in the last general elections. They're championing traditional values and all that, and they have a solid following because, as you say, people are angry and need some hope in a better future. However, the whole party is nothing but a creation of the secret service and the guy people pin their hopes on won't deliver.
This is what we have to assume will happen.
Nothing changes; new boss same as the old boss.
Ultimately all we can hope for is they adopt crypto and that helps the people a little.