What's LBI and CL going to be doing

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hello LBIer's. Today we take a quick look over what LBI will be doing for the polyCUB launch coming soon. We take a quick look after CubLife as well and knock out 2 birds with 1 post.


Ok, so im not going to go into great detail about what PolyCUB is and how it will operate, the post released from LeoFinace 2 days has everything in there if you need to catch up and im already seeing a ton of posts relating to it with people speculating and writing about their strategy's. From what we know so far, we know that there will be an airdrop and that farms will run on a different model compared to BSC CUB.


Let's take a look and see how many CUB tokens LBI is holdings at the minute. We have 1650 in the CUB kingdom and 986 in the CUB/BNB farm giving us a total of around 2650. We collect a few hundred CUB's every week in harvests so we'll add these to the CUB kingdom for the next few weeks and im sure we can get 3000 CUBs by that time. The airdrop is paid out over 60 days so im not sure how much it will be worth to us by the end as we'll receive 50 pCUBs a day and im sure the price of pCUB will follow path of bCUB.

The plan for LBI will be to use whatever it gets in the airdrop to play with. We dont really have any funds to transfer over, im very happy with our BTC/BNB kingdom investment and do not wanna change over to BTC/MATIC just to get a better APY. We will not be transferring over any funds from BSC to POLY, the bLEO/BNB LP will remain as is because I think that BNB will be a better hold compared to POLY. The APY on pCUB will be better im sure but we cant swap a good token for a worse one just to get a higher APY.


For CubLife (CL) token holders, we hold more CUB and we'll prob be more bullish toward polyCUB because, well, to be honest, it'll hopefully pump the div's for token holders some. No plans to create a pCUBlife token, haha.

Looking at the wallet, I can see there is 480 CUB in the kingdom, 1723 and 3606 CUB in farm LP's. That gives a total of 5809 CUB's which is a daily drop of 96 pCUB for 60 days. This airdrop to CUBlife could add an additional $4-6k to its balance sheet which will represent growth of 15-20%.

The plan for CUBlife will be to add as much into Kingdoms as we can. That will be a mix of single crypto investments and some LP's containing MATIC. For the next few months, we will use monies collected from minting and issuing new CL tokens every 21st to add to the polyCUB website to build a balance there. Again, we'll skip the farms because I dont like the 50% tax plan and it's not a biggie as I'm happier to hold BNB in farms. CUBlife will get involved with MATIC a little through kingdoms but these will be funded from harvests in the same way we do it on BSC CUB.


I think BSC will remain the flagship CUB website and the one with the biggest TVL. I mean it's not out of this world to think that CUB could someday launch on ADA, DOT, ETH, etc. Just thinking out loud, it could happen. This time last year, LeoFinance was just a tribe frontend and DEX and the token was trading for 0.1 HIVE worth a few cents. Who knows where it'll be this time next year. The only thing that worries me is I think we'll see the swap over from bull run to bear market in 2022. The next crypto winter will not be good, we'll lose lots of users and people who jumped in during the bull run get bored cause earning's are down. Defi farming is new for this cycle, it's mostly only seen the bull market so no idea what's going to happen when we enter a bear market. I'd take a guess at a huge culling where 95% of farms dont make it, fewer projects being released but the ones being released, better and improved compared to defi we have today. Projects like Nexo, Celsius will continue as is, maybe the there APYs might drop a little but I think of these lending platforms as bear market proof. Im aware NEXO and Celsius are not true defi as they are centralized but technically so is CUBfinance and probably one of the reasons why it'll be bear market proof. In 2017 defi was mostly either a DEX or lending platform, in 2021 defi is lazy food and animal tokens with market caps in the billions of $. As inflation on these farm tokens compounds multiplied by less investor demand equals game over. CUBfinance will survive, no question simply because of community support. There are too many diamonds hands for it to die off completely. Even if the TVL drops to under 1 million on BSC CUB, it'll continue on and it'll see another bullrun.


So that's about it. To sum up, LBI will get about 50 pCUB per day and it'll be invested into kingdoms. CL will get around 96 pCUB a day and it'll follow the same path but a little more bullish toward POLY. The airdrop will be good for LBI and be better for CUBLIFE because it'll get more and it's worth less so it'll see nice growth. I look forward to the announcement of the release date, I have my meta mask already set up for MATIC and im familiar with a BSC>POLY bridge so no worries there.

Mostly, we can't plan these things ahead of time. We'll have to see the website, the layout and the final terms and conditions to things. Im, sure there will be a few last-minute changes based on feedback from the community. We'll sorta know we dont have that many funds, not liquid funds to play with so we'll do the best we can with what we get from the airdrop.

Thanks for taking the time to read today's post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


why is the cub in the picture looking sad? shouldn't he be excited or something :)

He's not sad but calculating how many pCUB he'll get from CUB staking :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice airdrop numbers. I dont think they are accurate, wish they were.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a very gentle way to say it ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hola. I think your pCUB calcs are out slightly. They estimated 0.15 per cub so per 1000 CUB it should be 150 over 60 days that would be a daily drop of 2.5 pCUB per 1000 CUB held.

If you translate that to above it is substantially less per day.

I hope I am wrong because I do like your figures better :O)

oh, i never knew it was a 0.15 airdrop. Damn, im gonna need to edit a bunch of stuff.

That's changes things a little.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it makes it a bit more rubbish! When I first saw it I thought Yippee! Then I worked it out and thought, damn, I will only get about ten odd a day.

I think the airdrop model announced was due the experience had with $CUB as many dump the $CUB received.

YEah, hence the daily drop for a smaller amount.

Thanks for the update! Makes a lot of sense what you are planning on doing there. I think it will be really interesting to see what happens in the bear market. You are likely right a lot of people will drop out. It seems like this is the best time to stick with it. Even though APY might be down, you are still earning. Gains in a bear market are hard, so why not take the guaranteed ones where you can get them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would have loved to see a larger involvement from LBI in the PolyCUB project. Rewards will be high for those that enter some of the pools early. Plus there will be a pLEO and hence a rewarding pLEO pool that will earn PolyCUB. It would be easy for LBI, as one of the largest LEO holders, to enter at least a small position there one day one, wouldn't it?

Thank you for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the update. I would agree that I am more bullish for the BSC side than the polygon side despite the low fees.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta