
this is going to get out put as far as people perspective on education system

Yes, we want to see it. There is a lot to unpack in terms of the country you live in, social classes, actual correlation of the investment and the job market and so much more

Going to be a good read whole day.

The notion of Education is more coprehenisve and multi-dimensional than the 4-walled classroom.

I think there will be more participation on this topic.

Thank you.

We hope so. There is a lot to talk about. It is known that what worked for older generations doesn't work anymore. Times move too fast and the education system is not catching up

On today’s topics, I explored my take on which I think id better between online and in-person education.

Writing on this prompt has been a wonderful experience for me.

Here's the link to my entry:

For this initiative, inleo links only please.

Am sorry about that, I have dropped inleo link now

Let's explore this interesting topic together.

Check out my entry for today's prompt.

Here is my Submission for the MarchInLeo Post I hope I am not late