Hey everyone! This week, there was a call in the main Hive Discord where a bunch of Hivers came together to discuss the Hive ecosystem. A heavy emphasis was on the DHF and @blocktrades was the guest of the hour. @buttcoins and @shadowspub do a great job hosting.
During that discussion, the idea of having more regular reporting expectations on DHF-funded projects was floated. I was listening and thought this was a great idea.
For projects on Hive, the DHF can be vital. Whether the project is building open source tech, marketing or some combination of the two (as INLEO's Proposal does), it is important to have clear expectations, regular reporting and accountability.
INLEO's Proposal is 94% of the way to the funding line. We have been +/- 1M with the funding line for the past few days.
While we are not currently funded, we would love to start delivering on these reports and many of the promises we have made surrounding open sourcing various aspects of INLEO and creating Plug & Play APIs that can seamlessly be used by any Hive UI to make our collaboative marketing campaigns not only bring new users to INLEO, but bring new users to all Hive Apps.
We're pushing hard on our goals to:
- Open Source all of INLEO's Onboarding and Sign-In Technology
- Build Plug&Play, Open Source APIs for Other Hive UIs to Easily Integrate Our Onboarding Technology and Tap into Our Resource Credit Delegation System/Account Creation Tokens
- Use Our DHF Funding to Market Our Technologies and Onboard New Users to Hive by Collaborating With External Ecosystems and Onboarding Their Official Team and Community to Hive as a Group
This week, we faced some questions about our LeoAuth & Keystore Implementation for signing in and we made fundamental updates to both secure and improve those SignUp and Login Methods. This is extremely important work as we continue down the path of Open Sourcing INLEO's Onboarding and Sign-In Technologies.
We must ensure that our codebase for signing up and signing in to Hive is as secure as possible. As we continue to proliferate new sign up and sign in methods, having sound foundations and third-party auditing is key.
If you would like to audit and give us feedback on our sign up and sign in methods, our DMs our open. User security is our #1 priority and second to that is User Experience. We want to have both secure and enjoyable methods for signing up and logging in to Hive each day for all the new people we onboard to this ecosystem.
Transparent Accounting
When the funding officially starts and we begin the first of the collaborative marketing campaigns, we will share transparent accounting of every single expense down the the penny. After our proposal is funded, you'll find this section as a spreadsheet in our future reports with line-by-line accounting for every single expense related to the campaigns. The format will be a very simple spreadsheet that is easy to track along with invoices, campaign links, media links and other relevant notes.
We believe in transparently accounting for every $0.01 spent during this DHF proposal and will deliver it in these regular reports as the campaigns begin.
Open Source Timeline
Open Sourcing INLEO's Onboarding Technology for Sign-Ins and Sign-Ups is an amendment we made to our original DHF Proposal. After getting a lot of feedback that INLEO should aim to do more Open Source contributions to Hive, this is how we've decided to begin doing that.
Over time, our goal will be to continually release more INLEO Technologies as Open Source contributions to Hive.
A key thing for me is that we not only release our tech as OS. I think it's equally (potentially more) valuable to also release plug & play APIs along with well written documentation so that any UI can integrate our technologies without having to adapt our code. Remember that each UI has its own code base. Some of us are written in different frameworks.
Just because one UI builds something that is Open Source doesn't mean that it is easily applied to other UIs. While we will provide the code base Open Source so UIs can choose to look at it and pull what they want, we will also provide plug & play APIs to make it very easy for any UI to integrate something from INLEO's tech stack.
APIs & Open Source Code We're Releasing As Part of This Proposal:
- Phase 1). Plug & Play APIs for Keystore, RC Delegations and Account Creation Tokens
- Phase 2). HAFSQL Access
- Phase 3). Accounts API
- Phase 4). Dynamic RC Delegation Codebase
- Phase 5). Other Wallet Integrations Released as Open Source APIs for Other Hive UIs (Similar to Our Keystore API)
- Phase 6). Referral System API, Backend and Frontend
Phase 1). Plug & Play APIs for Keystore, RC Delegations and Account Creation Tokens
Estimated Delivery Date: Thursday, March 13th
The first of many of the Plug & Play APIs that INLEO will release Open Source is the ability for other UIs to allow Keystore Signups and Logins.
As many of you know, the INLEO team does not waste any time. After making some updates to the core codebase, we've now started to put the finishing touches on developing and refining our APIs for Keystore Signups & Logins.
What is It?
This set of APIs will allow any Hive UI who wants to instantly allow users to sign up and/or login with a Keystore Wallet: @splinterlands, @peakd, @ecency, @3speak, @liketu, @actifit, @holozing, @worldmappin, @engrave, @dcity, @dcrops, @dlux, @tribaldex, @vsc.network and many more great projects in our ecosystem.
This release will also enable our Account Creation Tokens + Dynamic Resource Credit Delegation system to be used on all signups.
This means that any UI who integrates this API as a signup option on their site will have free account creation and allow new users who sign up to their platform to hv ave RCs immediately available to interact on the Hive blockchain. If you're unfamiliar with our our dynamic RC pool works - in simple terms, we delegate @leo.voter's RCs to new signups based on activity. As their activity on chain increases, we increase the RC delegation. If their activity falls, we decrease the RC Delegation. As the user (hopefully) powers HIVE up over time, we also reduce their RC delegation.
This dynamic system ensures that all new signups have the RCs they need to immediately get active on chain and that their RCs get returned back to the pool as they power up more HIVE so that they're available for the next onboards.
Phase 2). HAFSQL Access
Estimated Delivery Date: Friday, March 14th
@mahdiyari created something called HAFSQL for Hive. It's extremely useful and INLEO implemented it on one of our servers. We've been utilizing it for a variety of features on INLEO in order to seamlessly pull and serve on-chain data. One example is the Leaderboard on INLEO. Other examples include the Accounts API (more info on that below) and many other aspects of the interface.
HAFSQL has become vital to speeding up INLEO operations and data coverage.
As part of our goal to Open Source more of INLEO and offer Plug & Play APIs to all Hive UIs so that we can collaborate and grow together as an ecosystem, INLEO will now offer free access to our HAFSQL Instance.
As part of this release, we'll also post detailed documentation about what kind of calls can be made and examples of how we utilize HAFSQL on INLEO so that other UIs can find their own creative ways to implement new features for their users.
Phase 3). Accounts API
Estimated Delivery Date: March 21st
INLEO maintains our own Accounts API that provides relevant, real-time information about users. Some of this data is very common on-chain. Other pieces of data include:
- Premium status
- Creator Subscriptions
- etc.
As part of our proposal, we'll be open sourcing access to this Accounts API. This is critical infrastructure for open sourcing more aspects of INLEO and allowing other UIs to implement some of our innovative features such as Premium, Creator Subscriptions and more.
We're refining this API and merging it with some of our other infrastructure to add more data. What you see in the screenshot above is some of the accounts data we have in the APA already, with more on the way. When it is ready, we'll be releasing the API along with detailed documentation so that any UI can immediately integrate it and start adapting features to their frontend.
Phase 4). Dynamic RC Delegation Codebase
Estimated Delivery Date: April 2025
In Phase 1, we mentioned Open Sourcing the API to sign new users up via Keystore. If a user is signed up with that API, they utilize 1 of our account creation tokens. We also track and dynamically delegate Resource Credits so that this new user can interact onchain.
In Phase 4, we'll be open sourcing the codebase for the Dynamic RC Delegation System. This will allow other developers on Hive to take the raw codebase and either clone and deploy their own version, or modify it to their standards.
Think of the Phase 1 release as a "Plug & Play API" where it's a finalized product for any UI to immediately integrate. This phase is us making the raw codebase Open Source so that anyone can take it and utilize it, even if INLEO weren't around for some reason.
This marks a material change in how INLEO is built. Moving more toward Open Source contributions to the chain and helping all Hive projects thrive alongside us.
Phase 5). Other Wallet Integrations Released as Open Source APIs for Other Hive UIs (Similar to Our Keystore API)
Expected Delivery Date: April 2025
Our team has already begun work on a framework that can handle all of the major crypto wallets. As you can see in the screenshot above, we've got these in a testnet already.
Our plan is to release each wallet API one-by-one. They will most likely coincide with the current collaboration we have running. For example, releasing our Phantom wallet integration coinciding with our Solana partnership as a sign-up/sign-in API that other UIs can integrate (using our Keystore API as a model for the framework).
By releasing the API just before we partner with Solana, we can work with other Hive UIs that want to be a part of the collaboration-approach to growth to do so. They can take our Open Source APIs and easily integrate Phantom wallet sign ups and sign ins.
Then when we do our marketing campaigns, these other Hive Apps can be included in our official talks with the collaboration team (i.e. Solana). Now all Solana users can not only be pointed to INLEO, but they can also be pointed to any Hive App or Interface that has integrated Phantom as an option using either our API or our fully Open Source codebase.
Phase 6). Referral System API, Backend and Frontend
Expected Delivery Date: May 2025
We're putting this delivery date as May but it may come sooner. We need to ensure that some of the right controls can be put into place to avoid abuse of the referral system that INLEO has built. We will aim to release it around the time of the first collaboration going live.
ICYMI: INLEO has an intricate referral system to incentivize the existing community on Hive to onboard new users AND retain them. Our referral system allows users to earn LEO tokens for onboarding their friends. The referral rewards are paid in a tiered system and requires that the user retain their friend by having them do more activities on chain.
- Make more Threads
- Make more Blog Posts
- Etc.
This referral system is designed as much to incentivize new onboards as it is to retain new onboards. The Referral Dashboard allows users to see their referrals in real-time and track them.
To make all of this work, we have several layers of infrastructure:
- Tracking on-chain data related to the onboard via HAFSQL - how many posts, threads, comments, etc. they've made as well as other relevant data in our Accounts API (access to our HAFSQL node is opened up in Phase 2 of this roadmap)
- Affiliate link structure (we modeled this after Amazon's Affiliate link structure. Where if a user clicks on a blog post / thread you've shared, then it will give you the referral credit if they signup to Hive within 30 days of clicking your link). This deeply incentivizes sharing your Hive content outside of the ecosystem and aiming to get as many clicks on it as possible
- ...
Collaboration Timeline
INLEO aims to have our first collaboration up and running within 60 days of getting funded. We'll run that collaboration for ~3 months in full swing, then transition to the next collaboration.
Collaborations don't just start and expire. They require a lot of ongoing work between our team and the team of the ecosystem we're collaborating with.
The Dash Collaboration we did is a good example of this. This collaboration ran for a few months in full swing with consistent Press Releases and X Ads. Now we maintain a great relationship with Dash, continue to do strategic retargeting ads and of course; spend a lot of our community time and resources on retention that is focused on the newly onboarded Dash Users.
Each collaboration will have a section in our Stats Dashboard where you can track the success of the campaign. The KPIs are:
- Total users onboarded
- Total Threads by those users
- Total Posts by those users
- Total HIVE Powered Up by those Users
- Total LEO Powered Up by those Users
Security, Open Source and Collaboration with Third-Parties / Hive Devs
Security is extremely important to us and over the past few weeks, we've been reaching out to as many Hive devs as we can to get third-parties looking at our code bases and APIs. We've been pushing a number of updates and upgrades to many of the things listed above.
Recently, we've had several devs looking at and auditing the Keystore APIs to ensure that they are ready for Open Sourcing and public release.
We're always pushing the boundaries of the norm in terms of our technology. This is why our UI very fluid and has faced quite a few challenges in the past. With each iteration, we leap forward into the unknown. Whether it's with encrypted on-chain content for Creator Subs (users having their own monetization outside of the rewards pool alone, using HBD as the settlement asset) or any other innovation we've done.
It's very challenging work and the team has had to grow a lot in terms of our ability to face those challenges, learn from them and better our approach on the next iteration.
Leaping forward into the unknown is what we are known for and we are not afraid of constant innovation and evolution. We're working hard to push Hive forward in the best way we know how.
Releasing our APIs as Open Source, Plug & Play solutions is a critical lead domino to then doing these collaborations and onboarding new users and investors to Hive.
If you support this new direction for INLEO, support our proposal to release these Open Source technologies and APIs to be freely used by all Hive applications:
Posted Using INLEO
Every single side of the proposal is based on developing Hive ecosystem according to the most recent updates in the crypto ecosystem.
InLEO contributes to the growth of all the projects of Hive with the open source offerings and the collaborations in the horizon. The cross-chain Hive is the only way we can go viral and attract millions of new users. I expect to see an immediate impact of Wallet integrations in the onboarding data 🔥
Delivering before the proposal is even funded is next level commitment 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I love the idea of opening up these resources so other Hive UIs can integrate, as it's very important that the users we capture can seamlessly move through the Hive ecosystem.
This is a really powerful proposal with a wide range of valuable items bundled together. Not only marketing, that Hive needs a lot of in order to reach new audience, but also the tools necessary for those that are reached to be able to sign-up without barriers.
Building all of this could be really resource consuming for each UI, as it has been for Inleo, building and maintaining all of this can't be cheap 😅, now they can have access not only to the codes but to APIs they can integrate and play right away, that itself is very valuable.
There are still many things promised from the previous proposal to be completed, along with some missing distributions from the old InLeo campaign. I understand at this point why some big whales are against the proposal. Although there are worse things like Value Plan (Money Laundering)
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/10) @danzocal tipped @leofinance