We Interrupt This Launch Day..

in LeoFinance4 years ago


.... to bring you announcements of pending announcements of pending launches. a.k.a. a distraction until we're actually ready to launch.

Our original plan was to snapshot Tuesday and launch bLEO & Cub Finance on Thursday. The development pace has been a bit slower than expected and there are a lot of pieces to put into place before we launch.

This will be our largest launch event yet. We're going to airdrop the first round of CUB tokens along with a live roundtable launch party, launch bLEO, introduce the first bLEO pool on the Binance Smart Chain and a few more surprises for good measure.

but wen?


Everything should be ready today. I'd say we're about 90-95% done but we don't like Weekend launches. We're now targeting Monday for the live launch party, bLEO and CUB with 99% certainty that we'll launch on that day.

We'll take these extra few days to drip some information about the pending launch, especially because there are so many questions about how everything will work. From cross-chain hybrid claimdrops, to wLEO-bLEO bridges and more.

Snapshot #1, Claimdrop #1

The first snapshot was taken on Tuesday of this week, exactly 24 hours after the last post from @leofinance.

The snapshot recorded the balances of:

  • LEO POWER hodlers
  • WLEO Liquidity Providers on Uniswap

The CUB token on Hive-Engine will be airdropped according to the balances recorded on the snapshot date. There are 3 pools of CUB tokens. Pool #1 is allocated to claimdrop #1.

How to Claim, Why to Claim?

A lot of people have been asking in comments and Discord how to claim the actual CUB token (remember: CUB on HE is just a "coupon" for CUB on Binance Smart Chain). Many are also asking why they need to claim it instead of just getting the drop.

The how: we've built a pretty unique system for handling this airdrop. That's why we've decided to give it a fancy name - cross-blockchain hybrid claimdrop - a token is airdropped to your Hive wallet, you then utilize Binance Smart Chain, find your BSC address and then claim the actual CUB token by burning your CUB on Hive with your BSC address as the memo.

EZ, right?

The why: airdropping random coins is not the goal. While most platforms run presales and all sorts of fundraising shenanigans, our goal is engagement. When we launch a new app, we want our existing community (and new users) to be incentivized to utilize the new platform(s), apps and use cases we develop. The claimdrop is designed to increase the engagement of existing LEO stakeholders on BSC via the bLEO pools, etc.

On launch day, there will be a full docs section and plenty of talk on the Live roundtable to walk everyone through the process of both utilizing BSC and claiming CUB.

Don't you want to gain the NFT badge for being a participant in the first ever Cross-Chain Hybrid Claimdrop?

bLEO Launch Party


BEP20 LEO (bLEO) is going to be one of the most fascinating additions to the LeoFinance (LEO) economy.

We have a lot of plans both for bLEO and for building a bridge to all of the relevant blockchains in the space. Back in November 2020, we launched wLEO and added the wLEO wallet UI to LeoFinance.io.

In short, we bridged our existing community from Hive to Ethereum. bLEO builds a similar bridge from Hive to Binance Smart Chain which means that LeoFinance will be interconnected with Hive, Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

On launch day, you'll get a glimpse of the whitepaper and our vision for continually buidling our community as a cross-blockchain ecosystem. A pillar in the middle of the major blockchains. Building apps for our existing users that attract outside capital and awareness to continuously grow the Leo community.

Cub Finance Launch Party

bLEO and Cub Finance will launch simultaneously. Both of these mark the introduction of two new major DeFi products under the LeoFi branch of LeoFinance.

During the launch day, we'll do our live LEO Roundtable and talk about CUB and how to utilize it with bLEO and other aspects of the Binance Smart Chain. This is one of our largest app launches to date and will introduce some interesting mechanics both for the LEO token economy and for the users of Binance Smart Chain and Hive.

We have a lengthy roadmap for CUB and it all directly ties back to LEO via smart contracts. This new roadmap will also be released on Launch Day.

Smart Contract Audits

Speaking of Smart Contracts.. We've hired one of the largest Smart Contract auditors in the space to run a deep dive on the contracts we've deployed.

This is part of the reason for the delay as they need time to conduct their audit, deploy a watchtower on our contracts, etc. They've let us know that the audit will likely take about 5-7 business days (after we launch) so we can expect certain features (i.e. Smart Contract watchtower) before the full audit is complete. Full audit will be published about 1 week after we launch the new contracts into production.


We've created a lengthy docs section for bLEO, Binance Smart Chain and Cub Finance. These docs will show you how to operate these 3 platforms and the various applications that come along with them. Again, to be released on Launch Day. #soon

The LeoFi dashboard

The LeoFi dashboard is actually a completely separate project from both Cub Finance and bLEO. The dashboard is still being built out - we'll start private alpha testing this Sunday and it will be the 3rd major LeoFi product we launch in 2021.

This dashboard will feature our new Leasing app (bringing DeFi to Hive) and will also serve as a platform to connect all of our other DeFi platforms in the future.

The goal of this particular app is to bring together all the aspects of LeoFi under one UI. Allowing you to track your LP rewards, lease and collateralize your LEO hodlings, participate in DeFi on 3 blockchains (and more to come):

  • Hive DeFi
  • Ethereum DeFi
  • Binance Smart Chain DeFi

LeoFinance Whitepaper and #ProjectBlank details also to be announced soon. Busy 2021 so far, but wouldn't trade it for anything in the world 🦁



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based social media platform for Crypto & Finance content creators. Our tokenized app allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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Support LeoInfra's Onboarding Efforts by Delegating HP to @leo.voter (Currently at 2.4M HP). We Use this to Claim Accounts and Delegate RCs to Newly Onboarded Users

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are 2 pages

Thanks for clarifying a few things, it is much needed and appreciated.

I have one request thought. When putting together the tutorial, please take into consideration that not everyone has the level of knowledge you have and that everyone, again, everyone has to be able to understand it in order to participate, the 105 year old granny included. Otherwise we all lose.

Looking forward to it and thanks for the good work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, well-put. I've been working on the guides personally and will make sure they are easy to follow.

One of our goals with this launch is to get more LeoFinance users engaged with the DeFi space so we will definitely make sure to create guides (now and in the future) that help everyone, not just the crypto tech nerds :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Easy to follow instructions will be good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you Khal, we really appreciate it. I'd like to see the majority of Leo users participate. The more, the merrier :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm a 45 year old content creator who has been using the internet daily since it started. I have little clue about half of this post - the technobabble is another language to me.

This entire post comes across as unprofessional. The bait and switch aspect is not appreciated. I heard of people buying/selling/staking LARGE amounts of money in order to maximize the timing on this thing. They can't be happy right now. And the explanation? "it's not about giving you tokens, it's about getting you engaged". Hmmm. Funny that's not how it was advertised the other day. Back then, it was alllll about the gainz, and big money for all, rocketships all over, etc. Everybody buy now and get ready for huge returns!

Not that I care. I've had 300 LEO staked for weeks, it was part of a long term plan. I made no changes to anything, but I know a lot of people did. I was interested to hear that my former investment was going to pay out, but now it's clear that was hype. I've got no skin in the game but I still don't appreciate that tactic whatsoever, and can't be the only one.

Well, thank you for your comment. I don't know what to say as I'm not part of the team, nor have inside info that others don't. I only know what everyone knows from leofinance posts and Discord. We'll know more on Monday I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are one of my favourite grannies in here :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry to disappoint you, but you're wrong :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know you understand a lot, at least more than I do and of course you are no granny :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wise words. I felt pretty proud of understanding almost everything here but man did I have to learn for it. Plus I'm still far from a grandpa.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The last post has created more confusion than excitement. We have to learn a lot every single day. There's no other way :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yup, entering crypto is like being back in the school banks again ;<)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed and it's for life as it never stops.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said. While I'm not as negative as some of the folks posting comments here, at the same time I understood almost nothing in this post. I really hope there is a handful of good tutorials for those of us who just don't have time to learn all this stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There will be a Leotalk post dedicated to questions and answers. Here are the details.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My take on this is that a couple of insiders, devs, and crypto-literate people will make a killing. The rest of us (regular users) have no clue what you're talking about. We'll be wasting time with questions on Discord and losing money with wrong addresses and transfers and on fees.
New users can't get even how keys and wallets work. Don't expect this thing to grow. It's way too complicated.
And where you'll find liquidity?
We have a couple of coins available.
That's my oldtimer rant. Now I'm heading back to my cave. Have some leftover bones to chew out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate that perspective here, but I disagree. The goal of everything built within the LeoFinance network serves two primary purposes:

  • Serve great apps and bring value to existing users
  • Grow the network

DeFi is definitely not for everyone (in fact, you can pull defi directly out of that word). It can be incredibly complex to navigate, especially for people who are not familiar with it.

Speaking from my personal perspective here: Over the past 6-10 months I have built a portfolio of DeFi coins and I am now participating in a wide number of pools in this space. More than 20% of my entire crypto portfolio is now allocated to DeFi-based blockchains/coins/liquidity pools.

With that in mind, I believe DeFi is absolutely here to stay. Just as buying BTC got easier with time, so too will DeFi.

Cub on BSC will be an amazing playground to teach our existing userbase how to use DeFi-based platforms to construct a portfolio of liquidity pools and incorporate the amazing qualities of high yield and deterministic risk into a well-rounded crypto strategy.

Will some people lose money to x, y, z reasons? Quite possibly. I think all of us have lost some money in crypto one way or the other.

The amazing thing about LeoFinance is that we're not a DeFi project. We're not even a blogging project. We are a blockchain-based community and we've already got some amazing applications under our belt. This means that if you don't want to do DeFi, that's perfectly fine. You can keep blogging, curating and engaging here on LeoFinance.io. Others will join you in that. Others will only do DeFi. Others will do both.

This got long winded real quick but I have seen a similar perspective shared elsewhere so I hope this can help to just outline the thinking behind LeoFinance's moves. We'll keep building applications and use cases with the above 2 goals at the core of everything we do. It's up to the users to decide which apps and use cases to participate in 🦁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with the necessity and wisdom of building DeFi. It's also great that these tokens will be airdropped to the community. This is something I greatly appreciate.

I think anyone who has a stake in LEO will make a killing here given some time. I'm extremely grateful for this torrent of airdropped tokens incoming soon.

The key is not to rush things. I think the best policy is for everyone to calm down and take their time to understand the key points. I'm glad you're paying attention to how the tutorials are written.

We have a great platform to discuss these things and help one another to understand how to navigate in this rapidly expanding space. We don't have to go to some crappy random forum somewhere talk about this stuff - without getting paid to do that, for crying out loud! :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cub on BSC will be an amazing playground to teach our existing userbase how to use DeFi-based platforms to construct a portfolio of liquidity pools and incorporate the amazing qualities of high yield and deterministic risk into a well-rounded crypto strategy.

I'm one of those people. Not entirely sure wtf you just said right there but it sounds like super interesting to me.

I'm one of those dumb users who've lost crypto sending it to the wrong address, but I did that back in 2018 on Steemit. Its easy to make mistakes but I think a lot of people in this space are willing to make a few mistakes to learn.

I kind of get what @oldtimer is saying as well because I feel like im talking to brick walls anytime I talk to most people about HIVE and the social blockchain world. But there are a few that do listen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I fully agree with this. On top of all that I have mention the ability of this whole thing to be a huge marketing move. We are almost living in a silo in HIVE. Having more Tokens related to HIVE on other blockchains is actually a great way to get some attention from other communities in an organic way.

There are already many users who came to HIVE because they wanted to play @splinterlands. This is exactly what I am expecting with these Ethereum and BSC integrations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

20% in DEFI - hopefully most of that is in stable coins on ETH!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I’m kind of lost. I find Defi so complicated. I wish we could just earn hive. So much transfer here, move there, click this, stake here, chose that, take photo of your drivers liscence, passport, blah blah blah..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's free. You don't need do anything differently to use LeoFinance. If you don't want to mess with it then don't

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok. That awesome. So no need to do anything on BSC.

To claim the airdrop yes, but it's not necessary to do what you've been doing. edit: stuff changed so look out for new post

My thoughts exactly. There are too many different projects, tokens, on different blockchains. I just hope that documentation/tutorials are written by non-developers because it will be hard for the regular users to understand how things are working.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My humble words:

"How the defi space is growing, it will be unwise not to participate in any of the project. Considering the risks of fraud et cetera, I'd like to engage with the project I already know and trust instead of taking risk on a project with unknown team. At least, this would be the safe space for me to learn about it."

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the update! Launching 3 separate products in a week, that's some serious rocket fuel!

I'm looking forward to the (hopefully) easy to understand tutorials and Leo will be my first foray in to DeFi and playing around with Binace Smart thingy whatsits 😁

Is there any benefit to keeping LEO liquid now for any of these drops and DeFi? I seem to remember a tweet on the Leo twitter account to keep some Leo liquid for something or am I way off the mark?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, there are benefits of keeping liquid, there's a good reason for that. Keep your liquid and we'll know more on Monday when the tutorial is out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah awesome, my instinct was right haha! I'll definitely keep some liquid then and look forward to those tutorials on Monday!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me too, just don't stake your Leo and try to get as much as you can

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There will be a fair number of users who for various reasons won’t/can’t participate in BSC claiming.

So, stupid question: are the claiming rights transferable? Will CUB sold on H-E by those who won’t/can’t participate be able to be bought by others and then used to claim?

I'm not signing up for any other service or platform, so I guess this was a big nothingburger.

The purpose of the claimdrop is to encourage active participation in the new app so it would defeat that purpose to allow those tokens to be transferred. They can physically be transferred, but the claimdrop won't view those tokens as claimable on BSC.

While I can understand why some don't want to participate in BSC, I think it would completely dilute the purpose of the claimdrop to allow people to sell them / claim with them without using the new app.

Hope that helps!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Doesn’t Binance block Americans?

I keep seeing people saying they have to use VPN. So you may be right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This should have been made explicitly clear weeks ago. All other H-E tokens are sellable. If CUB isn’t to be, folks should have been told so up front before they staked LEO in anticipation of the drop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If the only reason to buy LEO is for an airdrop, then it is unwise to buy it.

Airdrops are intended - when done correctly - to incentivize a particular action. The action here is using the new platform. There are a lot of people that seem to want an airdrop for nothing. The fact is, leveraging BSC and the new app we've built is going to bring a lot of value to the LEO economy. Some will participate and others won't and nobody can make everybody happy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, well, I still think that should have all been made carry clear before the snapshot. FWIW, I’ve never seen an airdrop where tokens couldn’t be sold. Even LEO itself was sellable on day one.

While most platforms run presales and all sorts of fundraising shenanigans, our goal is engagement!

Hope people appreciate this!
Nobody but LEO is doing an airdrop for these type of projects ... they run a presale

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't hyping your coin by giving people 24 hours to buy it before the snapshot, a presale by another name? Had the same result - people bought LEO en masse.

No it is not.

  • What share % of the exciting users would have bought the new token?
  • What share of the exsistent users bought leo now?
  • What is the risk if you were buying a brand new token vs the risk if you are buying a two years old project with a very aggresive development

Every leo holder will get something for free vs if it was a presale, where only few will get it. The risk of buying leo vs buying the new token are much lower ... etc... so not the same at all!

I think this will be an amazing way to stir up initial engagement! I'm excited :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, it's appreciated! Not only this but we get an airdrop for Project Blank too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true! And there are still people that complain about LEO!!! I can't understand them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really struggling to make up a criticism... Leo projects are... Too good? Too Fast? Too focused? O_o


To much showing the result, comparing to other developments. :)

Love the meme, she will never get it! ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you see this kind of confidence in your product, the result has to be a serious FOMO. I'm kicking myself nonstop for being since year 1 in Steem and sleeping all over until I discovered Hive and LEO at the same time.. In November. The speed of execution of this team and the community is unparallel. I know Im repeating myself, but Im basically talking about hive or Leo nowadays like to everyone.
Cant wait for Monday or Tuesday and try to struggle trying to install BSC in my Meta lol.

It's never too late. Obviously those who have been here for 4 years have some advantages but that doesn't mean you can't succeed. Look at the bright side, you're here now and can be part of this airdrop, claimdrop, cross-blockchain hybrid claimdrop, or whatever you want to call it. Imagine starting after this airdrop and missing all the fun 😜

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What a great write-up! Thank you for this information and keep it up. You are doing great things!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yuuuuge. Ya'll leos ready for this? I don't think you're ready. Hell I'm not ready ;-p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No one is ready, not even the team 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rocketships everywhere, we're all rich, to the moon, here we go, tendies for all!

As long as the "tutorials" are being built, I'm in!!! lol This sounds amazing! Going to be a very fun summer (assuming I survive the "stress" of the launch)!!! Leo is ready to roar!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Working on those tutorials myself! We'll do written + video guides to walk everyone through it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've done remarkable work so far. There are projects out there that are still alive only because of peculation. That's no the case for Leofinance.

#soon all this work and progress will be reflected on its price too... #soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wouldn't be possible without the whole team and especially the community! Excited to see where we go from here in 2021

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

the first time i know, only Leo Finance Platform that can bridging 3 Blockchain ecosystem Hive, Ethereum and BSC, amazing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exciting times! Our goal is continual expansion and growing the core user base via new apps, engagement and use cases :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bridging blockchains is the only way to success. We have to open our doors and connect in order to welcome other users. It's going to help onboarding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very exciting for sure. I was pulling my hair out trying to get everything ready on my end it time. I am glad that I will have a little more time to be sure everything is squared away!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha yeah more time is great for a number of reasons. We could have launched today/tomorrow but it felt rushed

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sounds like you made the smartest decision! Thank you for being so meticulous!

Looking forward to this, but a little apprehensive still as sounds complicated for someone like me. Monday sounds good and does make sense giving us time. Is there anything we can do in the meantime to get prepared or just wait?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't get any of it but I'm willing to learn. I would have so much more time to look into it on the weekend than I will on Monday, but it's all good.

I think we must at least join BSC over the weekend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I joined it already, I just don't really know what the point of it is yet.

Posted via D.Buzz

You make financial decisions without knowing why?

No, I had a good reason why. I have Leo staked and want to be able to claim the bLEO when the time comes. The "financial decision" I made was simply to enter my email and create a password. I haven't spent any money yet. I'm planning on there being some posts to help explain what to do before I actually attempt any transfers.

I see a lot of people stressed out but no worries, I'm sure the tutorial will be easy to understand, plus the community will be here to help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep I would be prepared. Nothing will be super time sensitive in that you're not going to "miss out" if you don't get in right at the jump. This is intended to be a long-term base platform that we continually layer on top of with new apps and use cases.

The docs on the Cub whitepaper will help a lot!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I've done about all I can to be ready. Hopefully the documentation will make it all clearer. Great work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The docs are very well written - in my incredibly biased opinion :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This wait is not getting over for me. I am sure many people are going crazy and pulling their hair off their heads. Haha! But as they say,

The fruit of patience is always sweet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Patience is key ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol, pulling my hair seems to be the keyword phrase these days 😜

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Will the dashboard be something like https://yieldwatch.net ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Kinda yes but not really

Hope that clears this up! ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep it in your pants sir

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😂 you know him too well

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The how: we've built a pretty unique system for handling this airdrop. That's why we've decided to give it a fancy name - cross-blockchain hybrid claimdrop - a token is airdropped to your Hive wallet, you then utilize Binance Smart Chain, find your BSC address and then claim the actual CUB token by burning your CUB on Hive with your BSC address as the memo.

Can’t wait!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me either! Fun times ahead

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool update, thanks :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can't wait to see how much this airdrop, claimdrop, cross-blockchain hybrid claimdrop or whatever it is called, are going to benefit us, LBI shareholders. And also can't be happier for LBI starting before these project launches. What a great opportunity for us to boost our earnings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dear @leofinance

It will be great seeing it launch on Monday and we can't wait to see the full surprises that will follow along

Yours, Piotr

Any plans to make a Diesel Pool so dapps can plan on integrating for LEO swaps? We started doing it with PAL and I think WEED is doing it now too. I'd like to be able to have dapps allowing different communities to access seamless liquidity, imagine on @dublup for instance, you could select which community token you want to use. Custom jsons execute to make the swaps in the background, and end users never have to really worry about dealing with any tokens other than the ones they're interested in. Adds utility to all tokens with a high-liquidity pool and makes dapps more versatile imo.

You could even use it for people wanting to buy LEO and power up on the leofinance.io site. I would imagine something like a section on the wallet page to "buy leo" or even "buy leo power" and allowing people to pay in swap.hive, PAL, or anything else with high liquidity pools and the custom jsons execute in the background to send liquid or staked leo into their account. Food for thought.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're killing it boyz!

You keep blowing me away with your upgrades. And they said March has historically been a bad month for crypto... ;<)

Keep up the greatness!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, they keep saying that and I saw some statistics the other day that seems to document 10 years of crypto results.

I guess we're going to make history this month 😃

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! This is really awesome! 😲
This is crypto made easy.....,I'll never get tired of waiting course this will be more than a massive explosion to crypto world. 😉👍

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This and the other projects they are working on will take us to a whole new level.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah! You can say that again. 😁

Okay, I think things are a bit clearer now for me. Waiting on the launch day party. Cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cub Finance already feels like a big time project. Great write up, hopefully this works out to be huge for the entire network.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

building bridges like there is no tomorrow :) the master of tasks will have a field day theorizing about how massive the network effect will be :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😂 that is funny. I hope he notices it 😜

About bridges, I agree, that's the only way to get the word out in order to get people in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Glad you liked my little joke ( Ioi amu vad ca si tu stai in Ardeal, sa nu-mi spui ca stai in Cluj :D )

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Liked the joke, game of words but not sure he's going to see it as he's very busy.

Lol, nu, nu stau in Cluj, nu poate sa stea toata lumea in Cluj 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

soc vizibil cum nu? tot Ardealul sta la Cluj :P ( glumesc evident)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Woohoo!! Can't wait! Well I guess I will have to, but I'm betting it will be worth it.

I'm like a kid on the beach chasing a dollar bill that is attached to a fishing line. It keeps moving away :-)

We'll catch it sooner or later though and it will be worth it :-) I think it will require a lot of work for my old guy brain, but it is very exciting and good for our ecosystem.

Take time and get it right. No problem with that and it seems as if that's what's happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm like a kid on the beach chasing a dollar bill that is attached to a fishing line. It keeps moving away :-)

Perfect description on what has been going on lately. That's what's been happening since Project Blank has been announced. And here we are, getting this instead.

Anyway, it's all good as it benefits us and better a good product than a half finished one.

We only have to wait till Monday :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I think I am fixing to catch that dollar bill!

Not sure exactly what I am going to do with it when I catch it, But I'll figure something out :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great news and a lot of information to digest. Picking the launch date on Monday is like a glove for me as I took a day off from work, so will have time on my hands to do some crypto hustling.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perfect! I think Monday will be a fun day ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Monday it is then! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

See you on Monday 😉

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess we "saw" each other before Monday...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The goal is to have a Leo starting with every letter of the alphabet by 2026. I'm most excited about SLEO.

I don't understand most of it. That being said, this is a great thing. Good luck for a smooth launch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many are confused, you're not alone with this but no worries, Khal has promised to make the tutorial easily understandable and the community is here to help as well. I guess we'll know more on Monday so buckle up 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Are there any other snapshots coming in the next week, or am I safe to PD some LEO now so I've a got a bit more liquid?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looks like the correct answer is who knows. I'm guessing the snapshot for project blank is going to happen later but no one knows when. Saw some estimations earlier this week but we're just guessings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm still waiting for an answer

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

good information - I understand everything / I'm waiting for the launch 🚀

Congratulations to all the Team of devs that are working on this amazing projects.

The auditing is the most important part of this,
if this do not make good, the thief could taken our money and dessapear with this
take all time that you need to protect our money and the auditing give us a little of security, about this, thanks a lot for let us to enter to the world defi, it is amazing, no cardano, no polkadot are connect with blockchain, are hive and we are here.
with little money but with a lot of dreams, first for the know how something about the defi world, you open for us the door.
Thanks a lot and please please slowly slowly a lot of money are losses for make the things very fast and for do not consider the auditing proces, in this great world.
Best Regard.

I agree, the auditing is an extra safety measure and I'm glad it's happening. Better safe than sorry, right? We waited for all this time, a few days more doesn't matter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly Is better take Time enought to be sure and safe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Should I also be buying some BSC to be ready? I am looking forward to learning but at the moment I really need a complete novices guide to understand even the term Defi.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As far as I know we're going to need *$5 to $10 worth BSC for transaction fees, that's what Khal said but can't remember in which post or comment.

Compared to ETH gas fees, this is way better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I missed that message but will be ready for lift off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking over all the comments I agree with most. The tutorials need to be in laymans terms and be understandable by all. I have no idea what all this means, I don't even know what DeFi is but I'm willing and ready to learn. I have so little LP that I just wonder if it will even be worth it. But I'm not going anywhere and will venture into whatever this is Leo got going on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We'll know more on Monday when the tutorial with details is out. You can decide then if you want to join or not. Don't stress yourself out till then, enjoy your weekend 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can not get enough of your DeFi talks, hopefully it will be good. Fingers crossed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for letting us know, I hope it's not too overly complicated to burn and claim tokens. Would hate to end up burning tokens for no reason :( let's see how my tech skills are at 😰

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Khal knows a lot of people are worried about the claim and promised to make the tutorial easy to understand. So no worries.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exciting times are coming. Have all the time in the Khal world, the important thing is to bring an incredible launch as LeoFinance always does.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My thoughts exactly, quality instead of speed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, what's the hurry for? Monday is right there and we will have great projects launched and without any pressure to deliver quickly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's exactly what I was saying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The development pace has been a bit slower than expected

Apparently you’ve been less strict on the whipping :D

Very exciting times, you can feel the community with articles posted here and discussions on Discord, we are impatient haha.
Thanks for bringing this altogether !

Tiny rant: we could have powered up before snapshot and start a power down and still be ready for the launch. Less CUB airdropped now :(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tiny rant: we could have powered up before snapshot and start a power down and still be ready for the launch. Less CUB airdropped now :(

I guess that is what they wanted to avoid. Imagine the level of power down if people knew in advance we have one week 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha for sure everyone would have done that. I’m not really complaining, that’s a gift already, more or less is not the important part. What’s important is being part of this crazy good community :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Potentially a LEO and Hive pair could be realized on the ZKSwap gasless and feeless swap service.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That seems to be a good idea. Who knows, maybe after the new projects are rolled out, they can consider adding new bridges.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They have it specifically listed that after they get further into their roadmap they have solid plans to having voted for new pairs. I want t hype Hive as one of those pairs by bringing up the feeless diesel pools. It's like they are sister markets with low fees and really niche communities.

That is great news than. Thanks for the info as I didn't know about this.

The truth is there are so many new things every day, I can hardly follow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No worries, @leofinance.

It's better wait to make a perfect launch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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