Likely, the biggest breakthrough in medicine of all time will be the reversal of the aging process. The reasons for this are logical and straightforward, but are still all too little known, even by the medical community and pharmaceutical companies. Medicine, and human health in general, has been notoriously difficult to disrupt. Progress is very
Based on the above submission, it might be the greatest achievement in the medical field, but the fact is that anti-aging therapy can't reduce the actual age of the person in question. I think they should about how many could live on the planet earth for ever. Am not disputing the fact that they've done a lot of experiments in the medical field, but when it's time for a person to die, technology can't save them.
(More Web 3.0 infrastructure is being built, so I put this comment here....)
Could Huddle01 be the Web 3.0 solution to Zoom we've been looking for?
Even if it isn't tokenized (yet), it may be worth considering.
Does anyone know if something like this is in the pipeline for Hive?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The future of medicine. Will this be the greatest breakthrough in the future?
This is something that humanity has thought about for thousands of years. Will we finally achieve it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Based on the above submission, it might be the greatest achievement in the medical field, but the fact is that anti-aging therapy can't reduce the actual age of the person in question. I think they should about how many could live on the planet earth for ever. Am not disputing the fact that they've done a lot of experiments in the medical field, but when it's time for a person to die, technology can't save them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta