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RE: UBI? It's not that Simple...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

"I believe we shall have a new system in which we make sure that all the earth resources are shared and distributed amongst all citizens with honesty and fairness..."

Think or believe again, this current "crisis" shows you clearly that there will be no honesty, fairness or transparency.

UBI is invitation to a world where you are dependent upon the State, where your access to services and resources will be based upon your social credit score. Do, say or think the "wrong" thing, there goes your UBI.

Rights are made not given. If you have ask some one for your rights, you have none.

Universal Basic Indenture


Excellent riposte !! We already see it today with Big Pharma, big tech and central banks ... they have all thrived during a crisis and the 'intended UBI recipients' have all suffered. The gap has grown so large it is a definite 'them' and 'Us' scenario.

It would now appear that this gap is intentionally being widened, with the aim of a very tiny minority controlling everything. A certain German banker has published a "manifesto" outlining their road plan. "You will own nothing and be happy"... while they own everything, and if you're not happy, your social credit score will take a hit.

Why is UBI a state thing? From a thought perspective: This could also be arranged outside a centralised state? The best case would be, it becomes culture to support those we need it, but that is not too practical these days :)

Any other system or systems that you have in mind to combat the inevitability many peeps on earth will not be able to find a paying job, since the numbers of such jobs will decrease over time next few decades, whilst the world population will increase a lot, like a factor of 2 maybe even 3?