Let's get back to normal threading.
BTW tomorrow I will have a limited time to PC
After 4 weeks here, moving to other side of Tenerifeof my support 2 #greta. She did her #1 on both UI (whatever the count difference mean)
I'm late to this leo thread thing. All I see is people writing the tag. Does this have something to do with Greta Thunberg who does her best to make people aware of environmental problems, or is it just a #teenboi joke?
I am far from teenboi age. And YES, it is all about Greta Thunberg. Or do you know another, more famous Greta?
It was just my small return too all the BS, what she has created.
Me estoy empezando a volver adicto a la #musica de 8 Bit jajaj... y más después de escuchar esta obra maestra de Master of Puppets de Metallica. #Spanish #spanish #Music #threads
@taskmaster4450le - This came up in one of my off chain social media timelines. It was the first Tesla I ever saw. Saw it in a Washington, DC trip back in 2017 #tesla #flashback #threads
Lo puedes usar desde el teléfono. No es tan cómodo como en una PC, pero se puede. Sin embargo, debes hacerlo desde el navegador interno de Hive Keychain. Yo lo he probado y sí funciona.
Clearly, #greta has dominated Thread. This should serve as a motivation for other Hive communities to popularize their tags. Benefits: engagement, visibility, potential Leo earnings... no-brainer.
Our tags are several actually lol but we will be keeping an eye on #MotherhoodonHive and #FatherhoodonHive, looking forward to reading some awesome Parenthood stories on threads
Also, maybe he will answer here, if he sees the tag!Like you, I never played it, so I have no idea on how much time is required to complete the various tasks everyday: but @libertycrypto27 has played it for several time now and has some very interesting posts about the topic on his profile, if you'd like to check :)
Eso aspiro. Mi esposo lleva tiempo y creo que sí que Hive me resultará de mucho provecho para interactuar y crecer incluso profesionalmente. Gracias por responder.
They can eat dead bees and some times go after live bees if there's not enough food for them to forage on. They didn't seem all too excited with the bees though lol
Nine currently but had a lot more. Lost a few over the last few months sadly. I plan on getting a lot more chickens this year and maybe attempt hatching some chicks! Have you raised chicks yourself? I'm in the process of learning it.
Ah that's sad, but it's good you want to get more and look at maybe hatching chicks!
Haven't done it myself, but my uncle and aunty did on their farm, when I was a teen so I got to see parts of it and it was nice!
Haha, that's a good scene but kind of the opposite. He came to me (I was in bed, still sleeping actually, lol!) He had to wake me up to tell me he's going.😆
@inertia I don't understand the documentation of your code 'hive_sql', could you tell me how I can import it and use it in my own code to make requests in hivesql.io
So #Threads is running hot at the moment, but will that continue to grow, or will the novelty wear off and a slower pace be established?
#growth #success #novelty
No puede ser... Me estoy muriendo por un fuerte dolor de cabeza y los vecinos deciden poner música alta...¿Que hice para merecer esto?;-;
#spanish #life
Hi people. I have a doubt. Do notifications in the alpha UI get updated when we see them? It's not working for me. I need to go to the old version and just then alpha gets the message. #threads #leofinance
Too funny 😄 Never saw this movie, but I love it already. I have a few mates that used to play hockey and one thing I can say is they’re all great dancers too, cause they learned balancing at young age. Skill for life!
This is the END
Let's get back to normal threading.
BTW tomorrow I will have a limited time to PC
After 4 weeks here, moving to other side of Tenerifeof my support 2 #greta. She did her #1 on both UI (whatever the count difference mean)
My VP looks horrible...
Thank you. #greta is my first ever meme. It's been fun
I just can't stop myself relaying those SPLASH's from her 😀
Thank you so much!
It's been fun to help push #greta:)
With love from #greta !
I'm late to this leo thread thing. All I see is people writing the tag. Does this have something to do with Greta Thunberg who does her best to make people aware of environmental problems, or is it just a #teenboi joke?
I am far from teenboi age. And YES, it is all about Greta Thunberg. Or do you know another, more famous Greta?
It was just my small return too all the BS, what she has created.
Well, there's Garbo... But I guess the most famous Greta is the one from Grimm's Fairy Tales!
Threads are for anything and every topic, #Greta is an ongoing joke on threads, but you can actually post about anything! Welcome to Threads mate!
Ésta es mi nueva tarjeta de Binance y solo puedo decir que es genial.
He hecho un post en #hive en donde cuento más detalles.
¡Me encanta!
¡Está muy bonito el diseño!
Me gusta, me gusta. #spanish
Me sorprendió la verdad. Elegante y muy útil en los tiempos que corren. #spanish
Another #3speak update!
Did you know that the @threespeak witness runs a #Hive API node?
Today it was added to peakd.com, and we are waiting for more #hive apps like @leofinance and @keychain (Hive Keychain) to integrate the API node.
Good to know, thanks!
According to peakd.com's benchmark, it's the second fastest.
You can see the status of #3speak's API node in https://beacon.peakd.com/
Right-click and open in a new tab to see full size.
If you want to use it in peakd.com, go to your settings and select hive-api.3speak.tv.
Don't forget to click save settings!
sure. Anything to support active communities on #hive #3speak
Not sure what it means but you are calling out #khal to get on the ball and for #leofinance to integrate which I like.
Where are you guys running it from?
Me estoy empezando a volver adicto a la #musica de 8 Bit jajaj... y más después de escuchar esta obra maestra de Master of Puppets de Metallica. #Spanish #spanish #Music #threads¡Vergación!
Usted lo ha dicho todo jajaj
Jajaja me siento que estoy jugando Mario Bros Metalic.
Un juegazo ja,ja,ja, en vez de pepas lanza riffs.
Ese si que sería tremendo juego jajaj
Hola, estoy empezando a abrir los 60 packs de #risingstar. Deseadme suerte para conseguir una carta legendaria.
#play2earn #spanish #nftgamela
Me fue mal :( para la próxima abro menos packs. #spanish
buena suerte. me recordaste ir hacer un mission.
Saturday Headline?
Hola #Web3
¿Quién por aquí? #spanish
#web3 will be woven from #threads
This is a terrible graphic, but someone could make a cool one!

That image screams, "We're trapped," and, "We're all gonna die!"
I like it.
HA HA, Literal LOL...
I know it's awful and sometimes that's fantastic.
So good to see you!
i love this
What would you call a POSH-like token for sharing links to other Hive articles on hive's short form content platforms like threads?
GOSH (Go Share)
Best one so far
Awesome, thanks. Now I don't feel like I wasted those thirty seconds thinking about it.
Here's my two cents to make up for it
This day just keeps getting better...
Sounds nice!!!
Aah... something new is coming!
GOSH sounds good😉
I think POSH still suffices since it is Proof Of SHaring.
Except if the question is geared towards the creation of a new token.
Then... emmmmmm 🤔
Yeah it is
IMO, the name can be formed ¹around a concept/idea or ²as an acronym just like POSH.
For instance:
I'm out of ideas
Good ideas, pods could maybe be saved for actual podcasts tho :D
That's true 😅
It is fitting for podcasts
The extra token
FYI POSH stands for Proof of Sharing.
Is there a reason you wouldn't just integrate it into the current token?
Social media platforms come and go, but the token used to incentivise sharing your community's content shouldn't.
I believe it has something to do with not wanting to strain the income twitter and reddit poshers earn.
More work.
Yo estoy disfrutando una noche diferente escuchando @ondapositiva , Una revista radial que me llena de buena vibra. Estamos en su Discord.
#Spanish #Hive
Vanganse pa'ca
Cuando fue que entro #Greta aqui para estar por encima de #spanish?
Greta siendo Greta
De toda la life #spanish
¿Quien es Greta?
¿Quien es Muller? 😂
¿Quien es que?
chiste futbolero jejeje
Con razón no lo entendí, 😅😅😅
pos te perdiste el show.
ya va desaparecer el patricinador acabo con ese juego
Pero has el cuento entero jajaja
Un whale de aqui, alphaleo se metio en la cabeza que queria que #greta llegara al #1 y dio upvotes a cada quien usaba el tag.
Logro y ya dejo de dar upvotes. Pues ya que nadie va a pagar pues ya le van a bajar al chiste
hasta yo jugue
jaja que locura
con dinero baila el perro.
y sas mira que bailamos. hasta yo jugue.
No sabrán que les golpeó, let's go! #Spanish
Creo que aun no podemos editar sin que salga que este Thread fue borrado, se me olvido una letra en "Llegado" Diablos #spanish
Creo que se borra si al editar el #thread superas los 240 caracteres.
Creo, no estoy seguro jejeje. Yo edité algunos y no se borraron.
A name for our #hivegarden mascot? How about Bert!
There he is at the botanical garden I visited the other day within Sangdong Lake Park in Bucheon, South Korea.
Exactly! haha..
Hey! What about Flowister?
That one made me laugh
Bert is SUCH a great name!
Wait what - you're in South Korea???
I was. I actually just got back! And all my plants survived! (Except a few that were already terminal hehe)
How awesome! Hope you had a great time!
Brilliant, I was in a botanical garden hot house today too. Did not have the same ring as South Krorea though!
This just in...
Local OG artist lacking motivation proudly threads about nothing again.
Upvoted for lacking motivation.
Thanks. I'll remember to not try harder next time.
Maybe motivate yourself to write it down so you remember to not try harder. In fact might be best to not try at all.
I'll try when trying isn't so trying.
I understand. I would suggest you relax after no putting forth so much effort and trying to remember not to do so.
You deserve the break.
Taking time off is something I excel at. Thank you for reminding me I am good at something, and all is not lost.
Us professionals call that #shitposting ... 👍 👍
You're all so helpful here.
lol son of a bitch.
he's done it again!
One of these days I'll win the internet...
I have to say i love seeing the #Spanish tag on the trending 😏
Nosotros siempre en todos lados representando! jajajaja.
Justo estaba percatándome que la etiqueta #spanish esta en trending!
#Spanish Dominando el mundo!!
Ay sí, ay sí jajajaja
Que bueno que te animaste a usar #threads.
me gusta si lo pudiera usar desde el telefono fuera feliz, aunque aun necesita muchas mejoras
Lo puedes usar desde el teléfono. No es tan cómodo como en una PC, pero se puede. Sin embargo, debes hacerlo desde el navegador interno de Hive Keychain. Yo lo he probado y sí funciona.
aun no me acostumbro a usar keychian como navegador pero podria intentarlo ya veremos.
Pues fuera de que es un poco más tedioso y tardado acceder al navegador, funciona bien. #spanish.
A mí no me parece tedioso, lo tengo allí, solo clave de #Keychain voy al navegador y listo 😏🔥
Yo estoy usando #Threads desde el móvil #
Need about 900 more threads in the next 11 hours. We will see what our friends in the east can do.
I am heading off for the night. Carry the torch forward for a while.
probably going to happen
We did reach it.
Now we raise the bar.
got forth and conquer the bed
GN and will do what we can to contribute and smash that goal.
We hit is (not smashed). New one set now for the crew in the West.
Aah right :) Go for it!
Going to take more than just me I believe.
Have a good night.
900 more...? Oh this must be a count goal we are trying to reach. I see
Well I'm about to go out with my family, so I won't be able to contribute much more till tonight, but hopefully others can.
It all helps. We keep resetting it.
Now the goal is 2,750 for the 24 hour period. Need to add a lot more.
Outside, cats in heat
are wailing into the night.
My bed is empty too.
#bcpoets #haiku #cats
Friday blooming
slowly, timidly yet confidently
into a fun #saturday #bcpoets #haiku #weekend :)
May it bloom into a radiant Saturday.
May it bloom into a radiant Saturday.
You are so good at these!!!! I love the parellel between you and the cats, united in loneliness and desire!
I’m glad you like it.
Come on. Don't laugh at me :P
Lol, You are my Greta friend,can't laugh at you
A little too late huh😅
One more to sloth the night off!
#greta #powertothesloths! #slothbuzz
we need more #slothbuzz instead of #greta
20 LEO already sent. #sixsixsix x3 Thanks for supporting #greta !
This new UI makes me feel like I am living in the future.
Which I am.
But still.
If its still Friday, you're actually living in the past 😉.
I sure am living in the past and we haven't even had dinner yet.
Clearly, #greta has dominated Thread. This should serve as a motivation for other Hive communities to popularize their tags. Benefits: engagement, visibility, potential Leo earnings... no-brainer.
Agreed. There is no reason why many communities cannot kick it into overdrive.
It is a great way to spread word about it.
When you are in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
This comment is offensive to grave diggers and you should delete it.
Oh wait you can't.
Carry on.
Grave diggers arent a protected group.
The first thing to do is to realize you are in a hole ✌️💨✅
Or that you are an a-hole, depending upon what fits.
Okay. Does not sound right.
Our tags are several actually lol but we will be keeping an eye on #MotherhoodonHive and #FatherhoodonHive, looking forward to reading some awesome Parenthood stories on threads
So... uh... how come everything is about #Greta here now? haha. Pretty, pretty weird.
Well the place can go to the #dogs too.
#dogs for the win
You decide what you want to trend next :P
Thanks for supporting #greta !
I dunno. Don't really get
Who likes unsolicited weiner pics?
Personally I prefer unsolicited pussy pics. #cats
Ah yes, choice grabe pussy pic
You forgot to tag #nsfw fren
Damn it, thought I could slide it under the radar
I did use it.
But I think it is that aesthetic, who could ever not want to see it?
nice shot
Thanks fren
Haha 😅 This type I do! 😁
This is interesting. #bitcoin core with only 5 devs left.
Kinda wild
Khal has like a dozen....to put things in perspective.
That is okay #btc doesnt upgrade so what is the difference.
If you are a Super #Hive Lover, you should check the first ever #giveaway by @libertycrypto27, the Tutorial Master!
Always wanted to get into this game seems like it takes a good bit of time though to play it?
Also, maybe he will answer here, if he sees the tag!Like you, I never played it, so I have no idea on how much time is required to complete the various tasks everyday: but @libertycrypto27 has played it for several time now and has some very interesting posts about the topic on his profile, if you'd like to check :)
thanks my friend :)
Hola a todos. De la mano de mi esposo @limonta y el apoyo de nuestra comunidad cubana estoy aterrizando en el maravilloso mundo de #Hive. #spanish #threads #introducemyself https://peakd.com/hive-10053/@wisleidys/madre-ingeniera-y-cubana-mi
Bienvenida a #Hive
Mucho éxito en esta nueva aventura.
Gracias y que así sea
Bienvenida Wisleidys! Threads es increible, te va a encantar!
Eso aspiro. Mi esposo lleva tiempo y creo que sí que Hive me resultará de mucho provecho para interactuar y crecer incluso profesionalmente. Gracias por responder.
Ya verás cómo #hive no te dejará abandonada y colmará tus expectativas. #spanish
I invite everyone to read this important update about the #3speak backend. This will be useful for all the #spknetwork open-source video apps.
#hive #acela #threespeak #web3
I just fully read it. I'm mesmerized by the good things about to come. Feeling FOMO right now into Larynx. Let's go!
Damn now I have to read it. LOL
Great. I am always interested to read #infrastructure development updates #3speak
A great project.
I love what #spknetwork is doing. Do we need to speak #spanish to be involved?
Haha, not really! But the #spanish community will get involved in the development, marketing, and use of #spknetwork.
Well #spanish needs to pass #hive. The gap is 28.
Need to get busy.
#3speak crushing it
Good morning Lions 🌞
Do you play Chess?
You can learn About Me of Crazy Hive Chess . You should play with us #hivechess on lichess.org .
It cannot get any better than this #hivegarden #green
This one is super healthy.
Looking great!
An insight on imposter syndrome.
Here is the link: https://peakd.com/hive-122108/@academician/imposter-syndrome-vs-reality
An insight on imposter syndrome.
That's a great way to look at it; thank you. 😊
Bitcoin to 25,000!
Bull Market Rumblings or Bear Trap?
Trap for me but i am no expert.
Bees die, chickens eat them, and I eat the nutrient dense chicken eggs. 🧵1/2
Gathered dead bees from my beehive entrance today to give to my chickens as a treat.
I think if more people took the time to see nature’s cycle of our food, they wouldn’t be so opposed to animal products. 🧵2/2
It's the circle of life...
Thanks for placing that song in my head.
I would rather eat the chickens than the bees. So I agree with working up the food chain.
I thought you could get stung by dead bees.
Honestly I heard that too.
Is it an ole wives tale?
They can eat dead bees and some times go after live bees if there's not enough food for them to forage on. They didn't seem all too excited with the bees though lol
Poor bees, but yay for super chicken eggs!
I still can't believe I got 5 eggs today! Breakfast for the weekend
How many chickens do you have? Some days can net a nicer haul, but 5 is definitely a nice amount if it is just for yourself.
Nine currently but had a lot more. Lost a few over the last few months sadly. I plan on getting a lot more chickens this year and maybe attempt hatching some chicks! Have you raised chicks yourself? I'm in the process of learning it.
Ah that's sad, but it's good you want to get more and look at maybe hatching chicks!
Haven't done it myself, but my uncle and aunty did on their farm, when I was a teen so I got to see parts of it and it was nice!
Might be a dumb question, but the chickens aren't affected by the sting?
They seem to be doing fine and have ate a few before. It seems like one of the hives wont be making it through the winter :/
Today, I delayed my first thread for like eternity until the spouse drove off. I can't let him know I'm so addicted😁
I can imagine you walking him to the door and shutting the door behind him then running to the couch.
Haha, that's a good scene but kind of the opposite. He came to me (I was in bed, still sleeping actually, lol!) He had to wake me up to tell me he's going.😆
ooohh keeping secrets :P
An open secret, haha!
Keep it like that #gmfrens
But then power's out so this is gonna be a challenging day to do everything on mobile.
Just get him to use it
I wish he would. He was on DBuzz for sometime then he got busy IRL
Threads is so easy though
It is indeed. He will do it eventually.
A girl has to have her secrets.
Yep, altho he knows it already.😁
Deny deny deny.
Never admit anything.
Will do just that 😆
Smart girl. Tell him nothing and he will like it.
Won't say a word, mouth zipped🤐
Haha just embrace it!
Yep. Can't even make any excuse, lol!
My first podium finish in #hivechess tournament! Unsurprisingly, not an actual chess tourney (bit of a crazyhouse specialist here).
@inertia I don't understand the documentation of your code 'hive_sql', could you tell me how I can import it and use it in my own code to make requests in hivesql.io
a quick example would help me
#bcpoets is moving up the trending list! Let's keep this going! Everyone, write poems!
Yeah the #bcpoets need to kick it into overdrive.
Plenty of room on the trending list.
So #Threads is running hot at the moment, but will that continue to grow, or will the novelty wear off and a slower pace be established? #growth #success #novelty
It's the former. We're just getting started😉
It's all hype right now.
Just gotta hope that development keeps moving forward and adding to the platform.
Feed segmentation and ad revenue pleaseeeeee.
No puede ser... Me estoy muriendo por un fuerte dolor de cabeza y los vecinos deciden poner música alta...¿Que hice para merecer esto?;-;
#spanish #life
I wonder if I can reach 100 #threads tomorrow, I'm looking for a digital counter app for it.
Soon folks
I bet you can. Start throwing some top line ones up and people will reply to some.
And then you reply. And so it goes.
Thanks, this is a good method.
I wish #khal :P
😆 It's time to sleep now I'll try tomorrow
Good night. 100 threads for tomorrow :P
Thanks, have a nice day
that on UTC time or nah
I will start counting with UTC time
Hi people. I have a doubt. Do notifications in the alpha UI get updated when we see them? It's not working for me. I need to go to the old version and just then alpha gets the message. #threads #leofinance
They update if you hit refresh on the new UI. They will not clear old unless you go to the old one.
Still havent implemented that into this version.
Thanks for the feedback on that issue. Just trying to help where applicable.
If you see something that isnt working right, use the #feedback tag.
I believe Khal is checking them.
Keep the #feedback rolling
These Lois #memes are killing me
wo/men :P
Not really sure what to make of it.
The meme or emotionally vacant women with big butts?
And the Saturday of couch sport starts.... now!
Figure skating it what I watched when I still had TV. I know, girlie skating 😉
If the Mighty Ducks movies taught us anything, its that figure skaters are badass!
Too funny 😄 Never saw this movie, but I love it already. I have a few mates that used to play hockey and one thing I can say is they’re all great dancers too, cause they learned balancing at young age. Skill for life!
Oh, you've gotta go and watch the Mighty Ducks movies!!
As a kid, they were my favouriteeeee haha.
Are they on Netflix or Disney+?
Disney I'm pretty sure.
I just posted last time I was skating - broke my shoulder 😅
you are into NHL? TML ha ha
Yeah, for some reason I've found myself pretty deep down the hockey rabbit hole haha.
TML, oh my condolences 😉.
ha ha yeah for sure. Leafs fan won't like that much either :P
20 LEO PRIZE for you meme !
Next 3 clean #greta memes will be awarded 20 LIQUID LEO. EACH.
Remember the day Greta said -"my message is...we will be watching YOU" ?
Mr. KING KHAL, I'm coming for you !
On the OLDER UI--
Markdown doesnt seem to work for what you are trying to create here.
The thread was short enough to allow me to enter a small table of data.
I wasn't making any memes, and I wasn't promoting any tags, so I deliberately left out the hashtag character for the 2 topics.