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Total today is 49.65Leofinance app keeps changing and so do threads but I keep Powering Up my #hive -

Beautiful flowers and nice shot.

$2k to list Hive on #Stakecube. Nah.. I think we'll manage to list it either way...

Okra and paw paw harvested from my farm

I support #gogreentuesday #threads247 #hivegarden #gogreen #food

Nice 😍

Thank you

Eating them fresh is what I like most. Fruitful harvest. It's nice.

Have you ever got up on a Monday morning thinking/hoping that it is a Sunday ?

#mememonday #poll #polls #gosh #threads

It happens

hereOn that note have you joined the $10000 #leo #finance quest for #hive because if you win the big prizes you may not really have to report of work for quite some time if you have that kind of extra $10K join

It happens pretty often lol

same here :)
here imagine what all you could do with that kind of money hope you have joined the $10000 #leo #finance #hive #quest

Sure, I'm joining ;)

Bob Mintzer

Bob Mintzer.jpg

I've seen that many people muted the tipping tokens bots because they consider them spam.
Do you like receiving tipping tokens?
#poll #polls

I mean they are ok but honestly it could be done better then spamming the heck out of the comments section.

The !PIZZA token work a bit better than other, they wait idk how much time before to post a message with saying everyone who tipped who

Agree, I like tipping but sometimes conscious it could be interpreted as spam! Guess it can be more discreet?

Yes, I really don't understand why they need to respond with a comment every time you call the bot. They could just send the tip and that's it.

Using "tips" as an excuse to boast about and advertise a product, every single time someone receives something worth less than a penny, is obnoxious.

I hate the bit comments personally. I'm not opposed to the idea of tipping but I wish it were done another way, the bit comments add nothing and are absolutely spam 😁

How do you feel about the #binance #fud today?

It was expected yet I am concerned. #binance is huge but it could be a lengthy process

It's been coming, so let's see what happens next.

if Binance close yes price will drop but wont stop protocols from running, BTC, ETH, Hive all networks keep running so no concerns

No concern. CZ understands being global. He is also a target both for crypto and being chinese. This puts him in the crosshairs of the West.

There are major holes in the quest to fully bring crypto under control.

Yeeee, today I was inspired to write an article about how to be active even while being inactive. Don't hesitate to check it out 🥰.

#gosh #ladiesofhive #hive #lovinghive

What would you do if you had $10000 in #free #money ?

#poll #polls #gosh #threads

hereGive yourself a real chance to win $10000 by joining the #leo #threads quest

That is enough more investment on hive and in self development

Which of these 3 features do you think the next #threads update this Friday will include?

Rethread would be cool but I rather more focus be put on getting this thing out of Alpha instead of more features. Starting to miss the target IMO.

Development is following a core roadmap to get us to production

The features we're adding are all either:

  1. Instrumental in getting us out of Alpha and to Production
  2. Elementary additions to things added in #1

Rethread. The other two will take some time in my view ☝️☝️😇🧵

you are playing god :P

I have been waiting for #rethread for some time. I would also like to see the ability to share Tweets on #threads without having to screenshot.

I like that idea

!CTOWe can then tell people on Twitter to share their Tweets on #threads to earn some cryptocurrency.

Where is the option to vote for "All"?

Wen Vote for All feature?

Haha yes dito I want then

I want my tweets to automatically get published on Threads.

Auto-cross tweet is that feature?

Yes it is that feature

Hey Khal! I still not knowing why is active key necessary to vote on poll

Don't know much about time of development for thse things... jut When is the "news article cliff notes" thing coming?

#Thorchain has been unhalted, all functionality: Tading/Dex Aggregation/LP/Earn (savers vault), #Thorsafe, #Thorname etc all resumed. #rune

Why was it halted?

A „potential vulnerability“ was given as a reason only…

out of an abundance of caution

Which is your favorite game to play within Rollercoin? #play2earn #polls #threads

When you love sweet things, it's posting about them!
Scones and clotted cream, chocolate, the list is endless!

Are you a sweet tooth?

#foodies #food #gosh #silverbloggers

I’m not answering this! It’s not a #poll! 😜🤙🏽🤤

haha very clever!

Yes, I am 😉🍫🍩🍦🍪🧁

Do you love me 😏

#poll #thread237 #love #life

My own option is not inside


What's your own option 😅😅😅

My option is "Maybe. Who knows?"😂😏

She wants to give me hope oooo
I am shyy 🙈🙈🙈🙈

You know you're not shy🙃. Let's wait and see sha.🌚

Are you sure that ayam not shy eeeehn 😏😌

Leaving St. George,UT

#roadtrip #Utah #photography


I thought you were talking about St George campus at Uni of Toronto :P damn

It went so quick.

I just faked my way through a business call for which I was completely unprepared for


It is often not what you say but how you say it.

I do this almost daily

leo.voter LEO payouts to the moon!

You're in for a surprise soon. But hey, at least you're using Threads :P

Sweet glorious spring! When neural structures begin to undergo metamorphoses to turn on the horny networks of the brain.

#nature #animals #birds

it is horny season everyone

It is not yet in my wallet 😪😪😪😪

I am ready for Binance crash. <$0.02 left there...

is it real this time?

TBH, I don't care now.

Heck ya! I think I have 5 cents!!!!

I see the bLEO:BNB LP liquidity just took a hit.

You out?

Yeah, removed a bit. 21% APY is no fun...

Never missing a Monday takes a whole new meaning when I get through today's template and the numbers was on point! Monday Vibes Burn Mode #movetoearn

*good morning 🌄

Good morning 😇

Likewise @tin.aung.soe & @yahuzah - have a great week!

A new day is start of a New Opportunity Do you Agree ?

#poll #polls #threads #hive #leo #leofinance #gmfrens

Nice Inspiring thought

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Friday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#greentuesday #thought enjoy the natures green rather than turn green with envy

Do you agree with this thought ?

#poll #polls #threads #nature

Its beautiful

#greentuesday #thought it is better to have $10000 green bucks in yr #crypto wallet rather than turning green with envy

Do you agree ?

#poll #polls #gosh #threads

To get $10000 bucks join the quest here

What are the benefits of Polls?

On #hodlcontest, we are focusing on polls for this week 😉

Earn up to 175 LEO and get Hodl support ✌🏼

Our witness node was disabled for a few days because we found an error and had to sync the whole blockchain again.

@aliento it back and producing blocks!

#hive #threads

That happens at times. Have to get it updated.

Are you running 3speak nodes?

*SPK Network nodes. Yes, I help with tcmd-spkcc and spknode-es.

:P They are different? Okay. Thanks.

Yes, 3Speak is one of the apps that are running in SPK Network and of course Hive.

3Speak is a platform and SPK Network is a protocol.

I asked that because I need to delegate my larynx token.

Maybe he will sell it all at breakeven

Or he will continue being a chad and buy more

Chad up I suppose

DCA long enough and you end up with the potential to break even.

Nevertheless, Saylor is not someone #crypto should support because he is an overt Bitcoin Maxi and rails against anyting non-btc.

Twitter Suspended Arbitrun Account Lol lol



Solution = Decentralized Twitter on Blockchain = Leothreads

bruh what is happening lol

We're so Over. Goin to 000000

Maybe they should have used Leothreads.

Solution = Decentralized Twitter on Blockchain = Leothreads


I agree.

Others need to realize this.

Centralization = no freedom

Some deeper information about the recent CFTC suing Binance

im back on the mainland. got some clips and a new edit on 3speak #skatehive

AI. Been reading a lot of thoughts and opinions about that, on Hive. Not everyone agrees, which is normal, and sign of a healthy, productive community.

An immutable store of data would be critical infrastructure, for AI, at some point.

It's good that nobody is agreeing on AI. A healthy debate. I would look for more transparency (when it comes to creation) and civility in the use of AI. Otherwise, AI is the next step of our internet evolution

The continuation of authentic input from humans is required, or AI becomes stuck in the present moment, and cannot advance. Getting an answer today depends on feedback from all days prior. Ask it about Hive. Its answer is our echo.

I agree. Once the AI gets the data feed it needs, it will create a spiral to receive more data. Look at Google search and why it is the best out there. It just gets more data compared to other engines.

An immutable store of data would be critical infrastructure, for AI, at some point.

This is the topic of an upcoming post. Interesting you highlighted it. Something few are talking about.

Una sugerencia para los #threads, que tuviera opciones para guardar como borrador y hacer rethreads. #hive #spanish

One suggestion for #threads, that it had options to save as draft and make rethreads. @leofinance

I believe rethreads are on the list to be included...we just dont know when.

The save as draft is going to be a part of the long form content. Again, no way to know when that will roll out.

Very good brother, we must be attentive then. Let's go all out

1/🚨The US attacks #crypto via regulation, while China & others become more crypto-friendly. As jurisdictions differ in their approach to crypto, the global landscape is shifting. Let's dive into this high-stakes battle.🌐👇

2/ Security or Commodity? The CFTC calls #BTC & #ETH "commodities," while the SEC claims they're securities. This fundamental disagreement highlights the confusion around regulation & classification of crypto assets.🤷‍♂️

I think it is a power play. By calling them cmmodities, the CFTC can provide oversight. This pushed the #sec to the side, which it doesnt like.

Hence it has to call them all securtieis.

3/ CFTC vs. CZ & Binance: The CFTC is accusing CZ of insider trading on the Binance platform, claiming that over 300 accounts are linked to him. This might just be FUD, as CZ's operations are mostly overseas.🔍

4/ China's changing stance: As the US cracks down on crypto, China is becoming more crypto-friendly, signaling a coordinated move to adopt innovative blockchain technologies. This could be a new war frontier between nations.🔥

5/ Pro-crypto vs. anti-crypto: While some jurisdictions ban crypto, others embrace it as a way to foster innovation & attract entrepreneurs. We're witnessing a global shift in how governments & corporations view crypto.🌍

6/ Crypto: A new war frontier. As we've seen in the past, innovation is often fought before being embraced. The battle over crypto & blockchain tech is just the beginning

7/ As the battle over crypto & blockchain tech intensifies, countries will compete to establish their stance on these innovations. This could reshape global economic landscapes and power dynamics.💥

8/ The undeniable potential of crypto: Despite the resistance, #cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies offer a world of opportunity for communication, trade, and asset representation. The innovation they bring is irrefutable.🌟

9/ The cycle of innovation: Newspapers fought the internet, radio fought television, and the horse & carriage fought motor vehicles. History shows us that innovation is often resisted until it becomes undeniable. #Crypto is no exception.💡

10/ In conclusion, as the world navigates this new war frontier of crypto & blockchain technology, we'll witness a global shift in how governments, corporations, and individuals interact with these innovations. Embrace the change!🚀

Hong Kong rubbing their hands now!

Doesn't it make you lol that suddenly the narrative is that China and Russia...

2 of the most authoritarian, selfish governments...

Who are hell bent on controlling every aspect of their citizens lives so their respective regimes remain in power...

Are suddenly "crypto friendly"?

Come onnnn.

1/ The attacks on TikTok are another move by the United States to limit free speech. The entity is not even owned by the Chinese gov't. It said it will move its servers to Texas, where the USG can go through all data.

2/ #web2 was completely infiltrated by the USG...FB, YT, Twitter, and Instagram. Now they are looking to take over TikTok. This is why Threads is vital.

We need to keep expanding #web3.

Servers can be moved 2 any location on Earth. The concern is who has access 2 those servers. Give me access 2 something you don't want me 2access, & that's a problem.

I don't use TikTok, so I don't care. 4 those who care, that's a problem.

If the server is within the United States, then the USG has access.

USG has access 2 any server on American soil. That isn't enough 2stop others from accessing them. Even if there aren't transparent ways 4 others 2access these American-based servers, other ways exist. This is true 4 every server everywhere.

The language of the legislation is so broad, the whole internet is at risk of being censored. So even If you don't use tiktok it still has the potential to affect much much more.

Overly broad language in legislation is a genuine problem, & TikTok is the Trojan Horse 4 getting it passed; the app itself is just a nuisance. If getting rid of TikTok means we end up w/ PATRIOT ACT 2.0, then I can deal w/ TikTok staying.

Yes, it's Patriot act 2.0 but much more authoritarian. It has a part in it were if you try to circumvent by using a VPN you can face a fine of $250k up to $1,000,000 and 10 years in jail. It's insane!

Elon Musk's acting in this SNL skit is impressive, but Chad, Pete, is already on another level of #comedy.

#liotes #shorts #videos

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