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Y si hacemos llegar a #spanish a los 1000 Threads? 👀

Fuego!! Yo me anoto en eso #spanish

Sería el primer tag en llegar a los 1000 No ucl ni epl de futbol pudieron #spanish

#spanish si puede, hoy es el día y matamos esos jefes

A matar esos jefes incluso el jefe de los 1000 threads #spanish

#spanish yo estoy presente desde el día en que naci, real hasta la muerte prrr

parce pero se compromete? #spanish

Si va, hasta donde el cuerpo aguante, ni he almorazdo haciendo Threads en #spanish jajaja

almuerce hombre vale la pena

La comida todavía no está lista, estoy esperando... Pero ya tengo hambre jajaja #spanish

ya almorzó?

Todavía no. jajaja

pana ya almorzó? 😂

muchachos, hay una iniciativa @vikvitnik @tsunsica @crptogeek se me escapa nuestra otra amiga, que no la tengo en mis notificaciones, la ponen? #spanish

se me perdió no la veo xD

Por mi parte no hay problema, ¿pero cuando lleguemos que hacemos? XD

A este ritmo no se tardará tanto. Cada vez que veo aumenta por montones.

nos quedamos como los pececitos de buscando a nemo.... y ahora?

Tocará hacer trending el logro en Twitter XD

No sé, supongo que habrá que hacer un post contando lo que hemos logrado en la sinergia hispana.

Pero tienes que colocar #spanish para que cuente o no avanzamos xD

Sí, obvio jajaja.

Yo creo que vamos muy bien. De hecho, mejor que nunca.

@jordy0827 entrale

gracias por hacerle el llamado #spanish

Pero que recuerden poner el #spanish jajaaj

Cuál es la iniciativa? Me andan lento los threads

nada, simplemente hablar entre nosotros y subir el tag de #spanish

Voy como pollo sin cabeza entre tantos hilos. Recien le estaba contestando a @crptogeek, y ahora ando metida en una iniciativa que de que va??? #spanish

Es así, voy de #spanish a Notifications, luego al general, y así. Muy loco.

Ya va de segunda #spanish, cada vez que miro sube mas!

pero sigue siendo poco #spanish es top mundial

Como estas pasando el cumpleaños? #spanish

les propongo un tema, hablemos sobre lo mejor y lo peor de estar en pareja, empiezo yo:

le peo es que no entiende pq hago threads

jjajajaj no entiende que hay un objetivo #spanish

No lo entiende. A ti te entienden?

seh, en mi casa entienden

seguro que los $10K los dejaron convencidos 😁

Ahahah no sé. A mi no me gustó y desde que terminé con mi único ex ya no busqué nada más

ajajajjjajaja yo dije que empezaba y nunca empecé

lo mejor es que tienes con quien salir siempre
pueden comer cosas ricas
la intimidad

la confianza

el amor

la entrega

la complementación

aprender de la otra persona

Que bonito

sip, bueno de corazón y de expresarlo en #spanish

evolucionar juntos

conseguir las metas, porque entre más metas mayor estabilidad

siempre esa persona lo escucha a uno

en los momentos buenos y malos tienes un soporte

demostrar que uno es importante

la convivencia es dificil

uno a veces no se comprende y teniendo esto en cuenta se puede complicar el entender a la otra persona

sobre todo cuando se creen que querer a alguien realmente es con todo y lo malo. Nope, yo puedo decidir alejarme de lo malo si es demasiado para mi #spanish

eso es la realidad, lo bueno y lo malo, y casi siempre estamos viendo solo lo bueno, y lo malo lleva a los años o a los meses y luego ya no quieres o no te quieren #spanish

es pésimo cuando la gente deja pasar lo malo que de verdad le molesta y un día explota y la otra persona ni enterada #spanish

siempre hay que decir adios antes de que sea tiempo de que todo se termine de dañar, es mejor tener un buen recuerdo

eso fue lo que yo hice. ya no le di mas largas cuando se me hizo pesado #spanish

ademas muchas veces se sale de control y se pierde el respeto y se generar agresiones físicas, psicológicas, entre otras cosas


Tiene sus pro y sus contra como todo, pero al final necesitamos compañia, Terminar la vida solos es muy triste, pienso yo. Pero estar solo tambien tiene su lado bueno, yo a veces necesito un poco de soledad #spanish

Yo pienso que cuando es buena compañía es genial. Si no es alguien que sume, la soledad es mejor #spanish

Ahi te doy toda la razon, para no ser feliz mejor solos...

Te pregunte ahorita pero quiza no te salió, me quede pensando en tu gato Bonito, una foto que salio aqui de un gato mordiendo unos espejuelos, fue el? Porque ahora me quedo la duda despues que te lo dije jeje #spanish

Jajaja no, no es él, no ha mordido. este es eso

Pero aun teniendo en cuenta estas cosas las relaciones interpersonales son de gran relevancia y en cada experiencia amorosa siempre debemos quedarnos con lo bueno que vivimos y tomar lo aprendido.

Le vivo dando sin poner #spanish pero asunto resuelto

te va tocar ponerlo hasta cuando hables con el task #spanish

jajajajaja y el "pero si esto no está en #spanish?"

le dices si esto no está en #spanish no existe

Jjjajaja buena respuesta
Que aprendan #spanish también xD

#spanish ese el único capaz con los jefes supremos de hive

¿Se imaginan que el trending tags aguante solo hasta 999?

Creo que nada superó 1k threads aún, ¿o sí?

Ningún tag ha superado esa barrera, imagínate que #spanish sea la primera en llegar. Sería genial !! hoy es el día jajaja

A este ritmo llegará, pero quién sabe en cuanto tiempo. Tiene que ser hoy mismo, veamos que se logra :p

Podríamos aprovechar que quedan algunas horas de la batalla para intentar colocarlo en los 1000 hoy #spanish

Sí, eso podría servir mucho.

Cuando hagan un threadstorm no olviden poner el tag spanish de principio. Vi uno que hizo una tormenta de threads y en el último thread puso el tag latino xd (que no suma en realidad).

Así es, el principal obstáculo es no olvidarnos nosotros mismos de colocar #spanish en los threads, algo que también me pasa a veces 😅

con los que somos debería llegarPor eso tenemos que etiquetar a #spanish

Sí, obviamente. Y si se une más gente mejor.

nombre pero seamos positivos #spanish

Positividad al 100%

Llegaremos y superaremos con creces :p

ya van 557 en #spanish, la verdad no es un mal número, entre todos hacemos subir eso, tenemos hasta las 7 pm

Ahora estamos en 719. Una bestialidad jajaja.

En comparación con lo que subía antes se está dando en muy poco tiempo. #spanish

#spanish en 781 yo creo que se puede, vamos a quedar en el top uno, bueno es lindo mientras dura

jajaja, oye pero que pesimista jaja #spanish

Jajajaja, solo es un decir. Vamos hacia los 1000 y más allá.

como vamos? #spanish 670 y contando, yo creo que si se puede, antes de las 7 que ya todos nos desconectamos

A mi me aparece otro número XD

es que se van actualizando segun pasa el tiempo, vamos comentando con retraso #spanish

Lo importante es comentar. Creo que llegaremos tranquilamente mientras no se vayan.

Sigamos haciendo threads #spanish.

Vamos con esa! #spanish

Sería la primera en llegar a los 1000, hoy sería el día perfecto para hacerlo y hacernos notar. #spanish

#spanish en verdad nunca otra ha estado en 1,000 ?

Ninguna otra, #spanish sería e primar tag en ponerse sobre los 1000

no veo que subamos de números en #spanish donde está el aaa pollo xD


parce ud que, hace rato no me sale in notificaciones jajaj, necesitamos una última actividad que dure hasta las 19:00 son las 15:00 en punto

yo no me he cruzado mucho contigo, pero no me he ido

entonces tenemos que cambiar eso, porque falta poco y siento muy cerca el final

Hablemos de las bondades del #spanish, como por ejemplo poder decir en una sola palabra género y número del sujeto

El #spanish tiene bondades, sin embargo, es de los idiomas más difíciles de aprender, o me equivoco?

Es uno de los idiomas más completos, la cosa es que el #spanish actual no solo ocurrió sino que fue construido. Por eso tiene una estructura más robusta que el inglés

Así es, posee una estructura mucho más robusta, por lo que es más fácil para un hispano aprender ingles que para un anglosajón aprender #spanish

En el #spanish to puedes conocer el abecedario y leer. En inglés ellos mismo no pueden leer su idioma sino de memoria

Woow tremendo eso. Adoro el #spanish jejeje

A mi lo unico que no me gusta (no es una bondad jeje) son las tildes, es lo que me gusta del ingles, que las palabras no llevan tilde...

Y por la falta de tildes es que el inglés es enredado de leer correctamente si no memorizas, así que sí es una bondad jajajPero tienes que poner #spanish, es el punto

me lo tengo que tatuar para que no se me olvide ponerlo. Hoy voy a soñar con la etiqueta #spanish

jjajajaja de pana, en mis sueños no voy a hablar, voy a escribir #spanish

las bondades son casi infinitas, #spanish es nuestra casa materna

es de los mejores idiomas, con mayor capacidad para expresar #spanish

Dios se me está haciendo un poquito eterno, oye me alegra que aun tienes luz #spanish al fin si escampo?

Todavía sigue lloviendo pero no se ha ido menos mal #spanish

por acá tiene cara de que quiere llover, pero un 20% de cara, tal vez no llueva

Es un idioma que tiene muchos matices, nos podemos expresar de una manera muy formal o de una manera muy casual. El Español es genial y orgulloso de que sea mi lengua materna. #spanish

Es una lengua con gran estructura pero a la vez una flexibilidad que te permite poder hacer arte con la escritura. No es rígida a pesar de sus normas. #spanish

¡Reto aceptado!

Ya solo faltan menos de 250. #spanish

Ver a #spanish como el primer tag en pisar los 1000 🤤🚀

Weekend Battle

Some intel for those looking to slay @khaleelkazi & @anomadsoul: they'll go on a thread spree and then will fully stop


Over 1k for the weekend. Just a few hundred more and I'll see if I can slay rmsadkri

dammit, i‘m sticking on that 30!

Stop Task

74!!! I'm moving up!!! Dreaming of a 50 next update :)

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yup yup, gotta take an hour off right now, but hopefully I'll catch up!

Ahhh! Yaaaasssss!!!! Can't slow down now! 6 more hours!

still fo far away ahhh but going strong

going strong. maybe slower because my brain is lagging xD

crossed only one. planning to cross the 2 nd one also.

hehe I’m coming for these guys

Congratulations @crptogeek

Gracias, sin ustedes no sería posible! 🙏

Bien!!! necesitamos seguir avanzando! Demasido cerca de aquellos dos 😅 #spanish

Could updates be published more frequently now that we are almost finished?


Voy empezando un poco tarde, pero veamos si puedo llegar al menos al top 100. #spanish

Son las 2:10 pm hora de Cuba y aún no almuerzo 😅... estuve haciendo de peluquera a mi mamá que no le gusta como le quedan los cortes de cabello con otros...lo mismo va con mi esposo..tengo que pensarme lo de abrir un negocio 😂#spanish

jaja, tendrias tiempo??? Yo no almuerzo tampoco, es que desayunamos tarde.

está apretada la cosa😂..además veo que @anomadsoul se despertó por ahí y ya anda con los hilos también 🤣 hay descanso amiga!!!!! pegados aqui!

jajaj, aqui seguimos!

Jajajaja definitivamente, empieza a cobrarles, si no con dinero con favores! Mi novia le corta la uñas a todos los perros de la familia, son diez! Ya le he dicho que cobre sus servicios veterinarios jaja

Wooow no había visto la hora, aquí también ya es lo suficientemente tarde para sentir el hambre del almuerzo jeje #spanish

pues vaya almuerce 😅 o mejor que le pongan el plato de comida frente a la PC 😂

Que me den la comida en la bona para poder seguir escribiendo 😂 #spanish

Aquí en Venezuela tenemos la misma hora de Cuba, y tampoco he almorzado. Ya tengo un apetito indecible #spanish

Pues sí...y voy a hacer como me recomendó @anomadsoul y pedirle "de favor" a mi mamá que prepare algo 😂

It's a trap, don't stop

not at all

My friend @rmsadkri is there, buck up man

Leave him alone. don't call him hhahahaha

Someone called me. i am back threading.

Damn it! I told them not to hahaah

I am back now for a little while. The space is all yours after that :P

HAhahaha okay, just stay behind hahaah

I am trying. Weekend is my family time but I had to come back :P

Addictive #threads , welcome my fren

I know. This is something else. Khal created this mind map and Eric put juice to it. Everyone is going crazy

It will be a fantastic surprise in the coming days for all and sundry.

I know. Let's hope the UI is as solid.

Number 5. Wow, you did thread heavy.

I said I was gonna slay today.
Imagine if I wasn't working friday and saturday

Way to go. Good luck.

can't slow down, but I want to sleep hahaha

What time is it?

2:45pm here, 18:45 utc

I have never been dedicated to threads than i have been in the last few minutes.

but you are focused now xD

It was about my time and schedule. Threading to the top is not a big

Look at you. #5. We will have to change that.

I have the knife, stay back!

It's definitely a trap...keep going.

they already targeted me hahhha

I am also getting the same vibes 🤣🤣. Keep moving is safe in the current time.

We are so many ahead to be real

I had to stop because I needed some sleep, lol!

Fair hahah I need some sleep too but this is not the time for it hjahaha

Is anyone interested in seeing how I’ve been generating images with AI? I could share the interesting tricks I’ve seen so far.

I use both Bing images and, you can also try generate yours and who knows 🤷‍♂️ Could be fun

I have generated images using AI. They lack emotion :P

something like this

Not these ones. I asked AI to create an image of a father with his kid. The image looked so not fair.

Yeah, it still has many limitations but simple fun things like this are just interesting

True. There are other situations when they are handy. I tried creating images for my powerpoint. They are accurate.

Thanks for sharing it ;) Will try it soon!

Funniest things you read on the blockchain:

"Your post has been upvoted 100% by our curation team"

Curation team has like 2 dollars worth of crypto invested and powered up.

Nothing says 'dedicated project' more than that!

Lol why are you trolling Jongo 🥹🤣 they have to start from somewhere.

I mean, I'm not trying to be mean....But when you don't even put skin in the game to start, it's almost like....You are looking for hand outs.

I agree. Most of these projects are just looking to get handouts and end up enriching themselves. Block chain jobbers I call them

I applaud the ones that have a plan, and then build it up from the start. But man, some of these have been around for years with...the same 5 bucks in crypto of their own powered up.

The worst are 200 account trails that vote with $0.001 at 100%

Yup, great point. Not sure they even know how useless that is for their curation efforts lol

Its a pain in the eye for the author voted. You just got a bunch of useless numbers.

Are they fishing for votes? Either give me a decent vote or make a good comment if you want one.

That's exactly what they are doing lol Thinking 'If I say I'm voting 100%, they'll give me a vote!'

Hahaha that's absolutely crazy. I guess they want to be potential curators but have very small resources

Oh man, I mean I started small too. Broke as a joke. But if I was to start a curation project, the least I'd do is invest in the token I want to curate. Not a lot, but enough to show some skin in the game.

Lol. I don't even worry about it but people can do what they want. It might help some people get over the dust threshold.

Oh for sure, best thing about the blockchain is people are free to do what they want...But I think if they want to get support, lead by example and show that you are dedicated to a project.

True. If people are dedicated, people will take it more seriously. People believe action more than words.

I mean, 1,000 votes from those curation projects will give you a buck so there's that lol

ha ha ha ha ha It's important to always look at the good side of things!!!

ha ha ha.....that kind of curation has gone outdated.

Community curation without a dedicated project is akin to squeezing rewards on the premise of Hive Power.

It's so strange to see those messages on posts these days!


Can't help but yeah, that's really funny

#movies German silent film epic that was one of the most influential works of science fiction genre.

I don't think I've ever see the whole film, but I remember Freddie Mercury did a song for the modern edit. The early film pioneers had to invent everything as they went along. A lot of old films were lost.

Edit with Freddie Mercury's song was part of the version with Giorgio Moroder's soundtrack. Much shorter than later restored version.

I didn't watch the movie before. I am adding the list to watch it later.

One of the guys who motivates me from the fitness side in here, is @toofasteddie, who gives insights on crypto and fitness, all with the beautiful scenery of gorgeous Barcelona.

The details for this morning program can be read in here, together with some pictures: #gosh

I'm gonna go on a Threads spree to reach 1000 Monthly threads, and the I will stop.

Whoever wants to slay me will have enough time to grind.

Some of us already have 1k in the 3 days for the weekend battle. The last 2 bosses are tough though.

Had to read that again to be sure its not 1000 before the end of this weekend battles in next few hours.

Lol please calm down. 🥹

Way ahead you haha now I'm looking to finish the 3000 for the month already

My weekend movies were Dune (the recent one) and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Very different and each entertaining in their way. The latter is pretty silly, but it's just entertainment, not science. I read Dune many years ago.

The new Dune? The first part?

Yes. I heard part 2 is out, so needed to catch up. I watched the 80s one recently. With the new one I knew what was coming a lot of the time. Even some of the lines are the same.

Good call. Think I'll watch part 1 again since it's been a while and the second one. I remember the 80s Dune, directed by David Lynch!

I actually enjoyed AntMan. Lots of bad reviews, but I thought it was the perfect popcorn flick!

The mind boggles at the work that goes into the effects. I just treat it like a thrill ride. I'm not expecting great acting or a plot that makes sense.

Yeah man, people going into these movies expecting a masterpiece in acting and story telling, are setting themselves up for a disappointment lol

I also read Dune way back & I liked it a lot. The movie doesn't have any lore and complexity from the books, understandable, but it didn't feel nearly as magical as the book

The MCU ended for me with endgame, not watching any Marvel movie

These movies are always a compromise as they need to appeal to people who never read the books. They need lots of action rather than long explanations.

I get all the Marvel stuff on Disney+. May go to cinema for GOTG3.

Not seen Dune, but really anjoyed Ant-man and the Wasp movie. Just watched the Dungeon and Dragons movie, and it was good as well. So can recommend that for next time =)

I may check out D&D some time. I enjoy a fun movie.

The reviews for the Ant-Man movies are not great. I have not watched it yet. Dune is good.

I heard that some people didn't like Ant-Man so much, but it was a fun watch. I knew what to expect.

I am not expecting a ground breaking story line either. I need to find time to watch this fun filled visual treat.

Completed more then 150

#threadtoday #ctp

Great job. It all adds up over time.

That is amazing, very well done!

Thanks but it's nothing as compare to you

How much do you like threading? Tell us what you think of this platform on Hive.

U can judge it from the comments we produce. We are loth to provide explicit emotions, and we prefer to convey them in our threads both qualitatively and quantitatively.

If it keeps up after contest, I will agree with you.

It will, there will be a minor correction after the campaign but only to make higher highs again. Bookmark this conversation, we will discuss this after the 10th.

You must know something I dont know. That is good. I havent really been paying attention to that.

So much that I'm ready to sacrifice my sleep, hehe.

LeoThreads is helping the hive blockchain achieve so much because of its deliberate action towards getting as many people as possible involved. With this platform, growth is inevitable.

Ultimately it will feed into the $LEO each has staked.

Keep that in mind.

Thank you for mentioning it, I will keep it in mind 😊.

I really like this Microblogging format, although the interface is not perfect, I know they are working on its constant improvement. It has a lot of potential.

That is the plan I believe. They are working on getting things debugged.

Yeah, there are so much to still improve on but it's still topping the likes, hehe

I'm not sold....Time for me to put on the bikini and go back to TiKTok!!!!

Hahaha, please get two bikinis, hehe

Oh i'll break the internet!!!!

Your love of #web2 is legendary.

I like it very much. I feel freedom to express myself and people who read and understand me. It has been very good the time I used the threads to pronounce my word.

I will continue to use threads after the campaign.

Very fond of threading. It's driving crazy people already with its engagement.

It is great to see the engagement.

Yeah, that's the best part. I am glad to see a lot of improvements and new lions roaring.

We are going to set some big numbers for the week. It is amazing.

The party just started 🦁

I don't like it at all 😏

Hahaha, that's awesome! It means it's making you do what you normally won't do, niceee 😁.

So you are happy that I am struggling? You've joined my enemies

Wow, so all these while I was your friend? I missed that, hehe.
Please forgive me, I was just teasing you, but then the struggle is real but fun 😌.

It's too late for regret now

Really? Wow!

I think it provides people with an easier way to engage with others. They don't have to read long posts.

Yeah, in less than few minutes you've read and replied to a lot of persons, hehe.

Yea and I like the notification page on threads. It shows me most things.

Same here 🥰

Reading is hard.

That is the reality for a lot of the population.

I think threading is dangerous and addictive. Once you get hooked you can't stop.

I dont think that, I know it. That is my story anyway.

You are right. Kahl is an evil guy, he dragged all of us into this knowing full well how addictive it is and dangling the goodies in #zealy.

Yep. He is a psychological master and has up all under his spell.

By the way, zealy is a smashing success I think he should do to each and every Leo project one after the other once this is over. What is your take?

It certainly does seem to have drawn people to Leothreads. From that perspective it is a great feat. How it is doing in other areas I dont know.

But this is a great first step especially if people keep threading.

To be honest, I am enjoying it very much but the matter is when I enter threading automatically time flies. As an example, I am active here for the last 6 hours and I didn't realize 6 hours crossed.

It is a great place to engage. I think people are truly loving it.

I like it, but not in the way to fight against bosses, is a good way to know people and in the future share your post with more people

I love all your food pics :)

I am back, bro lets have some party.

Thank you. Please share your photos and I will look at them and drool :)

I shared a few; more will come soon! Thank you for the motivation.

I really like them. You should start a food blog tbh on liketu and threads

Thank you, I do that when I have time. Today I posted on liketu.

Looking very delicious, I hope you enjoyed it very much.

Yes, I loved it.

from the next time you can invite me when you take such kind of food. I won't mind for it😂😂

With utmost pleasure my dear

Being active in the hive platform is very important. If anyone wants to enjoy here, it's a requirement. Here consistency brings many things.


1/ 🧵

Consistency is a must for all successful content

Yes, consistency is the key but being consistence is not an easy task.

Consistency doesn't mean that you have to post every day and make 100 comments in each day. Consistency means interacting with others from your heart.

2/ 🧵

You need connect with the heart of the authors. Only typing and making random comments isn't enough to connect with the heart of authors. You need to understand the feeling of an author for it.

3/ 🧵

You can share your experience through your post and comments and slowly and steadily you will grow up and you will start to enjoy here.

4/ 🧵

If you face huge difficulties to be consistent then nothing to worry about because here exist leothreads also. I am sure if you start to make threads, you will be super active.

5/ 🧵

A few weeks ago I lost my father. No doubt that knocked me down and for that reason my mood dropped drastically so I have hardly posted any content on Hive.

Commenting on threads helped me a lot to clear my mind of bad thoughts.

Sorry to hear about your loss and I have no words to console you. Remember that we are helpless against the law of nature. Be strong.

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it very much!

I hope soon to have the activity I had and create daily posts with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. I guess I will soon recover those energies.

Thanks for this thread.

Sorry about the loss of your dad.

Also, I support you with the keyword or ingredients needed for anyone on the hive blockchain to succeed. Yes it is consistency and engagement with your fellow authors

To me it is all about being active.

You don't have to post daily, but you should come on and interact with people you enjoy interacting with..

For me it is all about fun, when it is fun then I show up and am active.

I also think we need to enjoy here engaging with others. It's all about fun.

Engagement, consistency and quality activity can get anyone to the path of success, but it's not easy. That being said, if you have those three, it will be ten times easy!

It's not easy but not impossible and we all need to give our best effort to make it possible. Besides, with time we gain experience which makes things easier for us.

+1 to that. Consistency is one of the most important things to establish strong connections. At that point, you'll have friends for life.

Consistency is key to success. Here on Hive, you need to continuously appeal and bring yourself forward. If you don't, people might not even take a second to look at you. This is why engagement and consistency are very important.

I loved everything you said, wise words. I have seen how I do better when I interact than when I am almost not active, interaction is key in Hive!

I loved everything you said, wise words. I have seen how I do better when I interact than when I am almost not active, interaction is key in Hive!

I loved everything you said, wise words!
I have noticed that when I interact a lot I do very well, when I stop interacting I don't get the same results. Interacting is key in Hive and life!

I loved everything you said, wise words!
I have noticed that when I interact a lot I do very well, but when I stop interacting it's not the same... interaction is key in Hive and life!

The power of believing in yourself is unparalleled. It fuels your motivation, pushes you beyond limits, and unlocks your true potential.

1/🧵 #threadstorm

When you believe in yourself, you radiate confidence and attract opportunities. You become unstoppable, ready to face any challenge that comes your way.

Self-belief breeds resilience. It helps you bounce back from failures, learn from them, and grow stronger. With each setback, your belief in yourself becomes unshakable.

Believing in yourself allows you to silence the inner doubts and critics. You realize that your dreams are within reach, and you have the ability to turn them into reality.

The power of self-belief transcends boundaries. It empowers you to break free from societal expectations, pursue your passions, and create your own path to success.

When you believe in yourself, you inspire others to do the same. Your unwavering faith becomes contagious, motivating those around you to embrace their potential and achieve greatness.

Self-belief opens doors to new possibilities. It enables you to take calculated risks, explore uncharted territories, and discover hidden talents that would otherwise remain dormant.

Believing in yourself boosts your mental well-being. It strengthens your self-esteem, reduces anxiety, and enhances your overall sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Your self-belief serves as a guiding light during difficult times. It reminds you of your inherent strength and resilience, helping you navigate challenges with unwavering determination.

Never underestimate the power of believing in yourself. It can transform your life, leading to personal growth, professional success, and a fulfilling journey of self-discovery. Embrace it and let your dreams soar.

This thread gives us a glimpse into ourselves. To believe in our own person and to be able to grow enormously in all areas of life.

A great motivation that is convenient to read to receive the energies to generate a great change in us.

thanks man especially in the last few hours of the battle we need this

One of the best score till now
Its more hen 150 threads in one day

#threads #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

So I saw the new leaderboard, 192 threads in close to 3 days.
However I cannot help but remember all the threads and comments I put in that didn't come through. But advantages and disadvantages can be opportunities in different format.

So true. Last night i lost a lot of that before i discovered. I just slept off after then.

Mehn it can be really infuriating, the threads won't just post

Yes. But i saw some of them on ecency and on other

It can be tiring sometimes but it's a good thing you already fell in love with threads, hehe.

you still have time keep threading!

Yeah, there is still time to regain all that have been lost

ya where you at? how many threads do you have now?

It is all good. The UI has its fair share of issues.

That's right, hehe.

Hahaha I guess it's a part of the challenge we have to overcome

May be there are points who can ignore the bug and thread their way to the top

It's easier said than done though

I know. The notification is buggy, threads are not going sometimes.

yeah, you’re showing up is what’s important

I agree with you 😌

Where do we see the leaderboard? Not that I expect to be on it :)

Leogrowth releases an update every 8 hours. Check the account for the previous one.

Leo growth share it with us every 7 hours. I think the next one will be coming up in about two hours from now.

Ha haaaa you're even keeping tabs, I don't think I have the record, I really like the update though. I'll check in 2 hours

It's not really accurate though, hehe. I saw that when I read the rule of the quest 😌.

You read right ooo I actually haven't paid attention to

Thank you for the compliment 😆

I can relate, we keep looking forward to a better operation 🥰.


Thank you. There are many threads I couldn't reply despite how hard I try.

You're welcome!

Don't know of this might be helpful but I'd say it anyways. If you want to reply to a thread, always make sure to click on the three dots by your right first 😊.

Hahaha you're already versed in these things, how do you come up with all these cheat code? I just did before I replied your thread. Thanks a

Someone told me, hehe.

I'm happy it worked for you too, hehe.

Where do you get all these brilliant people


could not get more better than engagements you've made in these days.. kind of a positive side of this.

Sometimes you can't even reply to some comments despite how hard you

Thank you, I'm truly motivated to keep going

Sorry about that. The same happened to me earlier but I figures out on time and make corrections

Well, there are times, for 2 hours or more, all I get is "application error

Is this recent? I know this week it was glitching but it's better now at least from my end

It's crazy on mobile. Maybe you're on PC, even today I lost over 20 threads because of it

Ah! Hope I am not losing threads as well and I don't know

This man don dey calculate 🤣🤣 chill big man

It's a different format and it's short-form content. So it's easy to forget about them.

That's true, they're short form. Easy to put in, easy to let

Sorry to hear about your threads not indexing.

It is one of those things actually. We keep pushing

I am trying to imagine how it tastes like

look Nice.

Thank you so much

Wao que delicioso luce ese plato.

Gracias @jordy0827 , quedó bien rico, te lo recomiendo

Sunday is a fun day for me as both I and my wife enjoy the day by going out to malls or parks and cooking delicious dishes together!


How nice. I wish I could do something fun asides from typing my life away 🥹

you deserve a great vacation after the lion war ends writes!

Lol I will take a 12 hour nap. That would be my reward for the effort I have put these past few days

Go out, or is it too dangerous?

Lol it is not. I am just engrossed in this weekend challenge. I am taking my girlfriend out next weekend

Had fun with your partner. Great picture

thanks, man and you too have a great weekend!

Nice, where do you live?

You sundays really do sound lovely

Great to have some fun. Nice shot

this photo proves its a fun day


Imma need one of these asap

Nice, for me Sundays are for catching up with my personal Hive stuff and working a little bit, then some family evening. Where are you from?

That's awesome! Spending time and doing things together are fun indeed!

Some cool #hive dividers you can use for your posts.

Found on the link below.


More Colorado..



The scenario is outstanding. I wish I were there to enjoy the sight in my own eyes. You captured it very well also.

this looks nice. colorodo is colourful

The view is beautiful

Another gorgeous sight!

I totally love the blue sky 😍🥰

Who's going to WIN?

Sepia  Portrait  Nature Poster.png

men for sure. Because they would be eaten alive by the lions.

🤣🤣🤣 hope this battle ends soon

just in few hours time.

can we handle it ?

I am trying my best to beat the first Lions and I hope I will make it.

i am with you from all my heart hope you'll do it

I see you are driving the convo on threads today.

I think I already made the highest threads today. Whatever I am enjoying it also.

Haf breed :)

hahaha let the best win

All are the winners who make it look competitive.

that's the nice thing about competitions it wakes the competitive spirit inside of us

Competition is the driving force and factor to get it rolling.

even if we didn't win noting that many frens are beating the leaderboard now
but it still a nice experience and i think Bosses are not able to catch the guys anymore🤣

Pretty cool image, did you make it! Nice!

yes man i did it using Canva, glad you liked it

The machine will win for sure.

come on man let's have some faith we are warriors🤣

ha ha we are warriors

hahaha the battle unleashed the warriors i feel like i am a roman leader🤣

The warriors fighting with keyboards

the laptop is our weapon and the platform is our field. Roar🤣

or wait a second, you are from the lion side is it right ?😂

I am not from any side. I am on my own

hahaha kidding man, we're all loving this campaign
wish u all the best

Thanks and good luck with slaying :P

hahaha sure i will be needing it

Let's see soon!

That's a cool graphic by the way

Just under 6 hours left in the weekend Contest,

Thats so much time. Massive time for anyone to push

It is. 2 a minute, 720 threads

You are great in

Lol. I don't think I will get that many in. But you never know.

Yes. It wont be easy. We give it our best though within the remaining time.

That's all we can ask for. Our best.

In what place are you? Are you going to be able to slay the four bosses?

Slay two for sure. See how close I can come to

21st with 542 last update.

Yikes, some of us are running on fumes

Tooth picks on eye lids. Lol

Final push ahead. Think we got this.

I am very happy with what I have done. Of course I always wants better

same here....

There isn't much time left so make sure to get what you need in.

I will pump out what I can, while I can. Do your best, is all we can do.

hmm. Now I am thinking that it would be better If I have a time machine.

Lol. No doubt, a lot of us in that boat.

Things will get crazy for the next few hours here on threads :P

It is going to be interesting to see if activity reaxh new highs.

It will. Look at the table, people are threading more than 700 threads per day.

Big Tim's they are.

I wish they are here after the contest as well. Threads is addictive for sure.

That's right. It's getting intense!

Absolutely. Down to about 4 hours now.

Sunday is supposed to be a fun day. That is after church service but today turns out differently #sundayfunday

Big man vibes. I need that cold Heineken
It's been a very busy day for me

baba, na throwback ooooo.. No kill me

Make my own throwback fine like this 🥹

just dey play brother. you way fine like fine art

Has you are having a chilled beer!

yeah, wanna join ?

Life could be unpredictable. We take it as we see it.

no jokes brotherly... this lagos worst abeg, lol

Lagos traffic alone could be scary. A

Lagos traffic is tormenting self, lol

So sad. Sorry about it.

thanks for your concern man, i appreciate

Your camera man did great. That picture looks dope.

its actually my finance, she did a great job

Nothing beats a cold one. 😊

trust me brother, nothing beats this

I'll drink to that!

cheers brother

enjoy your day to the fullest man.

baba, na throwback i dey give you na.. Na just to finish task ooo

I found a very interesting blog by @menati where he shared a storyline of his #photography, it was just so overwhelming reading through because he gave so much details of the photos he shared which he took.

Check 👇 for the link 🥰.

I will read it but before reading it I should slay the second lion otherwise I may not enjoy watching photographs.

Hahaha, that's fine partner, you should do that 🥰.

Hehe, I am going for it.

But not that slow though 😂

surprisingly i was about to write a thread and this sentence appeared in the chat box
make words not war!
we're battling with words, that's cool ⚔

Bring it on!

that's the spirit warrior💪

Keep up, and you will be kept up.

now you have the spirit of a leade, way to go commander

I was away for a couple of months and got busier. Good to see some fresh faces.

that's my pleasure, this campaign gave us many chances to reconnect any here
and it's nice knowing fren

We are indeed!

here's an arabic song trending now. hope u'll like

An upbeat melody.

hope u liked it, it's trending whenver you go you can hear it🤣

Yes, it is worth listening to.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@rabihfarhat! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

thanks my friend. i liked this sharing thing on #music

You are most welcome. Keep on sharing

thanks for the motivation man, it means a lot

I didn't watch it or heard it before. But the song seems entertaining one. The fact is I didn't understand the language.

i know arabic is hard to understand but i thought maybe you're gonna like the beat

Yes, I got the beat and I can feel it.

that's the point than i will share other songs later on😁

Who is going to keep up their threading after the weekend battle ends?

I will. My aim is to slay the final quest for the threads quest.

What about after the quest? 😏


Oh I used to thread way before the campaign. It wasn’t this intense so i wouldn’t stop after the campaign.

Yes I remember always seeing you around then, hehe.

Hehe yep but then i was like a ghost over there.

That's a great objective.

Yep. You didn’t make a thread cast for the Chelsea x city game today. Or you didn’t cause city had already won the league.

No. I was busy with my kid :D

Oh ok. Maybe next time heh?

It is great that many are going to continue post contest. That means we have a good foundation brewing.

Yep and the future is exciting.

1 million threads in one day is going to be exciting.

Lets do it. You set the bar really high. Great

Task master is threading consistently. He is expecting same from everyone.

I had a tight schedule this weekend. And i will have an even tighter week from Tuesday to Saturday. But i know i have not done threading to my capacity. Shouldnt be a big deal for me eventually

yeah. I remember the early days on threads when you were one of the regulars.

Will get back to it. I faced the writing quests. Doing 1500 daily was not easy. Plus my daily

True. This is a full time job if you are in the contest as well

I'm not available on week days but weekends will most likely be free for me, except me more then 🥰.


I am the exact opposite. Weekends are busier that usual for me.

That makes the both of us then, hehe.

It is not easy to find time to thread long term

Yeah especially when you have things that takes your time offline

We will keep it in mind.

Okay, I'd appreciate that 🤗

after the weekend is before the weekend …

Hard to argue with that logic.

I hope the top 20 on the leaderboard will continue, at least :)

I will continue to thread but probably not as often. I am slacking behind on chores.

Oh my k-pop fan days #music

Maybe it’s me but I didn’t like this one as much as the descendants tune😂.

Hahhahaha me neither, it's just nostalgic for me because I used to dance, not just listen to it

I've got a lot of work to do...But hey, it's time to get to work. 74 overall, I'm shooting for 50!

(image from @leogrowth)

Best of luck!

Thank you kindly sir!

Wow! I am a bit late, though, yet its worth trying.

Better late than never? LOL

Rogers! Guru 🦁

I did a massive leap and arrived just in from of Eric. Hoping to slay him at least.

He's within striking distance for sure!

Buckle up and start threading for the next four hours :P

Yessir, no plans here so that's what i'm doing lol

ha ha I am trying but my kid is asking my for a sword fight. May have to run away from threads again ha ha

I've got the grandparents taking care of the kids today lol Lucky!!!

You sorted that early. He is with me since yesterday and the long weekend does not help either :D

lol OH man, I just remembered this was Victoria Day lol

it‘s like quicksand around 30 … i thread and thread and thread and it feels like i‘m walking with one foot nailed down 🙄

I couldn't even imagine it lol I struggle to get this high!

It is not a bad position, as by making a few threads you can easily climb to the 50th position. Then it starts to get a little bit more difficult but you will have already passed two users to defeat :p

Working on it for sure! Slow and steady!

That does look like underperformance to me.

And if you knew my dating history, you would know that I know what that is. Oh sorry, wrong topic.

Speaking of dating! I was a legend in your old neck of the woods....I have stories about Westchester county!!!

LOL Back when you were just a wee lad and on the prowl.

They were fascinated with me....A white guy from Canada!!! lol

LOL Why? Is that considered rare?

Well...The journey started in White Plains, but we ended up on Fordham Road in the Bronx every weekend....Yeah, the ladies loved me!!!

(At least I tell myself that!)

Make sure to slay Khal. You can do it.

I'm gunning for him and Eric lol

Eric might be a bit tougher but I am sure you can get there. Just make sure to put up a 150 more threads.

All the best. I believe you can make it within time.

Thank you kindly, I'll work on it for sure!

I think you can easily slay Khal and Eric :)

Working on it for sure, we will see how it goes :)

I should re-read these Threads before I post lol I literally said I need to get to work, twice lol

:) I sometimes notice I've left out some words when being a trigger-happy threader.

Yup, same. Just trigger happy when it comes to this stuff...I should slow down and proof read lol

Same here. It just seems my mind is already focused on the next task even though I'm still writing... :D

You have some.distance to go from that point. Hoping Eric does not thread again

Go for it you definitely can do it. I am not far behind #77, I will follow you.

Yeah it's pretty easy to move up from here, but gets tougher after 50 i'm sure

Let's do as much as we can, only about 5 hours left.

Who's following the #ledger drama lately?

It is getting Moar and moar interesting... Started with one reply of CEO on reedit and spreaded like wild as it's getting more unfolded

Incase you've no idea what's going on.. check out 👇

even negative publicity is publicity …

Could work in other space but in crypto especially after Ftx and other collapse.. it could become the end of business.

It seems companies are torching their reputations all over the place.

It shows one decision or tweet can really affect things.


Have seen examples in past still they're not learning from those.

A bad week for #ledger.

I am not sure they can come back from it.

Yea, trying hard to cover the mess.

I wrote a post on it 2 days ago. I’m about to finish another one. It’s been crazy.

Ahan, publish it bro.. looking forward to read it!

I'm not following the story fully but I have heard bits of it. I think people have the right to be angry and sue them for what they are doing

The story is something like CEO first claimed there's a Backdoor in it as a Shard, for seed recovery on internet and third party access.

Government can hold assets or such.. they're so far answering and trying to cover the mess.

That's really interesting!

I take the idea from @janetita and make it more difficult.

Trivia 🍿

Guess the movie using EMOJIS.

🧵 🔽


Life of Pi

NOP! ❌ Try again.

Hmm, dunno what else, was so sure it‘s Pi …

Aladino! 🧞

would have needed a lamp to recognize …



Lion King

The Lion King 😍


Kung Fu Panda


The Little Mermaid

Yes: La sirenita Ariel.



harry potter



Epic movie!

Definitive! 🤙🏽



Puuh, too many vampire and werewolf movies out there …


But you are ok.


Yes: Crepúsculo.


Only know the Madagascar Penguins …

Happy Feet.

Madasgar no ice 😂


happy feet

Perfect! You are on fire 🔥


space chimps

Sí amigo. El planeta de los simios.


too many zombie movies …

Corpse Bride 😂

La novia difunto


😳 scratch head

Apple and 7

but that‘S an axe!


Blancanieves : Snow White

Snow White

YES!!! Finally 😁

😂😂How am I supposed to guess that. Mehn I can’t.

Just try

Oh I did go through a few of them. All I can temper is man, banana, monkey😂. How do I get that. Any clues?

Great idea, love it 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

Thanks! 😎 Send yours

Ok, i leave some for the others 😉🤙🏽

Continue! Enjoy this

another fun easy one:


Nos gustan las fotos divertidas #sundayfunday #spanish

Nice photo

Thank you!

Welcome dear

This is a beautiful picture.

Thank you very much!

Youre most welcome.

Esta foto es tierna y divertida #spanish

Gracias, a mi niña le encantan las fotos.

haha look at that face someone is having a bad mood it seems! nice pic!

jaja, she loves to make different faces and take pictures

haha, she is looking even more adorable with that look!

Ya por aquí esta comenzando a oler a pizza, se viene el #Bitcoinpizzaday mañana salimos a comer pizza, para conmemorar la primera compra de pizza con Bitcoin en la historia criptografica #spanish

Oye, verdad que es mañana, quienes vamos ? a que hora? #spanish

Venga! Para mi los dias entre semana son de comer bien porque los fines pierdo el control jajaja pero disfruten la pizza!

Hello threaders...

Did you know that each day of the week on Leo Threads has its own unique daily hashtag that you can use.

Let's review them & why not bookmark this #threadstorm so you don't forget.

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers

1/ 🧵

I have been doing this leothreads tasks and you will be surprised to know that i did not really know what is expected of us in terms of pictures upload, i just write and upload anything. Thanks for the clarification.

Sometimes we don't know things. It is good to share any knowledge we gain with others.

I hope it makes more sense to you now:)

Have a blessed Sunday :)

thanks for sharing yours. it is really helpful

It's nice to see an explanation for the different days. I usually did mine based on the text describing it in the quests and what other people did on the same tag.

I have some people ask what they are and what can they post, so I thought why not make these zealy quests useful and not just spamming all over the place.

But yes normally we are all monkey see monkey do.

Monkey see Monkey do is the best thing to do. There were no clear guidelines in the quest.

Yes there used to be better guidelines before the zealy, I need to see if I can find them again!

The Calendar is nice but it seems like it won't stick once the quests are over, I guess daily prompts are fun but not that popular for normal non-zealy users haha

Oh really :(

I do try to use them, I got used to using them on tsu years ago.

Oh. Thought this tags will continue even when zealy is over. But it's okay to still use them I guess.

I really liked the #mememonday threads, it gives the morning laugh I need to start the day well, I posted threads with some of those hashtags already for zealy quests and will try to post more often in these tags!

Yeah they are the tags I search on, my feed is becoming too spammy so going to be doing more tag clicking from next week.

Have a great Monday when it comes with a #meme

On Mondays we post memes!

Yes the daily hashtag to use is #mememonday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #slothbuzz

2/ 🧵

Memes are always fun to see.

They are, and I am guilty in that I forget they are fun so forget to do them!

They are important. The right tags and we get great

On Tuesdays it's all about nature, so get some fresh air.

Yes the daily hashtag to use is #greentuesday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #hivegarden

3/ 🧵

Nature...I don't get enough of it because I tend to spend the day inside.

hehe get some fresh air once in a while it is good for you. I am guilty too, if I am working from home I can go three or four days without even setting foot over the front door!

Yea. I understand the feeling and I usually don't go outside that much outside of the weekends for some chores.

Well here is getting better as now have summer light so day light until 10pm and then light again at 4amish

On Wednesdays it's all about animals because they are pawfect!

Yes the daily hashtag is #pawfectwednesday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #hivepets

4/ 🧵

I thought it was about animals and I guess it was. So this confirms my suspicions.

hehe you were right!

Last Wednesday I actually posted a picture of a chubby squirrel I met one a walk in the park.

Chubby Squirrels? I think he needs a diet lol.

hehe yes, yet he beats all the other squirrels to get the nuts first!

Obviously you have to be careful to use those tags well, because there are specific days for that.

At first I didn't know what any of them were about, so I went to the feed of those tags and I found out what they were about. Thanks!

On Thursdays it's all about getting out and travelling anywhere!

Yes the daily hashtag is #travelthursday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #scotland

5/ 🧵

I thought it was about travel in general but I guess they wanted us to actually travel?

It could be about where you want to go, just make sure as usual any pics are your own or from free to use sites.

It is an interesting one, even getting on a bus is travel, and different for someone on the other side of the world.

On Fridays it's all about nom nom ~ yes it's food!

Yes the daily hashtag is #foodiefriday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #scotland #foodie #food

6/ 🧵

Food is the best and the easiest.

hehe yes we can all do something, and out of habit I have been taking snaps of food for years, so will never run out haha

This is a tease Tito Ed! Yum!

On Saturdays we go all arty in a big foot way!

Yes the daily hashtag is #satartday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #scotland #art #photography

7/ 🧵

I suck at art so I tend to avoid it.

I am crap at art, but if you see graffiti for example that could be street art, there is loads of art that is not ours :)

On Sundays we have fun fun & hell yeah more fun!

Yes the daily hashtag is #sundayfunday

#tengocrypto #silverbloggers #scotland #amazingdrinks

8/ 🧵

I love Sundays and the weekends off are always great.

Oh yes, there is something wrong if we cannot have fun at the weekend!

No es imposible llevar al tag #spanish al primer lugar. A hacer Threads de valor, como dijo mi amigo @joheredía 21. Creemos conversaciones interesantes

Define valor para ti?. Tal vez lo que tu consideres de valor no es de valor para mí. Tal vez lo que yo considere de valor, no es de valor para ti. Es un término muy ambiguo si te lo pones a pensar.


En mi opinión no todos los threads son de valor, sino de interés. Para que sea de valor tiene que contribuir a un área específica, por ejemplo lo que hace un docente en educar a sus alumnos o un investigador encontrando una cura.

Pero el valor es muy ambiguo, porque aunque estoy de acuerdo contigo, lo que tu definas como de "valor", no será la misma definición para los demás

Tiene mucho sentido a decir verdad. Existe ambigüedad en lo que consideramos como de valor desde la perspectiva de cada uno. No lo había visto así jaja.

having the threads tag up there is utter nonsense …

Está muy bien eso del trending y de llevar un tag hispano a lo más alto. Pero saquen captura cuando suceda, pues luego caerá gradualmente cuando estemos durmiendo jajaja.

En este momento vamos de terceros en el Trending #spanish

Poco más y pasamos al segundo puesto. No dudo de que se logrará.

The only chart that matters right now.

thats a flat upward growth man! is the comment number for today ?

My recent hp growth

Charts without proper labels are pretty useless IMO :P

It days hp at the top...

hehe. I also think this chart only matters now.

You're amazing man, these stuffs comes in handy to most creators

Thanks! Just pick your favorite(s) ;)

Thanks, man, I have been looking out for something like this.

You're most welcome! Glad you like it 😁

These make posts stand out and easy to read. I look through and save some for myself.. Don't worry tho, I'll make sure to always give you your credit.

Really thanks for sharing

No credits needed :) I already receive a huge number of notifications every day lol

That's amazing. I will use some of those dividers. Thank you for it.

You're most welcome 🤙

Thanks man, been searching for these

You're most welcome!

useful. thanks for sharing

No problem! Thanks 👍

MVP work from Doze every single time, thanks for sharing these man! Bookmarked

Thanks buddy! My pleasure!

Thank you. Will check it out soon.


Which is the hardest task from the daily quests ones?

Finding a thread cast. Most people are busy inflating their thread numbers

For me, the #gosher

Lol but there are interesting posts on hive? 😏


I'll endeavour to put a lil threadstorm out today.

After I get launch I will do that. I have been carried away I must confess

the influencer part of things really

Being active is the most difficult one for me because I get very little time to be active here.

Tell the thread to ten people and some indexing problems arise. That happened to me the other time and ended the day so I couldn't claim the reward.

Although it's partly my fault for not starting it earlier but at the last minute xD

I think the Influencer Adventure is the hardest one, and I think everyone agree with that one. Then I'd say the art one.

Replying to a threadstorm because finding one takes quite a lot of time

Ahhh!!! #anime fans! I loved singing this in all anime events! #music

LOL Anime.

Oh wait, I was thinking of something else.

what were you thinking about? hhahaha

A few letters off hahaha

What is a few letters among friends?

Potato Potahto xD

Great. I should get some SPS

its a great idea

Welcome, you will see that the dynamics and the engagement goes very differently than on Hive!

I agree and things are going to be exciting. The future is exciting.

A este punto me toca calcular cuantos threads debo hacer al día para poder reclamar la ultima quest de ese camino (boss) antes de que finalice la campaña. #spanish

Cuantos llevas en total? Yo creo que si hago 180 por dia lograre llegar hahaha, dificil pero no imposible, y de verdad quiero esos NFTs!

Debo estar cerca de ese número, hacer como 150 o 180 diarios para vencer a ese jefe. Difícil porque debo trabajar en la semana, pero debo intentarlo y dar lo mejor. #spanish

Hello guys, i have been out today as i went to check on my family. I feel tired from the journey.. Lagos traffic is to be blamed for this

A city i will like to avoid because of traffic. How do you guys manage it?

i just dey manage am na.. if you get job for me for other part of nigeria, holla me

Kpele. I haven't driven in a while and it has improved my mental health. Driving in lagos took a toll on me

baba, most people do not drive due to traffic

I know.It is not worth it most days. The roads are horrible and traffic can be insane sometimes

where in lagos do you reside ?

How long does it usually take to travel to places in Lagos?

depends on the time and day , you could spend 5 hours struck in traffic

That sounds like a nightmare. A 1-2 hour drive already tires me out.

Lol.. traffic management is great in some areas and it is horrible in some areas in Lagos.. Although aside Lagos, every other city traffic management is great and top notch.. Most especially Abuja, Nigeria.

Ah ok. It's about the city traffic management and I think it's the city's fault.

its also the people's fault and the people in charge of Transportation, they do not make use of the road according to the rules.

I hear complains about the Lagos traffic. Have you been to Accra before? I don't know which is worse.
Glad you made it to your destination.


When you get to Lagos and you spend the whole day in traffic, you will understand why some people risk their life journey through the water within Lagos.

I have not been to Accra though but my company as a branch their

which company is that?

Do you even have traffic and bottlenecks during Sundays?

lol, lagos will surprise and humble you

Hope your fam is okay. Too bad your travel time is tiring.

I have this flatmate,she's troublesome, always full of troubles, what can I do to that flatmate???

Give them some good beating

😂😂😂I can't fight o,I don't want anybody to beat me.

Give her a straight warning and don't tolerate it if she makes trouble intentionally. Be strict in this case.

Okay, what if she's a type of person that doesn't listen to warnings?

Then give her threat 😂😂 . That will work for sur😂😂.

Get rid of that flatmate! The psychological burden of having shitty company can kill your vibes and affect every aspect of your life.

How? How should I get rid of her? Exactly,it's just as if she's envious of me,I don't know why....

Darn that flatmate of yours. Make him sleep, lol!

Good morning lions! I spent this sunday totally on threads and literally glued my eyes to the screens! Really a great experience and I admit I naver made this much comments (threads) ever! What about you ?


What? I didn't understand that when you slept.
anyway, Good morning.

Good morning1 I slept when the leo website got down at noon today!

I haven't done so much over the weekend before. According to the charts, it's over 1k threads from me just over the 3 day period.

Damn, please share your strategy

Just read and thread. It's not that hard. You get used to threading.

Pretty much playing catch up, I did not start weekend battles until yesterday

Pretty cool, how many Threads did you manage to send? I'm only sitting in front of the laptop because my morning was all about driving to the city and coming back, it's already noon and I haven't done anything money-related xD

GM. Glad you found it a great experience. I spent most of my Sunday offline and getting some sleep. Now I'm back to threads :D

Bitcoin is Close to Big Crash - Huge Dump is Coming Soon


nice little bit of diversion

Nobody is accurate. Who knows if everything goes against technical analysis?

what is next expected BTC move ?

80% dump, 20% pump

ok. will keep an eye

Nice divergence spotted. Any nosedive to 22k should not catch the investors, however, I believe that will be short-lived (not financial advice)

Damn, this analysis looks solid but I choose not to believe lol

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