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Read what @jordy0827 like the most about #threads on her latest post. I´ll share it here. Give her a nice comment and an upvote. #gosh #hive #finances #web3

Thanks for sharing

A real pleasure

Estas desvelado? Hiciste alguna otra threadstorm? Estoy desde el móvil es más complicado filtrar por etiquetas, o bueno no se como se hace desde aquí.

Mira pa esto este mensaje ya es viejo jajaj qué locura las notificaciones acá

Jeje si, locura total

Join the server to check the time of all the events in your timezone
#gmfrens We have a lot of fun events today at #pizza server. We will play Gartic, Trivia and also open some #craftink and #dcrops packs.

Pizza one of the best communities on hive!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Ahora quiero hablarte de una de mis bandas favoritas de siempre. Los famosos y aún vigentes Beatles. #threadstorm #spanish #music


The Beatles fueron una banda de rock británica formada en Liverpool en 1960. Estaba compuesta por John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr, músicos que se conocieron siendo apenas adolescentes

#spanish #music


Excelentes músicos!

Y autodidactas! Eran unos genios que revolucionarion la música

Ehhhh??!!! En serio, realmente genios.

El primer nombre de la banda fue The Silver Beatles y más tarde decidieron llamarse simplemente The Beatles. El grupo lo formó Jhon Lennon, quien conoció a Paul McCartney en su escuela y luego se unió Harrison

#spanish #music


Y sabes el porqué del nombre? Tiene alguna historia que hayan escogido llamarse así?

El nombre es un juego de palabras con la palabra "beat" (ritmo), haciendo referencia a su música. Además, el término "beetle" (escarabajo) fue utilizado por John Lennon en su poesía

Pues que bien.,es que siempre me pareció un nombre un poco extraño. Gracias por el dato.

Considerada una de las bandas más influyentes de la historia de la música, The Beatles vendieron más de 600 millones de discos en todo el mundo 🤑.

#spanish #music


Todo un furor, asombroso ese número de discos vendidos.

Estamos si eran unos grandes!

La primera grabación de The Beatles fue "Love Me Do", en 1962. Un éxito rotundo que fue solo el comienzo de una carrera de hits seguidos.

#spanish #music


En 1964, los Beatles llegaron a los Estados Unidos y provocaron la llamada "Beatlemanía". Fue famoso el concierto en el estadio Shea, del cual quedan imágenes de la masividad que hubo en dicho estadio

#spanish #music


ay! en vez de vigentes, te juro que lei "vírgenes" y yo..pero Ale, quién se cree eso 😅🤣🤣

Jajaja esa es la hora de la noche, el cansancio visual, el día entero tirando fotos, ya se te confunden las palabras jaja

ay! en vez de vigentes, te juro que lei "vírgenes" y yo..pero Ale, quién se cree eso 😅🤣🤣

Jajajja niña! Me metiste una inyección de RC de verdad fortísima! Ahora no me bajan ni con 30 threads jajajj #spanish

Los Beatles llegaron a confesar que en ese concierto de Shea Stadium tocaban por el simple hecho de mantener el ritmo. Pero en realidad no se escuchaban por los ruidos que había y los sistemas de sonido antiguos.

#spanish #music


Debió haber sido todo un suceso

Algo así como un concierto de Yoyo Ibarra 😉

Jejeje de quien?!! Jaja

El único e inigualable

En sus 8 años de carrera discográfica entre 1962 y 1970 publicaron trece álbumes de estudio (uno de ellos doble), un álbum recopilatorio, trece EP (uno de ellos doble), y veintidós discos sencillos.

#spanish #music


Ño, no descansaban! Por eso eran tan buenos.

Oye me tienes bugueado threads hahahah déjame terminar pa responderte jajajaj


Mijo pero termina, es que cada vez que creo que terminaste sigues escribiendo. Tu termina y no respondas.

Te respondo desde Ecency. Se me cayó leo otra vez

La banda se separó oficialmente en 1970, después de la grabación del álbum "Let It Be". Es curioso que en 1969, la banda realizó su último concierto en la azotea de su espacio de grabación, Apple Corps, en Londres.

#spanish #music


Uno de las canciones más grabadas y versionadas de la banda es "Yesterday", escrita por Paul McCartney, otra es "Hey Jude" la cual fue escrita para consolar a Julian, hijo de Lennon, tras el divorcio de sus padres.

#spanish #music


Hermosas canciones.

Y no he compartido mis favoritas jajaj
Son muchas

Ya por aquí dijiste algunas, pues comparte!

Something es una de mis favoritas, Harrison cuando comenzó a colocar más canciones en los discos mostró su talento y belleza compositiva

la estoy escuchando... esa esta bnita, coincido.

Something, la primera canción escrita por George Harrison... comparte otra.

Entre las muchas influencias de la banda se encuentran Elvis Presley, The Everly Brothers y Chuck Berry. Los Beatles llegaron a conocer a sus ídolos pero cuando vieron a Elvis lo encontraron muy deteriorado y cansado.

#spanish #music


La película "A Hard Day's Night", estrenada en 1964, muestra un día en la vida de los Beatles durante la Beatlemanía. Una auténtica furia que se vivió con estos cuatro chiquillos que se pasaron la película huyendole a los fans


Jaja como un Reality Show!

tuve leo tumbado como 5 minutos y ahora volvió
no me cargan las notificaciones

La banda se separó después de una discusión entre McCartney y Lennon sobre la dirección musical que debían tomar. Pero en realidad, estos muchachos a pesar de su talento juntos habían tomado rumbos distintos en sus vidas
#spanish #music🧵👇

El Álbum Blanco es uno de los álbumes más reconocidos de la banda, con 30 canciones, que incluyen éxitos como "Back in the U.S.S.R." y "Birthday". En lo personal, la que más me gusta de ese disco es "Blackbird".

#spanish #music


En 1996 se publicó "Antología", un recopilatorio de horas de grabaciones inéditas de la banda y posteriormente se lanzó un documental en el que se mostraban imágenes de los Fab Four en los estudios y otras exclusividades
#spanish #music🧵👇

Desarrollaron una técnica de grabación en la que se superponían varias pistas para crear un sonido único. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band", lanzado en 1967, es considerado uno de los mejores álbumes de todos los tiempos.


La canción "Let It Be" fue escrita por Paul McCartney después de un sueño en el que su madre, quien había fallecido tiempo atrás, le hablaba y le decía que todo estaría bien. Una absoluta belleza que parece religiosa.

🧵👇#spanish #music

The Beatles fueron incluidos en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1988. De los integrantes, los únicos que quedan vivos son Ringo Starr y Paul McCartney. Larga vida a ellos!

🧵👇#spanish #music

La canción "Imagine" de John Lennon es considerada un himno pacifista y un llamado a la unidad y la comprensión. Sin embargo, no fue grabada por Los Beatles y pertenece a un disco como solista de Lennon

👇🧵#spanish #music

George Harrison se convirtió en un exitoso cantautor después de la ruptura de la banda, con éxitos como "My Sweet Lord" y "All things must pass", canciones que reflejan el grado de espiritualidad de Harrison

#spanish #music


La letra de la canción "Come Together" fue inspirada por una campaña política de Timothy Leary para gobernador de California. Este dato se recrea en películas como Across the Universe.

#music #spanish


The Beatles también realizaron películas como "Help!", "Yellow Submarine" y "Magical Mystery Tour". Son bastante curiosas y por lo general divertidas estas películas, donde se potencian las cualidades de cada Beatle

#spanish #music


La banda fue honrada con un Premio Grammy a la Trayectoria en 2014. Pero el legado de The Beatles perdura hasta nuestros días, influenciando a músicos de todas las edades y géneros en todo el mundo.

👇🧵#spanish #music

En lo personal, me gustan todos los discos de Los Beatles, pero considero que "Revolver, de 1966 fue un punto de inflexión en su carrera que significó el tránsito a la madurez de la banda

🧵👇 #spanish #music

Muy buena banda musical que sin dudas marcó una era para muchos jóvenes de aquellas épocas.

Seguramente sigue teniendo presencia su música a pesar del paso de tiempo. Unos verdaderos genios que supieron maravillar a muchas personas.

Así es! Te gustan los Beatles? o eres de otro tipo de música?

Sí, pero no tanto. Me gusta otro estilo de música. Por ahí me llegue a gustar "Queen", que era más o menos de esa época, ¿no?

Horita vengo con un hilo de Queen😎
Sí, eran otro de las bandas británicas que la rompieron en los años 70 y 80, porque los Beatles se separaron en los 70


A mi de Queen me gusta mucho Under Pressure y Don´t Stop Me Now. Jaime Altozano sacó un video muy bueno hablando de esta ultima cancion. Conoces a Jaime? es un youtuber español.


Hasta aquí por ahora este #threadstorm, pero lo dejaré abierto para que puedan comentar y para poder añadir más hilos sobre esta banda que, como dije, es de mis favoritas. #spanish #threads #music


El nombre es un juego de palabras con la palabra "beat" (ritmo), haciendo referencia a su música. Además, el término "beetle" (escarabajo) fue utilizado por John Lennon en su poesía #spanish #music


tanto él como Stuart Sutcliffe, uno de los primeros miembros de la banda, sugirieron el nombre. Juntos, acordaron cambiar "beat" por "beatle" y así nació el nombre que se convirtió en uno de los más reconocidos.

#spanish #music


Qué es un disco doble?? Se escucha de los dos lados??

Sí! Por un lado tienen una canción y por el otro otra. Solían ser así los discos de vinilo que se ponían en tocadiscos


Woww eso no sabía

Pues ahora lo sabes ajaj!

This is hysterical, one of the biggest anti-Bitcoin luddite is ok with #bitcoin when he has some money to make and it promotes gold.

It's always about the money

Is it just me or are most companies with a awesome product amazing up until the point the go publicly traded and then they turn to shit?
#thoughts #bsuiness

Gm peeps! This bday girl is ready for her bday adventure! Can you guess where we’re going? #ladiesofhive #hivegarden

GM. Happy birthday to her. Looks like you're going for fun, hope you have a great day.

It’s me that is bday girl 😁 Thank you! 😁

Happy birthday to her. May you both have a nice celebration 🎉

Thank you! It’s my bday actually, I just didn’t phrase it well 😂

😂 oh happy birthday to you then. Enjoy

thank you ☺️

HAppy birthday to her. Have a fun day and enjoy the moment

thank you, we had a blast!

Who is the B'day girl, the left or the right one??

It was the left, which is me 😁 Was a great day out walking to cliffs

Thanks, belated Happy Birth Day

#gmfrens Lady wants some cuddles 🥰 #dogs #ladiesofhive

Awww,,, so cute!

Give that pup some !LUV

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Waiting for some my threads to show up.

hope I’m one of them 😟

Of course.

hehe glad to hear that 🕺🏿

I can see it now. Thanks to the downtime.

Ya was going between phone and PC. Logged out of Leo on PC and back in and it is working for me.

That's good. Wishing u a seamless threading day.

Thanks so much 🙏 you also.

Same here earlier and that's one reason why I took a break. This time, it is moving smoothly again.

Ya it is rock and rolling now.

GFY Ledger !

My answer to LEDGER .
A $1 DIY project to last for ages.

Is it titanium plate or aluminium plate and how did u do that?

This one is stainless steel (got for a few cents)
I could not find proper size titanium in a hurry.
Any punch and hammer from your garage will do the job.
Binary code - instead of mnemonic seed words, makes less eye attractive

I see. You have a lot of ticks, I have to learn these DIY things from u.

It's #satartday so sharing this. Finally.

#threadstorm #gosh


Spent many hours for this. It was fun, thankfully. Otherwise, I would have just stopped doing it, lol!


This is an amazing work!
I knew that you are a person with many talents :)

Thank you :) I was trying my best. The quest made me do it hehe

I am still unaware of how to draw such kinds of things. It's difficult for me. I think I should make a try also if possible.

You can try :) It is quite fun

wowww so great that you've finished it, I still have a long way to go , I got stuck LOL

Thank you. Hope you will continue where you got stuck :)

thanks :D

So this is how to do a threadstorm. Just change the number _ /🧵 and no need to use the tag threadstorm repeatedly.

That's how I do it. It doesn't make sense to use the tag in all of the contents.

I thought I was doing the right thing and then somebody called my attention to it and that is why I did a double check and saw your threadstorm.

I think it's @merit.ahama who called my attention to it. Am I right Merit? Or am I really forgetful? 🤣😂

Coming up the the quests is just as challenging as the quests, but I guess, the aim is to achieve some sort of traction at the end of the day. I think you've taken the challenge well and this is exceptionally

Yes, that's true. Both are challenging and I agree with you on the purpose of the quests.

Thank you and I'm trying to catch up with the others :)

Wow! I just went down your threadstorm of this beautiful art I'm looking at... Who would have thought that you could be this good with arts? hehe. Well done.

Thank you sis :) Trying hard for the quests. Fighting for LoH. Although I've a lot of things yet to do, lol!

I hope you're able to get them done, I'm so behind already but I plan to do what I can before it all ends.

Hopefully. There are lots of them, long-form posts, vlog and such.

How do you plan to do the vlog though? I notice you don't show your face on your blogs lol

I'm thinking about it. And time is simply not enough, lol! vlogs need editing and such, plus I heard uploading on 3speak takes a long time.

Little did I know that the Zealy quest is going to make me do this, lol! But yeah, it's a good challenge which I was willing to get on and try.


I wanna learn to draw such art. Which app did you use?

Sketch app

Okay. Thank you.

You're welcome

Happy Saturday Lion!

Thank you and Happy weekend to you as well.

Thank you

This was last night with the lights off, past 1 am. Just amusing how long it took me to get that draft, lol!


WOW, I really do enjoy going through your Artwork man, that's a great art piece, if I may ask, which software application do you use for your art?

Thank you. I'm using sketch pad

it’s a pc application?

It's an online app.

Kudos to Eric for all the quests! Most of them are hard and challenging to me but thinking how much time he spent to make them all is humbling.


Six years ago, A friend and I were doing this crappy, life-threatening job with poor pay. Fastforward to today, life's still as challenging and crazy, it's been full of bills. But I'm grateful, today is better than 6 years ago

Good to know. You must have done some changes. And 6 years from now, things would be a lot better

Yeah, hopefully, six years from now it'll be better like you've said. It's really been a

We just have to Thank God for the journey and life lessons. they are all back of our building blocks

True, I appreciate God in all my journey, I still do till tomorrow

Nice of you.. A heart of gratitude is a passage to receive more

Happy to hear that. No matter what, we always have to push forward.

Forwards is the only way that is relevant and matters. Thank you

Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow.

#Threads #life #motivation #Hive

We work hard each day

Yeah. Thank you for that

That's just what I did this month on this platform. This sentence is very beautiful

Did you got different results, I am also trying this ❤️✌️

Very correct.
Do something extra and see the results

Clear truth does not need torch

Wonderful introduction, brother. Keep going.

As my niche is not finance, I have never attempted to join the community, until these #threads came!


In which year for the first time you got an exposure to Blockchain?

2007 pass out

I guess 2017 or 18

After completing my engineering degree in the Mechanical stream

Which year pass out??

2007 pass out

I think the correct tag is #gosh. U might need to post another thread or edit it, if possible.

Thank you. I just completed reading your introduction post. Have a great day.

Sat Sri Akaal

Thanks for correcting me, threads on mobile are not conformable

I will post again.

Thanks for reading

Happy Saturday!

Rui the Budgie sings and reminds me to be cheerful.

#gmfrens #biird #foodies #liotes #aliveandthriving

Happy Saturday! Have a nice day

You, too, have a blast!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Going to PTA meeting help parents to know the future if there children in their school. Last PTA meeting was educative and informative. I hope one will be like that


We all know METAMASK, right?

But is there anyone who is using ONEKEY extension, instead of Metamask ???
Plz reply.

#onekey #metamask #defi

I've just learned about ONEKEY from you a few days ago so I've downloaded the extension but haven't explored yet. I'm using XDEFI and Metamask

I haven't used onekey before, but yes I use MetaMask too

never heard of … heard of rabby as an alternative some time ago … PS: don‘t boom now, UI is showing only skeleton threads, this is written on ecency, thx :)

Time's really fast! And threads is still wonky. Anyway, something green for the day.

#hivegarden #ladiesofhive

It seem to be working fine now... That pic looks lovingly green hehe

Yes, although with the HE error.

It's green indeed :)

I love the bokhe effect in the background. Colors are so vivid.
Perfect shot

Which camera are you using?

Thank you. It's just the phone camera.

Green is sgin of happiness and growth

#gmfrens! Have a nice #beersaturday! This is a beer I had with my friend @uwelang some time ago :)

Haven't seen this brand of beer before hehe

Best in Germany, The Munich beer

It is a classic in Munich. Most #beers have a monks background.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Ich erinnere mich 😁

retarded fish , lol -> ~~~ embed:1661872894207574016 #gmfrens #funny twitter metadata:VGFuc3VZZWdlbnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9UYW5zdVllZ2VuL3N0YXR1cy8xNjYxODcyODk0MjA3NTc0MDE2ICNnbWZyZW5zICNmdW5ueXw= ~~~

I laughed out loud :)

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

You mean I can upload photos from mobile again?!


were you not able to upload for a while? Is that why we didn’t see Gary’s pretty face for so long?

I had various issues with threads these past couple weeks, mainly threads disappearing and glitches on mobile.

Cute dog. Can I have him? 🙃

Lol dafuk?

No, you can't have my doggo.

You can give him a pat though.

What nonso wants no so gets 🙃

Cute Nose.

And yes, U can upload it. I don't mind:)

Whoa! That's fantastic then!

Hello G :)

Cute dog.
What is his/her name?

What a cute dog.. So hairy and proud, lol

My plans for the day

it weekend already,my definitely going to be putting my plans in writing and maybe that will definitely help to actually get lot of things done today as I look forward to a very productive day

1/🧵 #threadstorm

Practically I do relax on Saturday before, but Seems things will be very different this one, cause their are lot of assignments online and offline that am yet to attend to, so I don't see today being a resting day


We will rest after the work is done

Definitely, that's why it's important that one work first, that is very

My inability to Join the slay the boss last week due to sickness really cost me a lot and that why I just have to do all it takes to meet up this week


Are slaying another Boss this weekend
So sorry for your health

Missing out from the 10,000xp attached to the hustler will definitely be a very bad 😞 one for me considering the level of commitment I had for threading, I could have not have all this worries, if not for heath issues last week


What is important now that you have recovered

But regardless of that, am definitely going to make sure that before the end of 31st, I get to that 3000, threads too.

That is my goal too

So my plans today to make sure I do some laundry at first, then getting something to eat is very important, as I look forward to having good strength to attend to other things too.


I just finished laundry now having little rest on threads

Oh, I almost forgot to say, I withdraw some hive from leodex yesterday and it has being hanging since then, it was not credited to my hive wallet,neither was it returned back to leodex and I want to use it to increase my RC,so any clue7/🧵

I do not know how to help on this

Even as I await to get help as regard getting my hive back from hive engine, am also thinking of making sure I did more thread today and also manage the resources credit (RC) that I have for now, getting to 3,000 threads is the goal

It is a goal you must reach so follow it. No looking back

So my major plans today revolve around making threads, as much as I can to get closer to 3000 in time and also visit a friend whose child naming ceremony is today, having an opportunity to get party jollof really makes me happy too


Hopefully I hope everything goes well, as I will also have to give some break in between to allow my RC recharge a little before coming back again


You need to rest too so that the brain will recharge too

Definitely, that's very important, that why I do have thread break

At least I see myself making up to 150 threads or more today, but having up to 200 would have being better and honestly am sure that's possible too


I Don't know how I will meet up to reach even 100 a day. Work load as a mother is much

Even at that, I will be completing another video quest, in which have done and still encoding, hopefully it will go through today and other videos too will be done and keep for posting later

I feel like I have enough time like you. As you are mentioning all that you want to achieve, i see mmys in there

Am definitely on track today and I will make sure, I did justice to all that's necessary, as I embarked on having my goals 13/ 🧵

Congrats in advance

Hopefully, I wish and pray 🙏 that my weekend becomes more productive than ever

Sure it will be

I wanted to reply on this threadstorm but it all disappeared, i will come back for

Oh, sorry for that, I guess it network mate.

Poor network, am happy is back now

Definitely, good to be back and better, for me that's what thread does

You are right, when you Miss threading, you feel sick

good luck

Thanks and for the upvote, thanks

When you put your plan in writing, it makes it easier to follow

Definitely, that what am definitely doing, going after it will be very easy

  • No company is too big to fail. - No crypto is too big to fail. - Every thing can fall down. These days SEC is chasing companies. Make sure to not put high amount in binance. You never know when they get the shutdown notice.

I agree with your statements.

If you don't mind, I just want to comment here to test if a post on Waves will really appear on LeoThreads.


Yep, very true... an important aspect to always keep in mind, especially when it comes to investing.

This exists!

#nature #

I've never seen it before. They are very interesting.


It's weekend again!

Time to go and touch the Grass (away from mobile- spend some chill time with fam).

Good morning.

Have some BOOM BOOM

Happy weekend!

family time is the best chill time. Good morning fren

Indeed it is!

Have a good day.

Thank you. Have a good day

Have a nice weekend.

I would do that, but its raining!

Enjoy your day!

It rained here last day.

Happy weekend have a good one with the family

You too mate!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/20)@hafiz34! to your account on behalf of @flaxz.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.


Across the globe, football season is already winding down, but hold up; there are still some drama left to be seen. English women super league is still up for grabs today, while the bundesliga gam,e is still alive
🧵 /1

#epl women league would be an exciting event to watch. Hopefully, we do see some #threadcast on that.

don't think their would be much interaction

I myself don't watch much of the womens league

Let see what our stalwarts do.

Oh yes, I had no idea that league was still up for grabs until I saw a TikTok of WSL. Chelsea could win it and United could win it. It would have been a match made in heaven if the final game was between both teams.

yup, but they arent playing each other tho.

Could be a big day for these teams

The English women super league is going down to the wire as Chelsea women team could lift their sixth women league title. A win today against reading would seal the deal or a loss/draw for Man United would also do.

🧵 /2 #sports

Elsewhere Dortmund could be crowned champions today with a win against Maniz. It has been over ten years since the yellow army last won the title back under Jurgen Klopp and they would be looking to seal the deal today
🧵 /3

Edin Terzic boys would be looking to seal the title irrespective of result at Muchen as a draw or lose for Bayern would also do the trick. Captain Marco Reus who has been in the team for over a decade now would be overjoyed

🧵 /4 #sports

🧵 /5He has been runnerup five times now without lifting it, so this could be a special day for the German lad. Elsewhere, #PSG could seal the Ligue 1 trophy yet again with a win today. Today sure looks like fun. #sports

Those dramas are the fun of the game

Yyup yup😌

Good morning and good after noon frens

good morning fren, how are you

Doing good what about u

I’m doing good too

what are your plans for today beside threading 😂

Completing quests and making a video for a contest on hive ghana.😅

cool i still didn’t get the chance to make videos, best of luck

Good afternoon dear have a blessed

Good afternoon (actually mid-noon)!


good after noon how’re u doing

Finished morning shift duty.


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/10)@rabihfarhat! to your account on behalf of @hafiz34.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

How are you?Good Afternoon @rabihfarhat.

hello bro doing great how about u

I am good.

nice, what are planning for today

Today I want to write a long form post on Tokenomics

way to go i will try to finish my long form too hope i will be able to finish it

Was you slay all bossed in weekend battle?

nope i slayed only two, that was the reason why i am behind in the leaderboard 😁

But what is reason. Why you don't slay all four? My reason is low RC

my reason is i don’t have time to thread that much🥲

I slay only two.

the weekend battle was perfect for some competitors but not for me 😂

I can slay all fours but

My RC not support me.

so the time is not a problem for u i wish i had ur time and u have my RC😁
Maybe next time u’ll handle it there’s always next time. Hopefully😁

Good morning

Have a great Saturday!

Afternoon from here

have a great time @ijelady


Have a good

Have a good day to you

Good Afternoon!! Have a

Have a lovely weekend!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Let the weekend begin!#gmfrens dear friends!!

Good morning.
Have a lovely weekend.

#gmfren wish you happy weekend

Have a nice weekend!

Good morning fren, Saturdays are 🔥

Am on it

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Cristiano Ronaldo vs Messi

@underlock @l337m45732

(For the Americans reading, that's a reference to a very close competition, like Wendys and Burger King)

🤣 they are stepping on each other's of them must be close to wishing to take the internet away from the other 😅.

thank you for clearing that up in American for me because I had not idea haha

it's quite a tight race

Esos dos están escapados

Honestly, for me I think I will be giving @underlock the Messi that dude is really doing well

Very tight race!!!


Doing this Leo logo was tricky, but it was fun. #satartday

Is the logo a part of the quest challenge

It's part of the first art I guess..

oh, you guess, lol, i thought you prepared it for the current zealy challange

Wow! This lion is very handsome ha. 😎👌🔥

Lool thanks, it's the leo logo

So is there a kind of logo-making competition?

Oh wow, that is a great artwork.

Hahaha, I loved it too

Nice! How did you do it?

I used a pencil to sketch the leo

And inspiration, did you print it and draw it after, or just copied from the screen?

Got some raw skills there, mate!

Problem fixed, let's rock it. #threads #life

let’s gooo🎉

let's rock it.

Thanks to the down time to keep your itchy fingers away:)


Woah! They are super threaders. 😅


Nobody can compete with them, not even TM 😄

It's hard to compete with TM they say he's a robot. Maybe an artificial intelligence robot. lol

I thought your super threaders are way ahead. 🤣😂

Threads are not loading. What's wrong?

It's a perennial problem, a problem that never ends.

The stability of an app is essential before we market a product.

For now, you can still see and use threads via the Waves front end at Threads are visible there (I'm reading your thread there now) and, I learned this morning, that you can even publish to leothreads from within the Waves site.

Took some time but working fine on mobile

Wow it works fine on mobile? That's new hehe

i was facing same issue they were not loading on mobile but it seems now it’s fixed.
You’re lucky 😁

it wasn’t working for a while but how were you able to thread ?

They aren't loading on my end too but my thread was posted when I sent one

Works great now

How much money have you lost on pancake swap, it seems now to be a dead project as the price of cake token is close to $1.5
#leofinance #hive #gosh

Fortunately not invested anything

This conversation is for another day really.. i have lost more than i have ever lost in my life

Is Hive Engine also having a problem? I just bought 100 $SPS on LeoDex, but the only quantity I can see on Splinterlands is 12.65. Why is that?

If you bought on Leodex, you need to transfer in the game to see this amount in Splinterland.
To do it, you go the SPS main page in the Splinterland and choose Transfer then Transfer in from Hive Engine

That's what I've been doing. Earlier, I could see 100.65 on LeoDex but on Splinterlands, Hive Engine only showed 12.65. Though there is a difference in quantity, I still transferred. Now I am seeing 88 SPS on both platforms.

Hold up!

Already fixed.


Powered up 124 $SPS, of which 24 came from staking and battle rewards and 100 from market purchase. Moving forward to 7,000.

Nice dear

By adding little by little regularly you will be able to achieve your target

#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes

Many are attracted to big things and take small things for granted.

This tread contains an experience of someone who has faced things in life buh still stood strong #threads247

Am I just impatient today? I see people replying to my threads now but I am not seeing the replies 🙃

Some threads issues. Hope it gets smoother soon. They must be deploying some update or something.

They are always improving. Love that

Try to reply after opening a thread instead of direct reply from pop up window

I think it is just me. Lol. But thanks 😊

Is it working now?

Absolutely 💯 percent awesomeness 👌

In the threadstorm, I am going to share with us three things that prevent people from becoming rich

#/1 #threadstorm

When an opportunity is introduced to some people, instead of them to study it. They sit down and think how many years they will ddo it before they become rich

I've been doing the opposite. Saying yes to all. And it has not made me rich yet, but sure I've had more experiences than I would if I kept overthinking each opportunity. The worse that can happen is it doesn't work, you have to try to know

Procrastination has buried a lot of talent. Why do you procrastinate when you will do it. I will do it later, how are you sure there is time for later. Do it now.


#/3 People have started claiming point in #zealy for this adoption and someone is still sitting down analyzing if it is possible to win that kind big price

Lack of discipline
If you lack discipline, you will not be able to reach any goal. You know oour body want to rest all the time but self discipline will help you to stick to your schedule

Looking for shortcut

There is no shortcut in business. If you use shortcut, it will hang on ththe way and return you back

Too many distractions is another thing that will throw you out of your success journey. Distract your distractions and focus on your goal

Perfect time
There is nono perfect time to start a business. Start now

Try to know priorities and follow it. Your need not your want

Apply what you learn
When you refuse to apply what you are learning in your life. It is as good as you didn't learn anything

Listen to successful people
Don't just say are they sure they achieved all that they said. Because they have money they can say anything
Listen to who know itwell so that you too can succeed

#/10 #threadstorm

Imma go for distraction. I think life itself and universal nuances are a general distraction to the progress we aim to achieve. But we can Only be disciplined about distractions as we cannot completely take them away

They say that to be successful you have to surround yourself with successful people. Undoubtedly, this is something fundamental, because from them we learn many things that, combined with discipline, will make us advance quickly.


Well, this is going to get out of hand pretty quickly!


Click here to buy more cheap $LEO while it lasts---> LEO/HIVE

Good Omen

#gmfrens good start to a fresh day as it has become cool after the rains

Good Morning.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Very cool here too. Amm afraid if it will rain this morning again

Good morning friends, it is a beautiful Saturday morning, every weekend comes with it's own happiness, struggle and enjoyment. What do you plan to today.

Well, my plan today is how to strike a balance between happiness and frustration.

What about U?

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Exactly, I am facing the same problem. I though my Laptop must be running slow on RAM to produce such an interface....but now I got to understand it's an issue from the frontend side.

I think they are working on it, hope it gets fixed soon

I think they are working on it, hope it gets fixed soon.

Let's see. Every day in the Asian session, some issues erupt from the front end side.

I can't wait

We want stability in UI/UX more than anything else.

After the PTA meeting , i will go to the office to wait for a client who is coming be 2pm

Which app r u using to post this thread, Can u read the reply or threads of others? I can't see, so asking.

What's up, everyone? It's already 12.00 p.m and I didn't say good morning here. So good morning. What's up what is your plan for today?


Good Morning. I am unable to read your thread using Leofinance app. What about U?

Why you can't read the thread using the leofinance app? is there any issues? Nothing is still planned for what to do next except sleep in the noon time.

I can't read it using the Leofinance app.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I'm going to create content until #threads gets fixed.

Content, means thread-storm or long-form content?

long-form content. It's already done :)


Grow at your own pace!

Don't be pressured by the seemingly quick successes of others.

Your time will be great, and you'll achieve so much!

#life #motivation

Success is a relative term and most of the time the translation of success is in exact proportion to your requirement.

Peer pressure is literally a disease.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

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