Lo que pasa es que suelo responder más de lo que escribo nuevos threadsJajaja a mi también me gusta. Voy a estar tratando de postear en ambos idiomas por igual, priorizando el #spanish en mis threads nuevos.
At least arsenals own wasn’t on the last day😂. All Dortmund had to do was win against an opponent they have been beating and win the league at home. Even if Bayern has won by 10-0 it wouldn’t matter but no they went and bottled it.
So tomorrow Leicester will play against an inform westham who also did their best to avoid relegation and are UECL finalists. All Leicester need to do is win and they will be safe.
Leeds on the other hand are facing Spurs who has recently gone though bad times. This is one game which Leeds won’t fancy as spurs need to come back after loosing at home to Brentford.
Oh yes, I forgot about Everton. They are currently 17th with 33 points. Two away from Leicester and Leeds. A draw against Bournemouth will be enough for them Tomorrow.
If they loose then they will hope that one of Leicester or Leeds might get a draw or loose for them to survive. If none of that happens in their favour then they will be relegated too.
A new participation in the Author of the week, congratulations to @valeriavalentina for being the winner of the previous week. We present this week's nominees.
Yep, I miss the days when I would make about $30 in Hive/HBD and another $20 in LEO from one long form article. Hopefully we get those days back. Hive needs to get back over $1 and stay there.
It remains to be seen if the Democrats' strong support for the SEC's authority over cryptocurrencies will win, or whether the Republicans' pro-crypto posture will triumph.
Coinbureau says that US Treasury will start issuing T-bills again and that might lead to liquidity being sucked out of market, so the news might not be 100 pct positive.
Planted a little Tulsi (Holy Basil) garden today. I’m in love with it.
I drink Tulsi tea when I feel stressed or if I am getting sick.
Have you had Tulsi tea?
Yes, it's a part of our culture and tradition to water the Tulsi plant every day. They are revered and holy in our culture. Without a doubt. It has so many incredible benefits if u take Tulsi tea daily.
I wonder if $HIVE will be soon added into this payout mix? You do earn hive as well from votes. A single vote on threads is LEO, HIVE and HBD. #threads
true but you still earn it. Maybe that would be confusing to people though if it was added in? Or would they enjoy the even higher $ value and not think to much of it. Split test!
Exactly, I am not in favor of that split, nor the reward in HBD. It should purely remain in LEO only. It will only confuse new people joining this ecosystem.
I have have to go back to bed now to have my hours of sleep complete so that I can thread more later. The days is running more than Nas it use to be to me. I don't know about you friends. What could be the cause?
#threads #gmfrens
2\🧵 La Gran Pirámide de Guiza en Egipto fue construida hace más de 4.500 años, la cual fue la estructura más alta del mundo durante más de 3.800 años. #spanish
3\🧵 El Imperio Romano fue uno de los más grandes de la historia, se dice que fue fundado por los hermanos, Rómulo y Remo, quienes fueron amamantados por una loba según la leyenda. #spanish
De las historias que más me gusta, la fundación de Roma. Creo que en mi vida pasada fui ciudadano romano. Soy muy fan de la cultura de la época de la Roma clásica, creo que es herencia de mi nombre "César" xD #spanish
4\🧵 La Revolución Francesa, que se inició en 1789, fue el resultado de una combinación de problemas económicos, políticos y sociales, y la guillotina, se convirtió en un símbolo de la época. #spanish
5\🧵 Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los aliados llevaron a cabo la llamada "Operación Mincemeat", en la que utilizaron un cadáver para engañar a los alemanes y hacerles creer que iban a atacar en un lugar diferente al planeado.#spanish
6\🧵 El 20 de julio de 1969, el astronauta estadounidense Neil Armstrong se convirtió en el primer hombre en pisar la Luna. Su famosa frase "Un pequeño paso para el hombre, un gran salto para la humanidad" se convirtió en historia.#spanish
7\🧵 La construcción de la Gran Muralla China comenzó en el siglo VII a.C. y duró más de 2.000 años. Se estima que la muralla tiene una longitud de más de 21K km. #spanish
8\🧵 El Titanic, es uno de los naufragios más famosos de la historia. Sin embargo, muchos no saben que el Titanic tenía un gemelo llamado el RMS Britannic, que también se hundió, pero durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. #spanish
9\🧵 La famosa pintura de Leonardo da Vinci, La Mona Lisa, ha sido robada del Museo del Louvre en dos ocasiones: una en 1911 y otra en 1974. La pintura fue recuperada en ambas ocasiones. #spanish
10\🧵 La Guerra Fría, fue una "guerra" entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, pero nunca hubo enfrentamiento directo. La Guerra Fría se libró a través de la propaganda, la carrera armamentística y la carrera espacial.#spanish
11\🧵 Durante la Revolución Industrial, la máquina de vapor impulsó el cambio económico y social, y fue inventada por James Watt en 1765, pero la idea original de la máquina fue concebida por el ingeniero británico Thomas Newcomen en 1712.
12\🧵 El Muro de Berlín, que dividió la capital alemana durante la Guerra Fría, fue construido en 1961 y derribado en 1989. El muro tenía una longitud de más de 155 km siendo uno de los símbolos más poderosos de la Guerra Fría.#spanish
13\🧵 La Guerra de los Cien Años, fue realmente una serie de conflictos entre Francia e Inglaterra por los territorios de Francia. Su nombre fue acuñado por los historiadores mucho después de que terminara. Fin #spanish
Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><
It all depends how you look at it. For sure, 10 bucks worth of 2 hours of writing a post if you get good votes is nice in the 3rd world (I'm from Mexico) and someone from England can earn twice in one hour by working at McDonalds.
Even if one day I make it to go to a first world country I don't stop using hive. I just use it like my social network and the profits are the plus not the main goal.
Apart from me just being here for earning sake, I have nothing else to do as a student. And yes I’d prefer being her than working for someone who will pay me much less since I have no degree yet.
Sabbath are exclusively days for worship and family. Days set aside to learn more about God and pass it to the younger ones. @ironshield have more to say about it.
It's always good for family to stay together and eat, family that stay together live together,and children trained in such a home are well behaved I like what they are doing
Working on a side project based on the Hive condenser API. It will be an app that allows you to manage your following/follows on Hive. Also you will be able to know how many users are mutuals with you and how many other are followed by you.
I was thinking that was easy to do as fuck but then it hit me😂. Most of the words I thought would be there weren’t so I had to check very well. I think it took me almost 30 minutes the first time I used It.
Yo ya me conozco el glosario lo suficiente para saber qué palabras sí estarán seguro, ahora lo que toma tiempo es ir a buscarlas y colocarlas donde van xD
¡Vaya, vaya! Pero mira qué sorpresa... parece que cada fin de semana #spanish se apodera de LeoFinance.
CC: @eddiespino
Sorpresa no maifren, aquí hemos estado pegados @jordy0827 @vikvitnik y yo todo el día
Están haciendo un excelente trabajo... ahora cuando se funde LeoFinance ES los vamos a tener de embajadores 😎.
Awa pichiiii
No se ha parado nunca, aparte he hecho un post jajaja.
Creo que me daré un baño para descansar un rato. Espero luego regresar y hacer algunos threads más.
Wow pero post de leo o algún cuento? De cualquier manera, compartelo por acá para leerlo
Bien dicho, hilos e hilos con la etiqueta #SPANISH
no hemos parao
ya he hecho 200 hoy, y no doy mas jejee
Mañana será otro día
Quiero llegar a los 2000 antes del
Aun no ponen la tabla actualizada?
No revise hace 10 min y todavía
Yo sabía que íbamos a llegar a trending otra vez. Saquen captura jaja.
¿Se llegará a los 1000 de nuevo?
Es que es cuando llegan todos de trabajar jajaja y yo aprovecho de responderles porque de otro modo acabo solo escribiendo en inglés
Eso pronto debe cambiar... cuando lo que tú sabes que yo sé comience a funcionar 😉. Tenemos que sentarnos a echar una conversadita.
Ciertamente. Ya veremos el #spanish en 2500 threads al día !
¿Cuando empiecen a llegar? No lo dudo 😅.
Me gusta verte escribir en español... #spanish
Lo que pasa es que suelo responder más de lo que escribo nuevos threadsJajaja a mi también me gusta. Voy a estar tratando de postear en ambos idiomas por igual, priorizando el #spanish en mis threads nuevos.
Ok ok!! Epa ya leí la broma... xD #spanish
Solo hay una broma que recuerdo que tuvieras que leer asi que bien bien jajaja qué te parece?
Creo esta perfecto! #spanish
Los hispanohablantes en hive son la gran mayoría... ¡es una comunidad muy fuerte!
Pero haciendo threads somos pocos. Vamos a trabajar en base a que más se unan.
cierto... ¿por qué no siguen usando los hilos a granel?
The battle against relegation is getting heated in the premier league
Southampton is comfortably lying down waiting for their counterpart
it’s unfortunate that none of this 3 is playing against them. Am sure they would have enjoyed adding sand to their wound hehe
Still wondering why Arsenal lose the trophy and placed second and its seem clearer to me when Buyern took the trophy over Broussia Dortmund.
At least arsenals own wasn’t on the last day😂. All Dortmund had to do was win against an opponent they have been beating and win the league at home. Even if Bayern has won by 10-0 it wouldn’t matter but no they went and bottled it.
It should be investigated thoroughly. Missing penalty on such a crucial match.
#epl if you want people to find and vote your content.
The topic tag is the most important thing!
I remember to do that. I always forget to add it. My brother tells me to always 🙂
The bottoms three before the final matches for the 22/23 season are Leicester, Leeds and Southampton. Southampton is confirmed already with 24 points.
Definitely, it a sure thing for the saints
Leicester is 18th with 31 points and Leeds is 19th with 31 points. Yes, Leicester is ahead of them because of goal difference.
a poor of run form cost Leicester all this
So tomorrow Leicester will play against an inform westham who also did their best to avoid relegation and are UECL finalists. All Leicester need to do is win and they will be safe.
I can really agree that westham are inform, they Manage not to find themselves too in drop
The only guarantee is a win not loosing or drawing and waiting on Leeds to draw or loose. It usually backfires.
Leeds on the other hand are facing Spurs who has recently gone though bad times. This is one game which Leeds won’t fancy as spurs need to come back after loosing at home to Brentford.
I see Spurs beating Leeds today
Now here comes the maths for Leeds. Their only option is to win and hope that Leicester loose or draw.
Which is not certain at all
Now if they loose or draw they are gone no matter the outcome of the Leicester Vs westham game.
Oh yes, I forgot about Everton. They are currently 17th with 33 points. Two away from Leicester and Leeds. A draw against Bournemouth will be enough for them Tomorrow.
For me I actually see them not going down, they will win or draw
If they loose then they will hope that one of Leicester or Leeds might get a draw or loose for them to survive. If none of that happens in their favour then they will be relegated too.
I would have loved it if more teams were involved in the relegation battle. It will have been interesting to see. Nevertheless this one is enough.
It definitely going to be tough today,I await to see who goes down
Tectonic castle of Malbork, Poland
#gosh #gmfrens
Awesome and fortified castle. Good morning to you too.
A new participation in the Author of the week, congratulations to @valeriavalentina for being the winner of the previous week. We present this week's nominees.
Good luck
#family #friends #topauthors
Here is the Post with the details #gosh
already voted, vote for your favorite #family
I was discussing today an interesting scenario:
If $LEO get's to 50c, post rewards are going to be amazing both in Hive tokens and Leo tokens.
Imagine creating a post that gets 10 bucks worth of Hive and 10 bucks worth of Leo.
That would be quite amazing. I think it would be amazing to see LEO 10x. I think it would also increase the price of Hive as well.
If? 😉
Yeah, that would certainly be amazing... if that happens, hehehe!
yes sick😂. Man we will see more people using leofinance .io
That would be sick. Let's get those new users in. Only Hive people is not enough.
Yep, I miss the days when I would make about $30 in Hive/HBD and another $20 in LEO from one long form article. Hopefully we get those days back. Hive needs to get back over $1 and stay there.
Awesome. When will it be?
If I could predict the markets I wouldn't be threading ser, I would be on my private island inside my private country, inside my private continent :P
Lolz. You are very funny. So would you have shared your predictions with us? So that we will chill with you on that good place of your dreams
That luxury should be extended to threads as well.
if leo goes to that value, my vote for leo will be worth a lot more than my vote for hive even if I don't delegate any HP
$LEO $HIVE to the moon
IT will be amazing. Status and reputation will change
Look at how attached #crypto has become to news, goverment and regulations. Passing the debt bill is already sending positive moves in crypto.
Green looks cool on eyes.
It remains to be seen if the Democrats' strong support for the SEC's authority over cryptocurrencies will win, or whether the Republicans' pro-crypto posture will triumph.
Coinbureau says that US Treasury will start issuing T-bills again and that might lead to liquidity being sucked out of market, so the news might not be 100 pct positive.
Planted a little Tulsi (Holy Basil) garden today. I’m in love with it.
I drink Tulsi tea when I feel stressed or if I am getting sick.
Have you had Tulsi tea?
Never tried it before but I do love tea
Many times. Works great.
I haven’t taken that before, I hope it’s more nutritious
Yes, it's a part of our culture and tradition to water the Tulsi plant every day. They are revered and holy in our culture. Without a doubt. It has so many incredible benefits if u take Tulsi tea daily.
Anyone That Really Gets To Know Me Either Falls In Love With Me Or Ends UP Wanting To Murder Me
😂 can I find myself in between
If she allows :)
haha she should allow 😀
What if she doesn't lol
she should 😅. No choice
There is no third option or a moderate option for us?
Limited options 😉
I see.
Mi mamá compartió su experiencia en el primer aniversario de Hive Barquisimeto. Es un artículo muy lindo. Pasen a checarlo!
#spanish #gosh
felicidades por el cumpleaños del grupo!
Muchas gracias!! jajaja
Ese día fue genial, me encanta siempre compartir entre Hivers! Tu mamá es super cool. #spanish
Since I wanted to breed my Yorkie, I learned to be "hobby breeder". She gave birth to five female Yorkies!

#gmfrens #ladiesofhive #threads
They are all super cute and they all look healthy and strong congrats!
They died one after another when they reached 15 years!!!
UPDATE @ My mother's Mac situation
Mac is OK 4 most things
When she can't use app due 2 outdates macOS, she can use a Windows 8.1 tablet I set up 4 her
Installing El Capitan failed, so upgrade to Monterey has to wait
Boa noite colegas, uma bela noite pra fazer umas threads né? #hivebr
boa hora pra começar... hoje é dia de guerra
Bora fazer thread e subir nesse rank
Depois dessa sacanagem que fizeram contigo aí
Precisamos consertar isso
Bora ae
ja ta rolando! tiro ta comendo e tunem viu!
Oloco, tão ligeiros em!
sempre... aqui é Brasil * imagem de velozes e furiosos*
Passou um trailer de velozes e furiosos esses dias na minha timeline mas nem dei bola
Vâo lançar o 10 né?
Incase anyone is curious what Canmore, AB is looking like today. Enjoy!!
Hey! Do you know Mike from Canmore?
Ha ha did not know that you are from Canmore?
That's Mike from Canmore.
Never been to Canmore but Scarborough is not this good for sure ha
Beautiful view!
Could you go for a swim in it?
I wonder if $HIVE will be soon added into this payout mix? You do earn hive as well from votes. A single vote on threads is LEO, HIVE and HBD. #threads
It looks cool to see the payout like this.
Time is coming. We are looking forward for it and its encouraging.
Do you mean hive power or hive.
Not exactly, HIVE, it's HP, but I think they should also add HP after all we earn HP as well, alongside HBD.
true but you still earn it. Maybe that would be confusing to people though if it was added in? Or would they enjoy the even higher $ value and not think to much of it. Split test!
Exactly, I am not in favor of that split, nor the reward in HBD. It should purely remain in LEO only. It will only confuse new people joining this ecosystem.
I still can't understand exactly how this is calculated
HBD comes from the core blockchain Hive so if people vote on your thread that have hive powered up it nets you Hive and HBD
really need to have hive too then
Yep it's a good idea to build hive as well it will allow you to hold more resources on chain to perform more actions.
initially I thought it was the value of the oil that would be received but showing it in hbd for reference! now it's clearer!
Mi participación en @hivesredcarpet y @liketu Modelando y hablando de #hive, para el #hivestopmodel
#threads #gosh #Spanish
Nowadays, I'm only using ecency as a notification tool for thread replys
I now use the hive blog, ecency can be frustrating sometimes. I gave it a little break
It's just frustrating on mobile
I feel your pain bro
Honestly, since i know that my threads reply from ecency does not count, i am not replying from there again.
Do you also experience their mobile app laggings?
Yes, i dịd
It's annoying sometimes
if you reply threads from ecency it won’t be indexed into Leo finance and won’t count towards the threads count.
Yeah. Abi it notifies when there is a reply. That is what I mean
Oh ok I thought you replied through there.
I'm back...What did I miss?
You did not miss anything. Rather we missed U.
Good morning.
lol thank you kindly!! GM!
You are welcome.
Aww <3
A lot i believe. I was also off for 1 week.
Dang, 1 week! I feel lost after 1 day lol
Me too. A lot to go over
Welcome back, I hope not much yet.
I take 24 hours off, and i feel like I miss so much lol
It's nice to take time off. It happens naturally. One day off blockchain looks as if a year has been missed, :)
you do not miss what you do not know :)
LOL Good way of looking at it!
Welcome back 😎.
Thank you kindly ser!
you missed me hehe
I have have to go back to bed now to have my hours of sleep complete so that I can thread more later. The days is running more than Nas it use to be to me. I don't know about you friends. What could be the cause?
#threads #gmfrens
Sleep well, see you soon!
Good morning to you. You can't influence the time but plan along with it. Its affecting me too. Lolz.
Beautiful day up here in the mountains. And I imagine the view of the valley to be like this. Will see it soon.
Good day frens!
This looks real nice. Soo soo green
Thank you lots. We love green :)
The view is amazing. Starting a morning from such kind of place would be my pleasure.
Good morning. Have a nice day.
GM, Inti. Thank you and hope you're having a wonderful day
Incredible sight. A perfect place to retire forever.
Thank you. Sounds like you want to retire to the countryside :)
That's by default my natural home at any given time.
That's great then :)
a beautiful view!
Thank you :)
1\🧵 En este hilo les comparto algunas curiosidades sobre algunos hechos históricos : #spanish
2\🧵 La Gran Pirámide de Guiza en Egipto fue construida hace más de 4.500 años, la cual fue la estructura más alta del mundo durante más de 3.800 años. #spanish
3\🧵 El Imperio Romano fue uno de los más grandes de la historia, se dice que fue fundado por los hermanos, Rómulo y Remo, quienes fueron amamantados por una loba según la leyenda. #spanish
De las historias que más me gusta, la fundación de Roma. Creo que en mi vida pasada fui ciudadano romano. Soy muy fan de la cultura de la época de la Roma clásica, creo que es herencia de mi nombre "César" xD #spanish
Cierto, como Julio Cesar, quiza y hasta fuiste el en alguna de tus vidas pasadas, quien sabe...
Será?? jejeje pues siempre siempre me llamó la atención. #spanish
Podria ser...
4\🧵 La Revolución Francesa, que se inició en 1789, fue el resultado de una combinación de problemas económicos, políticos y sociales, y la guillotina, se convirtió en un símbolo de la época. #spanish
5\🧵 Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los aliados llevaron a cabo la llamada "Operación Mincemeat", en la que utilizaron un cadáver para engañar a los alemanes y hacerles creer que iban a atacar en un lugar diferente al planeado.#spanish
6\🧵 El 20 de julio de 1969, el astronauta estadounidense Neil Armstrong se convirtió en el primer hombre en pisar la Luna. Su famosa frase "Un pequeño paso para el hombre, un gran salto para la humanidad" se convirtió en historia.#spanish
7\🧵 La construcción de la Gran Muralla China comenzó en el siglo VII a.C. y duró más de 2.000 años. Se estima que la muralla tiene una longitud de más de 21K km. #spanish
8\🧵 El Titanic, es uno de los naufragios más famosos de la historia. Sin embargo, muchos no saben que el Titanic tenía un gemelo llamado el RMS Britannic, que también se hundió, pero durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. #spanish
En realidad eran tres, el otro fue el primero construido y se llamaba Olympic, y si logro terminar su vida util sin hundirse.
Gracias por el dato adicional, al menos uno no se hundió.
9\🧵 La famosa pintura de Leonardo da Vinci, La Mona Lisa, ha sido robada del Museo del Louvre en dos ocasiones: una en 1911 y otra en 1974. La pintura fue recuperada en ambas ocasiones. #spanish
10\🧵 La Guerra Fría, fue una "guerra" entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, pero nunca hubo enfrentamiento directo. La Guerra Fría se libró a través de la propaganda, la carrera armamentística y la carrera espacial.#spanish
11\🧵 Durante la Revolución Industrial, la máquina de vapor impulsó el cambio económico y social, y fue inventada por James Watt en 1765, pero la idea original de la máquina fue concebida por el ingeniero británico Thomas Newcomen en 1712.
12\🧵 El Muro de Berlín, que dividió la capital alemana durante la Guerra Fría, fue construido en 1961 y derribado en 1989. El muro tenía una longitud de más de 155 km siendo uno de los símbolos más poderosos de la Guerra Fría.#spanish
13\🧵 La Guerra de los Cien Años, fue realmente una serie de conflictos entre Francia e Inglaterra por los territorios de Francia. Su nombre fue acuñado por los historiadores mucho después de que terminara. Fin #spanish
Foodie Bee Hive Curation Report, the most delicious dishes
#foodie #foodies #gosh #liotes #community
A little vegan love to us
#vegan #veganlove #foodie #foodies #gosh #liotes #community
Vegan way of life, the best way of life.
How to support Leo ecosystem? Upvote LBI posts
#gosh #gmfrens
Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><
Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at an H-E explorer or take a look at your wallet.
Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.
Well, it certainly support LBI shareholders ;)
These two aren't opposite
Wow. My first time of hearing about LBI. Will research about it and invest too.
Remember to do your own research and not to trust some random from the Internet
Sunday is a fun time spent the with family after worship in church

#sundayfunday #familysunday
Amazing photo!
I called Sunday a funday..
Enjoy your
I will, thanks
You guys are so beautiful
Thanks so much
i don't even like soda, but i tired the dr. pepper strawberries n cream flavor. my review: garbage. you're welcome. #food
sounds like garbage. I used to drink soda pretty heavy stopped a few years back much better for it.
same. maybe once every month or so i'll have a sip and remember why i stopped
I love plain soda with lemon and salt.
Rock salt taste
mmm, delicious
We are back with #AuthorOfTheWeek from the @Motherhood community
Voting ends monday 23.59pm!
Read all the nominees on our announcement post
*itaExitos amiga
#topauthors i forgot the tag =( and cant edit the poll so here it is!
I have casted my vote
Good luck our amiable authors
#leofinance Make Articles Great Again
Put this into AI art and got this lol
I did not know that Khal was Trump :P
Curious about how AI art works. Will surely test this.
that’s great
looks a lot like trump. Is that meant to be trump
Only the AI knows
😂oh, AI didn’t have to do us like that.
Ha ha ha ha...
Make threading great again.
oh no lol
Many people say to me:
"I am in Hive while I stay in Cuba, when I be in other country that is not wort it for me"
So I want to ask to people in first world:
Why you are in Hive? It wort for you? Is a good incoming/time / effort related?
The sad reality is that no matter what country people are from, Hive is just a low effort cash cow for 99% of those here.
But that being said, people I know from the first world are so into Hive because they see the future value.
Those people that tell you that is because they see Hive and Leo as a short term, quick money to sell. That's the wrong approach
Sadly is like you say, they see hive in short term, just a way to get a extra money in this inflationary situation in Cuba.
It all depends how you look at it. For sure, 10 bucks worth of 2 hours of writing a post if you get good votes is nice in the 3rd world (I'm from Mexico) and someone from England can earn twice in one hour by working at McDonalds.
Even if one day I make it to go to a first world country I don't stop using hive. I just use it like my social network and the profits are the plus not the main goal.
yes, is a place of home for me, I am really investing much of my time here to earn better for myself
Apart from me just being here for earning sake, I have nothing else to do as a student. And yes I’d prefer being her than working for someone who will pay me much less since I have no degree yet.
You have to look Hive like a long investment opportunity. That you earn today can make it for you in the future if you don't expend it.
A beautiful flower for beautiful peoples
Good morning.
I very good Morning friends
Good morning too
Wow. It's beautiful. It's a nice way to say good morning. .
Good morning.
glad that you love the idea
Sure, i love it too
VeVeryVeery beautiful. What is it name and features?
plant and food photography are always nice to look at .
Flowers are one of the beautiful creation of nature
Name of the flower?
To be hones I don't know
A beautifull flower indeed!
Glad you like
Who will not like it
It's lovely, thanks.
#hive #literatura #fiction #spanish #gosh #aliento #threads
https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@daveks/cascade #gosh #colourblackandwhite #photography #canada
Awesome. Its a modification of earth's surface.
Sabbath are exclusively days for worship and family. Days set aside to learn more about God and pass it to the younger ones. @ironshield have more to say about it.
#hive #familysunday
The family gathered around the campfire and enjoy their meal with discussion. https://ecency.com/hive-155221/@ironshield/we-are-alive-may-27th
#gosh #aliveandthriving #hive
It is an important day for his family
Yeah. A great day indeed
Family time is always fun and being a sabbath day is a blessing.
It's always good for family to stay together and eat, family that stay together live together,and children trained in such a home are well behaved I like what they are doing
To some but not to everyone
Sure. Not to everyone
Strawberry bingsoo
Happy weekend all
Wow. So tasty and lovely. Best way to start a lazy day. Good morning to you too.
Sometimes we need to change the routine; it helps; thank you, Good Day!
If so, wonderful results awaits you. Enjoy
WOW that looks amazing
Yes quite tempting, isn't it?
The best flavor. Tempting.
Have a spoon 🥄 full
Immutably record it on Blockchain, I will surely get it.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
good moring guys and happy sabbath day..
Good Morning. Have a productive Sunday.
GM wish you the same
Good Morning Sir.
same to you too
Happy Sabbath
Good day
thank you
wish you the same
gm morning to you & happy sabbath day
Good morning frens, enjoy the day
Good morning bro. Have a blessed day
Working on a side project based on the Hive condenser API. It will be an app that allows you to manage your following/follows on Hive. Also you will be able to know how many users are mutuals with you and how many other are followed by you.
The soul of my home, by @aurodivys #creativecuisine #food #foodies #amazingdrinks #vegan #leo #gosh #threads #spanish #contest #ecency https://peakd.com/hive-173296/@aurodivys/the-soul-of-my-home-en-es
GM frens. How's your day going?
Here's my kind of fun on a Sunday morning. So yeah, I'll be quieter on threads until I get this done.
oh nice some kind of room drawing?
Kinda, lol! My mind got stuck. Not sure how to go about it. But will get past that stage, hopefully soon.
What are you making this time
Not sure really. I seem to have met a roadblock, lol!
lol. I thought it was for one of the drawing quest
What should I do at 10pm, so like in 12 minutes (remember it's a saturday night)
Good night.
Go to sleep hahah!
Make sure you have quality downtime, to fix a myriad of issues the next day.
😂 looks like sleep won this one
hehe just say you wanna sleep 😂
Notting Hill (1999
is the epitome of a classic romantic comedy.
Did you watch it? Your thoughts🙂
#movies #movie
Watched it a couple of times :D
Nice to know.
havent watch the movie but i am going for it...
My mother gave us banana. We cooked it with coconut milk and it's so yummy. Let's eat.

#foodie #threads
Banana and coconut milk, no additional spices right
Just an additional brown sugar.
Alright. Thanks for sharing
I have not tried this one before
You might try it in the future. It is just banana, coconut milk and a little brown sugar.
I think I will try it, thanks
Do you want to know how strong a polish community on Hive is?
This is an amazing beetle. I found it on my house. #gosh #beetle #insect https://peakd.com/hive-101587/@kawsar8035/saperda-perforata
Feel free to enter my weekly #risingstar rare NFT card giveaway https://leofinance.io/posts/jfang003/rising-star-giveaway-108-r311-dtd-rare-musician-nft-ends-63
Best of luck to all participants
Even though my family is living a state away, they are still very close and are always helping me.
Who better than the #family to share my #Leofinance Twitter for everyone?
#familysunday #whatsapp #hivebr
How exactly do they help? By adding to the views? I don’t understand the language used on WhatsApp so am confused 😂
In addition to viewing my Tweet, I asked them to share it with everyone they could: friends, uncles, cousins, dog, parrot xD
Dog, parrot 😂. Literally everyone they know must view it right.
Eu pedi ajuda aos meus alunos e amigos tambem! foi sucesso e tenho certeza que o seu vai ser tb!
alias... vamos fazendo as outras dessa aventura tb que é 4BR no top 10 no final dessa campanha!
Family always comes through
Gamers are the most patient people in the world. They will wait hours for a game to download, only to spend 10 minutes playing it.
Come to think of it😂. What about movie lovers? Someone can sit close to a screen the whole day just watching prowl do their thing.
They might be failed to win a certain stages and have to wait for hours/days for it to be unlocked.
Me thinking I finished my article
The Leo Glossary staring at me...
Hahah that´s a nice way to write.
I was thinking that was easy to do as fuck but then it hit me😂. Most of the words I thought would be there weren’t so I had to check very well. I think it took me almost 30 minutes the first time I used It.
Hhaahhaa exactly, you are like "this word for sure is there" and it is not lol
Yes yes you get it. At times am surprised some words aren’t there. You might find it and think it’s antonym will be there but no.
así que ya separé algunos términos que sé que se usarán en el artículo incluso antes de comenzar a escribir ... jajaja
Yo ya me conozco el glosario lo suficiente para saber qué palabras sí estarán seguro, ahora lo que toma tiempo es ir a buscarlas y colocarlas donde van xD
Looking for some great mobile games to play on your Android device? Look no
further! Here is a thread of the best mobile games for Android in 2023.
Call of Duty: Mobile: A fast-paced first-person shooter that's perfect for
multiplayer action.
I call this the perfect online game. You can never get tired of call of duty.
Minecraft: A classic sandbox game that lets you build anything you can
Ive only played minetest and mineclone. It’s an interesting one though. I heard it’s very similar to minecraft
A nice list. I recently started Minecraft on pc. It looks like an interesting one
is it not minelclone we are playing? Oh shoot me, I forgot 😂
😂 just imagine
Genshin Impact: A free-to-play open-world action RPG with stunning visuals
and a deep combat system.
Pokémon GO: A location-based augmented reality game that lets you catch
Pokémon in the real world.
Stardew Valley: A charming farming simulator with a lot of depth and
Among Us: A social deduction game where you have to figure out who the
imposters are.
Rocket League Sideswipe: A simplified version of the popular Rocket League
game that's perfect for mobile devices.
Dead Cells: A roguelike dungeon crawler with a lot of replay value.
GRID Autosport: A realistic racing game with a lot of different cars and tracks
to choose from.
Sky: Children of the Light: A beautiful and relaxing game about exploring a
world filled with light.
Workin on stuff #satartday
I see that’s a lion😂? Am I right.
100% right
Oh that’s great. Can’t wait to see what it will look like. For which quest are you drawing.
The one with zealy
looks like a great lion!
HeyHey @rubilu are you using other front ends to reply? I am seeing all blue notifications that i cannot reply
Nope I never use different front end to for threads. But am using safari browser now.
Not sure what's happening i have youre replies as blue notifications.
Happens with me too at times. Maybe you should switch browser.
This is my fourth browser ha ha. I even switched from iphone to android
it’s left with switching to pc😂. Is it better now
Oops! I can see his replies on threads
I can see most of the comments now.
Oh, is that what the blue notifications are all about? I am also wondering about that for some time.
Normally yes but he is using threads. Not sure what that is.
I also want to reply back here on LeoThreads when I saw the notifications on ecency, but I can't find them here.
I only use leothreads and not ecency.
In my case, I use four depending on the situation.
The ad revenue generated is good for $LEO price. For that, i always use Leo threads.
hmmm, blue notifications… then he might be using a different front end indeed
He is using threads. That means there is a glitch somewhere.
hmm, yeah sure then