No es un secreto que la web3 ha llegado para quedarse, y ha venido para revolucionar nuestra manera de relacionarnos con la web3. No es un cambio tecnológico sino, filosófico. ¿Esto que implica? #spanish
2/🧵Por qué no es un cambio tecnológico? Básicamente porque la infraestructura del internet no ha cambiado, lo que ha cambiado son los ciertos protocolos que han nacido y que permiten relacionarnos de un modo diferente. #spanish
3/🧵 ¿Cuáles han sido estos protocolos? Hablo de los protocolos blockchain, estos han permitido inmutabilidad, descentralización, transparencia, mayor seguridad, y sobre todo propiedad .
4/🧵 La propiedad es una pieza fundamental ya que cambia radicalmente el horizonte de posibilidades que tenemos los internautas. Ya que toda acción que realizamos es una transacción, es decir, tiene un valor intrínseco ya que es un dato...
5/🧵...un dato que contribuye en la consecución y formación de bloques de la blockchain. Allí radica una gran diferencia con las plataformas de web2. En web3 cada acción que realizamos nos perteneces, en cambió, en web2 no nos pertenece.
6/🧵Blockchain quizá no sea lo definitivo ya que la sociedad cambia con el tiempo. Pero quizá es el cambio filosófico que necesitamos en este momento histórico para entender que el estatus quo esta bastante corroído. #spanish
"🌧️ Rain delays the toss for the much-awaited IPL2023 final between CSK and GT in Ahmedabad. Cricket fans eagerly waiting for the action-packed clash between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans.
Am definitely in the kitchen, once am done Will be sharing a comprehensive details of what have being doing since, so await a long #threadstorm of my cooking on a Sunday afternoon
last game of last season it was a struggle between Man city and Liverpool for the title, fast forward to today, a struggle between Everton, Leicester & Lead for a Stay in the #EPL.. haha.
I don't know why my excitement climbs to the roof because of this photo uploading that I have been attempting so many times. In my excitement, perhaps, I can do 300 threads today. 🤣😂
I hope that's the case. The way I see it not unless those with 2,000 threads below will do something big in the next 3 days, they cannot complete that Final Boss Quest.
Existen siete especies de tortugas marinas: la tortuga laúd, la tortuga verde, la tortuga carey, la tortuga boba, la tortuga golfina, la tortuga plana y la tortuga cabezona.
Las tortugas marinas son conocidas por sus travesías migratorias de larga distancia, en las que recorren miles de kilómetros entre sus áreas de alimentación y sus áreas de reproducción.
Las tortugas marinas son herbívoras, carnívoras o omnívoras, dependiendo de la especie. Su dieta incluye algas, medusas, moluscos, crustáceos y otros organismos marinos.
Las tortugas marinas desempeñan un papel crucial en los ecosistemas marinos al mantener el equilibrio en las poblaciones de sus presas y al contribuir a la salud de los arrecifes de coral.
La principal amenaza para las tortugas marinas es la actividad humana. La pesca incidental, la contaminación, el cambio climático y la destrucción de su hábitat son factores que ponen en peligro su supervivencia.
Las tortugas marinas tienen una visión excelente tanto bajo el agua como en tierra firme. Sus ojos están adaptados para ver en ambientes oscuros y con poca luz.
Las tortugas marinas tienen un sentido del olfato muy desarrollado y pueden detectar olores a larga distancia, lo que les ayuda a encontrar alimento y a orientarse.
Las tortugas marinas tienen una estructura ósea liviana y un caparazón aerodinámico que les permite nadar con facilidad y moverse ágilmente en el agua.
El sexo de las tortugas marinas está determinado por la temperatura de incubación de los huevos. Temperaturas más altas producen más hembras, mientras que temperaturas más bajas producen más machos.
Las tortugas marinas pueden dormir bajo el agua y pueden permanecer sumergidas durante largos periodos de tiempo sin tener que salir a la superficie para respirar.
Las tortugas marinas tienen una relación simbiótica con algunos peces y crustáceos que se alimentan de los parásitos y las algas que crecen en su caparazón.
Las tortugas marinas tienen un sentido de audición limitado en comparación con otros animales marinos, pero pueden detectar vibraciones y frecuencias bajas.
Las tortugas marinas son capaces de regular su flotabilidad en el agua controlando la cantidad de aire que contienen en sus pulmones y cavidad corporal.
Las tortugas marinas son animales solitarios en su mayoría y pasan la mayor parte de su vida en soledad, excepto durante el apareamiento y la anidación.
Las tortugas marinas pueden almacenar grandes cantidades de oxígeno en sus pulmones y tejidos, lo que les permite realizar largas inmersiones bajo el agua.
Las tortugas marinas jóvenes se enfrentan a numerosos depredadores cuando hacen su camino desde el nido hasta el océano, incluyendo aves, cangrejos y otros animales marinos.
I think for those still searching, make sure you are improving yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually everyday matter. Be the best version of yourself that you can be.
100%—I think the notifications section needs a top to bottom rework. There must be a better way to manage it, especially if there's a vision for 100,000s of threads firing off per day.
I think a great use of threads would be for @finguru to put up a series of threadstorms about ChatGPT. He understands it. Use a unique tag and we all can learn.
Huge let down, but ultimately Verlander put is in the hole. The Mets' bullpen is average at best and we need these 30 to 40 million dollar pitchers to keep us in games. I am so damn proud of the Baby Mets. Alvarez is as advertised. The Mets #1 prospect is proving just that @taskmaster4450le
A pesar de su nombre, los pandas rojos no están relacionados con los osos panda gigantes. Son una especie única y se consideran más cercanos a los mapaches y a los mustélidos.
Los pandas rojos tienen un pulgar "falso" que es en realidad una extensión del hueso de la muñeca, lo que les permite agarrar el bambú con mayor facilidad.
I am pretty sure I've seen it said that Zealy will live on and that there will be more Sprints! Prize pool may not get this big for awhile... but there will still be sweet sweet XP to gather ;)
Yeah, agree that it's not easy to find figures. I've heard the number 250,000 wallets/accounts floating around before, but can't remember where or if the source was reliable at all.
Hive should focus outside the centralized exchanges. Many seem to feel that getting listed on the CEX is the only path forward for Hive. At this point, it is better not to be in that mess.
2/ Hive can start to focus upon DEX and liquidity pools. Without worrying about the CEX, we can build deep and liquid pools that can facilitate trades. Ultimately, this creates a realm where $BTC becomes a vehicle currency.
3/ Since most regulators appear to be leaving that coin alone, we can connect to it which allows for people to seamlessly get to the CEX. This means people will be able to engage with fiat, yet not be dependent upon CEX.
depending on a CEX is like depending on a bank or any other financial institution. They are all centralized so they own you and your money but you don’t own them
4/ This removes Hive from its island and allows for easy access to fiat and other crypto. At the same time, we keep building value which will enhance the wealth of the entire ecosystem.
5/ This is how we get around what governments are doing. This is a major push which can be done in under a year on Hive. It is a matter of building the infrastructure to get this done.
Hive would be in a far healthier state if user retention was made a focus, you are more like to get new investment from these users than gambling on everything coming in via a CEX.
And that's why I am wondering why many are panicking when CEXes are having trouble while in fact, in the DEXes, you can go on with your trades without any interference.
With the current mood of various governments to go after the CEX it is better to stay way.
If hive or any project offers value and is dex exclusive people would use the dex or bridges to get their share of #hive
In a bit I will create my first #threadstorm for the #bookclub! Until I finish the recent book I'm reading (I'm such a lazy bookworm), I will push a group of posts with the best takeaways from the last book I read :)
If u r a boy, u r supposed to praise ur girl every day and surprise her with some kinky yet cool behavior & gifts. Being a caring partner is always big plus point. And lastly, allow some space to welcome the discomfort
uff in days gone by I loved Leicester when Jock Wallace our old Rangers manager managed them and beat Liverpool home and away, first team to the double on them in 8 years. Everton I hope stay up, good blue team!
It is possible but it will not be easy. I use headline feature to add significant moments from the game. The problem today is there are 8 games happening at the same time.
Would it not be funny, is Manchester City are found guilty of some of those 100+ charges and get docked points or relegated hehe and Arteta suddenly pips his old boss Pep
Hmm I think Leeds will get relegated. If they loose the outcome of the other matches won’t matter. Spurs need to get back to winning ways and it might hurt leeds#epl
@Adedayoolumide@emeka4 come join in on our #Threadcast, and did you think gonna survive today’s relegation battle between Everton, Leicester & Leeds? 😁
Arsenal 3-0 Wolves,
Villa 2-1 Brighton ,
Brentford 0-0 City,
Chelsea 1- 1 Newcastle,
Palace 0-1 Forest,
Everton 0-0Bournemouth,
Leeds 0-1 spurs ,
Leicester 1-0 West Ham ,
United 1-1 Fulham ,
Southampton 2-2 Liverpool
If u make a long post on this subject, plz don't forget to share it here in Leothread with #gosh tag, I would love to engage with your content Thank you.
The auto-refresh feature is a "must" for any micro-blogging niche. A myriad of interactions takes place in no time. Hitting the refresh button could be a turn-off for many including those who are used to with site like Twitter.
what other platform has a auto refresh? not even twitter does. (In fact they already tried it and removed it) It was found that if you're trying to read and interact with something a auto refresh would take that away from you.
When u click a thread or tweet, it will redirect u to the next page and the that page wont get refreshed, it's only the main page feed that gets automatically refreshed, that is what we mean by auto-refresh feature.
🧵 Web3 👇
No es un secreto que la web3 ha llegado para quedarse, y ha venido para revolucionar nuestra manera de relacionarnos con la web3. No es un cambio tecnológico sino, filosófico. ¿Esto que implica? #spanish
2/🧵Por qué no es un cambio tecnológico? Básicamente porque la infraestructura del internet no ha cambiado, lo que ha cambiado son los ciertos protocolos que han nacido y que permiten relacionarnos de un modo diferente. #spanish
3/🧵 ¿Cuáles han sido estos protocolos? Hablo de los protocolos blockchain, estos han permitido inmutabilidad, descentralización, transparencia, mayor seguridad, y sobre todo propiedad .
4/🧵 La propiedad es una pieza fundamental ya que cambia radicalmente el horizonte de posibilidades que tenemos los internautas. Ya que toda acción que realizamos es una transacción, es decir, tiene un valor intrínseco ya que es un dato...
5/🧵...un dato que contribuye en la consecución y formación de bloques de la blockchain. Allí radica una gran diferencia con las plataformas de web2. En web3 cada acción que realizamos nos perteneces, en cambió, en web2 no nos pertenece.
6/🧵Blockchain quizá no sea lo definitivo ya que la sociedad cambia con el tiempo. Pero quizá es el cambio filosófico que necesitamos en este momento histórico para entender que el estatus quo esta bastante corroído. #spanish
A future forecast? I wish this is true! 🤣😂
You can do it
U forgot to multiply 25 with your current HP, it's as simply as that.
But the app remembers the future. 🤣😂
Is it? We can dream big like that even though we are not there yet.
I wonder what happened to Hive Now.
I don't want to refresh it. I might lose the 51k HP. At least, though just a glitch, I experienced having a 53k plus HP. 🤣😂
Must have been a feeling like getting an airdrop(virtually)!
Reminds me of my account in virtual trading. It reaches half a billion PHP.
Waiting to see the outcome
#gmfrens ¿ Que tal sus planes este domingo? #spanish
Como estas?
Hoy bien, creo que será un buen domingo 😊
Good Morning
Have a nice day.
"🌧️ Rain delays the toss for the much-awaited IPL2023 final between CSK and GT in Ahmedabad. Cricket fans eagerly waiting for the action-packed clash between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans.
Good Morning
Have a nice day.
Since the photo uploading is working now, though late, I can now show you my new haircut. 🤣😂
Great one there😘. She will definitely love it.
I hope you're right.
it’s looking smooth, 😃
Yeah, I looked like a jungle man prior to that haircut. 🤣😂
oh I wished to see haha
That's why I told someone there should be before and after. 🤣😂
You are super cool. Thanks for sharing this shot.
My pleasure! 😎👌🔥
does the hair cut as some kind of name?
I forgot the new name. In our time, we call it "young man's cut". 🤣😂
And you’re looking young indeed 😁
At least in a haircut. 🤣😂 I am now 56.
😁.. that’s why am referring to your, it makes you look younger 😀 (but 56? Wow.
4 more years and I will be enjoying the senior card discount here. 🤣😂
An "old man's cut" might make a teenager look old! 🤣😂
He couldn't see that well!
Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an on behalf of @savvytesterMaybe later I will show everyone my new haircut. LOL
Oh! And that will be spectacular! 😅
A cartridge in a bare tree.
Credit: reddit
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg
After You Had Too Much To Drink and They Ask If You're Ok🤣🤣🤣
When emotion goes ecstatic beyond the upper ceiling.
Am definitely in the kitchen, once am done Will be sharing a comprehensive details of what have being doing since, so await a long #threadstorm of my cooking on a Sunday afternoon
Waitingg! I hope you are showing the food too☺
What are you cooking buddy.
Done now, check my threadstorm to
last game of last season it was a struggle between Man city and Liverpool for the title, fast forward to today, a struggle between Everton, Leicester & Lead for a Stay in the #EPL.. haha.
*Leeds 🫣
Its very funny...😆
it is and kinda exciting to see.
For sure
Yeah sure
yeah… hope you gonna see the matches..
Haha I love seeing relegation fights more than title charges. When they do manage to stay up they celebrate more than those who won it.
I don't know why my excitement climbs to the roof because of this photo uploading that I have been attempting so many times. In my excitement, perhaps, I can do 300 threads today. 🤣😂
haha, why not? Let’s grind together 💪🏻
Already 3000 thread???
Yes, I think so. I already claimed the Quest and waiting for the result of the review.
What is ur rank now?? I mean right now?
Just earlier, number 49. I haven't checked yet.
I just checked it now. Still number 49 with 25,125 XP and 144 quests completed.
Good, U r all set to leap to top 30 once the 10k XP is unlocked. Good going.
I hope that's the case. The way I see it not unless those with 2,000 threads below will do something big in the next 3 days, they cannot complete that Final Boss Quest.
I can’t believe Asake ft Olamide released a song & I’ve not stream yet🤔 #Music
I love these cues provided by LeoThreads:
That's a nice one too! No idea? LeoThreads will help you. No more excuses. 🤣😂
No f*ckin excuses
Yes, you're right.
Where did u find these cues??
Do you see those words before you make your thread? They are so obvious and that's why they are not easy to notice. 🤣😂
LOL nothing like a bit of foreshadowing.
Because it's gray, I wonder if people might not notice it. 🤣😂
So that's it. A kind of forecast to inspire people about the future of LeoThreads. That's awesome!
36 datos de las tortugas marinas
#threadstorm #spanish
I think for those still searching, make sure you are improving yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually everyday matter. Be the best version of yourself that you can be.
I strongly believe in breathing exercises and Yoga. And I believe that if we do it properly, we can improve our mental and emotional well-being.
So yoga has all the solutions wow!
Thanks for the reminder :) We need these often :)
So that you can finfind somesomeone like you
Hm, 4 days left in May.
Possible to get ~800 more threads for myself by then to hit the next Zealy tier.
Possible. But worth it? Hahah.
You can do it :) All the best
Haha thank you.
I know I can but am contemplating if I should. :D
Haha, good luck with that :D
Yep you can get to 800 even today 🙂. What do you think
Haha that might be pushing the limits. Need to do some #familysunday stuff vs #threads247 ;)
oh but you can grind it out by 31st. Am sure of it
😂😂 for some people yes but i believe it’s not that easy
Yes😂, it not that easy too.
hahaha man some were able to make huge number, my biggest was 300 in a day
I think my best so far has been about 300 too.
i wish i can do the 500+ a day i need to find the best way😂
i still need few tens i think by night i will be done
You can. That is a worthwhile number. 200 per day is possible.
We will help you along.
Am still far frfrom my target
If you are not working on any of the writing quests, you can do it
Ohhh but I've got all those too :D
Oh then that is great
It depends on how much you want it. It's not impossible.
That's an NFT and a ticket for the HiveFest raffle, which I heard is going to be amazing this year :D
I need threads and replies separated please. I just cannot engage with notifications at this point #feature #suggestions
I definitely agree. We had a separate replies tab on the old UI and they can separate threads and comments too.
It should be done now :)
Do we have that in the new UI? I don't see it anywhere
We don't have the feature.
I second you on that. I know we are missing lots on our replies
I missed so many replies just because of that. I see them on ecency and peakd but do not want to use them
I always fail to check them on other frontends so like you, I keep missing to reply on them
I would love to see that as
#khal please :P
Thread multitasking features.
#khal waiting for your reply on this.
hello rmsadkri!
hello mon ami
How did you sleep tonight? Do you speak french too?
it was good. I do. Not as fluent but yes
Wow I think that´s a spoken language up there in Canada. Am I right?
Yes. In Quebec.
haha, sorry for that
100%—I think the notifications section needs a top to bottom rework. There must be a better way to manage it, especially if there's a vision for 100,000s of threads firing off per day.
Exactly. I cannot engage with threads on this threadcast. It is important to reply to keep the conversation going #epl
Is not easy this time. NNotification is on the high side
Adivinen quien despertó y comienza a crear #threads hoy? #spanish
Between Leicester and Everton who can escape the relegation today?
I almost forgot one of these two had to go. I think Everton will go. Leicester can grind a result off westham I believe
If both of them trash their opponents today's match Leicester is going to relegate but if one of them lose, the one lose will relegate.
Oh yes. Leicester needs to win and hope Everton doesn’t. That’s all that matters
I think Everton would escape that today
I thought as much my friend, but football is not like that. I hope you see what happens yesterday in
Yes, a lot happens in football, maybe we just have to wait for the closing whistle to decide #epl
In Bundesliga
Let's use the #epl tag to trend it today on threads
yeah, I saw that yesterday #epl
I think a great use of threads would be for @finguru to put up a series of threadstorms about ChatGPT. He understands it. Use a unique tag and we all can learn.
I have been thinking about it but only thinking & thinking...
Looks like it's time to start doing. xD
Thanks for the push Task.
A great idea by @taskmaster4450.
Should I do it? ✌️
Yes yes please go ahead.
Awesome. LFG bro. 🔥
Let's go #chatgpt
I think I will use this tag only. Because no one else is using it that much.
I see it but thought it was one of the token commands
Yes Fren.. rain the Threadstorm on mah feed ples!
Bro, looks like you have been spending an irresponsible amount of time in Threads. You are addicted. xD
that would be great to learn from, I am hoping it happens
It's a gigantic wow! Finally, I am able to upload a photo on LeoThreads! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😎👌🔥
Congratulations on your achievement😂. But where is the picture?
It's the previous thread.
I still don't see your picture on the previous thread, and it's already the top-level comment on the original post. 🤨😅
I can see the notification on threads and reply to your comment, but when I clicked it, it says, not yet indexed." 😭
Which is why I still live with my parents.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ@savvytester, I sent you an on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg
I wonder if my previous comment (or my other comments as well) have already been indexed after at least 2 days of being published. 🤔😏
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
(7/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
I’ve always struggled with it. Did you use mobile or pc
I used my mobile phone to take the photo, uploaded it on Facebook, and downloaded it on my laptop.
Oh ok. Then you copied and pasted it in the link side or you uploaded it straightforward.
I uploaded it.
Congrats bro
You might have forgotten to upload a photo on your comment where you said that you are able to upload a photo! 😆😅
Credit: reddit
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an on behalf of @savvytester
@jimmy.adames A disappointing loss last night. Fought back only to give it up.
Huge let down, but ultimately Verlander put is in the hole. The Mets' bullpen is average at best and we need these 30 to 40 million dollar pitchers to keep us in games. I am so damn proud of the Baby Mets. Alvarez is as advertised. The Mets #1 prospect is proving just that @taskmaster4450le
Today's Rising Star Giveaways (Sunday 28 May) #gosh #ctp #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #risingstar #
33 datos sobre los pandas rojos :D
#threadstorm #spanish
Que adorable!
son super adorables :D
Que interesante todo lo que cuentas sobre este animalito. No lo conocía.
me alegro que ahora ya lo conozcas :D
Boombastic time, folks
Yay! You got it! Congrats
Yes, finally after 7 or 8 attempts.
Thank you.
Awesome! All the best again tomorrow.
I was busy refreshing my reply to a thread cast which unfortunately didn't get indexed, lol!
To be honest, I was a bit lucky today. U still need luck howsoever active U r.
bomb ballistic
I think I am the second
Ha ha, the race is on !
missing two Boombastics today oh
Boom! I guess I missed
again lol
Okay, it's an early GN for me. It's almost 10 pm and I will be at the hospital tomorrow on nurse duty for mom.
GM to those who just woke up. Have a fantastic day
Hope the nurse duty goes well. Have a splendid night.
Thank you. I'm here now :) Good morning (evening)
Welcome back ✨ have a wonderful t
GN CJ sleep tight and mom is in our thoughts.
Thank you Tito Ed. Good evening to you :)
Have a good rest and good luck tomorrow!
Thank you :) Happy new week.
Good night to you too. I hope you have enough rest before your duty tomorrow
I did. Thank you and wishing you a wonderful new week when it comes.
Good luck for tomorrow! Rest well :)
Many thanks :) Happy new week to you as it comes.
hope ur day tomorrow will be just fine, have a good night
Thank you lots. It's going great :) Happy new week
I´m gonna miss it man
Lo voy a extrañar mano #spanish #meme #zealy
I am pretty sure I've seen it said that Zealy will live on and that there will be more Sprints! Prize pool may not get this big for awhile... but there will still be sweet sweet XP to gather ;)
Yeah I read something like that
Oh I didn´t know that! So the craziness goes foreveeeer!
But we have to move on… 😂
Fun continue
Yeah, life goes on
You gonna be big guy
I´m gonna miss it, yes
With all the sports now blasting out on threads, I wonder if we can devise some sort of #football or other #sport #contest purely on threads.
That's a nice idea.
Even tho I ain't watching sports but getting to know what's going on through threads here.
Yeah maybe just wishful thinking
We should for sure the next season. We need to feature #sports content on the home page. Podcasts or threadcasts
That would be great. I love sports threadcast
Creo es cuestión de tiempo para que Venezuela se una al BRICS. ¿Ustedes que opinan? #spanish
I did it. I claimed the big bad 3000 thread boss.
congraaaaaats tonight it’s gonna be my turn💪💪
You will do it 😀
hahaha thanks man. Working on it
A little tip for all your hard work. 😉
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@rabihfarhat! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
thanks man that’s amazing
Dang that's nutz I threaded like a mad man yesterday and think I only hit like 150 threads for the day leaving me far behind lol
Get at at, how many you need?
About 1,800....
450 a day. You can di it. Just don't sleep.
lol yeah that about sums it up
Really? Did you see the result already? I have to check.
Lol. No. Will take a bit I assume.
Maybe, they're busy with something. 🤣😂
I wonder what's makes them so busy?
Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂
Upgrading threads of course. 🤣😂
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@rzc24-nftbbg! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
I need to see it too
Yes, you only need 562 threads. I think you can make it too. 😎👌🔥
I'm trying to
Oh is that the last one for May!
DAng well done
Thanks so much. Wonder what June will bring?
Yeah more of the same?
Maybe they actually announce what the prize pool really is?
Maybe, Maybe do 3000 threads in 9 days?
That is doable
It is. A lot of work but it is.
Yeah, there's
Ah, still in review. Let us just wait for the result. 😅
It will come to us :) Whoop whoop 🤭
Wow, congrats to you man,
Thank you so much 😀
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(8/50)@abu78! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
you are welcome sir,
Congrats ! Thats great news.
Thanks so much 🙏
Youre most welcome.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@wongi! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Wahoooo, you did it man, congratulations 🎊 and
Thanks so much. Time to promoting!BBH more 😉
You are welcome
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@luchyl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Congratulations. That is a huge milestone and a ton of XP.
#gmfrens late start for me today... visiting my family so my routine was completely changed
Good morning! Hope you have a good time with the fam.
GM fren have a good one
u got to do what u got yo do..
visiting family is also important now u can thread like a beast
Good to spend family time on weekends.
Good morning mate!
Family is important too. Hows your dad doing?
He is doing well! We had a great weekend together
That sounds awesome. Glad you enjoyed your weekend.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I didn't feel like getting up today so I don't blame you for starting late.
Yea sometimes days go just like that
Have a great day!
Thanks! It's been great so far
Good Morning
Have a nice day.
How many active users are on #HIVE (w and w/o Splinterlands)? I see charts about this, but frankly they're impossible to interpret. Ballpark figure.
Yeah, agree that it's not easy to find figures. I've heard the number 250,000 wallets/accounts floating around before, but can't remember where or if the source was reliable at all.
This is the closest I've found to stats, but I can't tell how many monthly authors. It looks like WITH Splinterlands we're around 325K MAU.
Oooh, that's definitely a good starting place.
I bet you could ask @arcange for some more specific data!
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good Morning
Have a nice day.
gm fren.
Have an awesome day too.
Hive should focus outside the centralized exchanges. Many seem to feel that getting listed on the CEX is the only path forward for Hive. At this point, it is better not to be in that mess.
2/ Hive can start to focus upon DEX and liquidity pools. Without worrying about the CEX, we can build deep and liquid pools that can facilitate trades. Ultimately, this creates a realm where $BTC becomes a vehicle currency.
3/ Since most regulators appear to be leaving that coin alone, we can connect to it which allows for people to seamlessly get to the CEX. This means people will be able to engage with fiat, yet not be dependent upon CEX.
I wish there were fiat options to buy hive without the KYC
Yeah. Well fiat is likely to always have KYC. It is their realm so they are going to protect it.
We are likely going to have to use a vehicle currency like $BTC to get from Hive to fiat.
depending on a CEX is like depending on a bank or any other financial institution. They are all centralized so they own you and your money but you don’t own them
4/ This removes Hive from its island and allows for easy access to fiat and other crypto. At the same time, we keep building value which will enhance the wealth of the entire ecosystem.
5/ This is how we get around what governments are doing. This is a major push which can be done in under a year on Hive. It is a matter of building the infrastructure to get this done.
Fully agree to this. No need to force exchanges.
$HIVE shall focus on new user and user retention.
Agreed! Leave the CEXes allone!
totally agree especially at this time. Instead there are many other options can be done and the CEX is the last one
Hive would be in a far healthier state if user retention was made a focus, you are more like to get new investment from these users than gambling on everything coming in via a CEX.
A good advice
And that's why I am wondering why many are panicking when CEXes are having trouble while in fact, in the DEXes, you can go on with your trades without any interference.
That is something worth waiting for, the connection of HIVE to BTC.
Any plans for listing #HBD on exchanges?
This may be a good strategy to develop and expand the Hive ecosystem without getting on the regulator's radar.
With the current mood of various governments to go after the CEX it is better to stay way.
If hive or any project offers value and is dex exclusive people would use the dex or bridges to get their share of #hive
In a bit I will create my first #threadstorm for the #bookclub! Until I finish the recent book I'm reading (I'm such a lazy bookworm), I will push a group of posts with the best takeaways from the last book I read :)
Just like yourself, I'm a lazy bookworm. I'm currently reading a book by Ted Dekker. I'd be looking forward to the #threadstorm
Lazy, I reckon you can devour a book quite rapidly!
On a day with less tasks, yes actually.
Just finished the #threadstorm :)
I'm currently slack reading Superfans by Pat Flynn and already wrote a few posts about it. I'm so close to finish it but my time management sucks lol
It happens. Time is one resource that very limited.
reading books is one of me favorite hobbies. I mean the real books not the E-books.
Hope it’s calm where you are to be able to finish your book😁
That would be a literary storm.
Is acceptable to make a threadstorm as an initial reply to a threadcast @taskmaster4450
I am going to a Bitcoin Event today, full of maxis. Let's see how it goes.
That's great
That is pretty cool going to ANY crypto event
Hehe, stay safe and enjoy!
Hehe let’s see
Awesome let us know how it goes. They are in for a bullish day today and Monday.
I will do a post about it.
Such events exits? Id like to hear how it goes.
Yes, even Hive events here in Cuba
Yes, ive heard of the hive events there.
wow, all the best in that
hehe thanks
Sounds like a pain and I hope it goes well.
Can someone indicate a comedian series on Netflix, please? It will be a tuff thing to do I watched tons of series there
#netflix #comedy #movie
A sitcom I've seen is Bob hearts Abishola.
Don't know about series in this genre.
Haven't seen or watched any.
But Incase you wanna watch #movie in this genre I would suggest > Hangover (all parts).
Dear God
😂😂😂 i miss watching horror movies
Then get back to it yeah?
I thought I'm the only one who laugh watching horror movies.
Soooo scary shit 🤣.
Tho, you should give "prey of the devil" a watch ~ not that scary but storyline is dope!
Prey of the devil, noted! Thanks for helping a guy get scared :)
I need the movie🌚
Will ring you when I do find it :)
Oh you havent found it yet. Don't hesitate to share the link when you find it. Its horror😇
🩸Silent Hill🩸
Once you enter Silent Hill, there is no turning back.
Be sure to check it out!
Hahaha, not sleeping for a week, hmmm
If it ain't that scary, it ain't worth it!
Notifications are wonky.
Showing things from 2 days ago.
You broke it! lol
Sometimes it happens when I create a long form post for some reason it pushes other old notifications. Not sure if they are connected but who knows
There is something going on for sure.
Slows things down.
My notifications have always been wonky like that
Im not having such issues tho
Yea. That has been happening to me since yesterday
10 Chat GPT Prompts To Learn Copywriting ⬇️
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good Morning
Have a nice day.
In regards to relationships, what is one thing you could be better at that would make you a better partner?
Be honest
Cooking :)
Learn it, don't be lazy 😉
If u r a boy, u r supposed to praise ur girl every day and surprise her with some kinky yet cool behavior & gifts. Being a caring partner is always big plus point. And lastly, allow some space to welcome the discomfort
I m brutally honest.
The way I communicate with my partner. You know how ladies want to constantly hear from you😂. Well, am very bad at that.
It seems people are finding the photo uploading to be working. More sharing going on. That is a good thing.
I haven't tried uploading on mobile but it seems the issue has been fixed.
EPL Threadcast - Game 38 - The RELEGATION battle is ON
#epl Let's share our thoughts. Who will stay on top? @rubilu @yahuzah @abu78 @garorant @kingsleyy @wealthwess @taskmaster4450le @peniel2010
My favorites to win today are ManU, Brighton, Everton, Tottenham, ManC, and Newcastle
So, you think Everton will remain on top? #epl
Yeah I hope so
I don't want that to happen but they may win #epl
Everything is possible in Footbal. Have you watched Ted Lasso tv show? Football is life! Rojas said.
Yes. This season is not as good. No football only drama
Yeah, great selections, I think I second that,
Nice predictions. I think Spurs will lose though #epl
Hahah le´t see
haha yeah #epl
I don’t see spurs winning. I know that team 😂.#epl
ahhahah they are what we call in #spanish: #coldchest
Accept my greetings everyone!! Wealthwess is now onboard 😁.
Welcome onboard man. Man United to lose 😗 #epl
Yenyenyen 😂😂… but I hope you beat Newscastle for me to retain Top 3.
#epl oh no we’re losing 😂
You better don’t 🤣 #epl
#epl 😅 it’s already written down
Hehe you're welcome... I'll just be going around to watch you guys rant and laugh about Epl lol
I hope you enjoy the show😄 #epl
I hope so too lol
Let's fucking go with this one.
You are accepted sir, welcome on board #epl
Yes sir, glad i am 🫡
Great, let's trend the #epl tag today
Oh yeah… all day long #epl
Sharp, we moving #epl
Let's be using the #epl tag so we can trend it together man
WOW. Amazing for them. This gets interesting now #epl
Yes, Leicester would relegate #epl
😂 very true.#epl
yeah, I said it earlier and it has happened #epl
Goal United 2-1 Fulham
Old Trafford goes crazy as Bruno slots the ball in to make it 2-1 ti United. #epl
United are finishing above Newcastle #epl
I don’t think it will bother them much. They are in the champions league #epl
Mind games right before the FA cup final #epl
Breathing room for Leicester as they score a second
Faes guides a corner into the back of the net ti make it two. Now they have to wait and see if Bournemouth can equalise to send them back to 17th#epl
Everton is not doing a favour by scoring that goal. Bournemouth needs to score #epl
I really hope so. Am watching that game now #epl
How is Bournemouth playing now? #epl
Hahaha, they also wants to qualify lol, #epl
I know ha ha my emotions are all over now #epl
and Everton knocks them out finally #epl
3-1 spurs score a third
Any chance of coming back for Leeds is killed as spurs scores a third through #epl
I hate spurs as they have no discipline in scoring ha ha #epl
Haha, spurs turn up when you don’t want them to#epl
Same. They did not need to win today but no, they are scoring #epl
**Goal for Leicester **
And it’s 1-0 at the king power stadium as Leicester take the lead through barnes
Amazing pressure game for them. Everton still not scoring means Leicester is out of the relegation zone for now #epl
I want watching it then but now I’ve switched to that matvh#epl
Leeds with a big chance
Forshaw hit a thunder bolt from out the box but frosted was fortunate as Sanchez was in the way to defeat it out for a corner #epl
Spurs may switch off any time. Leeds pressing with six defenders #epl
They are surprising me. They are going out today unlike in the other games.
It is a do or die game for them. Need a win at any cost #epl
And after conceding early their game plan might have changed #epl
You can guess the pair. Son to Kane and he nets the first goa of the game in the first 3 minutes.
Spurs are so unpredictable. #epl More goals to come?
Sure I think so. They can even loose this game still.
ha ha you cracked me there. For sure #epl
You know spurs 😂#epl
very early in the game. These 2 combining again #epl
Kane and son, a match made in heaven. Maybe if you buy Kane you need to buy som too hehe#epl
😂 that’ll be like buying Lautaro and Lukaku #epl
Man that will be soo cool #epl
😅 why don’t you advise Perez to buy them both #epl
#meme #epl #threadstorm @rmsadkri will get crazy after this threadstorm reaches 1000 threads
For sure. I already need better notifications system ha ha #epl
hahah add the tag feedback on this
I have said this multiple times but noone listens to me #feedback sad :)
I´m sure you have been read but there´s some other priorities.
For sure. The notifications tab is a priority to be honest if we think we are going to 100K threads per week.
For sure, today we hitting the 1000 #epl threads count
I have got that vibe 😅
Yeah, you forgot your tag again, lol hahah #epl
I´m working on the #spanish tag. Hope it doesn´t bother people in here hahah
#epl at the rate we’re going, 1000 is looking like a real possibility
yeah it´s time to burn this thread out
absolutely. Let’s go #epl
hehe I think we will get there today.
easy pisy
Who do you think will be brave enough to win today? Leicester or Leeds or Everton? #epl
Leeds I think. A spurs upset on the horizon #epl
Spurs are unpredictable. Even Wrexham can beat them when Spurs are not in mood.
that’s true. You never know with them. Good pressure fork Leeds and we could see them staying #epl
That's what I am saying. Spurs are so fickle. They may score 7 goals also ha ha
😂 7 would make their fans forget all the wrong they did this season.#epl
I think everton can grind out a win today. I don’t trust Leicester and Leeds😂
That's heartbreaking to hear ha ha
Rooting for Leicester today
I believe they will both loose. And then it will be the same.
Lol who would be brave enough? Seems it's a tight battle
I think Everton playing against Bournemouth would be cool for them #epl
They need to win the game. Leicester will hope Bournemouth win all 3 points #epl
Yeah, but that would be though for them too #epl
Bournemouth is capable. Everton will fight for their life #epl
Yes for sure #epl
Saw Leeds have SIX fluffing defenders
ha ha yet conceded a goal 2 mins into the game #epl
yep they are fncuked won't score two #epl
Everton will
Leicester were but ultimately so were Everton!
I can't believe Luton are back in the big time. Going to see them play is like walking into someone's house to get to your seat!
Fluffing mental!
I know. I watched so many videos. Football is mental ha ha
Yeah it's been a long time since I was there with Millwall
Where is this stadium?
Which stadium?
Luton town
This shit is crazy. But if they manage to stay up for at least 3 seasons they can get a better stadium.
Stadium is already going ahead, the Power Stadium and one year might pay for it
oh that’s cool. Then one year it is
Let's hope so
#epl the stadium is that small? The atmosphere must be rocking then
I don't even know who the battle is with?
Southampton are down I know that!
Yes. Leicester, Leeds and Everton are battling it out.
uff in days gone by I loved Leicester when Jock Wallace our old Rangers manager managed them and beat Liverpool home and away, first team to the double on them in 8 years. Everton I hope stay up, good blue team!
I am for Leicester
Leicester Will disappoint you😂. I believe they won’t get relegated but it won’t be due to their brilliance
It's a tough game for them though
Football doesn’t wait for anyone. You don’t sell and sell without replacing. Maybe some time in the championship will help them rest.
I believe they have learnt enough lessons this season
They never do😂. A place in championship will teach them
be there, west ham won’t allow them to get it easy#epl
Oh really, I would go in for Everton today #epl
Yeah. Let's goo!
Sharp, remember to add #epl tag so we trend it higher today
I wonder if it's possible for me to follow the game purely by checking into this threadcast, haha.
It is possible but it will not be easy. I use headline feature to add significant moments from the game. The problem today is there are 8 games happening at the same time.
Ha, are you going to try to do more than one 'cast to try and track them all?
I will focus on two games for sure. Hope others are tracking their fav games #epl
Fair enough! Lots of threadcast opportunities :)
Oh yeah. This can go as big as 1000 threads easy #epl
I think it’s 10. All games are happening #epl
Yes brother. We keep the updates coming as soon as it happens. We are faster than sofascore itself 🙂
Y'all are machines! I'll see if I can keep up :)
It’s possible but there are a lot of games happening at the same time. It’ll be difficult #epl
A full card, so 10 matches on
Something tells me that threads-only will not be the optimal way to follow the matches 😅
bbc football is your place
Harry Kane is burying Leeds super early. #epl
1-0 to Spurs
Leeds conceded that goal too early. It will disturb them. But they are playing good so far even though they are down
They need a win and hope for many others things to align #epl
Well things are bad now as Leicester has just scored#epl
They were pressing. That goal was coming #epl
Hope they continue in the same way#epl
Do they not have EPL playoffs or anything?
Is there only regular season and winners determined on that? No post season?
No playoffs. #epl
Nope, it's Pre-season that they used to play #epl
The playoffs happen in the championship. For the 2nd to I think 5th to compete for a spot in the premier league ghe follwong season.
Anything can happen today. The game of unknowns #epl
And that is the interesting part of a game, the highlights!
It would have been more exciting if some teams had to still fight for top 4
I think I am good with this. ha ha we are done with top 4. Focus is back on relegation #epl
yeah, no best team here, anyone can win #epl
Same. Hope Leicester is up #epl
Yeah, we await to see if they can do their magic once again#epl
They are bad but hope they get one more chance #epl
The Saints could lose 9 to Liverpool, who remembers that before? #epl
I think it was United they conceded 9 to two seasons ago#epl
I would like Manchester City Liverpool and Newcastle to be relegated please #epl
We will have that on a parallel universe. Let's meet there :P
Well they have all been down there before
😂 #epl they will all be relegated
hahaha, they are over qualified to get relegated #epl
Well Manchester City have over 100 charges against them, so it could happen
That will be 1000 dollars 🙂
hehe you never know
Maybe next season heh
Firmino scoring on his farewell Liverpool appearance ,could be messy for the Saints #epl
I’ll never understand why they decided to let firmino leave #epl
How many games are you watching today? Which one will you watching live? #epl
I’ll be switching channels but my concentration will be on the relegation battle. Maybe I’ll end up watching Leeds Vs spurs#epl
Good. Keep updating us. Add key moments with headline feature so that we know #epl
ok sure. I’ll do my best#epl
#epl Can Big Sam work his magic?
What's your prediction?
Everton to go down for me. Bournemouth will win #epl
I like your prediction ha ha #epl
haha Big Sam magic is a no no today #epl 😅
TO be honest, #everton might win it all the way #epl
Big Sam won’t do it today 😂. Big Sam will be beaten big, but hold on, I almost forgot they are playing against spurs. Oh big Sam will do it
😂 mad man. They’re playing against Bournemouth #epl
Ah calm down. Leeds is playing against spurs today. It’s Everton against Bournemouth
Yes good man. You’ve got it now #epl
You were the one mixing up hehe.
Everton has not won against Bournemouth in their last four games. Leicester must be happy #epl
Yeah, they might be happy, but anything can happen today too... Let's see how things go today #epl
Let's see #epl
I missed the first half, hmmm #epl
Hmm this will be very hard for Everton. So hard
They just need a draw so that Leicester stay ha ha #epl
Southampton scored another one. 2-2 against Liverpool #epl
10 minutes to the Start. Are you guys ready? #epl
I’ll be ready in about 10 minutes. I have to pray
Are you live? #epl
Southampton showing why Liverpool won't win the league with that defence again!
2-2 #epl
ha ha Where was this scoring form all year round for Southampton? #epl
No pressure so just play #epl
How many games left in #epl season?
Today is the last game day. All 20 teams are playing at the same time. So there will be 10 matches today.
Today is the last day. NO more games after this. #epl
How long until the resume? August?
Yes. The new season starts in August. #epl
Last games for all teams today, #epl
Today Sancho will score one goal for ManU #epl
What about #rashford? #epl
maybe. I was going to say him but I see more Sancho #epl
Oh no Fulham Scored 🫠
That's a huge on. Both Manchester sides not scoring today #epl
😅 oh wow. Sancho actually did score #epl
I'm a genious. And now I predict BTC will get 50K by the end of the august.
Everton could just clinch survival
If they can grind a win out of this game then yes#epl
They did 😏
It’s half time. All games have produced goals except Everton Vs Bournemouth. Second half is going to be huge #epl
I think this time round Everton will be relegated
They have played well so far. I do think they’ll go down too #epl
Well playing well doesn’t give you the goals right #epl
nope, it doesn’t #epl
I hope they get relegated this time round 😂#epl
Surely Leeds are relegated now. Even with a draw they won’t stay up#epl
I think it’s over for them now. Back to the championship #epl
They will be back the following season. #epl
You sure about that? This might be the end #epl
Are you saying Leeds won’t be back into the premier league ? #epl
This is all about Everton or Leicester now. Leeds are going down for sure #epl
Yep Leeds are done now. #epl
GOAL - Arsenal 5-0 Wolves
Jakub Kiwior
@rmsadkri you got it right ... at the moment #epl
This is crazy and madness from Arsenal. They should have scored when it mattered. #epl
Brentford take the lead, I wonder if they are still out of Europe places #epl
If they do get the 3 points they will still be 9th#epl
Let the fun begin my fellow threades. Let's get the final week done #epl
#epl let’s get a new record for the final day
Can we go higher? 1000 threads?
I hope so. There’s a lot to thread on #epl
I hope we have many more people. Also, it will be impossible to track replies #epl
😅that’s true. I see wealthness has tagged some people. Hopefully, they join #epl
Final week? It won't be happening anytime soon again? 🥲
Not until August #epl
Wow that's a bit far #epl
Would it not be funny, is Manchester City are found guilty of some of those 100+ charges and get docked points or relegated hehe and Arteta suddenly pips his old boss Pep
#epl #justsaying
ha ha that would be fun. Not sure why you are so focused on fantasy today :P
Just listening to some lawyers and they save evidence is mounting against Manchester City wrt to the fairplay financial implications!
I did not know about that. Not the details. #epl
yeah, to say we hitting 500 or more #epl
I wish it is 1000 today #epl
Share your thoughts. I am rooting for Leicester to remain on the PL #epl
Leister might just have to say bye this time. Westham aren’t good but they won’t make it easy #epl
I believe in them. Let's hope they do this. #epl
#epl I hope they do. Maybe relegation is the best for them 🤔
They used to be everyones second team when they won the league, but with Lineker's antics well now we want them relegated hehe
Oh come one. Don't say that :)
opps I forget to use #epl hehe even Mrs T does not like him now!
We are sending this tag to 1000 today. #epl
Hehe why Leicester though?
I like them. NO other reasons :)
Haha that's a good enough reason #epl
I am rooting for any team but I have believe that Everton would make it #epl
That is highly likely to be honest. #epl
Yeah, we wait to see how it goes today #epl
#epl it’s the final day of the season 🔥
This is the day. The end of end. Grandest of all.
Indeed.the day you don’t know what to watch #epl
yeah a lot of heat today #epl
Too much heat #epl
Yeah #epl
Who’ll get relegated? #epl
Definitely Leicester and Leeds #epl
@rhyda1 @life.ofabdul @merit.ahama let’s gather here #epl
I'm here now 😁
Good comrade. Let’s thread about football. Remember we hate Manchester United 😅#epl
🤣 I don't know how they earn the bad name but I know too well not to support them #epl
😂 we just don’t like them. Like @wealthwess. No support for him #epl
Haha so he's a fan? Too bad
haha.. your hatred is out of jealousy 😂.. MANCHESTER UNITED the BEST Club in the whole UNITED KINGDOM 😂 #epl
It’s good to see Chelsea fans putting a respect to the Manchester United name 😂
Hmm I think Leeds will get relegated. If they loose the outcome of the other matches won’t matter. Spurs need to get back to winning ways and it might hurt leeds#epl
I think Leeds will win. #epl Spurs you never know but Leeds will throw everything at it
Am sorry 😂, I’ve been against Leeds all this while and I forgot who they were gonna come up against. They will win I tell you.
😂 haha you didn’t know? How my man #epl
Am back to reality now😂. This spursy spurs couldn’t even beat me and my grandma#epl
😂😂 they could surprise you and your grandma and make you score 10 #epl
@Adedayoolumide @emeka4 come join in on our #Threadcast, and did you think gonna survive today’s relegation battle between Everton, Leicester & Leeds? 😁
Rooting for Leicester today
Thank you for this
Leeds for me #epl. You?
Everton for me.. rooting for them 💪🏻 #epl
#epl Bournemouth won’t make it easy
definitely not but i hope they can take the Home advantage and use it. #epl
#epl that’s not a bad thought but I don’t know. Bournemouth would want to finish hard
Haha, I see Everton staying in the league fro next season #epl
I see all three of them playing draw today so everton i think will escape
Ohh, welcome to the #Threadcast, haha looks like we both want Everton to survive the battle today? #epl
yooo good morning. Who's playing today?
There are so many games today. All teams are playing #epl
And Norwich will manage to ascend?
No, They will remain in the second division for now. #epl
So sad. I wish they ascend to see Onel Hernández back in top :cu
I know. They look like they are going back to league one to be honest #epl
All 20 teams are playing at the same time. 10 games to follow #epl
crazy to follow all matches!
Very crazy. But we’ll have to try #epl
I´m ready to thread all the scores in this threadstorm at the same time
Nice then. Let’s have fun #epl
A lot of matches playing today #epl
Haaland scored?
The games will start 11.30 am EST #epl
Yeah I checked that now
Yeah, today we go hard on this one, I wish Chelsea were part of the relagating teams, hahaha #epl
#epl what do you have against Chelsea? Is it a love hate relationship?😅
God forbid me #epl I would never love that team
😂 liar. You love Chelsea #epl
Go and sit down #epl are you in my heart hahaha
Yes I am in your heart #epl
He’s only pretending 😂. When they get back to winning ways he will be back #epl
I am never going back to that shit team man, #epl
I know you’ll get back to them when they start winning again 😂
God forbid me, NEVER would I #epl
We won’t accept him. Fake fan like @abu78 #epl
Hahah, I am never coming back to that shit team #epl
Watch your words. We’re not shit #epl 😅
he’s saying he won’t get back
ha ha @yahuzah and @pouchon would kill you #epl
leave them alone, they can't do anything #epl
Let them see this notification #epl
Yes, I have to do that #yahuzah
lol, @yahuzah hahaha #epl
be very careful mr man #epl😅
I’m coming for you. Chelsea will win #epl
Even today maybe Newcastle might consider and let you guys score a goal, if not forget man #epl
#epl oh I know we’re losing. I expect about 3 goals
😂 don’t mind @abu78. He loves Chelsea #epl
He despises Chelsea #epl
He actually loves or loved Chelsea. He has our twitter notification on and has our app @abu78 #epl
ha ha that is brutal. You follow teams that you despise :P #epl
A nice number so early in the day.
Todays is the last day of #epl this season. So much is happening.
Ah the mad rush to the end.
Yes. And we have the relegation battle between three teams. Only one will stay. #epl
Yeah, today's matches kick off at 3:30 pm so we go hard today #epl
last day for #epl, no more gimmicks
Just over an hour until kick off #epl
This will be a crazy match day. Not sure how to follow my notifications today #epl
well ten matches, I wonder who is a fan of what teams #epl
There will be a thread fatigue when others do not see proper notifications #epl
thread fatigue lol, is that finger dribbling like feet dribbling #epl
ha ha it is more like people threading for too long and feeling dizzy #epl
Yes, can't wait for kick off #epl
#epl It’s going to be crazy. Everyone is going wild
🏆 Hoy hace 1 año el Real Madrid ganaba su histórica 14 Champions League. La Champions de las remontadas. #spanish #epl
The 1000 threads agenda for #epl is coming today guys.
Today is the day to make it happen #epl
Yeah, for sure, we making it on the last day #epl
ONE HOUR UNTIL the games
CAN'T wait any longer #epl
The lineups are here #epl
#epl, here we go no dulling again
Leicester City playing XI - No Vardy
Yhep, he has been useless for a while #epl
he is past his prime now. Respect for all the work #epl
Yeah, he is still being respected for what he has done for those times, #epl
Iheanacho had that one good season and declined. Maybe not given a lot of chances #epl
He is starting today. A must win game today for them #epl
Time to make a statement from him #epl
It all depends on him if they are staying afloat. #epl
Lineups are out. Iwobi leads for Everton and Solanke leads the like for Bournemouth
Let's Go.... #epl
Let’s gooo #epl
Sharp #epl
West Ham Starting XI #epl
decent starting line up #epl
Seven changes to the team. They are experimenting for sure #epl
why not? They have nothing to play for #epl
Except ruining Leicester's dream #epl
That is a great lineup for West Ham here, #epl
Can Vardy be the hero the team requires? #epl
Its almost time guys #epl
Let's go. Which game are you following today? #epl
NO Goals yet guys ha ha
Leicester more possession early in the game #epl
Haaland what?
Xhaka is the man today. Already 2 goals #epl
wow I thought Xhaka was in a bad shape
He is getting his form back today #epl
I see
HMmm it's too early
Goals scored everywhere :) Leeds trailing 1-0 #epl
England for you
#EVERTON Vs Bournemouth
Leicester is still a draw. Leeds trailing 1-0. Kane score early. #epl
Kane always the difference. Come on Leeds #epl
ha ha Leeds playing good so far #epl
That’s the spirit. Hope they keep it up. Let’s go #epl
That's one of the key games. Leicester still not scoring #epl
Told ya 😏 #epl
Newcastle on fire. Arsenal scored and Spurs as well #epl
😂 it’s 1-1 now #epl
Who won #epl??
I trust these "red devils" #epl
It is still 0-0 for United #epl
Spurs scored against Leeds. They are in trouble now. Relegation is here #epl
Leeds down I reckon!Was outside and missed the kickoffs #epl
Is moment to take these opportunities and strike the nest #epl
16 minutes into the final games and this are the teams who have scored
Chelsea 0- Newcastle 1
Villa 1 -Brighton 0
Arsenal 2-Wolves 0
Southampton 0- Liverpool 2
Spurs 1 -Leeds 0
I don’t see Leeds playing like they are scared. They really wanna stay up. #epl
This is Damari Gray’s 200th appearance premier league appearance
WTF. Xhaka scored twice for #arsenal. Too late #epl
Giving himself a good sending off party. Well played #epl
You need to win and you play 6 defenders! What the fluff was the Leeds manager thinking #epl
They are playing okay. Spurs can switch off any time #epl
The Manchester teams got pre cup final jitters #epl
Not breaking through both teams #epl
I forecast Arsenal to win 2-1 , so come on Wolves where is your goal! #epl
Looks like this is a 5-0 game #epl
Southampton would disagree 😅 #epl
And United have conceded. They won’t care as the job is already done . But am sure they will wanna keep their home record#epl
It looks bad on them. Want to end this on a winning note #epl
They almost conceded a second but de Gea saved the penalty#epl
What's happening with these teams? nerve #epl
playing to play in the Cup final!
Fulham has always been a very big test for them#epl
I love the boys from Craven Cottage! #epl
They play really good football. #epl
Yeah and glad they are staying up :)
Everton looking very likely to score first now
Wow. They need a win and they are safe. #epl
they look they can get it. They’re all over Bournemouth #epl
Not watching that game. WIll be interesting #epl
It is. Everton don’t want to get relegated. They’re doing what they can #epl
Leeds is also playing well. They may score #epl
Who is winning? LOL
ha ha There are 10 games going on right now. It is a little frenzy out here :) #epl
Where were all these goals Arsenal?
I know it is too late for them #epl
It is late. Just entertaining at this point #epl
They were waiting to bottle the league first 😂#epl
#epl it’s very annoying form Arsenal 😅
I think this will help them. Next season they will be more cautious #epl
I hope they still play this good next season. City need to be stopped #epl
Chelsea can put on a title charge next season. They can #epl
De Gea saved the penalty! #epl
What? good for him. Fulham still leading then? #epl
0 shots on target so fast for Everton and Bournemouth
wow. how is the game so far? #epl
theres a shot on target now from Everton. No updates from this side #epl
Trippier own goal. Chelsea 1-1 against Newcastle #epl
29 mins Leicester vs West Ham
City maintain their tempo and it's Dewsbury-Hall who this time has a strike that flies over as he takes aim from inside the 18-yard box.
And just like that Liverpool have lost a two goal lead against a relegated Southampton#epl
Good that they are already playing Europa next season ha ha #epl
Am happy they are playing Europa too hehe#epl
Villa two up, that's them in Europe then, oh I fancy Rangers taking them! #epl
Everton need a goal as I can see Leicester winning their one now #epl
Yes, they scored. Everton is going down if it remains like this #epl
What the fuck Arsenal? #epl
3-0 already
I just said Leicester were going to score! #epl
They did sustain pressure. The goal was coming #epl
Yeah West Ham well a damp squid at times #epl
First shot on target as Gueye forces a save from Travers. That looked it it was in. Great strike
Now we have the battleC'mon the Toffees! #epl
They are going down if they donot score #epl
GOAL 1-0 Leicester
The No.7 slots home and it's Leicester who lead at King Power Stadium as they capitalise on their spell of pressure!!!#epl
Fluffing goals are flying in, but I can't take my eyes off the Everton match #epl
Watching #leicester city. Following the everton game #epl
hehe other way round for me, an listening to radio #epl
Leeds almost score with the corner
The ball was leaping into the top but Fraser made sure to put it out for a corner #epl
That would seal the game for them #epl
Even if they score and win they will still be relegated if Leicester don’t loose cause Leicester are above them with goal difference #epl
True. and leicester are pressing hard. They may get another goal #epl
They might. West Ham will play cautiously because of their final. #epl
Granit Xhaka got two in his last game for Arenal. Firmino 1 for Liverpool, who else is leaving today? #epl
Maddison? ha ha #epl
hehe well if they lose he is gone right enough #epl
Leeds keep on with the pressure
Jadon Sancho is a great player and the gets the equaliser, I reckon he will score at Wembley against CIty too #epl
Too far fetched ha ha #epl
haha you think so #epl
Goal United 1-1 Fulham
Sancho equalises for the reds at old Trafford
@garorant predicted that #epl
I saw it😂. Only if I put trust in him I would have cashed out. #epl
Goal United 1 -Fulham 1
Sancho equalise got the reds at old Trafford #epl
And Brighton get one goal back #epl
Half time approaching and I need a drink and a breather #epl
I cannot do this anymore. Threading is killing me #epl
hehe I took a 30 minute break! #epl
Half Time at Kings Power Stadium
Leicester 1-0 up
Put the kettle on! Time for a cuppa #epl
Half time scores
Arsenal 3-0 Wolves,
Villa 2-1 Brighton ,
Brentford 0-0 City,
Chelsea 1- 1 Newcastle,
Palace 0-1 Forest,
Everton 0-0Bournemouth,
Leeds 0-1 spurs ,
Leicester 1-0 West Ham ,
United 1-1 Fulham ,
Southampton 2-2 Liverpool
Back for me. Let’s gooo
Wow Liverpool , who would believe this? After going 2-0 up in the first half they are now trailing by 3-2 #epl
More trouble for Leeds
Problems for Leeds as spurs have scored another through Pedro porro. As things stand they will be related now#epl
Am switching to the Leicester Vs West Ham game now as the Leeds Vs spurs is done in my opinion#epl
I missed a lot in the first half, just decided to take a nap and there boom, I over slept. #epl
Brilliant play from Leicester. They are not showing any signs of fear #epl
And Everton gets a goal. #epl
Sad for Leicester. #epl
I really hope Bournemouth can equalise #epl
Me too. Not sure why but I want Leicester back in for one last chance #epl
Yes😂, Everton already had their chance last season#epl
Same. They need to go down and grind back in #epl
Benrahma almost equalises against Leicester as the ball comes of the right post #epl
Just got back to watching #epl That would be a disaster :P
Now they can breathe as they get a second goal #epl
Winning here is not enough for them as you mentioned before #epl
2-0 for Leicester OMG
EVERTON 1-0 up
What the F is happening with Liverpool and Arsenal? 4-2 and 4-0
It is 2-1 for Spurs. #epl
Tension in the Everton Vs Bournemouth game as VAR is looking at footage for a possible red card #epl
Against who? #epl
There was a kind of tussle between Pickford and a Bournemouth forward not sure who that was but it’s ok now #epl
Pickford is yellow carded #epl
yep along with one other player from Bournemouth #epl
This Liverpool Vs Southampton game is madness. Going 2-0 up in the first half, going down 4-2 in the second half and now it’s 4-4😂. #epl
There is no logic in that game ha ha not watching that game #epl
Haha am not watching either has zero significance now #epl
Squeaky bum time! Will Everton get the three points and stay up #epl
Looks like they will. One goal and they have it #epl
I see West Ham pulled one back #epl
Ten minutes of the regular time
Theres still time for Bournemouth to score 1#epl
Everton are sitting very deep at the moment. It could hurt them #epl
JAmes Ward-Prowse for Saints anther scorer on last game @rmsadkri #epl
Pinnock with the goal for Brentford, what a way to celebrate a new contract, potentially the winner against city #epl
Everton 1-0 Bournemouth
wtf! #epl
Big big chance for Bournemouth
Mina almost scored a golazo but Pickford saves#epl
Can see West Ham getting an equaliser! #epl
Biggest upset of the day ... Spurs scoring 4 #epl
Leicester have won their game. Now they are waiting and praying Bournemouth can get a goal #epl
Some amount of goals in the #epl
all games are done,the only game left us Everton Vs Bournemouth #epl
Jordan Pickford keeping Everton in the Premier League as this stands. #epl
it’s all over for Leicester as Everton beat Bournemouth #epl
done and dusted. They need to grind it out #epl
am sure their best players will leave now #epl
Regroup and sell half the players #epl
Everton were so bloody lucky #epl
I think it is all over for Leicester now #epl
It is now #epl
Jammy bastards Everton get the win the three points and Premier League safety #epl
They managed to grab their spot in the PL. Good for them #epl
Unlucky @rmsadkri it was not to be, and that run at the start of the season was the factor for Leicester going down!
Spurs 8th and Chelsea 12th that is so embarrassing #epl
I cannot stand Man Utd but I still reckon they win beat Man City in the Cup final, they will be so up for this #epl
And just like that frens, Everton are safe but Leeds and Leicester are relegated
Amazing Nature ♥️ in my Garden
serio me olvide de contarles que ya volvió el bot de S&S \o/
Blooming, colorful, delicate, nature's beauty
Sharing some Flower clicks form my little #garden #ctp #threadstorm #liotes
Spare me if I am spamming with my photography #threadstorm
#flower #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Captured two in single shot
#flower #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
They Bloom today only
When I step out of door they were welcomed me.
#flower #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
One form side view
#flower #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes #photography
Added some editing effects to make them more interesting.
Hope you will like editing also
#flower #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Very beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing. These relax my mind.
I am glad as they help
Lily, Pink Lily. They are in abundance in every household in India.
Actually they are American Lilly (I guess)
The Power of Information: Did you know accessing the Right Information Can Propel on to the Next Level?
No. Disseminating right information can propel u and the people around u to the next level.
I agree with you, and we're on the same track. If you he information is not right you won't spread it.
Dissemination of false information and misinformation can also happen
Honestly you're right my friend, let see how I can make that in long post
Thanks for shining more light on it.
If u make a long post on this subject, plz don't forget to share it here in Leothread with #gosh tag, I would love to engage with your content Thank you.
Sure I'm going to give room for engagement
Information is key
Yes, yes! We gotta keep learning
The more we live the more we
What the worst part of your life that you want to delete from your life?
Most of the worst parts are automatically deleted or subsided as we progress in time.
Am still thinking about it
Allergies are a bugger, had to buy some Hayfever pills for Mrs T
Sorry to hear. Hope she's going to be fine real soon.
Oh yeah just comes and goes CJ
It's that time of year here too. All the plants woke up and are filling the air with their particles!
IT does not bother me, I hope you are ok with it!
Khal (@khaleelkazi) notification tab in Leofinance is super duper fast today. Thank you so much for that.
Please introduce auto-refresh feature to the main page.
autp-refresh is the feature I cant wait to see
i was thinking about the auto- refresh it can be perfect
Auto-refresh is a must for any micro-blogging niche.
it will make it much easier
this would be great (auto-refresh)
Have noticed the speed in not tab too! Thanks Khal
I don't think auto refresh will ever be a thing. Too taxing on the server. All you gotta do it click home or refresh.
The auto-refresh feature is a "must" for any micro-blogging niche. A myriad of interactions takes place in no time. Hitting the refresh button could be a turn-off for many including those who are used to with site like Twitter.
what other platform has a auto refresh? not even twitter does. (In fact they already tried it and removed it) It was found that if you're trying to read and interact with something a auto refresh would take that away from you.
When u click a thread or tweet, it will redirect u to the next page and the that page wont get refreshed, it's only the main page feed that gets automatically refreshed, that is what we mean by auto-refresh feature.
This feature would really be helpful.