I'd be very interested to see a write up about how music and hive work together and what options music artists have from font ends and other applications here on hive. Or maybe it needs to be expanded with more apps?
Same here, once, the day I noticed. I hate repeating myself. It's an obvious problem. It ruined majority of my posts which I can no longer see in the profile anyway. Not sure if that's a bug or a feature...
It‘s just something not very high on their priority list i guess so they don‘t really care much about it. Had a discussion with one of the devs about it once offering solutions and his answers showed ample disinterest in my point of view …
That's unfortunate but not surprising. Anything in development there's usually a bit of a disconnect. There's what users want or "need," then there's what users get. When that gap widens the product naturally struggles.
It's wild seeing the AI capabilities of Photoshops new AI and how it can fill in dead space with random generated landscapes etc that look simply beautiful. Going to be checking this out more.
Son animales solitarios y generalmente evitan el contacto con otros pandas, a menos que sea durante la época de reproducción o mientras están criando a sus crías.
They are solitary animals and generally avoid contact with other pandas, unless it is during the breeding season or while they are raising their young.
A pesar de su aspecto adorable, los pandas son animales salvajes y es importante mantener una distancia segura si tienes la oportunidad de verlos en su hábitat natural.
Despite their adorable appearance, pandas are wild animals and it is important to keep a safe distance if you get the chance to see them in their natural habitat.
Los pandas recién nacidos son extremadamente pequeños y pesan alrededor de 100 gramos al nacer, lo que los convierte en uno de los mamíferos recién nacidos más pequeños en proporción a su tamaño adulto.
Newborn pandas are extremely small, weighing around 100 grams at birth, making them one of the smallest newborn mammals in proportion to their adult size.
Los pandas tienen una alta tasa de natalidad, pero la supervivencia de las crías en la naturaleza es baja debido a diversos factores, como la falta de alimentos y la competencia con otros pandas.
Pandas have a high birth rate, but the survival of their cubs in the wild is low due to various factors, including lack of food and competition with other pandas.
Los pandas tienen un sentido del olfato muy desarrollado, lo que les ayuda a encontrar fuentes de alimento y a identificar a otros pandas en su territorio.
La conservación de los pandas se ha convertido en una prioridad internacional y se han establecido reservas naturales y programas de cría en cautiverio para proteger y aumentar su población.
Panda conservation has become an international priority, and nature reserves and captive breeding programs have been established to protect and increase their population.
Los pandas son una especie clave para el ecosistema del bosque de bambú, ya que su consumo de bambú ayuda a controlar su crecimiento y a mantener un equilibrio en el ecosistema.
Pandas are a keystone species for the bamboo forest ecosystem, as their consumption of bamboo helps control their growth and maintain a balance in the ecosystem.
The gladius cards are very powerful, the bloodlust ability is just awesome and made them one of the most powerful cards.
Once the bloodlust triggered they become the killing machine.
Their are two way to get the Merits - one is from loot chests and other is from the Brawls (rewards form the brawl play). Every pack costs 2000 Merits per pack.
Every Gladius pack contains the five cards and one or more for sure will be rare or higher. But you can not just purchase the Gladius packs even if you have sufficient Merits.
Hoy te quiero comentar de un videojuego que marcó mi infancia y que por pura nostalgia lo descargué anoche para volverlo a recordar. Hablo del juegazo GTA: Vice City! #spanish #threadstorm
Tendría como 8 o 10 años cuando lo jugué por primera vez. Me impactó mucho en ese momento el nivel de violencia que tenía Vice City. Pero poco a poco me fui adaptando y me encantaba andar por la ciudad Vice, como se llamaba...
Este es un gran juego, aquí hubo una explosión de los Cybers que es donde alquilan las pc, y muchos jugaban Vice City, allí es donde lo conocí y simplemente me encantó la libertad de movimiento del juego, algo revolucionario!
Debo decir también que cuando lo jugué por primera vez me corría muuuuuy lento en mi PC. Además, mi version del juego no tenía sonido, pero aún así las imágenes eran maravillosas para mí y las escenas muy graciosas en mudo #spanish 🧵👇
Este videojuego incluye referencias a películas y series de televisión de la época, como Scarface y Miami Vice. Pero fue criticado por la violencia y la xenofobia que potenciaba, pues había bandas de haitianos y cubanos
El juego fue muy popular en su época y ha sido considerado como uno de los mejores juegos de la serie GTA. Para mí, el factor nostalgia influye mucho y aunque no llegué a completar la historia lo disfruté mucho en mi infancia #spanish 🧵👇
Hay algunas curiosidades del juego, como que el actor Ray Liotta prestó su voz para el personaje principal o que una de las estaciones de radio del juego es V-Rock, que presenta música de bandas como Guns N' Roses y Kiss.
Si, pero para ese momento no había uno en el que podías ir a robarte los autos que te gustaran jajaja el más parecido anteriormente era de la saga Driver si mal no recuerdo. Por eso me encantó, poder robarme los autos 🤣
Comprendo. En el momento que salieron esos juegos antiguos fueron realmente revolucionarios. Ya no se siente igual porque es común ver en todos los juegos este tipo de libertad #spanish
El juego incluye una gran cantidad de personajes, muchos de los cuales son parodias de figuras reales de la época. Y además el juego cuenta con "trucos" en los que puedes facilitarte muchos las cosas #spanish🧵👇
Por último, cuéntame si jugaste alguna vez Vice City o si es tu juego de la saga GTA favorito. Espero que te haya resultado interesante este #threadstorm. #spanish
Tal como dices, la inspiración en Miami creo que fue su fuerte. Era como visitar un lugar genial desde tu casa o donde sea que estés jugando. Me gustaba explorar la ciudad.
Yo lo jugaba en un monitor de tubo pero se veía muy bien, demasiado nítido. Nunca supe por qué se veía mejor que una televisión, supongo que por la densidad de píxeles era diferente.
No salió mi respuesta anterior. Pues te decía que yo también las apuntaba en un papel. En ese tiempo no habia internet y lo más cercano a un foro era la trucoteca
Los personajes tenían una gran personalidad y como dices eran una parodia. Hay una serie de televisión que casi es este juego pero no recuerdo el nombre. También es en Miami.
Esa PSP fue un regalo de cumpleaños. No estaba nada mal y venía flasheada, así que se le podía cargar juegos descargándolos de internet. Ahora no me funciona porque dejó de andar el cargador de batería.
Me olvidaba de decir, comencé jugando el GTA III en el cyber y al poco tiempo pusieron este otro. Se notaba bastante el cambio, estaba agradable. El anterior juego no estaba nada mal, pues prometía mucho lo que iba a venir.
De poder se puede, lo que paso es que yo hago interacción normal, cuando puedo y me interesa el contenido. Entro a los threads 2 o 3 veces al día nada más, el resto del tiempo que entro a Hive es para los long post y demás.
The sideline is not where one should be right now in crypto... The bear market is over for a few months now. Corrections will occur but the trend is up. Just my humble
One thing I love is knowing that the whole ecosystem is moving forward, that every day there are new applications that add value in #Hive, that makes me feel like I'm in the right place.
2/🧵 Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $27,100 and $28,447 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $27,887, up by 2.61%.
3/🧵 Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading higher. Market outperformers include LINA, MULTI, and TOMO, up by 33%, 30%, and 28%, respectively.
It was a very funny experience. I got there right for the random selfie and I loved it haha I had to participate. The conversation was also very funny and enjoyable. I'd love to visit again :D
📍-2 The charismatic @nanixxx interviewed several of us who are participating in the campaign, where we were able to explain to listeners the new UI updates and what the competition is all about.
My rank has been dropping slightly but that was to be expected when I am just focusing on daily/weekly quests. I don't really plan to do most of the other quests.
I did not keep a proper housekeeping account in May. It will soon be June, and next month I will try to keep a housekeeping book and manage my finances so that I will not be short of money. #moneymonday
I have tried that many times in the past, but if I forget to record for a day or two, I stop doing it from that point on and end up spending more😅 I think it is important to record every day without fail.
Are you a musician that is embracing #web3 #nfts and #blockchain? If not, you are doing it wrong!
Check out our latest post on the subject!
I'd be very interested to see a write up about how music and hive work together and what options music artists have from font ends and other applications here on hive. Or maybe it needs to be expanded with more apps?
We have done a few different posts on our blog that talks about how musicians can use Hive and web3. Go give us a follow!
Why is it called "taking a dump"? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump instead?
Or making a dump
That's a great question and a good point. I never take anything with me when I'm done
I’ll sometimes mention I got to go the bathroom and ask if they want me to bring anything back.
hmmm, this is confusing indeed
I'll change my ways from now on
I've heard people using that version of the expression, but that was long ago. Maybe it's more common outside the US? Language is funny that way.
Or a piss.
Same thing,
That’s tomorrow’s thread
Ah I understand. You have a plan all laid out for this.
Masterfully crafted evil plans. Hahahaahahaaha.
You are getting to the bottom of things...pun intended.
#fail #wtf #meme #memes #sucknow #stoptheinsanity #imcallingthecops
I’m talking about the crop topic since the beginning … 🙄
Same here, once, the day I noticed. I hate repeating myself. It's an obvious problem. It ruined majority of my posts which I can no longer see in the profile anyway. Not sure if that's a bug or a feature...
It‘s just something not very high on their priority list i guess so they don‘t really care much about it. Had a discussion with one of the devs about it once offering solutions and his answers showed ample disinterest in my point of view …
That's unfortunate but not surprising. Anything in development there's usually a bit of a disconnect. There's what users want or "need," then there's what users get. When that gap widens the product naturally struggles.
Khal wanted to test you.
He didnt believer that you were part of the #imcallingthecops brigade.
Now it is known.
I work with many people from the US so it's quite slow at work today due to memorial day
Stock markets are closed today, too. Only forex and cryptocurrency markets are open.
What is memorial day?
Americans are slackers at times.
happy Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day.
Yea. It's a holiday and some people have the day off.
Cool. Do you have the day off?
Yea. I got the day off. I still got some chores and that was why I had more free time yesterday
Ah I see. I hope you enjoy it!
So you have more time to threading :)
It's wild seeing the AI capabilities of Photoshops new AI and how it can fill in dead space with random generated landscapes etc that look simply beautiful. Going to be checking this out more.
Looking forward to threadstorms about this.
Threads is my learning center now.
I hope @finguru does some AI threadstorms. He follows that stuff closely.
The first #threadstorm in the series is most probably coming tonight. 🥲
adobe photoshop? i probably need to see it to!
AI is a big stealer, taking the world by storm.
It's crazy!
Everyone thought Midjourney killed Photoshop.
But here's the twist. 😂😂
I am reinstalling Photoshop, just to try it.
I hope my 20-year-old laptop would take it. xD
@taskmaster4450le Master please teach me how to do 500threads a day.. i need this so much in the next 2 days hjahah
Type fast. Answer every reply made to you. Comment on all threads that you can.
If you start engaging, the numbers can grow quick.
thanks for the answer btw!
See you answered and got one thread closer to your goal.
1done.. 899 to go :)
LOL. Well if you keep counting, it will drive you nuts.
Do a couple threadstorms too. They can add up quickly.
I'm kidding.. I've already done more than 1 and I have no idea how many are left at the moment.. lol just waiting for the spreadsheet update to see!
I'll do the threadstorms... I like to talk about curiosities about Brazil and about dance, which is my job and my passion!
i am trying to do that.. yestarday i can do this but i am still very tired of do it...
a lot of work to do this numbers...
It is work, that is true. Takes time. Put on some good much or listen to a podcast and get going.
That is what I do.
Thanks.. i am already start!
Wow that seem more fun than stressful haha, let me do that too.. Thanks for the tip Sir, too generous 😅
Well no reason to make this painful or stressful. Have fun. Talk about your favorite topics. Or someone else's
Or just make fun of Khal.
Haha making fun of someone would be super fun 🤣
Waiting for the answer so I can learn too 😂
i really need to learn! :)
Most likely large threadstorms
its a good one.. but how large? 20? 30?50?
Lol I'm so curious what his response will be 😂
he already answer... lets do it now!
Oh let me go check his answer out
I've seen it, it's very doable... Will dedicate my night to it and sleep late 😅
i think i need to sleep only 2 hours in the next 2 days haha
Is today a normal Monday for you or do you celebrate the Pentecost Monday? 👀
Memorial Day in the US so national holiday.
Otherwise normal for me. Just living on the blockchain.
can imagine that, you are a block wandering the chain 😉
Lol, which one too is the Pentecost Monday, hahaha
Haba uncle, Pentecost Monday again ? 🙄
It‘s a christian thing, Pfingsten in german …
I know it's for Christians but ain't no Pentecost Monday. It just ends on Sunday
Not in Germany, here we have Pfingstsonntag und Pfingstmontag … both are holidays …
35 datos de los pandas
#threadstorm #spanish
Bellos que son!
Quisiera poder ver uno algun dia. Solo los he visto en fotos y peliculas.
indeed they r native of china
só existem pandas na China? eu achei que tinha em mais lugares!
Son gigantes realmente?
Solo puedo ver lo adorables que son.
The giant panda is one of the most recognized animals in the world due to its unique appearance and black and white fur.
Bamboo shot!
Pense que eran exclusivamente herbivoros...
Although pandas are classified as carnivorous, their diet is primarily herbivorous, consisting almost exclusively of bamboo.
eu jurava que eles só comiam bambu...
Dios mío! 38 kg son cantidad!!!!!
Pandas can eat around 12 to 38 kilograms of bamboo per day due to its low digestibility and nutritional value.
caramba é muito bambu!
Mucha madera jaja
Interesante, todos los dias se aprende algo.
Despite bamboo being their main food source, pandas may also eat fruits, roots, and small rodents on occasion.
nunca imaginei que panda comesse carne
son ágiles con las patas
Vaya pense que los unicos con pulgares oponibles eramos los humanos.
Pandas have an opposable thumb on their front feet that allows them to easily grasp and hold bamboo.
por isso que ele consegue segurar aqueles bambus gigantes!
Adaptacion y evolución. Conceptos de Charles Darwin
buena dentadura!
Pandas have jaws and teeth adapted to crush bamboo.
tambem.. varias gerações comendo o bagulho... ja especializou
qué interesante
Animales increibles ademas!
Pandas have a long, flexible tongue that helps them extract leaves and bamboo shoots efficiently.
interessante.. achei que ele só comia tudo!
algo así como yo en vacaciones
Pandas spend most of their time eating and resting, since the digestion of bamboo requires a lot of energy.
queria ser um panda!
cuando entran en celo no entienden y corren al meneo
jajajajaa, hasta ahi les llega la soledad
el amor es la fuerza que mueve al mundo
Que bonito una mamá panda con sus crias!
They are solitary animals and generally avoid contact with other pandas, unless it is during the breeding season or while they are raising their young.
eu achei que eles eram sociaveis
igual que algunos compañeros que trepan puestos en el gobierno
Fantasticos trepadores, es increible con su peso y tamaño como pueden escalar
Pandas are excellent climbers and can scale tall trees with ease.
é impressionante comoeles nao se machucam quando caem!
no sabía eso!
Pues el tamaño no les impide hacer nada!
Despite their size, pandas are good swimmers and enjoy playing in the water.
nunca vi um panda na agua vou procurar
Mira para eso! No sabía!
Los animales en cautiverio por lo general viven mas.
Pandas have a life expectancy of approximately 20 years in the wild and can live up to 30 years in captivity.
que pouco.. uma pena são tão incriveis esses animais
claro. creo que todo animal es asi
Como todos...
Pandas are calm and peaceful animals, but they can show aggression if they feel threatened.
da nem pra levar a serio a agressividade deles de tao fofos...
qué curioso!
The giant panda is the only bear to have vertical pupils, similar to cats.
nunca reparei
se llenan la boca de bambú!
Si, y de frutas y raices y algun roedor pequeño...
viste eso?
Son unos tragones!
Pandas have a large amount of space in their cheeks that allows them to store large amounts of bamboo while feeding.
mejor precaver
Si, es cierto todos los animales salvajes pueden ser peligrosos cuando se les invade su espacio.
Despite their adorable appearance, pandas are wild animals and it is important to keep a safe distance if you get the chance to see them in their natural habitat.
dificil é chegar perto com eles tao no alto das arvores..rs
oido fino mi pana
Pandas have excellent hearing and can detect high frequency sounds.
bebe panda
Esos si los he visto en documentales, muy muy pequeños.
Newborn pandas are extremely small, weighing around 100 grams at birth, making them one of the smallest newborn mammals in proportion to their adult size.
nossa.. 100 gramas é muito pouco... impressionante
como casi todas las especies
Panda cubs are blind and completely dependent on their mother for the first few months of life.
meses cegas? já vi animais que ficam dias, mas meses, caramba e tão pequenos.. tem que aumentar o tempo de gestação pra resolver isso ai..rs
mira para eso
Y antes de que color son?
Panda cubs begin to develop their distinctive black and white fur pattern at around two months of age.
to falando.. nao ta deixando ficar tempo suficiente no forninho
no sabía eso
Es una pena...
to falando que precisa de mais tempo
Oh, hay diferentes tipos de bambú? pero si comen treintaypico de kilogramos pueden crear deforestacion en las regiones donde hay bambu ... NO?
Vaya, no es cualquier bambu, es el que a ellos mas les guste, jeje
Pandas have a high birth rate, but the survival of their cubs in the wild is low due to various factors, including lack of food and competition with other pandas.
se fossem seletivos nao iriam comer bambu..rs
Panda nocturno
Although pandas are known to be daytime animals, they can also be active at night.
importante é comer e dormir a hora nao importta
como los perros!
Pandas have a highly developed sense of smell, which helps them find food sources and identify other pandas in their territory.
bambu tem cheiro?
que vivan los pandas!
Excelente noticia.
Panda conservation has become an international priority, and nature reserves and captive breeding programs have been established to protect and increase their population.
quanto será o tempo de gestação?
si porque son muy lindos
Es imposible no asociarlos con eso.
In popular culture, pandas are often associated with cuteness and kindness due to their adorable appearance and behavior.
Pandas have a specialized structure in their throat that allows them to make distinctive calling sounds and communicate with each other.
no sabía
Although pandas are generally calm, they can make loud, high-pitched vocalizations when angry or in danger.
como será o grito deles?
de arbol en arbol con sus agiles patas
Despite their bulky appearance, pandas are agile and can move quickly when necessary.
e lutam kung fu!
Pandas have a short tail that helps them balance when climbing and moving through trees.
da nervoso eles la no alto balançando parece que vai cair...
Todavia tengo la duda si no deforestan con la cantidad de bambu que comen
Ah pues mira que bien, el bambu imagino sea una planta que crezca y se reproduzca con mucha facilidad.
Pandas are a keystone species for the bamboo forest ecosystem, as their consumption of bamboo helps control their growth and maintain a balance in the ecosystem.
comendo tanto bambu os bambus tem que crescer rapido né..
Estan juntos y no copulan? Raro
jajaja, pq les gusta en estado natural. En cautiverio siempre las especies se reproducen menos, es mejor al aire libre jeje
En cautiverio las especies siempre se reproducen menos.
Breeding pandas in captivity is challenging due to their low reproductive rate and the difficulty of stimulating mating.
sóquer saber de comer e dormir...
Pandas have a specialized layer of fat under their skin that helps keep them warm in their cold mountain habitat.
e protege de pancadas tambem creio eu
Pandas are excellent climbers and can climb to heights of up to 4,000 meters in search of bamboo.
who except a panda could climb 4,000 meters in search of bamboo?
wow 4km? o que mais me surpreende é ter bambu nessa altura!
Although I don't understand this but you did great. 67 comments in a #threadstorm, wow
pandas are cute.. everyone wants to comment..haha
Vaya eso sí que son muchos datos de los pandas
love pandas, they seem peaceful
Llama mucho la atención porque es similar a un oso pero se alimentan de hierbas.
Algo me dice que son peligrosos pero tal vez me equivoque. Lo digo por esas garras tan grandes.
Seguramente muchos hayamos tenido peluches de panda, así que nuestro acercamiento a uno va a través del cariño :3
Por cierto, más de una vez vi por televisión que hubo pandas que se lograban subir a árboles elevados. Son realmente increíbles.
Que animales mas adorables!
El panda que más conozco es el que aparecen en el juego Tekken:
Más opinión al respecto no tengo, pues no sabía mucho de él. Gracias por la información al respecto.
that is quite a number for a threadstorm some kind of a record
apparently there are many curiosities about pandas but I doubt it's the record..lol
i wanna see some kung fu in this topic! haha
#education #technology #hivekids
The difference is clear.
those were the days when any spared item in house could be your toy. Really miss those dates.
That is one way to ensure depopulation.
Good morning everyone. It's Memorial Day so I don't have work today but I still got some chores to do.
use the time wisely.
Yup. I dropped by a store for a chore but it's closed. I guess that is the downside of the holidays.
Good morning. I envy Americans today :)
Every country has it's holidays but yes today, it's enviable to be an American.
I had a long weekend last week. I am just lazy.
Enjoy the day off and get shiz done
Yup. I got to get those chores done. I put some off yesterday and spent more time on Hive.
happy Memorial Day. Enjoy fren
Happy memorial day. I will enjoy the day off.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
We might get some incredible threadcasts going on here once the #nfl kicks off.
Can we top what the #epl did? We will see. I am putting @jongolson on it.
Wow, waiting for it now
Another 3 months until #nfl kicks off. I believe #epl will start before that.
yes, EPL would start before it
It's possible. Anticipating.
I don't watch the NFL much. I never really got into it.
I wish I could tag @the-sports-nerd properly in Threads. He'd be great to get rocking here! Two hyphen's dont compute!
Your tag was successful...
Yeah, not on LeoThreads tho.
Will I learn #epl or #spanish first?
The education continues.
Learn #Spanish first. hahaha Después te explicamos todo sobre #epl, #ucl y demás cosas
No tengo idea que son esas cosas XD
Jajaja es fútbol, La liga de Inglaterra y la Champions League, no importa yo también te explico lo que quieras saber
Ah, ahora todo cobra sentido. Me quedó claro :p
Jeje hay mucha gente que ve futbol en todo el mundo, por eso ese tipo de tag llegan a estar tanto tiempo entre los primeros lugares
Está muy interesante eso de compartir una pasión, en este caso el fútbol.
It would help in dealing with Edmundo. His English is as bad as my Spanish.
I don't have good English when I speak either, I want to learn.
Lol well we will all be talking around each other.
I'd suggest #pidgin first, lol 😂
ahahah it´s better to you to speak #spanish first
#spanish first so you can communicate with people from all over Latin America and Spain :p
A new leader in the Liotes Ranking! Congrats @mypathtofire! #liotes #leofinance #gosh https://ecency.com/hive-155221/@liotes/nhcmdnlv
liotes are an amazing community .. Congratz for new leader!
Congratulations to mypathtofire. It's been a while since the last leader position changed.
Lets have a look at the USD equivalent value of SPS required for different leagues.
#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
did this get updated? The SPS levels seem lower than before
most people will prefer renting sps
I just think the SPS requirement is too much, I will need over $1k for Gold I, with only 11k staked for me currently.
a lot of money! you will play in wich league?
Gold league actually
Gold is the major league of almost of people righ now..
i am in gold to!
ok good
The SPS requirements are a bit too high. I barely qualify for full rewards in Gold III
That is not good
Do you play Brawl?
If no then why you should, Let stalk about it.
#splinterlnds #threadstorm #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
The gladius cards are very powerful, the bloodlust ability is just awesome and made them one of the most powerful cards.
Once the bloodlust triggered they become the killing machine.
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
The only way to get the gladius cards is through the Gladius packs. Which can be purchased with Merits.
#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Their are two way to get the Merits - one is from loot chests and other is from the Brawls (rewards form the brawl play). Every pack costs 2000 Merits per pack.
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Every Gladius pack contains the five cards and one or more for sure will be rare or higher. But you can not just purchase the Gladius packs even if you have sufficient Merits.
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
The tab under the shop for Gladius pack will be enable only if you are a part of any Guild and play the
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
This is a nice review
comments encourage more to do the same
Gearing up for my next brawl battle right now
best of luck
I don't really know why I don't have the urge to play games
Is Brawl a splinterlands game ?
Part of the Splinterlands game.
I do play brawls on Splinterlands, play mostly Alpha bracket, as I have been an early adopter. What is your favourite bracket?
Yes I play brawl :P and I think I play too much lol . i prob do more than 30 brawls per brawl x.x that's how crazy it gets
I am always into brawls mainly because the insane merit and sps rewards and secondly, its more fun to play against other guilds!
Replacing the Card based Collection power with Staked SPS
Will this new requirement will crests a new use case for the SPS and support the price.
#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
Lets purchase some Gladius case
#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
I just bought one earlier.
Good decision
I was waiting for at least an Epic card. 😅
Hoy te quiero comentar de un videojuego que marcó mi infancia y que por pura nostalgia lo descargué anoche para volverlo a recordar. Hablo del juegazo GTA: Vice City! #spanish #threadstorm
Tendría como 8 o 10 años cuando lo jugué por primera vez. Me impactó mucho en ese momento el nivel de violencia que tenía Vice City. Pero poco a poco me fui adaptando y me encantaba andar por la ciudad Vice, como se llamaba...
🧵👇 #spanish
Mi niño tambien lo jugaba.
Y qué edad tiene el mayor? Te hago la misma pregunta! Tu lo dejabas jugar esooo jajajja
Despues que te lo escribi, y ya habia salido el mensaje, me dije eso mismo jajajaa Tiene 17 años
AHhhhhah jajajjaja
Este es un gran juego, aquí hubo una explosión de los Cybers que es donde alquilan las pc, y muchos jugaban Vice City, allí es donde lo conocí y simplemente me encantó la libertad de movimiento del juego, algo revolucionario!
Ah, qué tiempos aquellos!
Mucha nostalgia, veo las imágenes y hasta recuerdo la música de introducción
ya te digo. Yo lo jugué sin sonido en su momento y suuuuper lento! jaajja #spanish
Todos hemos pasado por ese tipo de experiencia, incluso hoy en día se sigue luchando con los FPS jaja #spanish
Claro, la tecnología no se detiene.
El juego fue lanzado originalmente en 2002 y se desarrolla en la ciudad ficticia de Vice City, inspirada en Miami en los años 80.![](https://images.hive.blog/DQmVq3UPMz5KzCcybEpC2SMZyD5UjduaWGQsg3obDVB1zZ2/cp.png)
Que mala soy yo en los videojuegos
yo tambien. Pero los juego por placer jajaj
Debo decir también que cuando lo jugué por primera vez me corría muuuuuy lento en mi PC. Además, mi version del juego no tenía sonido, pero aún así las imágenes eran maravillosas para mí y las escenas muy graciosas en mudo #spanish 🧵👇
Este videojuego incluye referencias a películas y series de televisión de la época, como Scarface y Miami Vice. Pero fue criticado por la violencia y la xenofobia que potenciaba, pues había bandas de haitianos y cubanos
Oye y a esa edad tu mamá te dejaba jugar eso?
Claro jajaja
Es un jueguito!
El juego fue muy popular en su época y ha sido considerado como uno de los mejores juegos de la serie GTA. Para mí, el factor nostalgia influye mucho y aunque no llegué a completar la historia lo disfruté mucho en mi infancia #spanish 🧵👇
Hay algunas curiosidades del juego, como que el actor Ray Liotta prestó su voz para el personaje principal o que una de las estaciones de radio del juego es V-Rock, que presenta música de bandas como Guns N' Roses y Kiss.
La variedad de coches y de misiones secundarias añadían un atractivo sin igual al juego. #spanish 🧵👇
Esa libertad es extraordinaria, me encantó desde el primer día. El poder manejar cualquier auto y hacer lo que quieras, simplemente genial
Ya es algo común en casi todos los juegos #spanish
Si, pero para ese momento no había uno en el que podías ir a robarte los autos que te gustaran jajaja el más parecido anteriormente era de la saga Driver si mal no recuerdo. Por eso me encantó, poder robarme los autos 🤣
Comprendo. En el momento que salieron esos juegos antiguos fueron realmente revolucionarios. Ya no se siente igual porque es común ver en todos los juegos este tipo de libertad #spanish
Si, ahora en realidad no hay algo que sorprenda tanto, al menos las mecánicas de los videojuegos siempre son las mismas.
Ya actualizaron la tabla de los hilos
No, todavía.
@anomadsoul please update the threads leaderboard 🥺
@anomadsoul We need it! :-(
El juego incluye una gran cantidad de personajes, muchos de los cuales son parodias de figuras reales de la época. Y además el juego cuenta con "trucos" en los que puedes facilitarte muchos las cosas #spanish🧵👇
Por último, cuéntame si jugaste alguna vez Vice City o si es tu juego de la saga GTA favorito. Espero que te haya resultado interesante este #threadstorm. #spanish
Fin 🧵
Que buen juego ese. Lo habré jugado cuando tenía 13 años en mi obsoleta PC.
Fallaba un poco porque no tenía una buena gráfica.
A mi se me veia suuuuuper lento
Luego que le compré una gráfica un poco más potente se podía jugar lo más bien. Los vicios que me habré pegado eran muy fuertes jajaja.
Yo también me vicié de este juego en su momento.
Recuerdo que también estaba en el cyber al que íbamos en esos tiempos, así que estaba muy de moda ese juego.
no hubo cybers acá en Cuba
Tal como dices, la inspiración en Miami creo que fue su fuerte. Era como visitar un lugar genial desde tu casa o donde sea que estés jugando. Me gustaba explorar la ciudad.
Yo lo jugaba en un monitor de tubo pero se veía muy bien, demasiado nítido. Nunca supe por qué se veía mejor que una televisión, supongo que por la densidad de píxeles era diferente.
Sí! Era una cosa retrO!
Me gustaba armar lío y que viniera la policía hasta en helicópteros. Obviamente intentaba robármelo XD
Y bueno, también se podían poner trucos pero trataba de no usarlos.
yo tampoco armaba mucho lio
En el cyber que iba el dueño tenía pegado al escritorio una hoja impresa con todos los trucos jajaja, para que no le vayan a preguntar como ponerlos.
No salió mi respuesta anterior. Pues te decía que yo también las apuntaba en un papel. En ese tiempo no habia internet y lo más cercano a un foro era la trucoteca
Las misiones secundarias creo que eran un poco más difíciles que las principales. Al menos esa es mi impresión.
Sí algunas eran más complicadas!
Los personajes tenían una gran personalidad y como dices eran una parodia. Hay una serie de televisión que casi es este juego pero no recuerdo el nombre. También es en Miami.
Desconozco. Pero vos sí sabés mucho!
Me había olvidado de las bandas rivales jajaja. Eso estaba muy entretenido y las emboscadas que se sucedían cuando avanzabas en la historia.
Sí. Había muchas misiones que eran eliminar a estas bandas en tiempo record. Eso era muy complicado.
Gracias a este juego creo que salieron otros similares que a algunos les salió bien la puesta en escena, otros eran un bodrio.
Es uno de mis juegos favoritos, de hecho lo jugué muchas veces una y otra vez. Hasta lo jugué en PSP (GTA Vice City Stories) para que te des una idea.
Si consigo una consola de las nuevas seguramente pruebe la remasterización que hicieron.
Yo nunca tuve ninguna consola. Por mucho tiempo un PSP fue mi sueño
Esa PSP fue un regalo de cumpleaños. No estaba nada mal y venía flasheada, así que se le podía cargar juegos descargándolos de internet. Ahora no me funciona porque dejó de andar el cargador de batería.
Una PSP 3000? Yo me enamoré de la Psp cuando veía a un amigo jugar El Dios de la Guerra y Assasin´s Creed allá
Me olvidaba de decir, comencé jugando el GTA III en el cyber y al poco tiempo pusieron este otro. Se notaba bastante el cambio, estaba agradable. El anterior juego no estaba nada mal, pues prometía mucho lo que iba a venir.
El GTA 3 es anterior al Vice City? No sabía
#spanish Tengo hasta mañana para llegar a los 3000 hilos!! Quiero creer que voy a llegar!
Menudo reto te propusiste, yo ahí con suerte llego a los 500 jajaja
Mano, pero puedes hacer más
De poder se puede, lo que paso es que yo hago interacción normal, cuando puedo y me interesa el contenido. Entro a los threads 2 o 3 veces al día nada más, el resto del tiempo que entro a Hive es para los long post y demás.
claro. Bueno si estas en la quest de zealy intenta llegar a los 1000 al menos
Difícil, creo que esto de los threads vence cuando termine mayo, llegar a 500 será un buen logro
mano ahora has hecho conmigo como 5
jaja, si pero es hasta pasado mañana, lo dije mal, pensaba que Mayo tenia 30 dias, tengo mas tiempo.
Bueno a ponerle empeño
no es complicado. Responde a todos los threadstorms que encuentres
Pues hay que leer mucho, hay algunos threadstorm de fácil comentar y otros que hay que leer para interpretar.
Los de datos curiosos me parece mucho más difíciles.
difíciles? son muy sencillos todos jajaj
busca por la etiqueta threadstorm y responde a cada hilo uno por uno
Buena recomendación. Debemos hacer más threadstorm en español porque hay veces que solo hay en inglés.
el amigo sebas está realizando una pila de threadstorms en #spanish
Sí, he visto. Está bueno interactuar y aprender sobre ello.
buena idea
¿Por cuantos vas ya? A mi me faltan como 280 para los 2K.
Yo creo que estoy pegada a los 2000 pero no se, me deben faltar menos de 100
Por cierto, ¿no han actualizado más las estadísticas del excel para los tres primeros puestos haciendo threads?
Tengo hasta pasado mañana, y no las han actualizado, no se por cuantos ando hoy
Ya la actualizaron.
Alguno jugó este juego en la Super Nintendo? #spanish
Si! Killer Instinc! Muy bueno
Un excelente juego de combate, de lo mejor de aquella época
Killer Instinct*
Yeah One of the best fighting games for the Super Nintendo
Die ivy, die! Poor oak tree being smothered. I need to keep on top of this.
The sideline is not where one should be right now in crypto... The bear market is over for a few months now. Corrections will occur but the trend is up. Just my humble
I agree with that opinion. Trying to figure out how to generate more income.
I've hit a wall in this regard. I'd be more than happy to 10x my investment in 2 years though
i am thinking to rent out the space I live in. That will give me extra money to move around.
Not a bad idea
One thing I love is knowing that the whole ecosystem is moving forward, that every day there are new applications that add value in #Hive, that makes me feel like I'm in the right place.
its realy great!
Congratulations to everyone who take the time to post long form posts daily, it’s no easy feat!!
I haven’t been able to achieve that but the day I do? I’ll give myself a treat😃
Congratulations to me too I just posted 🥳😃
#gosh #threads
Good job. It is not as easy as it looks.
I tell you, it's not easy. I admire every Hivean that post's daily.
Me too. I struggle a lot.
Aren’t you the Lord of threads?
I thought it was simple for you
Threading is pretty different from blogging. i am shit.
It's really not takes me at least a hour a day but many times for the longer more detailed ones It will go 2-3 hours worth of work.
Lol I divide mine into various sections.
The writing stage: this is when I'm fully pumped with ideas.
Editing stage: when my brain is clear so I can spot out as many mistakes as I can.
Formatting stage: at this point I just have to do it regardless of what is happening to me.
I just finished a 1500 word post. My back still
Congratulations to you 😃
No be here ooo. Thanks so much.
You are welcome
I tell you, it’s not easy at all
At all at all
Lol that is hilarious, congrats to you... Take us both out, I submitted two today 😂
You people are our mentors now, posting daily and ticking all the boxes.
Na you suppose carry me out as per “a job welldone”😂
Haha we're only trying to try our best 😂
Oya come make I take you out #pidgin
Oya oo
Where we dey go? #pidgin
it is not easy but you have to create a convenient time for it
Yeah very true
Long-form content is never easy on a daily basis, at times it gets way too difficult. I wonder how Taskmaster makes it look easy.
At all.
I love the nature details for this reason I share this photo with you
#leofinance #threads #nature #liotes #gosh
Interesting :)
Thank you so much dear friend 🙋🙋
Nature is alway bright
Thank you friend 🙋🙋
You people are zapping my voting power again.
Will you all stop doing that?
Just go to sleep for a few days then 😉🤙🏽
It isnt zapped that much.
you are thy master of your voting powers
Shit. I would rather blame someone else.
Hmm what does that mean? Will have to get my dictionary lol
Hehehe, I will be waiting for the meaning then
It's like reducing his voting power 😅
Exactly. He does lots of voting on threads
Yeah, he's doing really well
Using up all my hive voting power.
you are also getting reward for using your voting power
Haha funny when you're the one hitting the vote button yourself 😂 keep it up, we can't stop
Not today, not any day hehe
So sorry but we can't help it
You are the boss🙂
Sometimes Wholesome #meme can impress ya crush
Go try this one.
#memes #mememonday
hehe meme crush day
Honestly ain't got no crush other than celebrity
Seriously, too many celebrity crushes 😅
Haha same!
heheehehe now this is funny 😂😂😂
Hqhq, glad you liked it.
Binance Market Update (2023-05-29)
1/🧵 The global cryptocurrency market cap now stands at $1.16T, up by 2.20% over the last day, according to CoinMarketCap data.
crypto is gains day by day but it will take it a while to get to main stream.
2/🧵 Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading between $27,100 and $28,447 over the past 24 hours. As of 09:30 AM (UTC) today, BTC is trading at $27,887, up by 2.61%.
Bitcoin is doing pretty well then. 👌
3/🧵 Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are trading higher. Market outperformers include LINA, MULTI, and TOMO, up by 33%, 30%, and 28%, respectively.
4/🧵 Market movers:
ETH: $1901.55 (+2.98%) BNB: $313.9 (+1.98%) XRP: $0.4785 (+1.18%) ADA: $0.3783 (+1.53%) DOGE: $0.07329 (+1.06%)
5/🧵 Top gainers on Binance:
wow, a 2.2% growth in the total crypto market cap within 1 day! hmm, I think whales are starting to wake up! Expecting a great future soon!
I also see the green sticks today and it's amazing to acknowledge that only a 2.2% increase in the total market cap has grown it to 1.16 trillion$
Hello friends, yesterday at 8pm we started our usual Discord show ¨Qué Riquera¨ . We had a different program, because it was dedicated to #LeoFinance![](https://images.hive.blog/DQmXrT2tKbh1BVwJUkskvV8JpcWHDHJP5FL5r4PtqMFF9iT/leo.jpg)
📍-3 Among the interviewees were @crptogeek, @jordi0827, @garorant and we also had the pleasure of being joined by @tsunsica.
A really good program yesterday´s!
It was a very funny experience. I got there right for the random selfie and I loved it haha I had to participate. The conversation was also very funny and enjoyable. I'd love to visit again :D
📍-2 The charismatic @nanixxx interviewed several of us who are participating in the campaign, where we were able to explain to listeners the new UI updates and what the competition is all about.
📍-4 Each had the opportunity to talk about what participating in the campaign has meant to them.
📍-5 Also spoke about the updates to the Leo Finance UI and the positive feedback it has received.
I dedicated the humor and trivia section "Rightly wrong"![](https://images.hive.blog/DQmWRKk1n4MaoEsmv6DkqkYrUuovJiAAVtPXB6sJ5EkWVFS/ff.jpg)
to learn about lions, those of the savannah and those of #Hive.
📍-7 The whole show was a lot of fun and instructive. I am sure that many discovered aspects of Leo Finance that may be of interest to them.
Solo para aclarar, Khal es el fundador de Leo, yo solo manejo la parte de crecimiento! :D
Si..si eso no queda claro 😉
Si, eso lo aclaramos durante la conversación. Gracias igualmente 🤗🦁
#gmfrens! GM #$LEO
oh wow
Up and up and up
good morning fren
Nice that the price not decreasing.
Gm ser.
Have a beautiful Monday!
The price doesnt seem to move. Very disappointing.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
happy Memorial Day to all my US peeps! And thank you to all that served 🇺🇸
congratulations to you guys all
Happy Memorial Day!
$LEO. is just looking good.
Better be late but “in”the game.
$LEO doing great..
definitely. Still good to get in
still very cheap to cheap because the ship has not sail.
This can never be me. I would leave the meeting and join later. #mememonday![](https://images.hive.blog/DQmP59q22sfNctZbAnDerRAHrF6Wyt89Qp2V8GHbvT5Xwpr/WhatsApp%20Image%202023-05-29%20at%2014.58.57.jpg)
It is worst when its a dance class hahah
Dance classes online??
How will I even make mistake and be the first. Am always waiting for them to say the lecturer is in
I know right
Sometimes I don’t even join. Cause physical class I don’t learn anything, online de3, it’s just a waste of data
haha, I’ll leave and join later
Hey, that's false advertising!
Credit: reddit
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@smariam, I sent you an on behalf of @idksamad78699
The ranking in Zealy leaderboard appears stable for too long now. Still on the 22nd. That's unexpected! 🤣😂
What rank do you expect?
I thought I will return back again to number 49. 🤣😂
haha top 30~50 is not to much activity prbably you can do better than top30
To be included in the top 30, that will be good.
I trust you can do it!
top10 are onfire and the confront for the 1place is close
I think the top 12 are almost secure in their position.
i hope i can climb for top5 in this week
woah, well I slipped down. Maybe that’s because I’ve not claimed big xp yet again
😂 changes will come soon
Yeah, we're waiting for you.
hehe not from me
hehe I thought you will bring the change.
hehe there are a lot of change makers on the leaderboard 😅
Yeah, you're right. 🤣😂
I move from 22 to 40. sometimes again at 26 then 37. Change continuously.
That was my experience and that's why I find it unusual that the ranking did not change that much since early this morning.
I only check once a day.
That is why I do not notice from early this morning.
Me, I think I check 3 to 4 times. I did not work on the quests until later this day.
Hehe, you shouldn't have said this now the one on 23 is gonna be alert 😏
No problem. I want everyone to climb up provided that they will leave a space for me even within the top 50. 🤣😂
haha noice
oxbf replaced me in the 22nd position. I am now on the 23rd with 151 quests completed and with 35,475 xp.
My rank has been dropping slightly but that was to be expected when I am just focusing on daily/weekly quests. I don't really plan to do most of the other quests.
Me too, there are quests that are not really for me such as the artist and the vlogger. 🤣😂
You're built different when you thread consecutive straight up whole week & months
Engagements 💹
#mememonday #memes
I must give kudos to people who can do that. Just two days and am already tired😂
Haha true!
They're built different fr.
I notice that when we upload photos. The complete photo does not show in threads.
Yea I notice it too and in wensoonshow they were talking about it.. so, I'm sure they'll find a perfect size to embed photos..
Hope this fixed soon.
hahah so true!
Hehe, let's keep threading 😂😂
lets go! to the top of leaderboard!
haha that’s crazy
Conversation turn off
What word, phrase, or topic suddenly turns you off in a conversation that has been going well for a while?
Can't think of any but it has be an off topic word 😂
Let's circle back on this
#Politics wen it's about my own country.
I don’t have a particular word if you’re not open minded I can’t with you.
If you don’t agree with me you should be able to understand that it’s just my opinion and you can also have your own different opinion.
I'm torn between working on my project and spending time here threading
I almost forgot I had a project to complete. Have you submitted your chapter 1 and 2?
Yeah. Starting with chapter 3 now
Have you though of doing both?
I can't. each deserves full concentration
me to... threads win here!
Are you clam 3000 thread quest yet?
I haven't even claimed 1000
Do Make a balance...
What a dilemma! 😅
I have these almost everyday
Sometimes we need to take a break and reflect on life.
we sure do
Yes, Often when I work continuously without a break makes me sick.
okay, I am going to say it.
We need to up our threadstorm game fr.
don’t get you well
Better threadstorms, not half baked inaccurate mumbojumbos
Ohk, I get you now, yeah, we have to really work on that indeed
Some threadstorms really suck a lot, no meaningful thing can be extracted from them.
God will give ya toughest battles in 2021--?
I'm his strongest soldier 👍👍
#memes #
Hurry up little boys! Make those #threads fly!
Ay dio!!! tengo que correr jaja
ya no llego a los 3000
si llegas. vamos que te ayudo!
Dale ayudame, dejame poner una tormentica d ehilos, y me ayudas...
Claro jaja
ya me puedes ayudar
De esta me botan del trabajo
Jajaj tienes todavía tiempo y ya vas por dos mil threads!
let's go!!
let´s the threads flow
Is there a hustler adventure in June?
Reach anomad in Discord. He may answer you this
thanks for the information
Rush these threads guys!
burn the keyboard
Haha yeah! It's been a bit boring, I hope that announcement changes things
It´s already changing things
Haha yeah, I got so much reply in minutes
It´s like everyone is making treads
Yeah they are, it's overwhelming
no it´s helpful
Good afternoon guys, how did your season go, I got these from my seasonal Chests. What did you get from yours?
`#gosh #splinterlands #game
Should I say congrats or "Come and show me way"? 😅
Nice rewards
I was expecting better rewards
Wow, your rewards are super, congrats
Do you realize how the world is g very small on threads?
#threads #smallworld
Yes, the sun never sets on threads
we need to do much more better
Yeah, someone saw me in my office from a far province, that's small the world is. 🤣😂
Haha I do, it is a small world indeed
And do you notice threads seem to hide the status of everyone aside the reputation being visible
Everyone seem to get along so well on threads hehe, really cool.
Who can tell me the relation of LEO by Bitfinex and LEO by LeoFinance. Is there any connection between them?
There's no relationship
Okay, because I was trying to make some research online about $LEO but instead of bringing the one of LeoFinance, I saw the one of Bitfinex
Nope I don’t think they have a relation. Read their white papers or something
how do I get their white paper?Okay,thank for the reply @rabilu
Oh, it's moving slower. Does it mean another technical problem? I hope not. Anyhow, I already made it up to 200 plus threads. 🤭
You’re killing it buddy. I was so into making threads but at that time people were snoring, it seems they are back now
🤣😂 Yeah, that's the problem. It's difficult to thread when you are the only one awake. 🤣😂
You are a threading master.
It's the 5th time I climbed the 200 threads hill. 🤣😂
#6 is waiting for you.
wow, congrats
I don't think there are any issues right now.
Yeah, it is smooth. I thought it was a kind of warning because it took more time than usual to see a thread. 🤣😂
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day to you also.
Meanwhile, the strawberries are producing and the poppies are out. #gardening
one of my fav fruits besides blackberries
We have those two growing next door that we can pick. I love fruit season.
Nice pic!
I did not keep a proper housekeeping account in May. It will soon be June, and next month I will try to keep a housekeeping book and manage my finances so that I will not be short of money. #moneymonday
And I wish you best of luck in that
I tend to overspend. I think keeping a good household account would prevent that!
Yeah, it will if you're disciplined enough
This is a great plan and I hope you stick with it. Good luck
Thank you. I will try my best to continue.
You are welcome
Great idea. It's always best to have a record of your expenditure. I am not goodd at managing personal finances, but I am learning gradually.
I have tried that many times in the past, but if I forget to record for a day or two, I stop doing it from that point on and end up spending more😅 I think it is important to record every day without fail.